

The Study on Dissemination and Practice of the International Humanitarian Law in China (1874-1949)

【作者】 袁灿兴

【导师】 池子华;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国近现代史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 二战之前,国际人道法主要由日内瓦法体系与海牙法体系组成。1864年《日内瓦公约》以在战时救助伤病兵为主要宗旨,并在此基础上形成了日内瓦法体系。其后,随着时代的发展,开始出现了关注于战时俘虏待遇,限制过度杀伤武器等内容的海牙法体系。在晚清,日内瓦法体系就已在华得到传播,并于日俄战争的烽火中,催生了五国合办的万国红十字会。此后又摆脱五国合办,在清末创办了中国红十字会。自成立后,中国红十字会积极从事各种人道主义活动,也承担了传播日内瓦法体系的使命。日内瓦法体系的三原则,即红十字会中立地位、红十字标识擅用之禁止、伤病兵之救护,经中国红十字会加以传播,渐为国人知晓。虽然《日内瓦公约》尚未就红十字会在内战中的作用予以规定,但中国红十字会也积极于内战中进行战地救护工作,大彰人道。一战之中,中国红十字会事业刚刚起步,在人力、财力等方面均受到限制。当德国、日本在中国青岛爆发战争时,中国红十字会积极行动,救助处于德、日两国炮火之下的同胞。同时中国红会伸出援助之手,援助在海外华侨。在全面抗战爆发之后,中国红十字会先是在淞沪战争中组织力量,救助前线伤兵。后又响应南京国民政府的“三合一政策”,组织中国红十字会总会救护总队部。中国红十字会救护总队部自组建后,先后三迁,最后扎根于贵阳。在长期抗战中,救护总队培养医护人才,从国际上争取医药援助,组织车队输送物资与伤病兵,派遣救护队奔赴各个战区实施救护,指导前线野战部队卫生防疫,为全面抗战的胜利贡献甚巨。于日内瓦法体系传入中国之时,海牙法体系也在近代中国得到传行。为了打开外交上的僵局,清政府先后参与了两次海牙保和会,签署了系列国际人道法公约。北京政府时期,虽然国内军阀混战,在战争中违背国际人道法的现象层出不穷,但在对外交往中,无论是哪路军阀执政,均能较好地遵守海牙法体系中的规定。全面抗战中,南京国民政府采用了多种传播手段,面向军民进行“优待俘虏”政策的传播。南京国民政府也给予日俘优待,其设在贵州镇远与陕西宝鸡的两个日俘收容所,获得红十字国际委员会的好评。在抗战胜利后,南京国民政府对在华的三百万日本俘侨加以收容遣返,体现了中华民族的仁义宽大的精神。与此同时,对在中国犯下罪行的日本战犯,南京国民政府参考国际人道法,制定相关战犯审判条例,对战犯做出审判。国际人道法在华的传播与实践,对近代中国有着诸多积极意义。它在一定程度上改善了中国的外交环境,推动了国内系列军事法律规例的制定,对战时军人的胡作非为起到了一定的限制作用。国际人道法也促成了中国红十字会的成长与发展,为近代中国处于各类天灾与战祸中的人们提供了援助。

【Abstract】 Before1949, The international humanitarian law mainly comprised by the Genevaand Hague law system.1864Geneva Convention mainly focus on rescue injured soldiersduring the war. With time pass by, the Hague law system appear, it focused on thetreatment of prisoners, limiting excessive lethal weapons during the war.In the late Qing Dynasty, the Geneva law system had been introduced into China.During the Russo-Japanese War, Shanghai Cosmopolitan Red Cross organized by fivecountries.Soon after, China created China Red Cross independently. Since found, ChinaRed Cross actively engaged in various humanitarian operations,and spread the spirit ofGeneva Convention. The three principles of the Geneva law system, the Red Crossneutrality, the Red Cross logo unauthorized use prohibition,and relieve the injuredsoldiers,were spread in modern china by China red cross. Though there were no clearprovisions about the role of the red cross in the civil war, China red cross still activelyrescue the wounded in the battlefield.After the World War I was broken out, German andJapan fired in Qindao. China red cross taken positive action to rescue the woundedcompatriots, though it was restricted by financial. Meanwhile, China red cross also aid theoverseas Chinese. During the anti-Japan war, China Red Cross organize resource inShanghai frontline to rescue wounded soldiers. During the war,the Ambulance CorpsHeadquarters of China red cross was created to improve efficiency. The Ambulance CorpsHeadquarters of China red cross trained thousands medical and health person, seekassistance from international community, deliver injured soldiers from frontline,contributed significantly to the anti-Japan war.The Qing government has participated twice Hague Peace conference and signedseries conventions of the international humanitarian law, since then,the Geneva lawsystem was introduced in modern China. Though Beiyang Government had to deal withthe warlord, it still better comply with the Hague law system. In the Anti-Japan War,Nanjing National Government take variety of means of to spread the humanitarian treatment to the Japanese prisoners. During the war, the Japanese prisoners were jailed inBaoji and Zhenyua. After the war, the Nanjing National Government repatriated threemillion Japanese overseas and prisoners.Within a year most of the Japanese prisoners andnationals were transported to the Coastal ports and back to Japan. After the victory ofWorld War II, the Allies decided to commit Japanese war criminals on trial. Japanese warcriminals were divided into three levels. Class-A war criminals were put to trial in Tokyo,Class-B and C war criminals were trialed in the country where the war crimes happened.For the trial of war criminals in China, a series of law were made.The practice ofinternational humanitarian in modern China had great positive significance. It improvedChina ’s diplomatic environment,promoted the development of domestic military lawsystem, and limited military misuse in the war time. It also contributed to the growth anddevelopment of the China Red Cross, provide assistance to people threatened by illnessand war in modern China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期
  • 【分类号】K25;D998.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】223
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