

From Formal Equality to Essential Equality

【作者】 刘婧娇

【导师】 宋宝安;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 社会保障学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 人类自古以来就有残疾人的存在,但是不同时代、不同国度残疾人的境遇、地位却迥然不同。随着生产力发展水平和文化发展水平的增长及国际交流的增多,人们对残疾人的观念也发生了相应的变化。旧残疾人观,将残疾视为个人的不幸,“宿命论”式地看待残疾的发生,否定他们的潜在能力和作为人的基本权利。相应地,对残疾人的救助也只是从慈善和道德层面展开,残疾人作为临时救济的接受者常常感到尊严的丧失。新残疾人观,将社会因素考虑其中,甚至认为残疾更多的是由社会因素造成的,因此社会必须为此负责任。同时,新残疾人观关于残疾的发生不再认为只是少数人的事情,而是作为全人类共同的问题,随着社会生活的复杂化,残疾随时会发生在很多人身上。这种由旧残疾人观向新残疾人观的转变,使得学界对于少数人的关心转向对于包括自身在内的全社会成员未来风险的关心,从而带来了该领域学术研究的高涨。社会保障资源的有限性仍然是当代社会的现实,考虑到国内外曾经或正在因社会分配不公引起社会福利负效应的先例,本文认为,将社会有限的资源通过公正的方式分配进而获得最大的社会效益,这是现实社会的需要。公正不是均等,而是对有差别的人予以差别的对待,以维持实质上的平等;反之,对于有差别的人予以相同的对待就是对公正的背离,最多仅是实现了形式上的平等。正是在这样的背景下,本文从需要的视角下对中国残疾人社会保障中的平等问题进行研究,目的是准确评估当前中国残疾人社会保障对平等的实践程度,明确残疾人社会保障在促进残疾人平等地位方面的应然状态,探索残疾人社会保障从实然状态向应然状态推进的关键因素,提出修正当前残疾人社会保障的方案以尽可能的接近实质平等。通过对残疾人当前可以享受到的社会保障的梳理,可以明确的是,当前中国残疾人可以享受到的社会保障项目分为一般性社会保障与特殊性社会保障,但是具体考察这些特殊社会保障制度本身以及制度发挥的效果,却发现现行的残疾人特殊社会保障并没有达到弥补残疾人同健全人差距的目的,所谓的平等往往流于形式,实际上残疾人同健全人间的阶层差距依然较大。这些问题包括:现行残疾人特殊社会保障制度标准较低,不能体现残疾人与健全人间的实际差距;制度分布表现出明显的地域差异;制度在落实过程中遭遇各种“阻碍”,致使制度最后没能惠及制度对象;即便是制度制定了、落实了,但运行效果又不尽人意,广大残疾人群体仍然面临贫困、疾病、失业、歧视的困扰。形式平等的残疾人社会保障显然需要改变,在理论上和实践上都可以证明:实质平等应该作为残疾人社会保障的价值追求。理论上,形式平等与实质平等存在以下几方面的差异与关系:形式平等是日常生活接触最多的平等形式,实质平等则带有理想化的成分,但也同样有价值;形式平等实现初级平等,实质平等实现高级平等;形式平等侧重程序上的平等,实质平等侧重结果上的平等;形式平等在政治领域是最合理的,实质平等在经济领域是最理想的;形式平等与实质平等都是需要重视的期待和价值,只是在不同的领域两者的擅长点不同。实践上,形式平等下的残疾人社会保障不利于残疾人“去商品化”;阻碍残疾人的实有人权获得;强化了“阶层化”效果;有违社会公正的追求。相比之下,实质平等基于对结果平等的强调和差别对待方式的认知,使社会保障能在残疾人家庭之外提供充分的外部支持,进而避免残疾人过度“商品化”;促进残疾人的人权由纸面上的应有人权向实践中的实有人权转化;有助于缩小残疾人同健全人之间的差距;有利于残疾人共享社会发展成果。既然实质平等是残疾人社会保障的价值追求,那么如何实现呢?本文认为满足差别需要的残疾人社会保障制度是促进实质平等的关键。实践的检验给出了答案:作为配套工具的社会保障缺乏独立性,难以走上正轨。社会保障的独立必须有一个内在的标准,这个“标准”就是人的需要,因为社会保障的本质就是满足人的需要,以需要为本的社会保障是人本主义的回归,是“以人为本”的真正践行。社会保障作为最直接满足人的需要的制度,必须紧紧贴合人的需要的特性而制定相应的对策,人是具有多样性的存在,人的需要也有千种万种,社会保障必须对此作出回应。反之,忽视差别需要的社会保障会阻碍残疾人的应有权利获得,还会造成供非所需和供不及需这样的供需错位。总结起来,主要有四对供需错位问题:重当代残疾人保障,轻残疾人子女保障;重残疾人经济保障,轻残疾人医疗服务保障;重收入型贫困,轻支出型贫困;重残疾人保障的制度制定,轻制度执行的规范与监督。而当前残疾人社会保障“轻”之处常常正是残疾人最需要之处。这些问题均指向一个关键性的问题——忽视差别需要的社会保障,会带来负福利效应,无法实现实质平等,正反两方面的论证最后得出结论:残疾人社会保障能否促进实质平等的关键在于社会保障制度能否注意并回应残疾人的差别需要。建立特殊社会保障作为对差别需要的回应,是今后中国残疾人社会保障改进的方向。社会保障与需要间的关系紧密,需要为社会保障制度提供一个清晰的发展框架并促进它的发展,需要理论本身就是社会福利制度中的重要理论,同时它又提供了分析社会福利问题的最佳视角。社会保障制度只有以人的需要为出发点来制定,以满足社会成员的需要为目的,才能更好的促进制度与对象人群间的互动,所以需要为本的社会保障制度就要根据需要的纵向变动与横向差异形成差异性的制度,由此,特殊社会保障作为残疾人差异需要的回应具有了可能性。同时,中国历史悠久的传统文化遗产,互帮互助精神成为每个人心中最深刻的人性,为残疾人特殊社会保障在当今中国的建立奠定了重要的文化基础和群众基础;国务院残疾人工作委员会和各级残疾人联合会奠定了残疾人工作的组织基础;国内四川省成都市积极探索新型的残疾人社会保障,进行“量体裁衣”式个性化服务的改造,成为国内根据残疾人的特殊需要而制定特殊社会保障制度的先例;英国“小而全、水平高”的残疾人社会保障,通过一系列丰富的专项补贴为残疾人生活与发展的各方面都提供细致周到的保障和服务,为残疾人的生活、学习、工作、康复创造了最大限度的方便,日本的残疾人社会保障在丰富而全面的专项法律保障下,采取一般性与特殊性相结合的社会保障提供方式,尤其是现代残疾人法律对残疾人权利主体地位的强调,将残疾人由被视为福利接受者、被保护者到被视为权利拥有者,突出了残疾人的主体地位。通过文化的支持、组织的支持,国内外宝贵经验的借鉴,将残疾人特殊社会保障制度由抽象层面推向实践层面,使其具有可操作化的意义。具体来说,本文对中国残疾人特殊社会保障制度的建立进行了构想,将其命名为“残疾人支援制度”。它是一个以残疾人为对象的,旨在满足残疾人包括生活、就业、医疗、康复、教育、服务等多方面需要以及残疾人子女教育、心理健康等方面需要的专项保障制度。用“支援”代替“救济”,意在摆脱从前对于残疾人医疗模式下那种异类、同情、怜悯、施舍的态度,代之以平等、尊重、共荣的态度。强调残疾人是个人主体权利的拥有者,是个人幸福的把握者,避免政策中传达出的弱势和歧视口吻。残疾人支援制度需要遵循四个原则:一般性与特殊性相结合的原则、平等与效率相结合的原则、权利与义务对等原则、保障水平适度性原则。残疾人支援制度的制定与执行要以残疾人的需要为出发点,通过实地调查获取残疾人需要的真实资料,并在制度制定中采取残疾人听证制度;在中央与地方建立残疾人专项资金,纳入各级政府预算之中,并且通过具体的制度对中央和地方各级政府的财政责任加以确定的划分,同时建立“中央调节基金”,用于对特别贫困地区予以倾斜补贴;完善残疾人支援制度的组织队伍建设,尤其注重基层组织建设;加强制度监管力度,将残疾人特殊社会保障工作纳入各级政府及相关部门人员的考核中去;在监督过程中,对于发现的欠合理之处,都需要及时的反馈,做到及时发现问题及时反馈,确保制度在动态之中,始终贴近残疾人的真实需要。

【Abstract】 From ancient times the disabled existed in society, but their situation and statusare very different. As the growth of the level of productivity development and culturaldevelopment and the increasing number of international communication, the conceptof the disabled also has changed accordingly. Old concept deems that disability ispersonal misfortune in a fatalistic view, denies their potential ability and their basicright as human. Under the influence of it, assistance for the disabled is carried out justfrom the charity and moral level, often increases the loss of dignity. Social factors areconsidered in new concept of the disabled; even it deems that disability is caused bysocial factors in most instances, so society must be responsible for it. The newconcept of the disabled deems the occurrence of disability is no longer to the few. Asa common problem to all mankind, disability maybe happens to everyone. The changefrom old to new concept of the disabled made the academic circles concerned futurerisks which all members of the society confront instead of few people, thus academicresearch in this field booms. Moreover, The limited resources of social security is stillthe reality of contemporary society, considering precedent of social welfare negativeeffects on account of social inequality that once or is happening at home and abroad, Ideems it is a need of social reality that allocates the limited resources of socialsecurity in a fair way and achieves maximum social benefits. Justice is not equal, isdifferent treatment to different people, in order to maintain essential equality; on thecontrary, giving different people the same treatment is deviation of justice,at mostrealizes formal equality. Just under such a background,this paper study on theformal equality and essential equality problem of Chinese social security for thedisabled under the perspective of need. The purpose is to accurately assess the currentdegree of equality in Chinese social society for the disabled, confirm the ought-to-besituation of social society for the disabled, explore the key factor from reality state toought-to-be state and provide optimization proposal of current social society for thedisabled in oreder to be close to substantive equality.Combing the current social security for the disabled, it is found that the disabledreceive general social society and special social society, however, investigate thesespecial social security and its effects, we can find that equality often becomes a mereformality. These problems are as follows:the standard of current social society for thedisabled are too low to show the gap between healthy people and the disabled; the system shows obvious regional differences; meets many obstacles in the process ofimplementing the effect is not so good as expected.It has been proved that essential equality should be the evaluation of socialsecurity for the disabled. The differences and relations between formal equality andessential equality are as follows: Formal equaity is close to people’s daily life,essential equality is idealistic,but it is also worthwhile; Formal equality realizes theprimary equality, essential equality realizes senior equality; formal equality focuseson procedural equality, essential equality focuses on result equality; formal equality isreasonable political field, essential equality is ideal in economic field; formal equalityand essential equality are important valuation, just represents at different fields. Socialsociety for the disabled is part of economic field, so in theory, essential equalityshould be the value basis. Practice also proved this conclusion. Formal equality ofsocial security for the disabled is bad for decommodification; hinders actual humanrights for the disabled, strengthens stratification effect; it is contrary to the politicalpursuit of social equlity and justice.By contrast, essential equality bases on theemphasize of result and cognize of different treatment, so that social society couldprovide sufficient external support, refrain from overly commodification; promotelegal human rights of the disabled to change available human right, is conducive tonarrow the gap between the healthy people and the disabled,menwhile is conduciveto share the fruits of social development.Since the substantive equality should be the evaluation of social security for thedisabled, meeting different needs is a key to achieve essential equality. Practice givesthe answer: social society is lack of independence as a supporting tool and is difficultto be on the right track. There must be an internal standard for the independence ofsocial security, this standard is human needs, because the essential of social security ismeeting human needs. Social security based on human needs is a practice of “peopleoriented”. Social security as a system meets human needs must closely connectedwith human needs, human needs are divers, and social security has to response to it.On the contrary, social security ignore the different needs will impend the disabled toacquire legal rights, and also cause dislocation of supply and demand. There are fourconflicts: pay most attention to contemporary security for the disabled, less attentionto the children of the disabled; pay most attention to ecnomic security for the disabled,less attention to medical or service security of the disabled; pay most attention toincome-producing povertyof the disabled, less attention to spending type poverty of the disabled; pay most attention to the formulation of the system, less attention tosupervise and implement. What is paid less attention to is jusr what the disabledimmediate needs. All these conflicts point to a key problem——social security ignorethe different needs may cause social welfare negative effects. Finally, this paper drawa conclusion: meeting different needs is a key to achieve essential equality for socialsecurity.The establishment of a special social security in response to different need is theimproving direction of social security for the disabled in China. Social security relatesclosely to needs, human needs provides a clear framework for the social securitysystem, and promote its development, the need theory is an important theory in socialwelfare system, and it provides the best view to analyze problems. Social securitybased on need must formulate different systems according to changes of human needs.So that it is possible for special social security to respond the different needs of thedisabled. The spirit of mutual help is the cultural heritage of China, which laid thecultural foundation and mass base;“The State Council Working Committee for theDisabled” and “China Disabled Persons Federation”at all levels laid theorganizationgal foundation; Chengdu, Sichuan Province explore new type of socialsecurity for the disabled actively, become a precedent that make special socialsecurity system according to the special needs of disabled persons. Social security forthe disabled in England is “small but comprehensive”,it provides careful and thoroughsecurity and service for the disabled people’s life and development through a series ofspecial subsidy, creates the maximum convenience for the life, study, work,rehabilitation of the disabled; Social security for the disabled in Japan takes thecombination of generality and particularity of social security,emphasizes theprincipal position of the rights of the disabled. All of these provide a practicalsignificance.This paper conceives a special social security for the disabled, which is called“Support system for the disabled”. It focus on the disabled, it is aimed at meeting allkinds of needs of the disabled, such as living,employment,medical,rehabilitation,education,service needs and their children’s education needs,mental health needs andso on. This paper uses “support” instead of “relief” to avoid sympathetic anddiscriminate attitude. Support system for the disabled requests starting with the needsof the disabled, acquire real data of needs through field survey, take the hearingsystem in the formulation of the system, set up a special fund in the central and local governments, perfect organization construction; strengthen the supervision systemand timely feedback information, try to make sure the “support system for thedisabled” is close to real needs of the disabled.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期
  • 【分类号】D669.69;D632.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1516
  • 攻读期成果