

Construct New Country: Studies of Liang Qichao’s Thought of Modern State Construction (1911-1915)

【作者】 岳强

【导师】 颜德如;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 政治学理论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 近代以来,中国的国家现代转型处于剧烈变动期,尤其是辛亥革命的发生,加速了这一变革进程。不久,中华民国建立,中国进入了一个短暂的建设时期。对于这一时代主题的变化,梁启超当时有着清醒的认识。为此,他相继发表一系列文章和演说,阐述自己对于新国家建设的主张和看法。1912年底归国后,梁启超随即参加到民初政治建设之中,先后担任司法总长和财政总长,并积极组织政党加入议会斗争。在此过程中,梁启超又先后发表一系列文章,对民初共和建设发表意见和观点。深厚的中外政治理论功底和直接参与民初共和建设的政治实践,使梁启超的新国家建设思想不仅自成体系,而且内容丰富,具有实践指导价值。由于各种主客观原因,梁启超的民初建国主张未能得到真正实践。但是,其对建设现代国家做出的有益探索,以及某些观点和主张,对于仍然处于现代转型过程的今天,具有重要的启示意义。本文以1911至1915年间梁启超现代国家建设思想为研究对象,通过分析其建设思想的产生、政治设施建设的设想、政治主体建设的探索和建设路径等问题,透视梁启超建设现代国家的理论基础、观点主张和思想特征,展示中国现代转型的复杂性和曲折性。在此基础上,结合民初中国实际发展状况,反思梁启超的建国主张未能实践的原因,揭示思想与实践、政治与社会、制度与道德的复杂互动过程,探寻梁启超民初建设思想的现代启示。众所周知,梁启超的现代国家建设思想受到中外学说的影响。总体来看,以中国传统文化为核心的中学、清末传入中国的西学,以及受到西方学说影响的东学,构成其主要思想来源。具体来说:在中学方面,以孔子为核心的传统儒学、明末清初的经世思潮和清中后期的改良思想,对梁启超的影响最大,在其相关论著和言论中都有反映。在西学方面,通过受学于康有为、与外国传教士和具有西学知识的士大夫结交等途径,梁启超接触到了西方学说,不仅得到一般政治学理论和思想的知识,而且对西方各国的政治制度及其运行有了初步了解。尤其是在强学会活动期间,梁启超尽力收揽和阅读了一些西方报刊和翻译书籍,西学功底得到加强。然而,受到国内客观条件的限制,戊戌之前梁启超接触到的西学多为支离片段,无论从知识广度和深度上都显得单薄。在东学方面,以明治学者思想为核心的日本学说,成为梁启超接受西学的主要媒介,也是梁启超现代国家建设思想的主要来源。这一时期,梁启超阅读了福泽谕吉、中村正直、中江兆民、浮田和民、加藤弘之、德富苏峰等日本学者的著作,对他们的学说有了了解和认知,在社会史观、国民观、世界观和国家观上发生很大转变。通过阅读这些日本学者著作,卢梭为代表的自由民权学说和伯伦知理为代表的国家学说在梁启超思想中留下深刻印记,成为以后发表政论的重要思想依据,也在其民国前后言论中也有鲜明体现。从政治建设方略的视角来看,梁启超现代国家建设思想主要涉及政治设施建设和政治主体建设两个方面。在政治设施建设方面,梁启超倡导立法、行政和司法三分权力格局,主张以建设强有力政府为核心,合理发展政党政治和议会政治,科学规划国家结构,努力建成适合中国国情的现代立宪政治。梁启超认为,受到中国国情的限制,建设现代新国家要取得成效,就需要首先建设一个强有力政府,由其实施保育政策,带领其他各项事业发展。正确理解梁启超所谓的强有力政府,当注意以下几点:第一,强有力政府以立法、行政、司法权力三分及其科学架构为前提,只有三权保持既相互独立又彼此协调的关系,政府才是强有力的。为此,要合理划分议会、内阁和政府的权限,以宪法明确三者的运行过程及其关系。第二,强有力政府包含两层涵义,在力量程度上要实现强大,在道德属性上要维持良善。简而言之,强有力政府必是强善政府。第三,强有力政府的建设不是一蹴而就的,内中包含若干步骤和阶段。其中,建设强有力中央政府处于优先地位,其也是完成其他一切建设的核心和前提。在政治主体建设方面,梁启超对民国前后的国民状况和现代国民的培育进行了阐述。在他看来,民国前后国人的观念和能力,与现代国民存在较大的差距。具体来说:在观念上,个人倾向显著、部落思想盛行、公共观念薄弱、过于关注“当下”,以及存在诸多错误共和观念,构成当时国人的重要特色;在能力上,缺乏自治能力、运用合议机关的能力和实行政党政治的能力,成为当时国人普遍存在的问题。一言以蔽之,当时国人还处于现代转型的初期,尽管在他们身上能够看到某些新思想的因素,而且其中不乏接受国外西学教育的开明分子,但总体上看,旧思想、旧文化仍然占据主体地位,臣民观念在当时国人中十分普遍。从短期来看,这种国民状况不利于民初的共和政治建设;从长远来看,如果不能很快转变,国民程度与国家制度脱节产生的种种弊端将会大大阻滞中国的现代国家建设进程,严重者还可能导致国家分裂和内乱。因此,培育现代国民就成为亟待推进的工作。如何实现现代国民培育?梁启超认为,在培育内容上,要以兴味、品性和智识为核心,提升国民基本素养;在培育方式上,以政府的保育、教育的陶铸和舆论的熏染为手段,发挥各种社会力量之合力。梁启超现代国家建设思想内容丰富而完备,在民初时期的各种建国主张中自成一种体系。在梁启超那里,精英与大众共同推动现代国家建设,成为一大特色。现代国家首先是国民国家,国民既是国家的所有者也是建设者。精英与大众作为社会自然形成的两大群体,在现代国家建设中都具有义不容辞的责任。然而,二者的责任大小和作用范围又存在着差别。具体来说:作为一国精英的智识阶级,在现代国家建设过程中要发挥引领和改造作用。梁启超认为,一国之气运恒在少数人士,智识阶级掌握着国家各部门的枢机。智识阶级只有具备相应的品行,包括优秀的品质、出众的学识、良好的誉望和崇高的道德,才可能承担起建设的重任。在国民中占据大多数的普通大众,则要积极参与和推动现代国家建设。普通大众参与国家政治的途径主要有三:政治投票、政治选举和政治表达。由于素质和能力较低的缘故,有必要通过普施义务教育和发展社会教育,提升普通大众的参与意识和能力。尽管梁启超的现代国家建设思想和主张具有很多合理性,但在民初纷繁复杂的国内外形势下,并没有得到实践。原因很多,本文认为,主要可从以下两个方面来认识:从主观方面来看,梁启超过度信任和倚赖袁世凯,使其建设方案的施行基础不牢,反而为袁世凯推行专制和帝制提供了便利;从客观方面来看,国人缺乏现代政治素养和经验、共和政治实践空间有限,构成梁启超建设方案施行的重要障碍。民国初年及其以后,梁启超的现代国家建设思想都未能得到实践。从政治史上看,也许是一种失败。但如果从中国近代政治思想演变历程来看,其进步性十分明显,具有不容忽视的重大价值和意义。其内在的某些合理主张和思想光辉,以及与民初政治实践之间的复杂互动关系,对于今天仍然处于转型时期的中国具有重要启示意义。具体来说:第一,政治改革当坚持走中国道路。中国的现代国家转型,需要稳定的国际国内环境作保障,尤其是一个安定统一的国内政治局面,对于转型的成功意义重大。政治改革作为国家建设的重要方面,应该借鉴吸收中外古今一切成果和经验,但由于中国的特殊国情,坚持走中国道路应当成为基本坚守。第二,协调推进政治建设与社会建设。政治建设不是一项独立工程,必须在国家建设的有机体中才能收到应有成效。其中,尤其要重视政治建设与社会建设的协调问题。政治产生于社会,又作用于社会,只有二者保持协调和同步,现代国家建设才有可能成功。第三,调节好精英与大众的关系,发挥二者合力。现代国家建设是一项全民事业,既要发挥精英在国家建设过程中的引领作用,又要重视大众的参与和推动作用。第四,改革者要努力具备大智慧和强毅力。改革作为当下中国实现现代转型的方式,改革者的智慧和毅力将深刻影响改革的成败。

【Abstract】 Since the outbreak of the Opium War, China’ modern transformation had being in adrastic changing period. Especially, the revolution of1911accelerated the changingprocess. Soon, the Republic of China established, China entered a short constructingperiod. To the Changes of the theme of the times, Liang Qichao had a clearunderstanding. Therefore, he published a series of articles and speeches for expoundinghis ideas and opinions on the new country construction. By the end of1912, LiangQichao immediately participated in the political construction of the Republic of China.He had successively served as the minister of justice and minister of finance, andactively organized parties to join in parliament struggle. In this process, Liang Qichaohad published a series of articles to comment on the construction of the republic.Abundant Chinese and foreign political theory and direct participation in the republicpolitical practice, make Liang Qichao’s new country construction thought not onlysystematic, but also rich in content and practical value. Because of various of subjectiveand objective reasons, Liang Qichao’ claims had not been really practiced. However, hisbeneficial exploration to construct modern state, and some views, has the importantenlightenment significance for today still in the process of modernization.In this paper, Liang Qichao’ modern state construction thought between1911to1915is as the object of study. Through analysing the naissance of construction thought,the imagining to political establishment construction, the exploration to political subjectconstruction and construction path, perspects the theoretical basis, views andideological characteristics of Liang Qichao’ modern state construction thought, revealsthe complexity and tortuosity of China’ modern transformation. On this basis, combinedwith the actual situation of national development, rethinks the reasons of Liang Qichao’construction claim has not been practiced, reveals the complex interactive process ofthought and practice, politic and society, institution and moral, explores the enlightenment of Liang Qichao’ thought of the construction of the republic for modernchina.As everyone knows, Liang Qichao’s modern nation building thought getsinfluenced by Chinese and foreign theory. Overall, the traditional culture as the core ofChinese theory, the incomed western theory, and east theory influenced by westerntheory, constitute the main source of his thought. Specifically speaking, in the aspect ofChinese theory, traditional Confucianism that Confucius as the core, statecraftideological trend in the late Ming and early Qing, and improvement thought of late QingDynasty, had the biggest influence on Liang Qichao, which were reflected in LiangQichao’ related articles and comments. In the aspect of western theory, by learning fromKang Youwei, getting to know foreign missionaries and scholar-bureaucrat who hadwestern knowledge, Liang Qichao came into contact with western theory. He not onlygot the general political theory and ideaistic knowledge, but also had a preliminaryunderstanding of the political system and its operation in western countries. Especiallyduring the period of Qiang Xue Hui, by collecting and reading some westernnewspapers and translated books, Liang Qichao’ western knowledge Become richer.However, by the restrictions of the domestic objective conditions, Liang Qichao’western knowledge mostly was fragmentized before the times of Wu Xu, the breadthand depth of knowledge was thin. In the aspect of east theory, the thought of scholars inthe times of Min Zhi became the main media Liang Qichao accepted western theory,also was the major source of Liang Qichao’ modern state construction thought. Duringthis period, Liang Qichao read the works of Fu Ze Yu Ji, Zhong Cun Zheng Zhi, ZhongJiang Zhao Min, Fu Tian He Min, Jia Teng Hong Zhi, De Fu Su Feng etc.. He had theunderstanding and cognition of their doctrine.His concept to the development of thesociety, world and state had great changes. By reading these Japanese scholars’ works,Rousseau as the representative of the democratic theories and Bluntschli as therepresentative of the state theory, left a profound mark on Liang Qichao’ thought,became the important ideaistic basis on which he published political views later, alsohad a vivid expression in his views on politics in the period of the Republic of China.From the general plan of political construction, Liang Qichao’ modern stateconstruction thought mainly involves two aspects of political infrastructure constructionand political subject construction. In the aspect of political infrastructure construction,Liang Qichao advocated that tripartite power pattern of lawmaking, administration and judicature, advocated building a strong government as the core, rationally developedparty politics and parliamentary politics, scientificly planed state structure, strive tobuild a modern constitutional politics suit Chinese conditions. Liang Qichao believedthat, by the limit of Chinese condition, to get a result in constructing modern state,firstly we need build a strong government, which carried out protective policy, leadedother undertakings developing. Correctly understanding Liang Qichao’s stronggovernment, we need pay attention to the following points: First, the premise of stronggovernment is tripartite power pattern of lawmaking, administration and judicature.Only three powers maintain independent and coordinated each other, the government isstrong. Therefore, should rationally divide the power of parliament, cabinet and thegovernment, clear and definite the running process and mutual relationship of the threepowers through constitution. Second, strong government contains two meanings,achieving strong in the strength degree, maintaining virtuous in the moral attribute. Inshort, strong government must be strong good government. Third, building a stronggovernment is not accomplished at one stroke, which contains several steps and stages.Among them, the construction of a strong central government is preferential, which isthe core and premise to complete other construction.In the construction of political subject, Liang Qichao discussed the national statusand the cultivation of modern national before and after the Republic of China. In hisview, there is a big gap between the national before and after the Republic of China andmodern national in concept and capability. Specifically: On the concept, prominentpersonal tend, prevailing tribal thought, weak public concept, focus on ‘the present’ toomuch, and several incorrect republic concept, constituted the important characteristicsof the countrymen; On ability, lack of autonomy ability, ability to apply the collegialorgans and practice the party politics, became a common problem. In a word, then thecountrymen were still in the early stages of the modern transformation. Although theyhad some new ideas, and there was no lack of enlightened people accepted foreignwestern education among them, but overall, old ideas and old culture was still in mainposition, the concept of subjects of a feudal ruler was very common in countrymen atthat time. In the short term, the national condition is against for early republicanconstruction. In the long run, if we don’t change soon, the gappy shortcomings betweenthe national level and the national system will greatly block the process of China’smodern state construction, some severe cases even can lead to national division and domestic strife. Therefore, cultivating the modern national has become to urgent work.How to cultivate the modern national? Liang Qichao believes that, on the cultivatingcontent, interest, personality, and knowledge as the core, promoting national basicaccomplishment. In the way of cultivating, the conservation of government, thecultivating of education, and edifying of consensus as the means, playing the resultantforce from all kinds of social forces.Liang Qichao’s thought about the construction of modern state is rich and completein content, forming a unique system in the early period of the Republic of China. Inliang Qichao, elite and mass jointly promote the construction of modern state, tobecome a feature. Modern state first is national, national is the owner and builder of thestate. Elite and mass should undertake duty-bound responsibility in the construction ofmodern state as a the two major social group. However, the size and scope ofresponsibility are different. Specifically, as the country’s elite, intellectual class shouldplay a role of leading and reforming in the process of construction of modern state.Liang Qichao believed that the fate of a state often was held by a minority of people.The intellectual class mastered the hinge of departments of state. Intellectual class whoonly has corresponding quality and behavior including the excellent quality, superiorlearning, good fame and lofty moral, just may to undertake the important task ofconstruction. Mass who makes up the majority of national, should actively participate inthe construction of modern state and promote it. The way mass participates in nationalpolitics is mainly in the following three: Political voting, political electing and politicalexpressing. Because of the low quality and ability, it is necessary that developinguniversal compulsory education and social education for promoting the participationconsciousness and participation ability of the mass. In spite of Liang Qichao’s thoughtabout the construction of the modern state has prodigious rationality, but in thecomplicated situation both at home and abroad, didn’t get practice. There were manyreasons. This paper argues that we could understand mainly from the following twoaspects: in the aspect of subjectivity, Liang Qichao excessively trust and rely on YuanShikai, which results in the executive basic of construction scheme is not firm,accordingly provides convenience for Yuan Shikai’ despotism and monarchy; in theaspect of impersonality, the national lack of modern political accomplishment andexperience, the space of republican political practice limited, are the important obstaclesof the practice of Liang Qichao’ construction scheme. In the early years and later of the republic of China, Liang Qichao’s thought aboutthe construction of the modern state has failed to get practice. It may be a failure in thepolitical history. But it is progressive obviously in Chinese political thought evolution,its, having the important value and significance which is not allow to ignore. Its someinherent reasonable proposals and ideas, and the complex interactive relationship withearly political practice of the republic of China, have the vital significance for thepresent China still in a transition period. Specifically: First, Chinese political reformshould adhere to own road. China’s modern transformation needs a stable internationaland domestic environment, especially a stable unitive domestic political situation forsuccessful transformation. As one of the most important aspects of the nationalconstruction, political reform should absorb any achievement and experience. However,because of the special national conditions, It should become the basic stick that Chinaadheres to own road. Second, political construction keeps harmonious with socialconstruction. Political construction is not a separate project, must be in the wholenational construction. Especially should pay attention to the coordination of politicalconstruction and social construction. Politics not only come from society, but also effecton society. They only keep harmonious, the construction of modern state may besuccessful. Third, to adjust the relationship between elite and mass, exerting theirresultant force. Construction of the modern state is a national enterprise, not only elitemust play a leading role, but also pay attention to the participation and promoting ofmass. Fourth, the reformers should industriously possess great wisdom and strongperseverance. Reform as the way of realizing the modern transformation in China,wisdom and perseverance of reformers will deeply influence the reform.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期