

Corporate Social Responsibility Fit and Consumer Brand Attitude: Research on the Conditional Indirect Effect and Moderated Effect

【作者】 袁海霞

【导师】 田虹;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 企业管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 品牌通过为客户提供其所需要的产品或服务的特定属性来使其满意。品牌提供的符号价值在产品差异化的过程中有重要作用。但随着市场竞争的加剧,依靠传统属性实现产品差异化的开发潜力越来越小,企业迫切需要一种新的营销手段来提高产品的符号价值,构建高区分度的消费者品牌态度。企业社会责任作为能够带来竞争差异化机会的定位策略受到普遍关注。然而企业慈善、善因促销、公益营销、社会营销等多样化的企业社会责任表现又给管理人员带来一个新的难题:并非所有的企业社会责任活动都够取得成功,如何选择一个合适的社会事业使企业获得相对最佳收益,成为困扰管理人员的又一难题。企业社会责任匹配性被认为是解决这一问题的关键。所谓的企业社会责任匹配性是指社会事业与企业产品线、企业形象、市场定位、目标市场、企业使命和价值的逻辑联系。尽管大部分研究认为企业社会责任匹配性越高效果越好,但也有研究认为这二者间的关系是不确定的,事实上有很多企业从事与其并不匹配的社会事业也取得了最终的成功。不论企业信誉如何,匹配性都不会影响消费者态度。为有效解决现有研究中关于企业社会责任匹配性营销效果的矛盾,本文引入了社会事业亲和力和利他性价值观两个调节变量,基于利他性归因的中介作用研究企业社会责任匹配性对消费者品牌态度产生的条件化间接效果及调节效应。匹配性这一概念源于品牌延伸与品牌联合领域,更多关注了无形资产的结合。但对从业者来说,匹配不仅包括无形资产,还包括有形资产。现有研究对企业社会责任匹配性进行研究时,多从匹配性的水平出发进行了研究,少有研究探讨过企业社会责任匹配性的类型。为此,本文在对现有研究分析的基础上,从功能匹配和形象匹配两个方面进行研究,解析企业社会责任匹配性的二元性。现有研究大都基于品牌延伸理论、品牌联合理论与情感迁移模型等来解释匹配性的作用效果。但这些理论存在的基础是对联合者积极的认知和情感,而现有研究在对企业社会责任匹配性进行研究时,并未对社会事业的特性进行度量,忽略了产品延伸评价中的关键因素可能是导致研究结论存在分歧的重要原因之一。因此,社会事业亲和力在一定程度上能够揭示企业社会责任匹配性通过利他性归因对消费者品牌态度产生的条件化间接效果。企业社会责任所引发的消费者响应更多的是一种伦理上的反应,消费者价值观在其伦理消费行为中扮演着重要作用。而现有文献对企业社会责任匹配性研究时,大都考察了与企业有关的因素,并未关注消费者个人特质的影响。虽然企业责任匹配性为品牌所提供的符号价值在消费者自我构念的形成中发挥着重要作用,但并非自我构念的全部,脱离消费者的个人特质来研究企业社会责任匹配性的影响效果也很难获得一致的结论。因此,本文对利他性价值观的引入也能够在一定程度上解决上述研究中存在的矛盾。在借鉴前人研究的基础上,本文采用实验法对上述问题进行了实证检验。结果表明,功能匹配和形象匹配正向影响消费者品牌态度和利他性归因,与形象匹配相比功能匹配的影响效果更大。关于利他性归因的中介作用,实证结果表明功能匹配和形象匹配不仅能够直接影响消费者品牌态度,而且还可以通过利他性归因的中介作用间接影响消费者品牌态度。简言之,利他性归因是功能匹配与形象匹配对消费者品牌态度影响的中介变量。关于社会事业亲和力的调节作用,实证检验结果表明社会事业亲和力强化了功能匹配对利他性归因的正向影响而削弱了形象匹配对利他性归因的正向影响。具体而言,当社会事业亲和力较高时,功能匹配显著正向影响利他性归因,而形象匹配对利他性归因的影响则不显著;当社会事业亲和力较低时,功能匹配对利他性归因的影响不显著,而形象匹配的影响则显著。关于利他性价值观的调节作用,实证结果表明利他性价值观正向调节了利他性归因对消费者品牌态度的影响。具体而言,对利他性价值观较高的个体来说,为防止被操纵和欺骗,个体对企业社会责任活动信息的评估会比较严格,企业社会责任活动的利他性归因是影响消费者品牌态度的重要因素。而对利他主义价值观较低的个体来说,企业社会责任行为不会威胁其自我认同与自我概念,而且他们也能够理解企业从事社会责任的多重动机。因此,对这类个体来说利他性归因对消费者品牌态度影响的效果并不显著。关于企业社会责任匹配性通过利他性归因对消费者品牌态度产生的条件化间接效果,实证结果表明功能匹配和形象匹配通过利他性归因对消费者品牌态度的间接影响取决于社会事业亲和力和利他性价值观。具体而言,首先,当社会事业亲和力较高时,功能匹配通过利他性归因间接影响消费者品牌态度,而当社会事业亲和力较低时,这一间接影响并不显著。形象匹配的情况则与此相反。其次,对利他性价值观较高的消费者来说,功能匹配和形象匹配通过利他性归因间接影响消费者品牌态度,而对利他性价值观较低的消费者来说,这一间接影响则不显著。本文的实证研究结果表明,对企业社会责任匹配性的二元性进行区分是非常有必要的,笼统地以企业社会责任匹配性为研究对象会掩盖企业社会责任匹配性影响效果的本质。本文对企业社会责任领域内消费者归因理论进行了整合,结合消费者品牌态度形成的关键因素,根据折扣原则,从利他性归因视角对企业社会责任匹配性与消费者品牌态度之间的关系进行了研究,揭示了企业社会责任匹配性对消费者品牌态度影响的作用机制,而且也为企业社会责任的研究提供了一个新的视角。本研究对社会事业亲和力和利他性价值观两个调节变量的引入也在一定程度上解释了企业社会责任匹配性通过利他性归因对消费者品牌态度产生的条件化间接效果,对解决现有研究中存在的矛盾也提供了一个新的思路,弥补了前人在利用品牌延伸理论、品牌联合理论与情感迁移模型等在解释企业社会责任匹配性的影响时存在的局限,同时也丰富与深化了现有的理论成果。最后,探讨了本研究对企业管理人员社会事业选择和企业社会责任沟通策略制定的现实意义。

【Abstract】 For consumers, brand meets their needs through providing productions and services withspecific attribute. It plays an essential role in differentiating products from competitors’through itssymbolic nature. However, increasing competition is making the brand difficult to differentiateitself from competitors using the traditional attributes; companies need attractive marketingalternatives to improve brands’ symbolic values, to make the most positive brand attitude for theconsumers. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is used as a strategy that provides acompetitive differentiation opportunity concerned by both academic and managerial. At the sametime, CSR initiatives represent a wide spectrum of activities, including cause-related marketing,cause promotion, social marketing, corporate philanthropy, community volunteering, which makethe practitioners difficult to find the perfect one that benefit the companies.In order to solve the above-mentioned problem, both researchers and practitioners emphasizethe importance of CSR fit. Perceived fit is defined as “the perceived match or logical connectionbetween a cause and the company’s production line, corporate identity, position, target market,mission and values”. Although most studies have empirically demonstrated the positiverelationship between the perception of fit and the outcomes of CSR, some studies show that therelationship between the fit and consumer evaluation is uncertain. In fact, there are manycompanies engage in some unfit social cause even succeed. Regardless of corporate reputation,CSR fit will not affect consumer attitude. In addressing this dilemma and extending existingfindings, by introducing two key variables called social cause affinity and consumer altruisticvalues, the article explained the conditional effect of CSR fit on consumer brand attitude throughaltruistic attributions.The concept of fit defined in existing research comes from brand extension or allianceliteratures, which concerns more on the intangible resources. However, for practitioners, the perceived fit not only involves intangible elements, but also tangible ones. In existing research,most studies discussed the effect of the level of CSR fit, but few studies have investigated theeffect of the type of CSR fit. Based on the literature review, the paper examined the effect of CSRfit from two aspects which are functional fit and image fit and investigated the dual nature of CSRfit.Based on the theories of brand alliance and effect transfer model, most of the existing studieshave explained the effect of fit, whose premise is the existence of the positive emotion about thecollaborator. But most of the existing studies ignored the feature of the social cause. Ignorance ofkey factor may be one of the reasons about the divergence. So the social cause affinity can explainthe conditional effect of CSR fit on consumer brand attitude via altruistic attributions.Consumers’ response to CSR is based on the ethics of the object. Consumers’ values playedan important part in ethical consumption. The existing literatures on CSR fit mostly investigatedthe factors about the enterprises, but not concerned the consumers’ characteristics. While thesymbol values provides by CSR fit for brand play an essential role in consumer self-construal, butnot all of it. So, it is difficult to obtain the same conclusion about the effect of CSR fit whenignored the characteristics of consumers. Therefore, the paper introduced the altruistic values, inorder to solve the contradictions in the existing research.Drawing on the previous studies, the paper used the experimental method to solve the abovequestions. The result shows that the functional fit and image fit positively effect altruisticattributions and consumer brand attitude. Compared to image fit, the functional fit has a strongereffect on consumer brand attitude. As to the mediating effect of altruistic attributions, the resultsshow that the functional fit and image fit not only have a direct effect on consumer brand attitude,but also have an indirect effect through altruistic attribution. As to the moderating effect of socialcause affinity, the results show that it positive moderates the effect of functional fit on altruisticattributions, but negative moderates the influence of image fit. Specifically, the functional fit has apositive effect on altruistic attributions and the effect of image fit on altruistic attributions isnon-significant when the level of social cause affinity is high; when the level of social causeaffinity is low, the results are opposite. As to the moderating effect of altruistic values, the resultsshow that the altruistic values moderates the relationship between altruistic attributions andconsumer brand attitude. Specifically, for consumers with high levels of altruistic values, in order to avoid being deceived, individuals will more rigorous to assess the CSR information. Altruisticattributions positive effect consumer brand attitude. But for consumers with low levels of altruisticvalues, CSR does not threaten consumers’ self-identity, and they can also understand the multiplemotives, so the effect of altruistic attributions on brand attitude is not significant. For theconditional indirect effect of CSR fit on consumer brand attitude through altruistic attributions, theresults show that the indirect effects of functional fit and image fit on consumer brand attitudethrough altruistic attributions are depended on social cause affinity and altruistic values.Specifically, when the level of social cause affinity is high, functional fit has an indirect effect onconsumer brand attitude via altruistic attributions, but the indirect effect is not significant whenthe level of social cause affinity is low. The effect of image fit is opposite. For the consumers withhigh level of altruistic values, the indirect effect is significant, but not for the consumers with lowlevel of altruistic values.The empirical results show that it is necessary to distinguish the types of CSR fit. The paperintegrated the results of consumer attributions in CSR field. According to the discount principle ofattribution theory, the paper investigates the relationship between CSR fit and consumer brandattitude via altruistic attributions. This provides a new perspective for the future studies. The studyalso reveals the veil the conditional effect of CSR fit on consumer brand attitude through altruisticattributions. The results provide a new perspective for solving the contradiction in existingresearch. At the same time, the results also enriched the existing results in this field. In the end, thepaper also has some practical implications for managers to choose social cause and to make CSRcommunication strategy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期