

Study on Eco-scape Patterns Alongside Coastal Highway in Coastal Economic Belt in Liaoning

【作者】 赵彦博

【导师】 闫红伟;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 观赏园艺学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本研究以恢复滨海公路沿线的生态环境为目标,以交通污染的产生机理和绿化植物的净化机制为理论基础,通过对公路沿线的空气污染、路面径流污染、土壤污染、噪声污染以及动植物的多样性进行调查,揭示公路沿线生态环境的变化规律;通过建立数学模型的方法计算绿化植物的净化能力;从而提出了滨海公路生态景观的基本数学模型及基本景观模式,恢复滨海公路不同污染形式的6种生态景观模式,以及适合滨海公路不同景观区段的4种生态景观模式。本研究首次提出了公路生态景观设计思路与方法,实现了交通污染总量与绿化植物生态功能的计量化,并以净化交通内源污染为目标建立了基本数学模型和基本景观模式,在生态恢复目标与景观形式之间架起了桥梁,能够系统、准确的指导滨海公路生态景观的建设实践。具体研究成果如下:(1)提出了滨海公路生态景观的基木数学模型及基木景观模式。对交通污染的产生机理进行了理论分析,认为交通污染的来源可以归纳为汽车尾气、路面扬尘、路面径流三个方面,但道路生态系统是一个开放的系统,必然会有内源污染物流出系统,也会有外源污染物流入系统。研究认为,道路交通产生的重金属污染为内源污染,重金属的“源头”主要来自机动车尾气(汽油消耗)、刹车里衬的磨损和橡胶轮胎的摩擦三个方面,不同的重金属附着于大小不同的气溶胶上,随着大气的干、湿沉降全部落回道路生态系统之中,最终都可以被植物的叶片吸滞、被根系吸收或者被湿地净化,从而完成了交通内源重金属在道路生态系统之中的流动过程。因此,以吸收净化重金属为目标,建立了生态景观的基本数学模型。利用该模型,只要掌握道路的交通量和空气中PM1o的浓度,即可根据不同的林带郁闭度求得所需林带的宽度;利用该数学模型,以提升滞尘效果作为基本模式中植物配置和树种选择的依据,提出了生态景观基本模式。(2)提出了恢复滨海公路不同污染形式的6种生态景观模式。在净化空气方面,利用调查结果推算污染物总量,利用干沉降模型预测净化等量污染物所需植物总量,提出公路绿化净化空气植物计量数学模型,结合林带结构分析及植物种的选择,提出了净化空气的生态景观模式;在净化路面径流污水方面,利用污染物流出规律和人工湿地k-C*模型,借鉴相关经验获得人工湿地的参数,提出了净化路面径流污染的人工湿地模式;在净化土壤方面,确定了路域土壤污染的空间范围,利用数学模型计算出绿化植物净化土壤的平均能力,提出了乔木吸收这些重金属的临界值,结合林带布局结构及植物种的选择,提出了净化土壤的生态景观模式;降噪方面,根据噪声监测数据和数学模型计算出不同声环境功能区降噪林带的几何参数,提出了降噪林带的生态景观模式;路域植物方面,通过计算物种重要值、相似性指数、丰富度指数、Simpson多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数,分析得出滨海公路沿线植物物种组成及多样性变化情况,再参照距离辽宁沿海50km宽度范围内的森林群落作为滨海公路防护林带种植设计的蓝本,以油松栎林为例提出了基于植物物种多样性保护的生态景观模式;穿越公路的动物物种方面,调查发现动物23种(包括亚种),而且不同生境的路段穿越动物的种类与频次差异较大,为此提出以两栖类、爬行类和小型哺乳动物为主要保护目标,以管状涵洞为主要通道形式,得出保护穿越公路动物物种的生态景观模式。(3)提出了适合滨海公路不同景观区段的4种生态景观模式。以恢复不同污染形式的生态景观模式为基础,结合不同景观区段的环境特点,提出了基于不同景观区段的生态景观模式。

【Abstract】 In this study, taking the restoration of ecological environment along the coastal highway and the production mechanism of traffic pollution and purification system of green plants, through surveys of air pollution, road runoff pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution along the highway and the diversity of plants and animals, it revealed the variation of the ecological environment along the highway; calculating the purification ability of green plants through mathematical modeling, it put forward the basic mathematic model and basic landscape pattern of ecological landscape for coastal highways, and the six ecological landscape pattern of coastal highway’s different pollution forms, as well as the four ecological landscape pattern for the different landscape sections of coastal highways. This study first proposed the design idea and method of the highway ecological landscape, achieved the quantification of total traffic pollution and the ecological function of green plants, and established the basic mathematic model and basic landscape mode regarding the purification of traffic endogenous pollution, which erected a bridge between ecological restoration goal and landscape form, and were able to guide the construction practice of coastal highway’s ecological landscape systematically and accurately. The specific research results are as follows:(1). It proposed the basic mathematic model and basic landscape pattern for the ecological landscape of coastal highways. Through the theoretical analysis on the mechanism of traffic pollution, it thought that the traffic pollution sources can be summarized as car exhaust, road dust and road runoff, but the road ecosystem is an open system, which must had endogenous contaminants flew out of the system and exogenous contaminants flew into the system. The study suggested that the heavy metal pollution generated by road traffic was the source of endogenous pollution and the "source" of heavy metals was mainly from vehicle exhaust (gasoline consumption), abrasion in the brake’s back lining and the friction in the rubber tire. Different heavy metals attached to different sizes of aerosols and fell back into the road ecosystem with the dry and wet deposition of the atmosphere, which finally could be absorbed by leaves of plants or roots or purified by wetland, so that to complete the flow process of traffic endogenous heavy metal in the road ecosystem. Therefore, taking the absorption and purification of heavy metals as the goal, it established the basic mathematical model of the ecological landscape. Using this model, as long as controlling the road’s traffic volume and the PM10concentration in the air, it could obtain the required width of the belt according to the different canopy densities of forest; using this mathematical mode, and taking the plant configuration and species selection in the basic mode to improve the effect of dust removal as the basis, it proposed the basic pattern of ecological landscape.(2). It proposed the six ecological landscape pattern of coastal highway’s different pollution forms. In terms of air purification, survey results are used to calculate the total volume of pollutants. Besides, the dry deposition model is used to forecast the total amount of plants required to purify equivalent pollutants. Moreover, this paper proposes the mathematical model for measuring greening and purifying air of the highway. By combing the structural analysis on forest belt and the selection of plant species, this paper also proposes the ecological landscape model of purifying air. With respect to purifying wastewater of road runoff, this paper proposes the artificial wetland pattern of purifying road runoff pollution by utilizing the outflow laws of pollutants and the artificial wetland k-C*model and obtaining parameters of the artificial wetland with related experiences used for reference. In terms of purifying soil pollution, this paper specifies the spatial scale of roadside soil pollution, works out the average capability of purifying soil by greening plants with the mathematical model, proposes the critical value of arbor absorbing these heavy metals, and proposes the ecological landscape pattern of purifying soil by combining the layout structure of forest belt and the selection of plant species. In terms of noise reduction, this paper proposes the ecological landscape pattern of the noise reduction forest belt based on geometrical parameters of noise reduction forest belts in different acoustic environment functional zones worked out with noise monitoring data and mathematical model. With respect to roadside plants, an analysis is made to work out species composition and diversity changes of plants alongside the coastal highway through calculation of importance value of species, similarity index, richness index, Simpson diversity index, and Pielou evenness index. With forestry communities within the width of50km distant from the coastal line of Liaoning as the planting design blueprint of the protective forest belt of the coastal highway, Pinus tabulaeformis and Quercus mongolica community is taken as examples to propose the ecological landscape pattern based on plant species diversity protection. With respect to animal species crossing the highway,23animal species (including subspecies) are found in the survey. Relatively great differences exist in species and frequency of crossing animals in different ecological environment sections. Based on this, the ecological landscape pattern of protecting crossing highway animal species is proposed with amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals as main protection targets and with tubular culvert as the main channel pattern.(3). It proposed the four ecological landscape pattern for the different landscape sections of coastal highways. Based on ecological landscape patterns used to purifying different pollutions and the environmental quality in different landscape sections, the ecological landscape patterns based on different landscape sections had been put forward.
