

Study on the Institutional Innovation of Social Governance Theoretical Paradigm and Experiential Analysis

【作者】 程波辉

【导师】 彭向刚;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 制度创新是社会管理创新的实质与核心。探讨社会管理制度创新必须首先建构一个可适性的制度范式,而目前对“制度结构”的惯性思维或理解偏差是导致制度创新的研究范式陷入困境的重要根源之一。跳出传统的“制度结构”理论,把非正式制度等观念因素从制度结构中剥离出来,并把制度主体的行为作为一个核心分析要素,形成“观念—结构—行为”的分析范式,对于解构当代中国低制度化的社会管理制度创新问题更具适切性。以此制度范式为分析主线,构建社会管理制度创新的理论框架并付诸经验证明,这成为本研究的主要内容。在此基础上,进一步探寻加强社会管理制度创新的推进路径,成为本文的最终目的。

【Abstract】 According to the Third Plenary Session of18th CPC Central Committee about thereform objective of “perfecting and developing the socialist system with Chinesecharacteristics”, and the proposition of social governance innovation and its problemsencountered in practice, it is urgent to strengthen the institutional innovation of socialgovernance. Specifically, taking the institutional innovation problem of socialgovernance as the research subject, it is based mainly on three aspects of thinking:First, strengthening the social governance is an inevitable result of thegovernmental function evolution in human social development. Since the dawn ofhuman society, the social governance function existed. In modern society, driven by thefactors of the change of social structure, the expansion of public affairs, the civilconsciousness enhancement, social governance function is more and more highlighted.Especially when appearing some social problems such as the social order disorder, thesocial contradictions surging, the social conflict expansion, the social justice collapse,the society risk explosion, strengthening the social governance to maintain the stabilityof social order and improving the legitimacy of the regime, becomes a focus of thegovernmental function reform.Second, the social governance innovation is the inevitable requirement of China’seconomic and social coordinating development strategy. The phenomenon of “a longleg with economy and a short leg with society”, not only seriously restricts the furtherdevelopment of socialist market economy, but also causes a hidden trouble to the socialharmony and stability due to many social contradictions and problems long-termaccumulation that can’t be settled timely. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen andemphasize social governance innovation further. Third, the institutional innovation is the core appeal to deal with many problems inthe process of social governance innovation. Currently, local governments appear manywrong practices around social governance innovation, which mainly lies in the lag ordeficiency of institutional change, namely no going to seek the institutionalbreakthrough, and ignoring the core value of institutional change in the process of socialgovernance innovation.This thesis mainly uses the research method of combining normative research toexperiential analysis to discuss and analyze the issues about basic theory, practicalexperience and general idea of the institutional innovation of social governance.First, it is the foundation of the institutional innovation research of socialgovernance to define basic connotation, function value, theoretical logic and analyticalparadigm of the institutional innovation of social governance. The institutionalinnovation of social governance not only includes the general concept characteristics ofinstitutional innovation, but also contains rich theoretical connotation. Institutionalinnovation is the essence and core of social governance innovation, which helps topromote the rule of law, standardization, scientization of social governance, andguarantee the continuous innovation of social governance, evade the risk of socialgovernance institution. The institutional innovation of social governance is a newacademic issue, and its direct theoretical source is rare, so it is necessary to construct thetheoretical logic of institutional innovation of social governance for laying ideologicalfoundation of this paper research. Suitable for the essential connotation of institutionalinnovation of social governance and China’s unique environment of social governanceinstitution, constructing the analytical paradigm of institutional innovation of socialgovernance is particularly important. Based on the existing research path at home andabroad, combining the actual conditions of institutional arrangement problem ofcontemporary Chinese social governance, constructs an eligible framework, namelyanalytical paradigm of “concept-structure-behavior”, to make more persuasiveexplanation aimed at institutional innovation problem of contemporary China’s socialgovernance.Second, constructing the theoretical framework of institution innovation is not onlya basic theoretical discussion and a foundation meaning for further research on the institutional innovation of social governance, but also a research content of realisticsignificance highly and an important guiding value for the practical work deployment orfuture direction of the institutional innovation of social governance. This paper takes theinstitutional paradigm of “concept-structure-behavior” as the analysis mainline,reconstructing the theoretical framework of China’s institutional innovation of socialgovernance from five aspects such as goal, subject, driving force, resistance and manner.The goal system includes: the value dimension with social governance mode of “smallgovernment and big society”; the structural dimension with scientific, standardized,efficient and convenient social governance system; Behavior dimension withmultivariate, collaborative and cooperative social governance mechanism. The subjectmode is the “government-leading multilateral participation”, which is promoted andgradually formed by the “introduction” of governance and good governance concept,the institutional structure optimization and the development of public participationbehavior. The driving force includes: the intrinsic motivation of modern conceptembedded, the external motivation of institution supply-demand disequilibrium and thedirect motivation of rational choice under the view of interest driving. The resistanceincludes: the ideological resistance of concept change lag, the structure resistance ofinstitutional declining and its path dependence, and the behavior resistance of vestedinterests boycott. The manner selection shows some characteristics and trends such asradical idea transforming into progressive idea, almighty model transforming intogovernance model, control behavior transforming into service behavior.Third, it need be experientially proved that the explanatory power is high or low,and the construction force is strong or weak of the analysis paradigm of institutionalinnovation of social governance for its theoretical framework. Furthermore, theinstitutional paradigm of “concept-structure-behavior” being suitable for China’scurrent institutional innovation problem of social governance is only verified byexperience. Therefore, it is very necessary to carry out the experiential analysis forspecific institutional innovation of social governance. This paper selects the internmentand repatriation institution as an experiential analysis specimen of institutionalinnovation of social governance, mainly analyzing its reform logic from five aspectssuch as goal, subject, motivation, obstacle and manner, and outlining the beneficial enlightenment toward the institutional innovation of social governance. The goal mainlymanifests: from the view of national power to the view of civil rights, from the self-interest system to the service-oriented system, from the simplified control to thediversity aid. The subject shows a trend of diversification, which is promoted andgradually formed by the growth of awareness of rights and interests of vulnerablegroups, the harmonization of social security system, scientific and democratic decision-making of salvation. The motivation includes: the ruling idea renewed and the socialconcept advanced, the law conflict and the institution alienation, the “reversed” effect ofpublic participation. The obstacle includes: the order view of taking nation as the center,the restriction of institutional path dependence and the behavior anomie of law enforcer.The manner is showing some characteristics such as “closed” concept transforming into“open” concept,“monopoly” system transforming into “participatory” system,“forced”behavior transforming into “voluntary” behavior. The enlightenment mainly includes:concept change is the fundamental premise of institutional reform and innovation,institutional structure optimization is the core path of institutional reform andinnovation, behavior improvement is the key demand of institutional reform andinnovation.Fourth, discussing the path selection of institutional innovation of socialgovernance is the ultimate goal of this paper. The construction and experientialverification of institutional paradigm of “concept-structure-behavior” have laid thefoundation for exploring further the forward path to strengthen institutional innovationof social governance. The thesis thinks the path selection of institutional innovation ofsocial governance should be mainly commenced from three aspects such asstrengthening the concept change, optimizing the institution structure, improving thesubject behavior. Specifically, first, strengthening the concept change of institutionalinnovation of social governance should base on two aspects of the basic valueorientation and ideological innovation. Second, optimizing the system arrangement ofinstitutional innovation of social governance should base on five aspects, such asreconstructing the relationship between government and society, perfecting the socialgovernance function system, recombining the social governance organization structure,improving the relevant social governance regulations, and strengthening the construction of institution implementation mechanism. Third, improving the subjectbehavior of institutional innovation of social governance should base on six aspects,such as strengthening the leadership of party committee of CPC, highlighting theNational People’s Congress supervision, accelerating the governmental responsibility,pay attention to judicial protection, promoting the social coordination, and enhancingthe public participation.In the end, this article has constructed the institutional paradigm of “concept-structure-behavior” under the special background of China’s institutional innovation ofsocial governance, and according to this paradigm has reconstructed the basic theoryand system framework of contemporary China’s institutional innovation of socialgovernance from five aspects, such as goal, subject, driving force, resistance andmanner. However, whether this theoretical paradigm can contain and explain all thepresent China’s institutional innovation problems and difficulties of social governance,still need be discussed further.Though this paper has verified the relevance of analysispath of “concept-structure-behavior” by experiential analysis of the internment andrepatriation institution reform, But, the internment and repatriation institution being ornot being sample and universal relative to the institutional innovation of socialgovernance, has yet to be proved further. Limited to paper length and personal ability,those problems all of above being solved need more scholars to research collectively.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期