

Effect of Diammonium Phosphate Levels and Population Types on Agronomic Traits, Physiological and Biochemical Index of Super-High-Yield Soybean Cultivar

【作者】 马兆惠

【导师】 谢甫绨;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 作物学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本试验以超高产品种辽豆14、中黄35和普通品种辽豆11为试材,分别在不同磷酸二铵施肥和密度处理下进行了光合生理,养分吸收,根系形态及活力,籽粒产量形成规律,物质生产及转化效率的比较研究,探讨不同产量潜力大豆品种在单一和混合种植条件下对肥密响应的差异性,试图为不同产量潜力大豆群体生产的高产高效栽培管理提供理论依据,研究结果如下:1磷酸二铵对超高产大豆光合生理的影响开花期至鼓粒期,超高产品种保持了较高的叶色值和光合速率,且叶色值和光合速率在生育后期下降幅度较小。增施磷酸二铵和增加种植密度均使超高产品种具有较普通品种更高的叶色值和光合速率,而普通品种则在不施肥和低密度处理下才具有较高的光合速率。与单播相比,混播时品种间叶色值和光合速率的差异更大。从日变化来看,超高产品种光合日变化未出现“午休”现象。施肥量和种植密度的增加,提高了超高产品种和普通品种各时段的光合速率,超高产品种的增幅较大。10点之后,超高产品种的光合速率均高于普通品种,差异在高肥和高密度处理下较大,而混播时这种差异更明显。从光响应曲线来看,随施肥量的增加,超高产品种在每个光强点上的光合速率均提高,而普通品种的光合速率有所下降;增加种植密度使超高产品种和普通品种在每个光强点上的光合速率均下降。当光强大于200μmol m-5s-1时,增施磷酸二铵和增加种植密度均使超高产品种的光合速率高于普通品种,高肥和中密度处理下差异更明显。2磷酸二铵对超高产大豆养分吸收的影响施用磷酸二铵可以提高超高产大豆荚皮和籽粒含氮量,而使营养器官的含氮量下降。随着磷酸二铵施用量的增加,超高产品种各器官的含磷量均增加,其中荚皮和籽粒的含磷量在200mg/kg磷酸二铵处理下表现最高;而普通品种根系和茎秆的含磷量随施肥量增加有所下降。施肥量增加时,除超高产品种的荚皮含钾量提高外,超高产品种和普通品种各器官的含钾量均下降。增施肥量的条件下,超高产品种的养分百分含量普遍高于普通品种,品种间差异随施肥量增加而增大,单播时差异更大。随着种植密度的增加,超高产大豆籽粒的含氮量有所提高,而不同品种大豆各器官的含磷量和含钾量均有所下降。种植密度增加的条件下,超高产品种的养分百分含量普遍高于普通品种,中密度处理下品种间差异较大。施用磷酸二铵可以促进超高产品种各器官氮素积累量的提高,在200mg/kg磷酸二铵处理下表现最高;而施肥量的提高降低了普通品种的氮积累量。随着磷酸二铵施用量的增加,超高产品种除茎秆外,各器官磷积累量均提高;普通品种叶片和籽粒的磷积累量也增加。随施肥量增加,超高产品种的茎秆、叶片、荚皮和籽粒的钾积累量增加,而普通品种各器官的钾积累量下降。中肥和高肥水平下,超高产品种的养分百分积累量普遍高于普通品种,品种间差异随施肥量增加而增大,单播时差异更大。随着种植密度的增加,超高产品种和普通品种大豆各器官的氮、磷、钾积累量均有所下降,其中普通品种的下降幅度较大。3株/盆的密度下,超高产品种的氮、磷、钾积累量较普通品种低,品种间差异在混播时较大;6株/盆和9株/盆的种植密度下,超高产品种的养分百分含量普遍高于普通品种,高密度处理下品种间差异更大。施用磷酸二铵对大豆氮、磷的利用效率和氮、磷收获指数影响较大,而对钾素利用效率和钾素收获指数影响较小。增施磷酸二铵的条件下,超高产品种的氮、磷、钾利用效率和养分收获指数普遍高于普通品种,品种间差异在高肥处理和混播时较大。不同种植密度下,超高产品种的养分利用效率和养分收获指数普遍高于普通品种,品种间差异随密度增加而增大,而这种差异在高密度和混播条件下更大。3磷酸二铵对超高产大豆根系性状的影响增施磷酸二铵提高了超高产品种的根长、根表面积、根体积和根干重,但使普通品种的根系形态性状有所下降。中肥和高肥水平下,超高产品种的根系形态性状高于普通品种,高肥和混播条件下这种优势更大。随种植密度增加,超高产品种和普通品种的根系形态性状和根干重下降。中密度和高密度水平下超高产品种的根系性状指标较高,品种间差异在高密度和混播时更明显。增施磷酸二铵提高了混播时超高产品种的根系活力和伤流量,但使普通品种的伤流量有所下降。中肥和高肥处理下,超高产品种的根系活力和伤流量均高于普通品种,且品种间伤流量的差异随施肥量的增加而增大。增加种植密度使超高产品种和普通品种的根系活力和伤流量下降。不同密度水平下,超高产品种的根系活力和伤流量均高于普通品种,且品种间伤流量的差异随密度的增加而增大,混播时这种差异更明显。不同施肥水平下,增施磷酸二铵使超高产品种鼓粒期的伤流成分含量较普通品种高。不同密度处理下,开花期超高产品种的伤流成分在中密度水平下较高,鼓粒期品种间伤流成分含量差异不明显。4磷酸二铵对超高产大豆农艺性状和产量的影响不同肥密处理下,超高产品种具有较低的株高和结荚高度,而茎粗和单株荚数均大于普通品种。增施磷酸二铵促进了各品种大豆株高、茎粗和单株荚数的生长,其中超高产品种的增幅较大。随着种植密度的增加,各品种茎粗和单株荚数有所降低,降幅随密度增加而增大,其中普通品种的降幅最大。施用磷酸二铵和提高种植密度的条件下,超高产品种的粒茎比和经济系数均高于普通品种,品种间粒茎比的差异随密度增加而加大。中肥、高肥、中密度和高密度处理下,超高产品种的粒茎比和经济系数较对照有所提高,而普通品种则下降。不施肥和低密度处理下,超高产品种的籽粒产量较普通品种低,但随着磷酸二铵施用量和种植密度的增加,超高产品种的籽粒产量均显著高于普通品种,且品种间差异随施肥量和密度的增加而增大。

【Abstract】 Two super-high-yield soybean cultivars Liaodou14, Zhonghuang35, and one common cultivar Liaodou11were used in the pot experiment to investigate the effects of different diammonium phosphate(DAP) levels, plant density and population types(single seeding and mixed seeding) on soybean photosynthetic characteristic, nutrition accumulation, root character and yield in2012and2013. This trial intended to provide theoretical basis for soybean super-high-yielding cultivation. The main results showed as follows:1Effect of DAP on photo-physiology of super-high-yield soybeanLeaf greenness and photosynthetic rate of super-high-yielding cultivar were higher than those of common cultivar from flowering stage to seed filling stage, and the decreasing ranges of these traits were small. Leaf greenness and photosynthetic rate of super-high-yielding cultivar were showed an increasing tendency with the increment of DAP levels and plant density, while common cultivar kept higher photosynthetic rate under Omg/kg level and3plants/pot treatment. The differences of leaf greenness and photosynthetic rate between soybean cultivars were more obviously at mixed seeding.Under different DAP and plant density treatments, the diurnal variation photosynthesis of super-high-yield cultivar did not appear "noontime snooze" at seed filling stage. Photosynthesis of two cultivars were increased with diammonium phosphate level and plant density added. Overall, the photosynthesis of super-high-yield cultivar was higher than that of common cultivar after10o’clock and the difference was obviously under200mg/kg and9plants/pot treatments, especially at mixed seeding.Light response curves of super-high-yield cultivar were increased with diammonium phosphate level enhanced, but not common cultivar. In another hand, the light response curves of two cultivars both decreased with plant density added. Photosynthetic rate of super-high-yielding cultivar was higher than that of common cultivar when light intensity was above200μmol m-2s-1, and the difference was higher under200mg/kg and6plants/pot treatments,2Effect of DAP on nutrient uptake of super-high-yield soybeanThe content of N was relatively high in pod wall and seed of super-high-yield cultivar but decreased in vegetable organs under fertilization treatment. The content of P of super-high-yield cultivar was raised with diammonium phosphate level enhanced, especially the P content of pod wall and seed at200mg/kg level. However, the P content of root and stem of common cultivar was declined with fertilizing amount added. The content of K of two cultivars was decreased with diammonium phosphate level enhanced, except pod wall of super-high-yield cultivar. Generally the K content of super-high-yield cultivar was higher than that of common cultivar, and the difference was increased with fertilizing amount added, especially single seeding.On condition that plant density increased, the seed N content of super-high-yield cultivar was increased, but P content and K content of two cultivars was declined. Generally the N, P and K content of super-high-yield cultivar was higher than that of common cultivar, especially under6plants/pot treatment.N accumulation in every part of super-high-yield cultivar was increased with diammonium phosphate level increased, especially under200mg/kg treatment, while the N accumulation of common cultivar was decreased in that condition. With the fertilizing amount enhanced, P accumulation in every part of super-high-yield cultivar was increased except stem, as well as leaf and seed of common cultivar. K accumulation of stem, leaf, pod wall and seed of super-high-yield cultivar was increased with diammonium phosphate level enhanced, but not the common cultivar. In the case of adding fertilizing amount, the N, P and K accumulation of super-high-yield cultivar was higher than that of common cultivar, and the difference between two cultivars grew with diammonium phosphate level enhanced, especially under single seeding treatment. On condition that plant density increased, the N, P and K accumulation in every part of two cultivars was decreased, particularly the common cultivar. The N, P and K accumulation of super-high-yield cultivar was higher than that of common cultivar under6plants/pot and9plants/pot treatments, and the difference between two cultivars was larger at9plants/pot treatment.There existed a obviously effect of diammonium phosphate on N, P use efficiency (NUE, PUE) and N, P harvest index (NHI, PHI) of two soybean cultivars, but smaller on K use efficiency (KUE) and K harvest index (KHI). Generally, the N, P, K use efficiency and N, P, K harvest index of super-high-yield cultivar was higher than that of common cultivar, while the difference was larger at200mg/kg and mixed seeding treatments.Under different plant density, the nutrient use efficiency and nutrient harvest index were higher than those of common cultivar, while the difference was increased with plant density increased, especially at9plants/pot and mixed seeding treatments.3Effect of DAP on root character of super-high-yield soybeanThe root length, root surface, root volume and root dry weight of super-high-yield cultivar was increased with fertilization treatment, but the result was opposite of common cultivar. On condition that fertilizing amount increased, the root morphology character of super-high-yield cultivar was well, especially at200mg/kg and mixed seeding treatments.The root morphology character and root dry weight of two cultivars were declined with plant density decreased, and the root morphology character of super-high-yield cultivar was higher than those of common cultivar under6plants/pot and9plants/pot treatments, especially at mixed seeding.The root vigor and root bleeding of super-high-yield cultivar at mixed seeding treatment was enhanced with fertilizing amount increased, but not the bleeding of common cultivar. On condition that fertilizing amount increased, the root vigor and root bleeding of super-high-yield cultivar were well, and the difference between two cultivars was larger at highest fertilization level.The root vigor and root bleeding of two cultivars were declined with plant density decreased. Generally, the root vigor and root bleeding of super-high-yield cultivar was higher than those of common cultivar under different plant density, and the difference was increased with plant density increased, particularly at mixed seeding.Bleeding components of super-high-yield cultivar at seed-filling stage were higher than those of common cultivar under abundant fertilizing amount. At blooming stage, the bleeding components of super-high-yield cultivar were higher under6plants/pot treatment, and there was no difference between two cultivars at seed-filling stage.4Effect of DAP on agronomic traits and yield of super-high-yield soybeanPlant height and height of lowest pod of super-high-yield cultivar were shorter than those of common cultivar, while the stem diameter and pod number per plant of super-high-yield cultivar were more. Fertilization treatment promoted the height, stem diameter and pod number per plant of two cultivars, especially super-high-yield cultivar. The stem diameter and pod number per plant of soybean was decreased with plant density declined, and the decline range of common cultivar was larger.With fertilizing amount and plant density increased, the seed-stem ratio and economic coefficient of super-high-yield cultivar were higher than those of common cultivar, while the difference of seed-stem ratio between two cultivars was increased with plant density increased. Compared with check, the seed-stem ratio and economic coefficient of super-high-yield cultivar were larger, but not the common cultivar.Under contrast, seed yield of common cultivar was higher, however with fertilizing amount and plant density increased, seed yield of super-high-yield cultivar was significant higher than that of common cultivar, and the difference was increased with fertilization level and plant density increased.
