

Research on Sustainable Development of Western Oil and Gas Resources-based Cities(Towns)

【作者】 李志贤

【导师】 郭志仪;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 区域经济学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 西部油气资源型城市(镇)是我国资源型城市(镇)的重要组成部分,随西部油气产业发展而成长;近年来西部油气产业的快速发展催生出为数众多的新兴油气资源型城镇。西部油气资源储量和产量的不断增加为西部油气资源型城市(镇)可持续发展提供了的油气资源保障能力,为其可持续发展赢得时间和空间。但是如果不走可持续发展之路,西部油气资源型城市(镇)必然会陷入“油(气)兴城(镇)兴”—“油(气)竭城(镇)衰”的发展路径魔咒。本文将西部油气资源型城市与油气资源型城镇作为一个整体来研究,运用可持续发展理论、城市经济学、资源经济学、制度经济学等学科理论,分析了西部油气资源型城市(镇)的现状,并从产业、企业、环境和人口因素四方面建立分析框架,论述了影响西部油气资源型城市(镇)可持续发展的因素,在此基础上构建了西部油气资源型城市(镇)的可持续发展综合评价指标体系,并以克拉玛依为例进行了实证分析,进而基于产权制度视角论述了西部油气资源型城市(镇)的可持续发展机制构建问题,提出在油气产业链全产业链高度垄断和油气产业产能严重过剩的大背景下,西部油气资源型城市(镇)可持续发展不能仅仅走延伸产业链的老路。本文认为,西部油气资源型城市(镇)可持续发展的影响因素是中观层面的油气产业的可持续发展及城市(镇)产业结构优化转型,微观层面的油气企业可持续发展,同时突破相关的人口问题与环境问题对可持续发展的制约。西部油气资源型城市(镇)可持续发展是系统工程,要求西部油气资源型城市(镇)要结合城市(镇)所处发展阶段,立足城市(镇)资源、资源产业的比较优势,制定切实可行的对策与措施,将油气资源适度开采、跨期配置纳入我国油气资源战略储备规划,将我国油气产业、油气资源型国企的发展,与油气资源型城市(镇)可持续发展统筹规划,调整我国油气产业整体布局、产能调整中主要体现油气产业自身优化和油气企业自身效益最大化的规划,克服目前油气产业链中后端产能过剩,和西部油气资源型城市(镇)可持续发展尚缺乏有效而系统的政策支持的双重压力,打破油气资源及产业链中的垄断局面,利用“拓链、补链、建链”思维,合理延深、延长、延宽西部油气产业链,优化升级产业,实现产业结构转型,打破城市(镇)高度依赖、依从、依附于油气产业而发展的路径依赖,促进其步入可持续发展的良性轨道。从长远看,西部油气资源型城市(镇)可持续发展要在机制的建立完善上做文章:突破高度垄断与条块分割,创新油气资源及行业管理体制,建立和完善油气资源可持续开发利用与补偿机制,油气产业援助机制及新兴产业扶持机制,生态环境补偿与治理机制,社会保障机制。而其根本是完善城(镇)在油气资源开发利用中的受益机制与可持续发展的积累机制。这需要在明晰油气资源产权关系的前提下,完善国家作为所有权的管理方式方法以及合理受益机制的同时,探索建立产权主体多元化的油气资源产权体系,创新油气资源初始矿权配置制度,尝试西部油气资源型城市(镇)有偿取得部分油气资源产权制度,协调油气资源矿权与西部油气资源型城市(镇)地权的矛盾,健全油气资源开发利用受益机制,从根本上解决西部油气资源型城市(镇)发展积累不足、转型内生动力不强从而可持续发展能力不强的问题。

【Abstract】 Western oil and gas resource-based cities (towns) construct a great part of China’s resource-relied cities (towns), which is faced with well support of policy environment. Unceasingly increasing of resource reserves and production of western oil and gas provide a continuable resource support to the sustainable development of western oil and gas resources-based cities (towns). Western oil and gas resources-based cities (towns) are associated and developed with western oil and gas industry. In recent years, the rapid development of western oil and gas industry bred numerous oil and gas resources-based cities (towns). Without being guided by the theory of sustainable development, oil and gas resources-based cities (towns) maybe dropped into the trouble that "oil (gas) rise, cities (towns) rise"-"oil (gas) exhaust, cities (towns) aging".With practical significance, the western oil and gas resources-based cities and towns are integrated in the research. This paper analyzed the current situation in western oil and gas resources-based cities (towns) methologies of sustainable development theory, city economics, resource economics, institutional economics and other disciplines. A study system regarding sustainable development of western oil and gas resources-based cities (towns) should consider the layout of the national oil and gas resources. The sustainable development of western oil and gas resources-based cities (towns) are related to many factors, such as oil and gas resource sustainable utilization, oil and gas industry sustainable development, oil and gas company sustainable development, in the same time, should break the constraint of population problems and ecological environment problems. So this paper designed of index system of sustainable development of the western oil and gas resources-based cities (towns),and maded empirical analysis of Karamay. And then the paper discussed construction of the mechanism of the western oil and gas resources-based cities (towns) based on the perspective of property right system,argued that in the background that oil and gas resource industry chain highly monopoly and oil and gas industry severe overcapacity, the sustainable development of western oil and gas resources-based cities (towns) should not follow the old pattern of extending the industrial chain.This paper argued that the factors affecting the western oil and gas resources-based cities (towns) in the meso-level of optimization and transformation of oil and gas industrial sustainable development of the oil and gas industry, and sustainable development of the oil and gas industry,at the micro-level, oil and gas companies development breakthrough the constraints of population problems and ecological environment problemsThe sustainable development of western oil and gas resources-based cities (towns) is a systematic engineering. It requires the western oil and gas resources-based cities (towns) to consider its stages of development, promote its comparative advantages in resource industry and formulate feasible countermeasures. We also need to integrate the reasonably mining of oil and gas into the strategically reserving resources. In addition, the development of the state-owned enterprises and the oil and gas resources city should be coordinated. Remap the overall layout of the oil and gas industry in China, capacity adjustment mainly reflected in the self-improvement of the oil and gas industry, and oil and gas enterprise own benefit maximization behavior of thinking and planning, to overcome the current back-end overcapacity in oil and gas industrial chain, and the western oil and gas resources-based cities (towns) is still a lack of effective and sustainable development policy support system of double pressure, breaking the monopoly in the oil and gas resources and the industrial chain, reasonable deepening, extension, drawing wide western resource-based cities (towns) of oil and gas industrial chain, to break its is highly dependent on, attached to the oil and gas industry and the formation, growth and development of path dependence, promote it into the sustainable development of benign orbit.In the long term, the sustainable development of western oil and gas resources-based cities (towns) should be based on the establishment and improvement of mechanism.Break the monopoly and isolation, the innovate the management system in oil and gas resources and industry, establish and perfect mechanismes for sustainable development, compensation of oil and gas resources, supporting of oil and gas industry, governance of ecological environment and social insurance system.However, the most fundamental is to improve the benefit mechanism and accumulation mechanism of sustainable development in oil and gas resource development.This requires a clear premise of oil and gas resources property rights,and then set up government policies and reasonable benefit sharing system as ownership,at the same time,explore and establish diversified property rights of oil and gas resources innovate the allocation system of mining rights, perfect countries management policies divide some ownership to local communities from the western oil ang gas resources,coordinate the contradiction between oil and gas resources as well as mine right and land rights in the western oil and gas resources-based cities (towns), establish a sound oil and gas resources development and utilization of benefit mechanism, all the factors together to resolve the problem of insufficient accumulation and the transformation of endogenous power is not strong which result in the problem of poor sustainable development ability.The government must innovate its functions, reform the oil and gas resources property right system and related environmental property, the land ownership and planning system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期