

Preliminary Study on Yuhuangmiao Culture

【作者】 洪猛

【导师】 杨建华; Katheryn M. Linduff;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 玉皇庙文化是一支大致分布于冀北山地的晚期北方青铜文化代表性遗存。本文以玉皇庙文化遗存为研究对象,在对资料全面梳理的基础上,详细探讨了该文化多批遗存的分期与年代,初步建构出该文化的编年体系,着重讨论了该文化的渊源,并以玉皇庙墓地为例对该文化的社会状况粗略考察。全文共分六章。第一章绪论这一部分,首先对玉皇庙文化做了界定。本文的“玉皇庙文化”以北京市延庆县玉皇庙墓地东周时期墓葬为代表性遗存,主要地点还有葫芦沟墓地、西梁垙墓地等二十余处。所见考古学资料主要是墓葬遗存。就目前发现而言,该文化大致分布于今平泉—蓟县—蔚县一线西北的冀北山地,年代约当春秋中期偏晚至战国中期偏早。其次,对玉皇庙文化发现与研究的历史进行了详细回顾,总结了有关研究现状,简要分析了以往研究的不足和问题。针对存在的学术问题,最后阐释了本文研究的目的。第二章玉皇庙墓地的分期与年代这一部分是本文的研究基础。通过选取典型器物对部分墓葬遗存初步分组、借助墓葬空间分布对该墓地进一步全面分组、考察分组视野下的器物变化、对分组结果进行必要的合并等步骤,将玉皇庙墓地分为五段七组。参照有关墓葬出土的青铜容器和对比已知年代的遗存,判定出一至五段遗存年代分别主要处于春秋中期中晚段、春秋晚期早段、春秋晚期中段、春秋晚期晚段、战国早期早段。第三章玉皇庙文化的分期与年代这一部分在玉皇庙墓地年代分析的基础上,详细讨论了该文化其他遗存的年代等。最终将玉皇庙文化分为四期,一至四期分别代表了该文化发展的早期、中期、晚期和末期,年代分别主要处于春秋中期中晚段至春秋晚期早段、春秋晚期中段、春秋晚期晚段至战国早期、战国中期早段。第四章玉皇庙文化探源研究将北方地区两周之际前后的有关遗存与玉皇庙文化早期遗存的对比分析可知,夏家店上层文化是玉皇庙文化的重要来源之一,二者在冀北山地的转换主要也可能体现了不同族群的变更;西拨子遗存显示出玉皇庙文化很有可能是本地起源的,但有关源头文化仍有待继续寻找;北方长城地带中西部文化遗存也是构成玉皇庙文化器类来源的重要方面,有关遗存与玉皇庙文化的相似同时可能表述了族群的一致性。此外,境外欧亚草原青铜器遗存也应该是玉皇庙文化部分器类的来源之一。第五章玉皇庙墓地所反映的社会概况这一部分主要从年龄性别角色、社会等级分层、社会组织结构的角度来管窥玉皇庙墓地所反映的社会状况。由随葬品的性别信息等可以看出玉皇庙社会中不同年龄性别的人群存在明显的社会分工,其中成年男性担负的社会责任较多。主要依据墓葬形制、葬具和殉牲的差异,暂可将玉皇庙墓葬分为三个等级。社会存在等级分层,较高级别的人群主要包括社会首领、通婚贵妇和高级别武士等,社会首领阶层凸显自身等级超越,死后也拥有维持权威的行为规范;极少数通婚至此的贵妇,凭藉自身独特的社会背景亦能够享受尊贵;武力在当时社会中较为重要,既能够保障社会稳定,又有助于武士阶层向上攀援获取较高的社会地位。通过墓地空间布局来考察当时的社会组织结构,会发现墓组显示当时社会中存在以性别划分的人群集团,结合人群身份说明玉皇庙社会具有明显的社缘结构;墓群可能代表了由不同等级、不同性别的人构成的社群,社群大小不一、类型多样;墓区则是不同社群联合、发展或分化的结果;而整个墓地或许代表了一个统一的部族集团。第六章结语这一部分总结了论文的几点主要收获,并指出本文研究的不足和局限,以及对未来需要深入探讨的问题也做了粗浅思考。

【Abstract】 Yuhuangmiao Culture is a typical Late Northern Bronze Culture which spreadamong mountainous region in the northern part of Hebei Province. This thesis picksYuhuangmiao Cultural relics as the object of study and discusses division and datingof this culture specifically on the base of comprehensively researching the data. Thepaper tries to construct the chronological system of this culture and focus on itssource, also take Yuhuangmiao Cemetery as an example to discuss social conditionof this culture summarily.This paper includes six chapters.Chapter One: IntroductionFirstly, I give a definition of Yuhuangmiao Culture.“Yuhuangmiao Culture”referred in this paper is represented by the burial remains of Eastern Zhou Dynastywhich have been excavated from Yuhuangmiao cemetery in Yanqing county, Beijing.There are more than twenty other major sites, including Hulugou cemetery andXiliangguang cemetery etc. The data we can get is primarily from cemetery relics.As far as we can tell from excavations we have had today, this culture spread amongthe mountainous areas in the north part of Hebei Province, of whch the sites are allon the northwest side of the line mordern city Pingquan—Jixian—Yuxian. The dateis between mid-late period of Spring and Autumn Period to early-middle period ofWarring States Period. Secondly, after reviewing documents about the discovery andresearches condition of Yuhuangmiao Culture, I have summarized relevantresearches and analyzed deficiencies of those studies in the past. And at last, presentthe target of my research aiming at those deficiencies mentioned above.Chapter Two: Periodization of Yuhuangmiao CemeteryThis part is the foundation of this thesis. I research in sequence as below:choose typical implements to divide some tombs remains into groups briefly; groupthe cemeteries thoroughly according to their space distribution; observe changes ofimplements in consideration of the grouping; and finally combine different groups’ outcomes if necessary. And at last divide the Yuhuangmiao cemetery into fiveperiods, seven sections. Then deduce the date of each period by taking otherreferences of bronze vessels from relevant cemeteries into consideration andcomparing with relics which have known date. These five periods are mainly at thetime of mid-late period of middle Spring and Autumn Period, early period of lateSpring and Autumn Period, middle period of late Spring and Autumn Period, lateperiod of late Spring and Autumn Period, and early period of early Warring StatesPeriod.Chapter Three: Periodization of Yuhuangmiao CultureOn the base of dating study of the Yuhuangmiao cemetery, I also discuss datingof other kinds of relics of this culture elaborately. At last, divide YuhuangmiaoCulture into four periods, which represent its early period, middle period, late periodand final period respectively, and their dates are mainly at the time of mid-late periodof middle Spring and Autumn Period to early period of late Spring and AutumnPeriod, middle period of late Spring and Autumn Period, late period of late Springand Autumn Period to early period of Warring States Period and early period ofmiddle Warring States Period.Chapter Four: The Source of Yuhuangmiao CultureThis part emphasizes on the source of Yuhuangmiao Culture. After comparisonwith other relevant relics (those spread in northern area, during the time around theperiod between the Western Zhou Dynasty Period and the Eastern Zhou DynastyPeriod) and material of early period of Yuhuangmiao Culture, I come to theconclusion that Upper layer Xiajiadian Culture is one of the most important sourcesof Yuhuangmiao Culture. The convert of these two among the mountainous areas innorth of Hebei Province is probably because the change of ethnic group who livedthere. The relics from Xibozi Remain shows that it’s highly possible thatYuhuangmiao Culture originates indigenously, but the direct of its source still needsto be found. Another important part of the source of Yuhuangmiao Culture is theculture distributes among middle-west part of the district around the Great Wall, thesimilarity between relics of this culture and Yuhuangmiao’s may mean that they havebeen made by the same ethnic group. Besides, bronze wares relics from the EurasianSteppe are also source of some wares of Yuhuangmiao Culture.Chapter Five: Social Condition Reflected by Yuhuangmiao Cemetery This part provides information about social conditions reflected by materials ofYuhuangmiao Cemetery, from the angle of sex, age, rank and social organizationstructure. Information about sex carried in the burial objects show that, there obvioushas division of labor between different ages and genders, in which adult male takemore social responsibilities. On account of the differences presented in aspects suchas tomb’s shape and structure, funeral objects and sacrifices buried together, I divideYuhuangmiao graves into three grades. Hierarchy exists, upper class include leaders,noble ladies married into this place and exclusive soldiers. Leading class of thesociety displays their supreme status on purpose, and has it presented and guardedeven after they are dead. In some rare cases, noble ladies who married into this placecan possess high rank still, but only when they had their own unique socialbackgrounds. Force is important in that society, it helps keep social condition steady,and also forwards soldier class to get higher social ranks.The social organization structure is basically studied by researching spatialarrangement of the cemetery and it shows that there have been groups divided by sexamong people at that time. Considering identities of the people, we can see that thereclearly has some kind of social relationship based society structure. Tomb Clustersmay represent communities formed by people of different rank and sex, also the sizeof those communities can be various, and so are their types. Tomb Districts, on theother hand, can be result of combine, expand or split of communities. At last, thewhole cemetery may represent a tribe.Chapter Six: ConclusionThis part contains summary of several major conclusions in my humble opinion,statement about deficiency of this research and some immature thoughts about issueswhich need profound discussion in the future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期