

The Dollar Standard and the Sino-U.S. Economic Relations

【作者】 杨丽莹

【导师】 项卫星;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 世界经济, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化和金融全球化进程的日益加快,中美经济关系日益为全球所关注。首先,中美经济关系已经成为当今全球经济体系中最重要的双边经济关系。中美两国经济之间已经形成了日益紧密的相互依赖关系,而这种依赖关系又具有明显的不对称性。其次,在美元本位制下,美元通过与黄金脱钩取得了几乎不受制约的世界货币地位。美国依靠政府信用所发行的美元可以用来购买世界各国的商品和服务;而中国长期国际收支顺差的结果,也不是黄金储备资产的流入,而是对美国债权的积累。在这一过程中,中美两国之间也形成了一种特殊的经济循环模式,即中国出口商品,美国提供市场;中国积累债权,美国积累债务。虽然中美经济之间非对称的相互依赖关系已成为共识,但是,美元本位制在中美经济之间相互依赖性形成过程中发挥怎样的作用?美元本位制对中美经济相互依赖关系的非对称性及其未来走势又产生怎样的影响?美元本位制在中美经济关系博弈策略选择过程中又会起到怎样的作用?美元本位制下中国应采取何种对策?本文通过深入的分析和探讨对上述问题给予了解释,为研究中美经济关系提供了新的视角和理论依据,并为中美两国经济博弈的策略选择以及中国对内及对外相关经济政策的制定提供了参考和依据。本文围绕“美元本位制与中美经济关系”这一主题,按照美元本位制为什么能影响中美经济关系——如何影响中美经济关系——中国的对策选择这一逻辑思路进行分析。本文从全球视角对美元本位制进行阐述,解释美元本位制为什么能影响中美经济关系。对于绝大多数国家来说,美元是最主要的储备货币,本国货币的汇率变动要与美元直接或间接挂钩;同时,多数国际金融市场中的交易最终都要通过美元作为媒介货币来完成。正是由于各国以及世界经济的运行是以美元为基础的,所以难以产生对美元的约束。因此,美元霸权的存在是美元本位制的重要特征,该特征成为其能够影响中美经济关系,促使中美经济之间形成非对称依赖经济关系的重要基础和条件。同时,由于美元或美元本位制在东亚地区的主导作用相对更为明显,并能够对全球经济和金融稳定产生重要影响,美元本位制是当今国际经济关系协调中不可忽视的影响因素。而且,美元本位制在一定时期内是可持续的,因此,美元本位制在当今世界经济运行中发挥着重要影响。同样,美元本位制也不可避免地会对世界上最大两个经济体即美国和中国之间的经济关系产生重要影响。本文从美元本位制对中美贸易关系和金融关系的影响这一视角,论述了美元本位制在中美“贸易—资金双循环”机制形成过程中的作用。美元本位制是中美“贸易—资金双循环”机制形成的根本原因。正是在这种“贸易—资金双循环”机制下,中美之间的经济关系必然是非对称的相互依赖关系。在美元本位制下,中美两国通过“贸易—资金双循环”机制都争取实现更多的本国利益,但中国对美国经济的依赖性和敏感性都要更高。本文分析了在中美经济这种非对称依赖关系下,美元本位制如何影响中美两国进行经济利益博弈的策略选择。美元本位制在中美经济完全信息静态博弈(一次性博弈)和完全信息动态博弈(重复博弈)过程中发挥着重要作用。在美元本位制下,中美经济之间的相互依赖关系使中美两国在进行策略决策时,不得不关注对方利益的实现状况,因为对方利益的实现或损失也会对本国利益产生直接的影响。所以,美元本位制的存在使中美两国经济博弈突破了“囚徒困境”,使得中美两国经济博弈的最终结果对两国都是有利的。但是,美元本位制下中美经济之间相互依赖的不对称性,决定了美国能获得更多的博弈支付,或者能获得更大的博弈主动权。由于美元本位制下中美经济相互依赖关系进一步加深,以合作为主线的策略将是未来中美经济博弈过程中的首要选择。但是,客观来说,在中美经济关系中,美元本位制对中国经济发展的影响既有积极方面也有消极方面。中国应该采取积极政策以降低中美相互依赖经济关系中的非对称性,通过与美国经济依赖关系的进一步加强来争取更多的经济利益,以降低美元本位制的消极影响以及充分利用美元本位制实现更多的经济利益。本文的总体结论如下:第一,由于美元霸权的存在,美元本位制成为其能够影响中美经济关系,促使中美经济之间形成非对称依赖关系的重要基础和条件。而且,美元本位制在东亚地区的主导作用相对更为明显,美元本位制能够对全球经济和金融稳定产生重要的影响,美元本位制在一定时期内是可以持续的。所以,美元本位制必然成为影响中美经济关系发展的重要因素。第二,美元本位制是中美“贸易—资金双循环”机制形成的根本原因。贸易失衡和金融失衡是中美“贸易—资金双循环”机制的重要特征。中美“贸易—资金双循环”机制是中美经济形成非对称依赖关系的基础。第三,美元本位制对中美经济博弈的策略选择具有重要影响。在中美“贸易—资金双循环”关系的博弈过程中,美元本位制为促使中美两国选择“共赢”的博弈策略发挥了重要的作用。由于美元本位制下中美经济相互依赖关系进一步加深,决定了以合作为主线的策略将是未来中美经济博弈过程中的首要选择。但是,美元本位制下中美经济之间相互依赖关系的非对称性,使美国在中美经济博弈中具有更大的主动权或者获得更多的博弈利得。第四,美元本位制的消极影响在一定时期内也不可能从根本上消除。为此,如何降低美元本位制的消极影响是中国进行政策选择时首要考虑的问题。但是,在美元本位制下,中国通过中美经济之间的相互依赖关系也获得了巨大的经济收益。如何通过进一步加强双边经济关系来争取更多的经济利益,也是中国进行政策选择时需要考虑的问题。具体来说,在美元本位制下,中国的政策选择应该从转变经济发展方式、转变对外贸易发展战略、加快金融转型进程三个方面进行思考。

【Abstract】 With the deepening degree of the economic and financial globalization, theSino-U.S. economic relations has become increasingly global concerned. First, theSino-U.S. economic relations has become the most important bilateral economicrelationship in the global economic system. It has been formed a increasingly closeeconomic interdependence between the Sino-U.S. economic relations, but theinterdependence has a clear asymmetry. Secondly, the dollar is almost unfetteredworld currency under the dollar standard. U.S. dollar issued by the government torely on credit can be used to purchase goods and services around the world; Theresult of China’s long-term balance of payments surplus, nor is flowing into goldreserve assets, but the accumulation of debt in the United States. In this process, itformed a special economic cycle model between the two countries, which is thatChina export, the United States provided the market; China accumulated thecreditor’s rights and the U.S. accumulated debt.Although asymmetric interdependence between the Sino-U.S. economicrelations has become a consensus, what dose the dollar standard play role in theSino-U.S. economic relations? What dose the dollar standard play role in theSino-U.S. economic relations game strategy? What should China takecountermeasures under the dollar standard? In this paper, these issues will beexplained through in-depth analysis and discussion. This could provide a newperspective and theoretical basis for the study of Sino-U.S. economic relations andprovide reference and basis for the Sino-U.S. economic strategies.This paper begins with a global perspective on the dollar standard by explainingwhy the dollar standard could affect the Sino-U.S. economic relations. For mostcountries, the U.S. dollar is the main reserve currency, their currency exchange ratedirectly or indirectly linked to the U.S. dollar. Meanwhile, the majority of theinternational financial market transactions will be accomplished by dollars as amedium. It is dollar-based in the world, so it is difficult to produce constraints to the dollar. Therefore, the existence of dollar hegemony is an important feature of thedollar standard, which can affect Sino-U.S. economic relations and promote animportant foundation and condition of asymmetric economic relations between thetwo countries. At the same time, the U.S. dollar or the dollar standard plays anobvious role in East Asia and it can have an important impact on the global economicand financial stability, so the dollar standard is a considerable influence factor intoday’s international economic relations. Moreover, the dollar standard is sustainable.Therefore, the dollar standard plays an important role in the world economy.Similarly, the dollar standard will have a major impact on the Sino-U.S.economic relations.Then this paper discussed the impact about the dollar standard tothe "Trade–Funds Circulation " mechanism between China and the United States.The dollar standard is the root cause of the "Trade–Funds Circulation " mechanism.Because of the mechanism, the Sino-U.S. economic relations is inevitablyasymmetrical interdependent.Under the dollar standard, the two countries could get more national intereststhrough the "Trade–Funds Circulation " mechanism, but China ’s dependence on theAmerican economy should be higher. Then this paper analyzes how the dollarstandard system affect Sino-U.S. strategies of the economic interests game in thisasymmetrical dependency. The dollar standard plays an important role in thecomplete information static game (one game) and the complete information dynamicgame (repeated game) process between the Sino-U.S economies. So the existence ofthe dollar standard broke through the " Prisoner’s Dilemma ", making the final resultis beneficial to both countries. However, the asymmetrical interdependence bewteenthe two countries decided U.S. can get more game payment, or be able to obtainbigger game initiative. Because of the dollar standard, the interdependence bewteenthe Sino-U.S. economic relations has been further deepened. In the future,cooperation will be the primary choice in the process of the Sino-U.S. economicgame.However, in the Sino-U.S. economic relations, the impact of the dollar standardon China ’s economic development has both positive and negative aspects. Chinashould adopt a positive policy to reduce the asymmetry of the Sino-U.S. economic interdependence relations, and gain more economic benefits by further strengtheningrelations with the U.S. economy, and reduce the negative impact on the U.S. dollar-based system, and take advantage of the dollar standard system to achieve moreeconomic benefits.Through the analysis and discussion in this paper, the overall conclusions are asfollows:First, due to the dollar hegemony, the dollar standard has an important impact onSino-U.S. economic relations, and promote an important foundation and condition ofasymmetric dependence between China and the United States. Moreover, the leadingrole in East Asia of the dollar standard is relatively more obvious, and the dollarstandard system can have important impact on the global economic and financialstability, and the dollar-based system can be sustained. Therefore, the dollar standardis an important factor affecting the development of Sino-U.S. economic relations.Second, the dollar standard is the root cause of the "Trade–Funds Circulation "mechanism. The trade imbalances and the financial imbalances are the importantfeatures of the "Trade–Funds Circulation " mechanism. The "Trade–FundsCirculation " mechanism is the basis of forming the asymmetrical dependence in theSino-U.S. economic relations.Third, the dollar standard has an important impact on the Sino-U.S. strategies ofthe economic game. In the "Trade–Funds Circulation " mechanism, the dollarstandard played an important role to promote Sino-U.S. to select " win-win" strategy.Since the Sino-U.S. economic interdependence under the dollar standard, cooperationwill be the first choice in the future of Sino-U.S. game strategies. However, theasymmetrical interdependence under the dollar standard made the United States getmore profits in the Sino-U.S. economic game.Fourth, the negative impact of the dollar standard can not be eliminated, so it isthe primary consideration that how to reduce the negative impact of the dollarstandard. However, through the Sino-U.S. economic relations, China has also gainedhuge economic benefits under the dollar standard. So it is also needed to beconsidered that how to further strengthen bilateral economic relations in order to gainmore economic benefits when making policy choices. Specifically, under the dollar standard, these aspects should be considered when making policy choices whichincluding the transformation of economic development mode, the transformation offoreign trade development strategies and the acceleration of financial restructuringprocess.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期