

Study On Self-salvation Action

【作者】 冷翠玲

【导师】 徐岱;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 刑法学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 自救行为,是指权益被侵害的人,不可能依靠国家机关或法律程序维护权益或者受损权益明显难以得到补偿的时候,依靠自己的力量进行权益救济,从而被法律和社会道德伦理所认可的行为。自救行为作为正当化事由的一种,并未被纳入到整个刑法理论和体系框架中去考察,这使得自救行为在整个刑法体系中“无法立足”。立法的空白,使得现实生活中时常发生的诸多自救行为不能得到同一的对待(如“湖南黄中权案”和“沈阳白玉案”的不同结果),这在某种程度上损害了刑法的权威和其自身应有功能的发挥。本文从时间和空间两个维度,运用历史研究、比较研究、价值分析等研究方法,对自救行为理论进行阐述,在确保我国现有刑法理论完整性的基础上指出自救行为的构成要件并提出自救行为的法定化构想。从“紧急时无法律”的法谚出发,从时间和空间维度对源自于复仇的自救行为的历史进行阐述,通过对国内外不同国家和地区关于自救行为的立法规定的梳理,介绍不同国家和地区对自救行为在公民权利救济发展史中的态度,同时对自救行为在各个国家和地区的立法变化进行总结,为自救行为未来的法定化提供史料以及立法的支撑和参考。自救行为被认为是正当的,满足一定条件时可以允许其存在。这种正当性的理论基础可以从不同视角去探寻。首先,从法理学的视角出发,分析自救行为的法哲学价值并对自救行为的秩序、正义、效益等价值进行法理解读;对个人权利和国家权力之间的力量博弈进行分析,指出自救行为在公权力体系中的地位;分析公民自救权的行使与法律信仰及法律情感的关系。其次,从刑法学视角出发,分析自救行为在刑法学理论中应否予以正当化论争的理由,对自救行为的正当化进行分析,同时对自救行为在刑法理论中的不同学说进行介绍和评析,提出本文的观点,即社会相当性理论的倡导,并对适用社会相当性理论的典型案例进行分析,从刑法理论基础和司法实践需要角度对自救行为的正当性进行解读。自救行为虽然未被纳入到刑事立法的范畴,但刑法理论界对自救行为的正当性及违法阻却性已经达成普遍共识,只是对于自救行为在刑法体系中究竟处于何种地位还存在着不同的论争。通过对自救行为在刑法体系中处于何种地位所涉及的各种学说,即正当行为说、紧急行为说、防卫行为说、期待可能性说、允许的危险说等学说的介绍和分析,对自救行为与违法阻却事由及与超法规违法阻却事由的关系进行解读。对我国现有的犯罪构成理论体系进行分析,指出双层次的犯罪构成理论框架下自救行为在刑法体系中的应有地位。对自救行为的概念、特征、本质和分类进行厘定,指出本文所确立的自救行为的范畴。根据自救行为在我国刑法体系中的地位,具体阐述自救行为的成立要件,区别自救行为与相关行为,如自救行为与正当防卫、紧急避险、民事自助行为、扭送等的关联,以期减少自救行为理论在司法适用中的误区。通过对现行刑法中与自救行为相关的规范条文的解读,分析自救行为法定化的必要性和可行性,指出自救行为法定化可供选择的各种路径,提出自救行为的法定化构想,使其与我国现有的刑法体系相契合。自救行为与法治原则的理念不会发生冲突,自救行为能够保障法治的完善,因此,不应该禁止其法定化。任何事物都具有两面性,自救行为也不例外,它也是一把“双刃剑”,在认可自救行为阻却违法的同时,也要限制其自身无法避免的副作用。与其他立法相比,刑事立法具有特殊性,承认自救行为的违法阻却性,将其作为紧急状态下权益救济的手段,是刑事法治的应有之义。

【Abstract】 Self-salvation Action refers to a behavior which relies on one’s own strength toprotect his/her legal right with the recognition of legal and social ethics, in that case,his/her legal right is infringed but cannot be or obviously difficult to be compensatedby legal procedure or authorities in-charge. As one of justifiable acts, Self-salvationAction has not been incorporated into the system of criminal law theory andframework, and which makes such Self-salvation Action “cannot survive." throughoutthe criminal justice system. The absent of legislation regarding Self-salvation Actionleads to inconsistent treatment in real life, and to some extent, harm the properfunction of criminal law itself.The paper explains Self-salvation Action theory from two dimensions of time andspace, and apply the methods of the Historical research, Comparative study and Valueanalysis he constituent elements and legislative idea of Self-salvation Action has beenformulated on the basis to ensure that our existing criminal law theory.From the legal saying of “no law for emergancy", the history of Self-salvationAction has been explained from the time dimension, and introduces the attitude of theright relief in development of Self-salvation Action; and introduces the example ofSelf-salvation Action from the space dimension through analyzing the legislation ofthe different regions of the countries and areas, which apply the history materials andlegislation for the Self-salvation Action in the future.Self-salvation Action has regarded as justness and could be exist under certaincondition. The theoretical basis of legitimacy could be explored from differentperspectives. First, from the perspective of jurisprudence to analysis the natural lawbased on, social and ethical basis for belief in Self-salvation Action and legal rightsand legal emotional relationships of Self-salvation Action; And analysis of the powergame between individual rights and State power and put out the place of Self-salvationAction in the public power system. Second, analysis the justness of the Self-salvation Action and variety theories of self-salvation Action the basis of criminal law; andpoints the reason of advocate of the theory of social considerable, and analysis thetypical case from the angle of theoretical foundations of criminal law and the need ofjudicial practice.Although Self-salvation Action has not been included in the scope of legislation,the justification of the Self-salvation Action has already reached general consensusexcept the status. Introduce and analysis the doctrine of Self-salvation Action in avariety of position involved in the criminal justice system: proper behavior, saidemergency acts that defensive behavior that anticipated possibility that dangerousallowed, and explains the relationship among Self-salvation Action, justifiable causeand crime, points that Self-salvation Action should take a place in the criminal justicesystem.To define the concept, characteristics, nature and classification of Self-salvationAction, and discuss the necessary establishment elements of Self-salvation Action, anddistinguish relevant problems associated with Self-salvation Action, such acts ofSelf-salvation Action and self-defense, emergency hedge, self behavior, seized andturned over such distinction.Through the relevant interpretation of existing provisions of the Criminal Code ofconduct regarding Self-salvation Action, analysis the necessity and feasibility oflegislation, proposed legislation the idea of Self-salvation Action behavior.Self-salvation Action does not conflict with the rule of law; on the contrary,Self-salvation Action is one of protection for law. Self-salvation Action is not aPandora’s Box, which should not be imprisoned. But we should also recognize thatthere are two sides of a coin, and when we approve Self-salvation Action, we also mustrecognize its limitation. Unlike other criminal legislation, it is the most appropriate,which treats Self-salvation Action as justifiable cause under emergency circumstances.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期