

Study on the Teaching of Modern Literary Chinese

【作者】 朱晓琴

【导师】 张玉来;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文从中学语文教学入手,同时分析平面媒体语言使用情况,研究现代汉语书面语教学,研究社会成员书面语能力的建构。研究的理论依据是建构主义学习理论。研究过程包括四个环节:研读语文教学文献,研读中学语文课程标准和语文教材,调查中学语文教与学的情况,关注社会上书面语使用情况。研究中学语文教学从作文切入,从7所中学收集了不同年级学生的作文三百多篇,深入阅读、比较,考察书面语教学效果,肯定成绩,找出不足,探讨书面语能力建构的过程和规律。论文分三个部分。第一章是第一部分,概述书面语及书面语能力建构。首先明确了书面语概念。参考陈建民(1984),确定一个人基本掌握汉语口语、系统学习书面语的关键时期在中等教育阶段。说明了现代汉语书面语的形成和发展过程,着重说明了书面语词汇和语法、修辞方面的特点。简述了建构主义学习理论,并用以描述社会成员现代汉语书面语能力的形成和发展。中学是系统学习书面语时期,走上社会以后是书面语能力继续建构时期。书面语是刻意学习的结果。与口语学习条件相比,学习书面语更须努力、专注。第二部分(上编)现代汉语书面语语言本体教学研究,包括第二、第三两章。第二章讨论词汇教学。讨论了词语教学的历史、现状、效果和改进词汇教学的意见,针对社会上词语使用的情况,肯定了社会成员加强词语学习、注意词汇规范的重要性。着重比较苏教版初中各册语文课本“字词表·常用词语”,逐一查对,肯定编写词表、指导学生积累词语、进行词语建构的作用,同时具体列举词表的不足,并提出了带普遍性的问题:经典名篇中某些已经过时或带有原作者个人色彩、或不符合现在规范标准的词语,不能要求学生照原样积累;编词表的人必须提高语言理论水平;要有明确的收词标准和统筹安排。为了准确评价学生词语建构的效果,从所收集的作文中按12个群体选出120篇,分列出各篇作文所用词语,进而进行综合,计算出各群体作文所用词语数(复现的只记1次)与作文总字数的比率,分析所用词语的质量;并对不同群体作文用词数量和质量进行了横向比较。这个花费大量时间、全身心投入的统计比较显示:随着年级升高,学生的词汇量逐步增加,用词质量逐步提高,认知能力和抽象思维能力也同步增强。对学生作文用词效果进行微观分析,这对于研究社会成员认知能力发展和词语逐步建构是一次有意义的尝试。第三章讨论语法教学。讨论了学校语法教学的历史、现状;根据作文语言评估语法教学的效果;讨论了媒体人、公务员使用语法的情况。着力观察学生作文语言,据以描写学生语法意识逐步增强,描写学生使用虚词和组织语句能力逐步提高。学生从能使用一般虚词和简单语句结构,到能使用书面语色彩更强的虚词和复杂语句结构,从能避免一般语法差错到能避免比较复杂的差错,语法能力逐步成长。分析了“淡化语法教学”的主张、表现和结果。多年来,语法该“教什么、怎样教”没有解决好,这是淡化语法教学主张出现的主要原因。但是,某些模糊说法也是导致或支持淡化语法教学主张的因素。论文对所谓汉语句子组合中“意合的意味特别浓”、词语组合特别灵活的说法,对“炒肉丝、开刀的”等歧义形式的表述意见进行了讨论,认为模糊的说法必须澄清,语法教学必须进行,具体问题必须正视,并要妥善解决。第三部分(下编)现代汉语书面语运用能力教学研究,包括第四、第五两章。第四章讨论作文教学。书面语表达能力表现为写作技能和驾驭语言的能力,也是丰富的生活阅历加上敏锐的观察力和很高的思想水平、很强的分析与综合能力的体现。写作能力是各种能力的综合反映,是作为工具性和人文性相统一的语文的教学成果的集中体现。本文比较了几部中学语文教材,分析了其指导作文教学方面的优点和不足。对所收集作文的分析、比较表明,初中、高中的作文训练是有成效的,学生在审题、立意谋篇、确立文章结构、选取和调节素材、形成记叙/描写/议论/抒情能力等方面逐步得到了提高,驾驭语言的能力得到增强。目前中学作文教学的突出问题是,升学考试的需要驱使学生、教师为取得好分数而煞费苦心地揣摩考试作文的命题和阅卷,采取对策,这对激励学生提高写作能力有急就的作用;负面影响是,扭曲了作文教学,带来了一些弊端。一个人中学毕业后仍然有提高写作能力的需要。结合笔者所从事的专业,还讨论了外文汉译里的书面语表达问题。第五章讨论阅读教学。分析了阅读教学的历史和现状。传统语文教学主要是读书、背诵。现代语文教学,阅读仍是重要环节。学生通过阅读积累词语,获得语感,更好地掌握语法;通过阅读接受文学熏陶和思想文化熏陶;通过阅读学习范文的写法和名家的笔法。论文考察了学生作文素材与阅读的关系。从所收集的作文中选出288篇,提取出所用素材。结果表明,高年级学生阅读效果普遍好于低年级学生,较发达地区学生阅读效果更好一些。上海一个初中班学生作文素材35%来自课本,65%来自课外;江苏、浙江6校各年级作文素材,56%来自课本,44%来自课外。对作文素材来源的分析表明,学生阅读多限于教材和教辅材料,课外阅读比较薄弱。一般社会成员的阅读也有待加强。对“文章学阅读教学法”和“研究性阅读教学法”进行了比较,认为两种阅读教学法是互补的。不同文本的阅读策略和阅读效果不完全相同,不同读者阅读同一个文本的主观感受可以不一样。但是,准确理解文本是阅读的前提。必须重视培养学生具备阅读各种文本的能力。不同社会成员的阅读范围和阅读要求是有差别的。但是,从提高全民素质来说,必须提倡读经典,读原著,读全文,读整本的书;浅阅读、碎阅读的状况必须改变。最后是结语。概括说明了通过作文观察到的书面语教学各环节的状况;说明了语文教学存在的具体问题和解决问题的一些设想;总结了书面语能力建构的结果;说明了社会成员书面语建构水平存在差异,这种差异又会通过交际影响其他社会成员的书面语能力建构。最后说明了理想的书面语教学研究应该由群体承担,在更大范围内利用更长时间进行。现代汉语书面语教学研究,书面语能力建构研究,是一个宏大的课题。本文研究的广度、深度很有限,有待于今后加倍努力,更期待语文教育专家和语言学专家这方面研究的进展。

【Abstract】 Starting from a survey of Chinese teaching in the secondary schools, along with an analysis on theuse of modern literary Chinese in the publications, this paper studies the teaching of the modern literaryChinese, and also focuses on the proficiency construction of modern literary Chinese among themembers of society. The learning theory of constructivism furnishes the theoretical basis for this study.The process of the study includes four aspects. That is, first, the literature on Chinese teaching is readextensively. Secondly, the Chinese curriculum standards and the Chinese teaching materials forsecondary schools are ploughed through thoroughly. Thirdly, the present situations of Chinese teachingand learning in secondary schools are surveyed overall. Fourthly, the use of modern literary Chinese inthe society is examined closely. The investigation on the present situations of modern Chinese teachingin secondary schools is started from the students’ compositions. More than three hundred compositions,photocopies of the manuscripts, are collected from different grades in seven secondary schools. Thesecompositions have been read repeatedly and examined closely in order to evaluate the achievements andfind out the existing problems in literary Chinese teaching, and to further explore the process and thelaws of proficiency construction of modern literary Chinese.The paper falls into five chapters, which can be further divided into three parts according to thehighlights of the study.The first part, including the first chapter, is an introduction to the literary language and how to gainproficiency in it.Chapter One first defines the literary language. According to Chen Jianmin(1984), the crucialperiod for a person to master the colloquial Chinese in the main and begin to learn the literary Chinesesystematically, is fixed at the stage of the secondary education. The paper expounds the formation andevolution of the modern literary Chinese, especially elaborating on its lexical, grammatical andrhetorical features.It also sketches the learning theory of constructivism, and then applies it to presenting theformation and evolution of a person’s modern literary Chinese proficiency. The stage ofsecondary-school is the phase when a person studies the modern literary Chinese systematically, andtherefore, the post-secondary-school stage is the phase for them to gain proficiency in literary Chinesecontinually. A person has to make painstaking efforts to master the modern literary Chinese. Ifcompared with the learning of colloquial language, the learning of literary language calls for more efforts and devotion.The second part, which consists of Chapter Two and Chapter Three, elaborates on the research onontological teaching of modern literary Chinese.Chapter Two concerns the lexical teaching of modern literary Chinese.The paper discusses the history, the present situation, and the teaching effects of the lexicalteaching, as well as the perspectives on how to improve the lexical teaching. It also analyzes the lexicalusages in the society, and emphasizes that social members should have more intensive vocabulary studyand pay more attention to the norms of vocabulary.It also reviews the glossaries of common vocabulary in the Chinese textbooks published by JiangsuEducation Publishing House, and affirms the practice of compiling a glossary at the end of eachtextbook and its achievements in directing the students to build up their vocabulary. On the other hand,the paper demonstrates the defects in the glossaries, and hence poses several pervasive questions andputs forward its perceptions on the lexical teaching. For instance, some words in the classics areoutdated, or bearing the author’s personal style, or not in accord with the present usages, so it is notnecessary to ask the students to learn them. The people who compile the glossaries should improve theirtheoretical level of Chinese language. And there must be precise standards for the choice of vocabularyand overall arrangements while the glossaries are compiled.The paper singles out120compositions of12groups of students from different grades anddifferent schools in order to accurately evaluate the effect of their vocabulary learning. First, the wordsin each composition are sorted out. Secondly, according to different groups, the ratio of the number ofwords without repetition to the total number of words in the compositions has been calculated. What’smore, in each group, the words are sorted again into different lexical categories in order to observe thechanges in the vocabulary the students have employed. Then, a parallel comparison of the quantity andquality of the vocabulary employed between different groups is carried out. This time-consuming andlaborious analysis reveals that when the students are promoted to a higher grade, they improve theirvocabulary gradually and employ more proper and more relatively abstract words, and their cognitiveabilities and their abstract thinking abilities have been enhanced accordingly. The observation on thevocabulary employed in the students’ compositions is of great significance to the studies on thedevelopment of a person’s cognitive ability and his vocabulary learning.Chapter Three deals with the grammatical teaching.It depicts the history and the present situation of grammatical teaching in secondary schools,evaluates grammatical teaching effects on the basis of the use of language in the collected compositions,and discusses the usages of grammar among the media people and civil servants.Based on the observation of the use of language in students’ compositions, the paper describes thegradual enhancement of their grammar sense and their competence in the use the functional words andin the sentence organization. It can be discovered in the compositions that the junior students are able touse some common functional words and sentence structures, while the senior students employ the functional words with more literary flavor and more complicated sentence structures, and that the highergrade the students are, the more sophisticated mistakes they can avoid. All these phenomena representthe improvement of students’ grammatical abilities.The paper dissects the manifestations and results of the proposition of weakening the grammaticalteaching. For years the problems of “what to teach” and “how to teach” in the grammatical teachinghaven’t been settled properly, which are the main reasons for this proposition. However, some vaguestatements also give rise to this proposition and back it up. The paper refutes the assertions that there isa strong flavor of parataxis in the combinations of Chinese sentences, and that the combinations ofwords are extremely flexible. It goes on to analyze the structures capable of different interpretations,such as “chǎoròusī” and “kāidāode”, and asserts that those vague statements must be clarified.Therefore, it is about time to carry out the grammatical teaching, and to face squarely some specificproblems in it and to tackle them appropriately.The third part, which is made up of two chapters, looks at the study on the teaching of applicationabilities of modern literary Chinese.Chapter Four centers on the teaching of writing.The literary writing ability consists in the writing skills and the mastery of the language. It alsoembodies a person’s rich life experience and his high ideological level, as well as his exceptionalabilities to observe, analyze and synthesize. The writing ability is a comprehensive reflection of a wholevariety of a person’s abilities, and a vivid expression of the teaching results of Chinese, which is anintegration of humanity into instrumentality.The paper compares several sets of Chinese textbooks for secondary schools, and analyzes thevirtues and defects of their guidance in the teaching of writing.The analysis of the collected compositions reveals that the writing trainings in junior and seniormiddle schools are effective. The middle school students have gained a better grasp of Chinese language,and acquired the skills in narrating, describing, explaining, arguing and expressing. Their writingabilities have been enhanced gradually in terms of examining the subject of the composition,establishing the gist of the composition and mapping out a piece of writing, arranging the layout of thecomposition, selecting and adjusting the source materials, etc.At present, the prominent problem of the writing teaching in secondary schools is the phenomenonthat in order to help the students to achieve desirable scores in the entrance examinations, the teacherstake great pains to try to figure out the composition topics in the entrance examinations, and get thestudents prepared for those topics. Maybe this practice achieves some immediate effect in inspiring thestudents and improving their writing skills with the approach of the examinations, but the fact remainsthat on the whole, it distorts the teaching of writing to some extent, and brings some drawbacks to it.After the graduation from the secondary schools, a person still needs to enhance his writing ability.Combined with the profession the author is engaged in, the paper also discusses the literary languageproblems in translations from English into Chinese. Chapter Five explores the teaching of reading.The paper gives a brief historical overview of the teaching of reading, and analyzes its presentsituation. The traditional Chinese teaching used to focus on reading and reciting, while reading is still animportant part in modern Chinese teaching. In reading, exposed to numerous literary works anddifferent thoughts and cultures, the students not only build up their vocabulary, acquire the languagesense, and have a better command of grammar, but also form the writing style on good models andappreciate the personalized writing style of masters. The paper also investigates the relationshipbetween the reading and the source materials for writing. Among all the collected compositions,288ones are singled out for the source materials employed in them. These source materials employed areextracted for a survey on their origins in reading, and the findings show that generally speaking, thereading effects of senior students are superior to those of junior students, and the reading effects of thestudents from the relatively developed regions are better. For example,35percent of the sourcematerials in Shanghai students’ compositions originate from the textbooks,65percent of them fromoutside reading.56percent of the source materials in the compositions of students from six differentschools in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces derive from the textbooks,44percent of them from theoutside reading. The investigation on the origins of source materials in the students’ compositionsindicates that nowadays the students only read the textbooks and the reference materials, and have littleoutside reading. Actually, not only the students but also the social members should increase theirreading.The paper also compares “the method of essay in the teaching of reading” with “the method ofresearch in the teaching of reading”, and confirms that the two teaching methods of reading are mutuallycomplementary. The subjective experiences obtained from reading the same text may vary from personto person, and the reading strategies and effects of different texts may differ from each other. However,accurate understanding of the text is the premise of reading. Thus great attention must be paid to makingthe students capable of reading different types of texts.Different social members may have their personal preference and demands in reading, but in termsof enhancing the quality of the Chinese nation, the paper advocates reading the classics, the original, thewhole texts, and the whole books, and eliminating the shallow and broken readings which are now inexistence to a certain extent.The last part is the conclusion. It outlines the situations, discovered in the students’ compositions,in every aspect of literary Chinese teaching. It also expounds the existing problems in Chinese teaching,and proposes a couple of suggestions on how to address them. Then, it elaborates on the consequencesof the proficiency construction of modern literary Chinese. On the one hand, the students gradually gaintheir proficiency in modern literary Chinese, and have made tangible improvements. On the other hand,this normal constructing process has been distorted to a certain degree. The individual discrepancies ofsocial members will decidedly result in their different levels of proficiency in literary language. Finally,it suggests that an ideal study on the teaching of modern literary Chinese should be carried out by a bigger team of researchers, within a wider scope, and for a longer period.The study on the teaching of modern literary Chinese, or the study on the proficiency constructionof modern literary Chinese, is a grand project. The breadth and depth of this study are limited and itawaits further study. It also awaits the breakthroughs made by the experts in Chinese teaching andlinguistics.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期