

Research on Institutional Change and Innovation of Insurance Companies in China

【作者】 王艳

【导师】 潘石;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 制度经济学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 中国保险业是社会主义市场经济的有机组成部分。保险公司制度设计的合理性及创新性,以及制度结构的耦合程度,关系着保险公司的健康发展以及能否给金融市场与社会民生稳定提供高可靠性、高质量的保险服务,进而影响着整个国民经济的可持续发展。经过政府、行业协会及保险公司自身的共同努力,中国保险公司制度建设取得了举世瞩目的成绩,保险公司的效能快速提升,中国的保险业市场也实现了大发展。但是,中国保险公司在制度层面依旧存在诸多问题,制度变迁与创新仍然存在障碍,严重制约了中国保险公司经济发展方式的转变,影响了其可持续发展。如何从制度变迁与创新的视角定位与规划中国保险公司的发展,帮助保险公司加快经济发展方式转变,更好地实现其做大做强、融入全球市场、保障社会的本质功能是目前金融市场面临的重大课题。基于此,本文以新制度经济学、保险学、企业创新等理论为基石,以中国保险公司为研究对象,借鉴西方发达国家的保险现状,研究我国保险公司的制度变迁与创新问题,在“十二五”时期加快经济发展方式转型背景下,从实践上说,有助于提升制度创新的质量与速度,充分发挥制度在降低交易成本上的功能;通过对制度创新的设计,有助于实现其良性的制度变迁,进而促进其健康发展;有助于为社会经济发展提供高效的保险产品,促进和谐社会的构建。从理论上说,构建了符合中国保险公司特殊性的制度变迁理论分析框架及模型,以指导未来保险公司的制度创新实践具有一定的理论意义;将新制度经济学理论与保险学理论有机融合,具有一定的理论和现实意义。全文共分为7章。第一章是绪论。首先,阐述了本文选题的目的和意义。其次是文献综述,对保险公司制度变迁与创新研究的已有文献进行了评述,为本文研究奠定了较为坚实的文献基础。再次,对于研究方法进行了介绍。最后,指出了本文的创新点与不足。第二章是保险公司制度变迁的理论基础。该部分是本文研究的理论基础。分别对保险学理论、制度变迁理论、产权理论、交易成本理论、公司治理理论与企业创新理论进行了系统梳理,并指出其与本文研究的密切相关性。第三章是中国保险公司制度变迁的理论分析。首先,剖析了中国保险公司制度变迁的动因,论证了制度供给与需求的失衡是其制度变迁最根本的动力。其次,分析了中国保险公司制度变迁的方式与过程。再次,剖析了中国保险公司制度变迁的微观与宏观绩效。最后,揭示了中国保险公司制度变迁与制度创新的逻辑关系。第四章是中国保险公司制度变迁的历程与现状。首先,将中国保险公司制度变迁历程分为了建国前的阶段、恢复发展和改造阶段(1949-1958)、停滞阶段(1959-1979)、改革开放后的恢复阶段(1978-1991)、快速变迁阶段(1992年-2001年)、入世后的阶段(2002年至今),对每个阶段取得的特点及总体变迁规律进行了分析。其次,从法人治理结构、人力资源管理制度、风险防范机制及诚信制度四个方面剖析了当前中国保险公司内部制度的现状及存在的问题。最后,剖析了中国保险公司外部制度的现状及问题。包括法制建设滞后、外部监管机构不完善、保险市场不健全、外部非正式制度缺失。第五章是国外保险公司制度借鉴及启示。该部分分别从保险法制、保险监管模式、保险监管内容、保险公司的内部治理制度等四个方面对国外保险公司的制度进行了介绍,并得出一些对中国保险公司制度变迁与创新有益的启示。第六章是中国保险公司制度创新架构设计。该部分对中国保险公司的制度进行了设计,为制度创新提供了一个完整的框架。将制度分为正式与非正式制度,对两种类型的制度分别从内部与外部两个层面进行了设计。第七章是中国保险公司制度创新的对策。首先,分析了中国保险公司制度创新的短期与中长期目标。其次,从创新主体的角度,指出了中国保险公司制度创新目标实现的路径。最后,提出了中国保险公司制度创新的对策建议。包括转变企业发展理念、公司治理结构创新的对策、诚信制度创新对策、保险公司内部偿付能力管理及营销制度创新对策、人力资源管理制度创新对策、外部监管制度创新对策。

【Abstract】 Chinese insurance is a component part of the socialist market economy.Therationality and innovation of institution design of the insurance company and thecoupling degree of the system structure, affect the health development of insurancecompany and whether to provide high reliability and high quality insurance servicefor financial markets and social stability; and further affect the sustainabledevelopment of the whole national economy.With joint efforts of the government,industry associations and the insurance company, the system construction of Chinainsurance company has made remarkable achivements, performance of theinsurance company improved rapidly, and Chinese insurance market has achievedgreat development. However, Chinese insurance companies still exist manyproblems in the institution fields. The institutional change and innovation are theobstacles,which seriously restricted the change of the mode of economicdevelopment of China insurance companies, and affected its sustainabledevelopment. How to orientate and plan the development of China insurancecompany from the perspective of institutional change and innovation,and how tohelp insurance companies to accelerate transformation of the mode of economicdevelopment, and how to guarantee the essential function of society to achieve itsbigger and stronger and to integrate into the global market, are the major issues inthe financial market at present.So this paper researched the institution change and innovation in China’sinsurance company, which were based on the theory of new institutionaleconomics,insurance and enterprise innovation, and took Chinese insurance company as the research object, and drawed lessons from the insurance status ofwestern developed countries. In the background of speeding up economicdevelopment in the "Twelfth Five Year Plan" period,institution change andinnovation can help to improve the quality and speed of institution innovation,andgive full play to reduce the transaction cost; and can help to realize the optimuminstitution change and promote healthy development by the design of systeminnovation; and help to provide efficient insurance products for the social andeconomic development, and promote the building of a harmonious society from thepractice view. From theory view, institution change and innovation can set up aspecial theory analysis framework and model of China insurance institutional change,and has theoretical significance to guide the future practice of institutionalinnovation of the insurance company, and has theoretical and practical significancefor the effective integration of new institutional economics theory and the insurancetheory.The paper includes7chaptersThe first chapter is an introduction. Firstly, it describes the purpose andsignificance of the topic of this article. Secondly, it is a literature review, whichreviews the existing literature on the Institutional Change and Innovation Researchof insurance company and has laid a more solid foundation for this study literature.Finally, it points out the lack of innovation of this paper.The second chapter is the research on the theoretical basis of insurance institutional change.This part is the theoretical basis of this study. It combs insurance system theory, thetheory of institutional change, property rights theory, transaction cost theory, thetheory of corporate governance and business innovation theory and points out that itis closely related to this study.The third chapter is the theoretical analysis of institutional change of Chineseinsurance companies. First, it analyzes the Chinese insurance company motives of institutional change, and it demonstrates that the institutional imbalance betweensupply and demand is the fundamental driving force of institutional change. Second,it analyzes the manner and process of institutional change of Chinese insurancecompanies. Again, it analyzes the micro and macro performance of InstitutionalChange of Chinese insurance company. Finally, it reveals the logic of InstitutionalChange and institutional innovation of Chinese insurance companies.The fourth chapter is the history and present of Institutional Change of Chineseinsurance companies. First, it is divided the history of institutional change ofChinese insurance companies into before the founding stage, recovery anddevelopment and transformation stage (1949-1958), the stagnation stage(1959-1979), after the reform and opening-recovery stage (1978-1991), a rapidlychanging stage (1992-2001), and WTO after stage (2002-present). It analyzes thecharacteristics and laws of the overall changes of each stage. Second, it analyzes thecurrent status and problems of internal systems of Chinese insurance companiesfrom four aspects of corporate governance structure, human resources management,risk prevention mechanism and system integrity. Finally, it analyzes the currentsituation and problems of external system of Chinese insurance companies. Itincludes lagging legal system, faulty external regulatory agencies, unsound insurancemarkets, missing external informal system.The fifth chapter is the reference and inspiration from foreign insurancecompany system. Four aspects, which include insurance legal system, insurancesupervision mode, insurance supervision content and internal governance system ofinsurance company, were introduced for the foreign insurance company system, anddrawn some beneficial enlightenment to institutional change and innovation ofChinese insurance.The sixth chapter is the design of institution innovation framework of Chineseinsurance company. Institution innovation framework of Chinese insurance company was designed which provided a complete framework for system innovation. Thesystem is divided into the formal and informal system which designed from theinternal aspect and external aspect respectively.The seventh chapter is the countermeasure of institution innovation of Chineseinsurance company. Firstly, the short-term and long-term goal of institutioninnovation of China insurance company was analyzed. Secondly, the way toachieve the target of institution innovation of China insurance company was pointedout in the view of the innovation subject. Finally, some strategy and suggestions onthe institution innovation of China insurance company were put forward, whichincluded the transformation of enterprise development idea, innovation strategy ofCorporate Governance Structure and integrity system, solvency management ofinsurance company and innovation strategy of marketing system, and theinnovation strategy of human resources management system and externalsupervision system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期
  • 【分类号】F273.1;F842.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1552
  • 攻读期成果