

Exploration on Democratic Socialism Theory and Practice of British Labour Party

【作者】 赵金子

【导师】 贾中海;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 国外马克思主义, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 英国工党自20世纪初成立至今,在英国的历史舞台上有着深远而广泛的影响。从英国工党的组织结构来看,其内部存在着诸多社会主义因素,但英国工党却从未把马克思科学社会主义作为自己的指导思想。特别是第一次世界大战结束后,很多国家的共产主义者都通过暴力革命的方式建立了自己的政权,变资本主义国家为社会主义国家,但是这种成功的革命方式却被英国工党以改良的方式打破。从1945年艾德礼工党政府高举“民主社会主义”旗帜赢得了英国工党第一次真正意义上的执政机会,到威尔逊开启“现代社会主义”探索之门,再到金诺克对工党政策的反思和调整,这些都是英国工党带有社会主义色彩的重大试验,他们都主张以温和、渐进、改良的方式实现向社会主义的过渡。直到20世纪90年代,在欧美一些国家先后兴起了“第三条道路”的新主张,其中以英国工党布莱尔政府提出的“社会民主主义”思潮影响力最大,也最具有代表性。社会民主主义思潮一改传统民主社会主义在理论上具有社会主义性质、在实践方面也是介于资本主义和科学社会主义之间的一种选择,反而强调社会的民主主义,完全摆脱了社会主义的性质,又回归到了对资本主义性质的维护,是英国工党民主社会主义发展道路的转型。文章通过对英国工党数十年来民主社会主义理论与实践的总结和分析,以及与马克思主义科学社会主义理论的比较,进一步揭示了英国工党维护资本主义制度的本质和民主社会主义道路的资产阶级改良性质,以及资本主义社会仍然存在的不可调和的矛盾,更加坚定我们对中国特色社会主义的信念。本文在对国内外研究成果深入学习和研究的基础上,着重论述英国工党民主社会主义的理论主张和实践过程,并将其与马克思主义科学社会主义、中国特色社会主义进行深入对比研究,揭露其资产阶级改良主义的本质属性,及其某些经验对中国特色社会主义建设的启示。文章共分为六章:第一章为本文的绪论部分,详细阐述文章选题的目的意义、目前国内外对该选题的研究情况、文章写作的基本思路,以及对本课题进行研究过程中所采用的具体研究方法。第二章民主社会主义理论的产生与演进。通过对民主社会主义由来、民主社会主义五个理论渊源,以及民主社会主义的理论体系与基本主张的详细介绍,从而对民主社会主义的基本理论进行系统的总结和归纳,并通过民主社会主义理论与科学社会主义理论的对比,分析其对马克思主义修正的改良主义特质。第三章英国工党执政后艾德礼政府和平的“社会主义”改革尝试。这是英国工党民主社会主义道路的初次尝试,也是本文的第一个重点内容,此章分别论述了前艾德礼民主社会主义理论和实践的探索、艾德礼民主社会主义改革的思想渊源、艾德礼和平的社会主义改革的理论,以及艾德礼和平社会主义改革的实践探索。第四章威尔逊和金诺克对民主社会主义道路的新探索。本章集合了威尔逊和金诺克两个时期英国工党民主社会主义道路的理论和实践,一方面通过对威尔逊社会主义思想的归纳总结,以及威尔逊社会主义改革实践与创新的尝试,着重介绍在特殊的历史背景下,威尔逊试图将科学技术与社会主义相结合,充分利用科学技术的力量来实现民主社会主义的目标;另一方面通过金诺克对工党政策的反省和调整,展示了金诺克作为工党历史上具有承上启下作用的一个过渡人物,对英国工党民主社会主义道路重塑的历史过程,同时这一过程也为布莱尔“第三条道路”的出台做了重要的铺垫。第五章冷战后英国工党民主社会主义理论的嬗变。这一章是本文的第二个重点内容,着重介绍了英国工党布莱尔政府第三条道路的理论和实践,从第三条道路的兴起、布莱尔“新工党”的社会民主主义实践探索,以及布莱尔“新工党”的社会民主主义与英国传统民主社会主义之比较三个方面,论述了英国工党民主社会主义理论的嬗变的理论反思和实践过程。第六章英国工党民主社会主义理论与实践对中国特色社会主义建设的启示。这一章属于本文的总结和归纳部分,通过第三章至第六章英国工党民主社会主义理论与实践的论述,最终揭示出英国工党民主社会主义的资产阶级改良主义的实质,并通过英国工党民主社会主义与中国特色社会主义的比较,着重说明英国工党民主社会主义理论变化和实践发展过程中所产生的经验教训,对中国特色社会主义建设起到的重大借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Since the establishment of the British Labour Party since the early twentiethCentury, In the UK it on the stage of history has a profound and extensive impact.From the organizational structure of the British Labour Party, the presence of socialismfactors, but the British Labor Party has never put the Marx scientific socialism as theirguiding ideology. Especially after the first World War, Many countries Communistsestablished their own regimes through violent revolution, and become the capitalistcountries to socialist countries, but the success of revolution was braeked throughimprove by the British Labour Party. From1945Attlee’s Labour government holdhigh the banner of "democratic socialism",and The British Labour Party won the firstopportunity, to Wilson opening "of modern socialism" on the door, and then toKinnock reflection and adjustment of the Labour Party’s policies, These are the greattest of the British Labour Party with socialism, They all claim to achieve the transitionto socialism by moderate, gradual, improved means. Until twentieth Century90’s,some countries in Europe and the United States has been the rise of the "new ideas ofthe third road","Social democracy"by Blair of the British Labour Party governmentis the most influential and representative. It changed the traditional democraticsocialism with a socialist nature, in theory a choice it is also situated betweencapitalism and scientific socialism in practice, and emphasizes the social democratic,completely out of the nature of socialism, Return to the maintenance of the nature ofcapitalism, means the transition of the British Labour party democratic socialistdevelopment road. Based on the analysis of the British Labour Party of democraticsocialism theory and Practice for decades, and compare with Marx’s theory ofscientific socialism, to further reveal the the bourgeois improved properties of British Labour party maintain road essence and democratic socialism, shows the remains ofcapitalist society irreconcilable conflict, make us more determined the belief of Chinasocialist.Based on the research results of in-depth study and research at home and abroad,Focuses on the theory and the practice process of the British Labour Party ofDemocratic Socialism, and it is deeply analyzed and the Marx doctrine of scientificsocialism, Expose the nature of the bourgeois reformism,and enlightenment and somesuccessful experience of the construction of the socialist China characteristics. Thisarticle is divided into six chapters: The first chapter is the introduction part, Describesthe purpose and significance of topics, the research status of the topic at home andabroad, the basic idea of writing, as well as the specific research methods used in theresearch process of this subject. The second chapter is the Emergence and evolutionof the theory of the Democratic Socialism, through detailed introduction the origin ofthe democratic socialism, democratic socialism five theories, and basic theory systemof democratic socialism, thus summary and induction the basic theory of thedemocratic socialism, and through the comparison of the theory of democraticsocialism and scientific socialism, Analysis on the characteristics of Marx’s reformistcorrection. The third chapter is Attempts of British Labour Party government afterAttlee peace "socialism" reform, This is the first time the British Labour Party ofdemocratic socialism road, also is the first key content of this paper, This chapterdiscusses the exploration of Attlee’s democratic socialism theory and Practice, thethought origin of Attlee’s Democratic Socialist Reform, the theory of peace socialistreform of Attlee, and the practice of peace socialist reform of Attlee. The fourthchapter is Wilson and Kinnock new exploration of Democratic Socialism, this chaptercombines the theory and practice of Wilson and Kinnock that two periods of theBritish Labour Party of Democratic Socialism,on one side, Based on the summary ofthe Wilson socialist thought, and try to practice and innovation Wilson’s socialistreform, Focusing on the special historical background, Wilson tries to combine scienceand technology and socialism, Make full use of science and technology to realize the goal of Democratic Socialism.On another side, By Kinnock reflection and adjustmentof the labour policy, shows us Kinnock as a transitional figure and plays theimportant role of labour history, and reconstruction historical process of the BritishLabour Party of democratic socialism road, at the same time, the process for Blair "thethird road" has made important preparation. The fifth chapter is Change of Britishdemocratic socialist labour theory after the Cold War, This chapter is the second keycontent of this paper, Introduces the theory and practice of the British Labour PartyBlair government Third Road, From the rise of the third road, explore the Blair "newlabour" social democratic practice, And compare with Blair "new labour" socialdemocracy and democratic socialism of British traditional, discusses the theoreticalreflection and practice of democratic socialism theory of the British Labour Party. Thesixth chapter is Enlightenment of British Democratic Socialist Labour Party Theoryand Practice on the construction of socialist Chinese characteristics,t his chapter is thesummary and the induction part,through the discussion of theory and practice ofBritish Labour party democratic socialism from he third chapter to the sixth chapter, Itreveals the essence of the bourgeois reformism British Labour Party of DemocraticSocialism, and through comparison of the British Labour Party of democratic socialismand Chinese socialism, Highlights the experience of the changes of practice and thedevelopment process of the theory of British Labour party Democratic Socialism,anddiscuss the great significance of China socialist construction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期