

The Study on Aider

【作者】 王鑫磊

【导师】 徐岱;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 刑法学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 帮助犯和教唆犯共同构成大陆法系共同犯罪中的狭义共犯。相对于教唆犯而言,帮助犯获得的理论关注度显然偏少。即使是在探讨共犯问题时,人们也更愿意将教唆犯的相关理论作为分析的重点。似乎共犯理论只要能够在教唆犯中予以体现和适用,那么对于帮助犯来说只要予以一并考虑即可。诚然,在共同犯罪中,帮助犯和教唆犯往往是“捆绑”在一起共同以狭义的共犯呈现在人们眼前,并在刑法理论中占据一席之地。但是,相对于教唆犯来说,帮助犯自身同样具有独立的理论品格,对帮助犯的研究不应仅仅局限在狭义共犯理论之中,更应就帮助犯自身展开研究。当然,对帮助犯进行研究的目的并不仅仅是为了弥补理论界对帮助犯关注的缺失,更为终极的目的是要在司法实践中准确界定帮助犯,并运用帮助犯理论解决司法实践中遇到的棘手问题。正确适用帮助犯可以从两个视角予以考察:首先,我们应当本着限定帮助犯适用的角度考察帮助犯。任何共犯形态都有着其自身的适用范围和标准,帮助犯同样也不例外。在刑法谦抑精神的要求下,帮助犯的成立必须界定在合理范围之内。否则,帮助犯成立范围的不当扩展与刑法谦抑精神相悖。其次,帮助犯的适用应当准确。帮助犯和其他共犯形态之间以及中立行为之间存在很多“模糊地带”,如果不能对帮助犯的适用范围准确界定,必然会侵犯其他共犯形态规制的“空间”范围。本文正是带着这样的研究思路对帮助犯的相关问题展开研究。本文首先从限制正犯概念入手展开全文的论述。因为正是以限制正犯概念为基础所构筑的区分制正犯体系在刑事立法上赋予了帮助犯独立的法律地位,为帮助犯的研究提供了更为广阔的空间。随后,对帮助犯处罚根据的探讨则是研究帮助犯无法绕开的基础理论问题。帮助犯处罚根据伴随着共犯处罚根据理论的不断演绎而众说纷纭。责任共犯论、不法共犯论的消亡而因果共犯论的兴起正迎合了共犯理论发展的趋势。尤其是因果共犯论中的折中惹起说是帮助犯处罚根据应当坚持的理论学说。对帮助犯成立条件的检讨则是在共犯理论基础之上更具针对性的研究内容。共犯从属性说认为,帮助犯成立的前提是正犯的存在。但是帮助犯在何种条件下依附于正犯又涉及到复杂的要素从属性理论。可以说,共犯从属性理论之间环环相扣,逻辑具有连续性,对其着以重视是十分必要的。帮助犯的成立必须从主观和客观两个方面进行考察,欠缺任何一个条件,帮助犯都不能成立。帮助犯的成立自然会带来另一个备受关注的问题,即帮助犯的界限。在区分制共犯体系之下,正确区分帮助犯与共同正犯、帮助犯与教唆犯具有定性与量刑的双重意义。而且,在日常生活中,人们在复杂的共同犯罪活动中,帮助犯同样存在各种各样的不同类型,特殊类型帮助犯的可罚性如何考量和界定也是研究帮助犯必须要予以阐明的问题。本文对帮助犯的研究基本是在大陆法系的框架内进行的,研究视角和研究内容主要还是以对大陆法系帮助犯的探讨为主,因为在大陆法系中,尤其是在区分制正犯体系之下帮助犯具有独立的立法地位。但是对大陆法系帮助犯的研究最终还要回归对我国刑事立法的思考。就目前来看,我国关于帮助犯的刑事立法还有诸多不尽人意之处。同时,我国对帮助犯研究的广度和深度也无法和大陆法系相比较,造成我国帮助犯研究薄弱的根源主要在于我国刑事立法中帮助犯并没有独立的法律地位。帮助犯的研究不能仅仅将研究视野局限在帮助犯本身,而应将其放置在整个共同犯罪理论之中,这样展开帮助犯研究就有了更为广阔的空间。本文对帮助犯的研究就是从共犯的基本理论出发,在不同的共犯立法模式之下找寻帮助犯的自身定位,并结合不同的理论学说围绕帮助犯进行研究。

【Abstract】 Joint crime is made up of abettor and aiding. However, aider gets less theoreticalattention than abettor. People prefer paying more attention to analyzing the relatedsituation of abettor when they discuss the joint offender. As long as the theory of jointoffender can be reflected and applied, then the aider should take into account as longas you can. In fact, aider and abettor often bundle together and present themselves asaccomplice in common sense in front of people. Also, they take a place in the theory ofcriminal law. But, as for instigator, aider itself also has independent quality of theory.The research of aider should not be limited in the theory of accomplice in commonsense, but also carry out the research on aider itself. This thesis will take aider as theresearch object, and the author will research it from independent status of criminal lawof aider, then the author will analyze punishment gist under the system of accomplicein narrow sense. Based on above two points, the thesis will discuss the establishmentcondition for abettor. The boundary and special type of abettor discuss the specialtheoretical and practical problem of aider in the range of the theory of aider. Thisthesis follows the research way which is from outside into inside, and try to strip offthe veil of abettor. Finally, the complicity form of abettor will be presented completelyin front of people. Certainly, the purpose of research on abettor is not only just tocompensate the lack of attention of theorists on abettor, but also aims to define abettorin juridical practice and use the theory of abettor settle the troublesome problem injuridical practice. Correctly apply abettor can be examined from two perspectives. First,we should limit the application of aiding.Any accomplice form has its own scope ofapplication and standards, the abettor is no exception. Under the request of austerity ofcriminal law sprit, the establishment of abettor must be in the reasonable range.Otherwise, the improper extension on establishment of abettor will add odds with thespirit of austerity of criminal law. Second, aider applicable should be accurate. Thereare a lot of “twilight zone” among abettor, other accomplice form and neutralehandlung. If the applicable scope of aider cannot be defined accurately, the “space”rang which is stipulated by some other accomplice form will be inevitably infringed. Of course, the purpose of the study to the aider is not only to compensate for thelack of attention that theorists payed to the aider, the more ultimate aim is to accuratelydefine the aiders in judicial practice and apply the theory of the aider to help solve thethorny issue in judicial practice.Appling to the aider accurately can be studied fromtwo perspectives: Firstly, we should study the aider from the perspective ofapplicance to limit the aider. All the form of accomplice have their own scope ofapplication and standards, the aider is no exception similarly. Under the requirementof spirit that restraining the criminal law, the aider must be defined within a reasonablerange. Otherwise, the improper extension to the scope of the aider is contrary to thespirit of restraining criminal law. Secondly, the applicance to the aiders should beaccurate. There exist much "gray area" in the aiders, other form of accomplice andneutral behavior, if you can not accurately define the scope of the aiders, it inevitablyinfringe "space" range to regulation of other forms of accomplice. With this research,the article is thought to answer the relevant questions offenders of the aiders.Firstly, this paper discusses the full text from the start of limiting committingconcept, because distinction made committing system that based on the concept oflimited committing gives the aider independent legal status in criminal legislation, itprovide a wider space to help research the aider.Then explore of the punishmentfoundation to the aider is the study of abettor theory problems that can not bebypassed. The punishment foundation of the aider become divergent along withcontinuous deduction of the punishment foundation with accomplice. On the rise of anaccomplice liability, wrongful demise causal theory of an accomplice an accomplice anaccomplice theory is to meet the claims of other theories. Especially causal theory ofan accomplice sparked says compromise is to aider should be punished according toadhere to doctrine.Committed to aiders’ establishment of conditions for review isbased on the theory of accomplice more targeted research. an accomplice from theproperty, said the view that aider is established to the presence of committing. But theaider committing the conditions under which they attached to complex factors involvedfrom the property theory. It can be said, from an accomplice between the theoreticalproperties of a chain, the logic of continuity, with its emphasis is very necessary.Theaider must examine both the subjective and objective, the lack of any one of theconditions that the aider can not be established. The aider will naturally help bringanother area of concern, namely to the aiders’ boundaries. Under the distinguished accomplice system, distinguishing the aider and joint principal offender,the aiderand abettor correctly has a double meaning in qualitation and senten.Moreover, ineveryday life, people are common in complex criminal activities, the aider make thesame that there are a variety of different types, a special type of aider can be fined anddefine how considerations must also be a clear issue that researching the aider.This paper that studies the aider is within the framework of civil law, it is carriedout to study the perspectives and research is primarily based on the research on theaider in civil law, because in civil law, especially under the distinction madecommitting system, the aider is separate legislative status. However, research onthe civil law taider will eventually be returning consideration of criminal legislation.For now, our criminal legislation on tha aider have much lack. Meanwhile, Chineseresearch that committed to the breadth and depth of the aiders can not be comparedwith the civil law, it result that the root of the weak research to the aider in China liesmainly in our criminal legislation the aider has no independent legal status. Theresearch on the aider is not just confined to the research vision to the aider itself, butshould be placed it through all the theory of common crime,it has a broader space tothe research on the aider. This paper that studies aider is starting from the basic theoryof accomplice, finding the aiders’ location under different legislative models to theaccomplice and researching on combining the different theories about the study to theaider.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期