

The Study of Chu Ci in the Han Dynasty

【作者】 纪晓建

【导师】 周建忠;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 中国楚辞学历时两千余载,以汉代楚辞学成就最高,也最具特色。汉代楚辞学是中国楚辞学的肇始,是中国两千余年楚辞研究的源头,同时也是中国楚辞学的巅峰。这一时期的楚辞研究以形式的多样性和全面性、成果的卓越性和权威性为后世历代楚辞学难望项背。从楚辞学发展史看,汉初宫廷楚声的兴起是汉代楚辞学的准备期;西汉前期是汉代楚辞学的创立期;西汉后期是汉代楚辞学的发展期;东汉前期是汉代楚辞学的转型期;东汉后期是汉代楚辞学的巅峰期。学术的演进往往以伟大学者的伟大成果问世为标志。在汉代四百余年的楚辞学史上,众多楚辞学名家以卓越的学术建树和独特的骚学风格推动汉代楚辞学的发展。汉初贾谊在屈原精神感召下创立骚体文学,开创了汉代乃至后世百代对屈原及楚辞一种特殊的接受形式;刘安以《离骚传》开楚辞章句训诂与义理阐释之先河,实现了汉代文人对楚辞从口诵、摹拟到章句训释和义理阐发的跨越,奠定了汉代楚辞学的基础;司马迁《史记·屈原列传》最早也最全面地保存了屈原史料,揭橥了对中国文学影响深远的骚怨精神;刘向完成了《楚辞》的最终编辑和命名;扬雄较早地认识到赋与其他文学形式相比具备有“铺张扬厉”、“侈丽宏衍”的独特语言风格和审美特质,开后世楚辞美学批评之先河;班固突破了自汉初刘安《离骚传》开创的屈骚人格批评模式,充分肯定《离骚》的艺术成就,抓住了楚辞文学形式美的特征,表现出自觉的文学审美批评意识,标志着汉代楚辞学的正式转型;王逸的《楚辞章句》在吸收两汉传注体训诂长处的基础上,既博采众长又不囿旧说,在对楚辞从思想内容到艺术成就全面肯定的基础之上注重审美批评,对楚辞中纷繁复杂的文学意象进行了较为系统的审美阐释,成为汉代楚辞学集大成之作,造就了中国楚辞学史上一座永恒的丰碑。就汉代楚辞学的背景与特色而言,汉代学术思想融汇了先秦诸子各家各派的思想,主要表现为政治思想上的内圣外王和学术思想上的儒道合糅。汉代知识分子直承春秋战国时期文士积极进取的精神风貌,同时在汉代大一统帝国的政治体制下,又不得不养成“明哲保身、全身远祸”的心态特征,从而造就了他们亦儒亦道、亦进亦退、与时变化的心态结构。因此,“依诗释骚”和“儒道杂糅”这种看起来相互矛盾的学术特征和文人心态在两汉楚辞学领域“和谐”地并存着。儒家价值观成为汉代楚辞学者评价屈原人格及其作品的标准,而道家思想又在潜移默化中支配着他们对屈原及其作品的评判,正是这种儒道思想的交融和矛盾斗争,推动了汉代楚辞学的发展。以屈原作品为主要代表的楚辞对汉代文化影响的一个重要的方面就是对汉代文学的滋润,这种影响是巨大而深透的,两汉四百年的文学可以说是在楚辞光辉的照耀下发展和壮大的。楚辞的思想和风格决定着汉代文学发展的趋势和走向,带动了新文体的产生。楚辞从形式到思想内容都成为汉代文人争相模拟和仿效的对象,因此文学史上出现了一种特殊的文学样式——骚体文学。骚体文学是楚辞的衍生物,无论是体制内容、艺术风格还是抒情言志特色都深深地烙上了楚辞的痕迹;汉代乐府诗是在楚骚中孕育并发展起来的;文人五言诗和七言诗在抒情和表达技巧上也深受楚辞的影响;建安诗歌中慷慨任气、直面人生风格特征更是对屈原作品强烈入世精神的直接继承。楚辞对汉赋产生重要影响,成为汉赋创作的范本和准的。汉赋在体制形式和表现方法上都和楚辞有着明显的继承关系。汉代骚体赋不仅形式上接受楚辞的体式,而且在思想内容和抒情方式上也继了楚辞的传统,并体现出与时俱进的时代特征;汉大赋中排比铺陈的艺术表现方法和铺张扬厉的语言风格也与楚辞密切相关;楚辞抒发“怨情”的特色为汉代抒情小赋所继承;楚辞“香草美人”的象征手法和“咏物写怀”的比兴特色为汉赋所借鉴。

【Abstract】 During more than two thousand years of Chinese Chu Ci history,the achievement ofChu Ci in the Han Dynasty are most highest and distinctive. The research of Chu Ci duringthe Han Dynasty was the beginning and the source of Chinese Chu Ci, is also the peak ofChinese Chu Ci.During this period, the form of Chu Ci academic was diverse andcomprehensive, excellence and authority. The Study of Chu Ci in the later generations isbehind of this period.From the history of the development of Chu Ci, the songs of Chu Ci in early HanDynasty palace is the preparation period of Han Chu Ci academic, the early Western HanDynasty is the founding stage period, the late Western Han Dynasty is the period ofdevelopment period,the early Eastern Han Dynasty is the period of transition,and the lateEastern Han Dynasty is the peak period of the Han Chu Ci academic. Sign of academicdevelopment is the outstanding achievement of outstanding scholars. In more than fourhundred years of Han Chu Ci history, many famous scholars of Chuci with uniqueacademic style and achievements to promote the development of the Han Chu Ci study.Because of the influence of the spirit of Qu Yuan, Jia Yi created the Sao style literature inthe early Han Dynasty. This literary form is the special acceptance form to accept Qu Yuanand Chu Ci by people in the Han and later dynasties. Liu An created the word, sentenceand ideological explanation of Chu Ci, and has developed by leaps and bounds in the studyof Chu Ci from reading, imitation to explain the thought crosses by writing the Li SaoZhuan, established the basis of the Han Chu Ci study. Sima Qian is the earliest man inpreserved Qu Yuan historical data completely in A biography of Qu Yuan, and hadrevealed the effect of angry emotion on Chinese literature. Liu Xiang completed the finalediting and naming of "Chu Ci". Yang Xiong has realized early that with other literaryforms Fu has unique style of language aesthetics and aesthetic qualities, created aestheticcriticism of Chu Ci. Ban Gu broke the personality assessment model Initiated by Liu An’sLi Sao Zhuan in early Han Dynasty, affirmed "Li Sao" artistic achievement fully, sized the literary beauty of form feature of Li Sao, shown the literary aesthetic evaluationconsciousness, and Marks a shift form in the study of Han Dynasty ChuCi formally. WangYi’s achievement in Chu Ci study is the highest in the Han Dynasty. His "Chuci Zhangju"is a highest peak in Chinese Chu Ci forever. Wang Yi absorbed the advantages of the HanDynasty "annotations" in the form of academic research. Broad learning other people’sstrengths and not limited to the existing achievement. Affirmed the ideological content andthe artistic achievements of Chu Ci, especially pay attention to aesthetic criticism. And hasaesthetic interpretation systematical of the complex literary image in Chu Ci.In the cultural background and characteristics of the Han Chu Ci, the academicthought of Han Dynasty is inclusive of pre Qin ideological factions variously. Its mainperformance is that Confucianism in the interior and Taoism in the external, and the fusionof Confucianism and Taoism on the academic thought. Intellectual of Han Dynastyinherited the period and enterprising spirit of Warring Age’s Intellectual. At the same time,unity of the Han Empire political system, have to develop "mentality characteristic beworldly-wise and play safety”. Therefore, they formed both Confucianism, and Taoismpsychological characteristics. For this reason,there are two seemingly contradictoryacademic features and literati mentality in the Han Chu Ci,that is, according to the book ofsongs interpreted Chu Ci and he fusion of Confucianism and Taoism.Mainly representative by Qu Yuan’s poem, one of the most important aspects of ChuCi’s influence to Han Dynasty is it’s influence to Han literature. This kind of influence ishuge and deep. The development and expansion of four hundred years of Han Literaturecan be said to be in the light of the glorious of Chu Ci. Ideology and artistic style of Chu Cidecides the trend of the development of Han Literature, to produce new style. Literati inHan dynasty imitate Chu Ci from form to content. Therefore, there is a new kind of specialliterature style in the history of literature--Sao style literature. Sao style literature is thederivative, both institutional content, artistic style and lyrical characteristics, are deeplybranded with Chu Ci. Yuefu Poems of Han dynasty is conceived in Chu Ci, absorb thenutrition and the formation of art from Chu Ci. The five word poem and poem are allinfluenced by Chu Ci in the lyrical and presentation skills. The excitement emotion and thecharacteristics for reflect the reality of Jianan poetry is inherited Chu Ci’s spirit of enteringthe real life. Chu Ci has important influence on formation of Han Fu, and become themodel and standard in Hanfu creation. Han Fu directly derived from Chu Ci, influenced by Chu Ci in the expression form and artistic. The Fu of Sao not only received Chu Ci style,but also inherited the ideological content and the lyric style of Chu Ci, and reflects thecharacteristics of progressing with the times. The artistic performance method ofparallelism description and the beauty of the language style in Han Fu is also closelyrelated with Chu Ci. To express the "complaint" characteristics of Chu Ci is inherited bylyric Fu in Han Dynasty. The symbolism and metaphor characteristics of Chu Ci arereferenced by Han Fu.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期