

Study on the Taxonomy and Zoogeography of the Hippolytidae (Crustacea: Decapoda) of China Seas

【作者】 许鹏

【导师】 李新正;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(海洋研究所) , 海洋生物学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 藻虾科隶属鼓虾总科,是重要的底栖生物类群。藻虾多数种类为浅海生活的小型虾,喜欢附于海藻之上或与大海葵等共栖,隐藏于海滩石块下、珊瑚礁中或海草丛间。藻虾在全球分布广,生境复杂多样,形态多样性高,在分类上存在很多问题,我国对藻虾科分类学研究较少,亟需进行全面的系统分类学和地理分布研究。本研究依据的标本主要是中国科学院海洋研究所海洋生物标本馆馆藏的800余号藻虾标本,这些标本来自建国以来的多次全国性海洋普查、专题性海洋生物资源调查以及个人采集等,采集地点遍布全国沿海各地。本论文采用传统的形态学方法进行分类学研究,通过对藻虾科标本的详细检查,共鉴定出藻虾科13属30种,其中包括4个新种,即安乐虾属Eualus Thallwitz,1892的异指安乐虾Eualus heterodactylus sp. nov.;拟托虾属Thinora Bruce,1998的细螯拟托虾Thinora leptochelus sp. nov.;托虾属Thor Kingsley,1878的海南托虾Thor hainanensis sp. nov.和单一托虾Thor singularis sp. nov.;以及2个中国新纪录种:安乐虾属Eualus Thallwitz,1892的克氏安乐虾Eualus kikuchii Miyake&Hayashi,1967和七腕虾属Heptacarpus Holmes,1900的细小七腕虾Heptacarpuscommensalis Hayashi,1979。通过对藻虾科各种在中国海域分布的详细记述,总结了中国藻虾地理分布的概况:13属30种藻虾中只有红条鞭腕虾Lysmata vittata (Stimpson,1860),水母深额虾Latreutes anoplonyx Kemp,1914和疣背深额虾Latreutes planirostris (DeHaan,1844)三种从北到南广泛分布于中国各大海域;在渤海海域分布有4属10种藻虾,在黄海海域分布有6属18种藻虾,在东海海域分布有6属9种藻虾,而在南海海域分布有9属16种藻虾。此外,通过对疑难藻虾种进行的详细鉴定和分析,以及对标本和文献的仔细对比研究,修正了之前国内记录中的错误:之前国内记录的勘察加七腕虾Heptacarpus camtschaticus (Stimpson,1860)并不存在,而此前被初步鉴定为勘察加七腕虾Heptacarpus camtschaticus (Stimpson,1860)的标本均为利刃七腕虾Heptacarpus acuticarinatus Komai&Ivanov,2008。本论文对中国藻虾类进行了系统的分类研究,发现新种新纪录以及纠正以前国内记录的错误的同时,总结了各属、种的分类学特征、中国藻虾类区系的特点以及地理分布概况。这些研究成果不仅修订了中国海域藻虾科形态分类研究报道,补充了中国海洋生物多样性的内容,而且为后续的系统发育、生态学、海洋环境评价和生物资源保护等研究提供了基础资料。

【Abstract】 The Family Hippolytidae belongs to Infraorder Caridea, Order Decapoda,Subphylum Crustacea. It is a very important macrobenthic crustacean group. Mostspecies are intertidal or in shallow water among algae, rocks, corals or sea anemones.There are many problems in the classification of hippolytid shrimps according to itsworldwide distribution, complex habitat and high morphological diversity. However,the systematic study of Hippolotidae in China is poor. A comprehensive research onthe taxonomy and geographical distribution of the Hippolytidae from China seas israther needed. This study is mainly based on the hippolytid shrimp collections in theMarine Biological Museum of Chinese Academy of Sciences. More than800specimens collected by national or regional marine surveys since1950’s from all theChinese waters have been sorted and identified.All specimens were observed under optical microscope, and identifiedmorphologically. Finally,13genera and30species are identified, in which,4species(Eualus heterodactylus sp. nov.; Thinora leptochelus sp. nov.; Thor hainanensis sp.nov.; Thor singularis sp. nov.) are new to science and2(Eualus kikuchii Miyake&Hayashi,1967; Heptacarpus commensalis Hayashi,1979) are recorded for the firsttime from the China seas.Through the detailed account of the distribution of each hippolytid shrimpspecies in China seas, the general situation of the geographical distribution of Chinesehippolytid shrimp was summarized.4genera and10species are distributed in theBohai Sea;6genera and18species are distributed in the Yellow Sea;6genera and9species are distributed in the East China Sea;9genera and16species are distributedin the South China Sea. Lysmata vittata (Stimpson,1860), Latreutes anoplonyx Kemp,1914and Latreutes planirostris (De Haan,1844) are widely distributed from north to south in China seas.In addition, the mistakes in the former records were corrected through detailedidentification and analysis. Heptacarpus camtschaticus (Stimpson,1860) was notexisted in China seas and the checked specimens should be Heptacarpusacuticarinatus Komai&Ivanov,2008.Study on the taxonomy of the hippolytid shrimp of China seas is provided in thisthesis: new species and new records are found; the previous domestic recording errorsare corrected; detailed descriptions and illustrations, as well as the characteristics ofthe geographical distribution are updated and listed to all the30checked species.Keys to the species for the studied genera are also given. This systematic revision ofthe Chinese hippolytid fauna provides basic information for subsequent researches ofphylogeny of caridean shrimp, Chinese shrimp fauna, benthic ecology, marineenvironmental evaluation and biological resource preservation.
