

Genetic Analysis on Relationship between Quality and Yield of Japonica Rice

【作者】 赵飞

【导师】 陈温福;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 作物学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 北方粳稻产量水平稳步提高,品质却呈现徘徊不前趋势。为实现高产和优质的结合,本文以产量和品质性状存在显著差异的两个粳稻品种及其所衍生重组自交系群体为试材,对稻米品质相关的15个评价指标和产量相关的10个农艺性状进行了调查,分析了粳稻各品质性状间的相互关系,研究了稻米品质和产量的关系,结合分子遗传图谱定位了调控产量和品质相关的QTL,并进行了遗传分析。主要结果如下:1.碾磨品质中的糙米率、精米率和整精米率三者之间呈极显著正相关,又都与产量结构中的穗数和每穗粒数呈显著或极显著正相关,与结实率和千粒重之间的相关性不显著。除此之外,碾磨品质与每穗枝梗数的正相关和穗长的负相关都达到极显著水平。QTL分析结果也同样证实上述结论,在第7染色体上的RM5426-RM22109区间上,同时定位到控制精米率的qMRR-7-1,整精米率的qHRR-7-1,穗数的qNPP-7-1,每穗粒数qTNSP-7-1,每穗枝梗数qNBPP-7-1,和穗长的qPL-7-1,贡献率分别为18.46%、54.92%、6.33%、8.11%、9.56%和13.46%。2.外观品质中的长宽比与垩白粒率和垩白度呈显著负相关,与加工品质呈显著负相关,与产量构成要素中的每穗粒数和千粒重负相关都达到极显著水平;垩白粒率和垩白度与穗数呈极显著负相关,且与千粒重呈显著正相关。同样QTL分析发现在第6染色体的RM5850--RM494区间定位到控制粒宽的qWMR-6-2、长宽比的qRMLW-6-1、垩白粒率的qPGWC-6-1和透明度的qET-6-1,贡献率分别达到了33.49%、29.30%、34.27%和22.98%。3.食味和营养品质与产量构成要素中的每穗粒数呈显著负相关,与结实率呈极显著正相关,食味品质与碾磨品质和外观品质显著正相关。食味品质和营养品质中的蛋白质含量呈极显著负相关,同时本研究发现稻米留胚率和食味之间相关性不显著,说明稻米的食味和营养品质并不矛盾。遗传分析表明控制每穗粒数的qTNSP-7-1.整精米率的qMRR7-1.垩白粒率的qPGWC-7-1.蛋白质含量的qPC-7-1、留胚率的qDMRE-7-1都在第7染色体相同或邻近的区段上,贡献率分别达到了8.11%、18.46%、40.08%、39.17%、32.81%。4.稻米品质和产量性状存在重要的相互关系,综合考虑高产和优质两大目标,本研究得出提高穗数有助于稻米的碾磨品质和外观品质的改善,降低每穗粒数和千粒重有利于改良食味和外观品质,提高结实率有增加食味品质的趋势。因此,本研究认为提高穗数和结实率,适度控制每穗粒数和千粒重是在保证高产的前提下,提高品质的有效途径。

【Abstract】 Production levels of northern Japonica rice steadily increased in China, but the quality showed stagnating trend. In order to achieve the combination of high yield and quality, a rice recombinant inbred population (referred to as RILs population) derived from two Japonica varieties which have significant different yield and quality related traits was selected as experimental materials, evaluated15quality related traits and10yield related traits, analyzed the correlations between the various quality traits, studied the relationship between quality and yield related traits, mapped yield and quality related QTLs. The main results are as follows:1. For processing quality, BRR, MRR and HRR all presented significantly positive correlation; which also presented significantly or extremely significantly positive correlation with NPP and TNSP; and showed no significantly positive correlation with SF and GW. In addition, Processing quality presented extremely significantly positive correlation with NBPP and extremely significant negative correlation with PL. QTL mapping results also confirmed the above conclusions, qMRR-7-1, qHRR-7-1, qNPP-7-1, qTNSP-7-1, qNBPP-7-1and qPL-7-1were mapped to the same location-RM5426-RM22109on Chr.7, and the contribution rate was18.46%、54.92%、6.33%、8.11%、9.56%and13.46%, respectively.2. For appearance quality, RMLW presented extremely significantly negative correlation with PGWC and DEC, showed significantly negative correlation with processing quality, and also presented extremely significantly negative correlation with TNSP and GW. PGWC and DEC presented extremely significantly negative correlation with NPP, and presented extremely significantly positive correlation with GW. QTL mapping results also confirmed the above conclusions, qWMR-6-2, qRMLW-6-1, qPGWC-6-1and qET-6-1were mapped to the same interval-RM5850-RM494on Chr.6, the contribution rate was33.49%,29.30%,34.27%and22.98%, respectively.3. Tasting and nutritional quality presented extremely significantly positive correlation with TNSP of Yield components, presented extremely significantly positive correlation with SF. Tasting presented extremely significantly positive correlation with processing quality and appearance quality. TV presented extremely significantly negative correlation with PC of nutritional quality. Meanwhile, this study also found DMRE has no significantly correlation with TV, which indicates tasting and nutritional quality of rice are not contradictory. The locus which controlling TNSP, MRR, PGWC, PC, DMRE were mapped to chromosome7, contribution rate was8.11%,18.46%,40.08%,39.17%and32.81%, respectively.4. In summary, there are important correlations between quality traits and yield traits in rice. Considering the two main breeding objectives:yield and quality, this study proposed that improving NPP is helpful to improve the processing quality and appearance quality. Reducing TNSP and GW is helpful to improve the tasting and appearance quality. Increasing SF can improve taste value. Therefore, this study suggests that improving NPP and SF, controlling TNSP and GW is the effective way of improving quality on a higher yield level in Northern Japonica Rice.

【关键词】 粳稻品质产量相关性QTL
【Key words】 JaponicaQualityYieldCorrelationQTL