

Study on the Animal Sacrifices of Xia Dynasty to Warring States in Northern Region of China

【作者】 包曙光

【导师】 杨建华;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 中国北方地区夏至战国时期是中国历史,乃至世界历史上重要的一个环节。中国北方地区在这一时间范围内产生了诸多特点鲜明的考古学文化。本文以殉牲这一独特的视角去解读诸考古学文化背后的丧葬习俗、文化传统、宗教信仰和经济类型等问题。第一章为绪论,对本文要研究的时空范围、研究对象和选题缘由做出解释,并对论文的方法、目的与不足等方面进行说明。第二章为西北地区夏至战国时期的殉牲。这一章中分别对齐家文化、四坝文化、诺木洪文化、辛店文化、寺洼文化、卡约文化、沙井文化和甘宁地区东周时期考古学遗存的殉牲特点进行梳理和分析,并提出由早期随葬猪下颌骨到随葬牛和羊的肢骨,再到随葬羊、牛和马等动物的头骨和蹄骨的观点,是定居农业向定居畜牧业和专业化游牧业发展的体现。第三章为内蒙古中南部夏至战国时期的殉牲。这一章中分别对朱开沟遗址、朱开沟甲类遗存、朱开沟文化、西岔文化、西麻青墓地和东周时期诸多考古学墓葬遗存发现的殉牲进行梳理和讨论。朱开沟甲类遗存以猪下颌骨随葬的特点与西岔文化没有发现殉牲的现象,两者在不同层次上均体现的是定居农业文明的特点。朱开沟文化与西麻青墓地之间的关系似乎更紧密,前者随葬少量的羊和狗,后者随葬大量的羊肢骨。将东周时期广布于这一地区的墓葬遗存划分为三个地区(鄂尔多斯及邻近地区、包头及呼市地区、凉城及周边地区)分别进行了深入的探究,同时根据殉牲的特点对其内部进行分组研究。同时,在科学鉴定墓地殉牲的材料基础上,结合国际上一些成熟的研究成果,对墓地人群是如何管理牲畜、如何开发和利用畜产品(尤其是羊)的情况作了一番讨论。第四章为晋中、晋北和陕北夏至战国时期的殉牲。这一章分别对白燕文化、浮山桥北墓地、游邀类型、李家崖文化及南流黄河两岸青铜器群和寨头河墓地的殉牲进行梳理和分析。这一地区在夏至战国初期之前一直都不流行殉牲,仅个别墓葬中偶有发现。在寨头河戎人墓地中的殉牲特点应该与马家塬、王洼墓地的殉牲情况是类似的。出现这一现象的原因是这一地区与中原地区在地理位置上相邻,且保持了较紧密的文化联系。第五章为燕山南北地区夏至战国时期的殉牲。这一章中分别对燕山南北的殉牲情况进行梳理和分析。在燕山以南地区,夏至西周末年仅有零星随葬殉牲的发现。进入东周时期,这一地区以玉皇庙等为代表的墓地发现了大量的殉牲。这与该地区人群的迁入有一定的关系。燕山以北地区夏至西周末年的夏家店下层文化、魏营子文化和夏家店上层文化中均很少有殉牲发现,仅在大甸子墓地中发现了殉猪的现象。该地区在东周时期的水泉文化、凌河文化和井沟子类型中开始发现大量随葬头骨和蹄骨的现象。这种转变的根本原因是人群的更迭和其所采用的经济类型有关。第六章为结语。首先按照殉牲的特点,将整个中国北方地区夏至战国时期划分为三个发展阶段,分别为夏至早商、商晚期至西周晚期、东周时期。这三个发展阶段的殉牲无论在种类上,还是随葬部位上,抑或是数量上,均表现出明显的时代特征。同时,在分期的基础上还进行了横向地域性的比较,突出地域上的差异性。同时,对殉牲这一特殊习俗的源头和流向进行了简要的探讨。最后对与殉牲有关的一些问题做了适度的阐释。

【Abstract】 The history of northern part of China in period from Xia dynasty to Warring States is notonly an important section of Chinese history, but also an essential part of the world history. Thereemerged several archaeological cultures with specific characteristics during this period in northernregion of China. This article picks animal sacrifices as a unique angle to explain burial customs,cultural traditions, religion beliefs and economic patterns behind those archaeological cultures.The first chapter is introduction, in which I state the space-time range of this research, theobject of study and explain the reasons for choosing this subject, and illustrate the methods I use,my purpose and my deficiency.The second chapter is animal sacrifices in northwest district during Xia dynasty to WarringStates period, in which I study and analyze the characteristics of animal sacrifices from differentarchaeological culture, namely Qijia, Siba, Nuomuhong, Xindian, Siwa, Kayue, Shajing and theGansu-Ningxia district in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty period respectively, and presume that in thechosen of animal parts to bury together with the dead, jawbones of boar was popular in earlyperiod, and slowly give place to limb bones and then to skulls and coffin bones, and this reflect thedevelop from settled agriculture to settled pasture and at last to specialized nomad.The third chapter is animal sacrifices in centre and south part of Inner Mongolia districtduring Xia dynasty to Warring States period. It contains study and research about animal sacrificesfound in Site Zhukaigou, Zhukaigou jia type remains, Zhukaigou culture, Xicha culture, Ximaqingcemetery and many other cemeteries in the period of Eastern Zhou Dynasty. had jawbones of boarand Xicha culture had no sign of animal sacrifices, but both sites presented features of agriculturalcivilization, only in different dimensions. The relationship between Zhukaigou culture andXimaqing cemetery seems closer, the former had a few sheep and canine, while the latter hadmany limb bones of sheep. I divided the cemeteries of this area in the Eastern Zhou Dynastyperiod into three districts (Ordos and the district nearby, Baotou and Hohhot, Liangcheng and thedistrict nearby), and researched them respectively, and also divided each district into groupsaccording to the characteristics of animal sacrifices. At the same time, on the bases ofscientifically identifying the animal materials, and in combine with some international matureresearch results, I discuss how those people manage their livestock, how they make use of animalproducts (especially from sheep).The forth chapter is animal sacrifices in centre and north part of Shanxi province, and northpart of Shanxi provience during Xia dynasty to Warring States period. It conclude studies andanalyze of animal sacrifices in archaeological cultures namely, Baiyan, Fushanqiao northern cemetery, Youao type, Lijiaya, and bronze ware groups on both sides of the south heading sectionof the Yellow river, and River Zhaitou cemetery. The deed to bury with animal sacrifices was notpopular in this district before the early stage of the period from Xia dynasty to Warring States, andcan be found in seldom tombs. Characteristics of animal sacrifices in Rong cemetery in RiverZhaitou district are similar with those of Majiayuan and Wangwa cemetery. It’s because thisdistrict is nearby the Central Plain, and has intimate culture relationships with it.The fifth chapter is animal sacrifices in north and south sides of Mount Yan during Xiadynasty to Warring States period. It contains my study and analyze about animal sacrifices in northand south sides of Mount Yan district. In southern district, animal sacrifices rarely existed duringXia Dynasty to the late period of Western Zhou Dynasty. In the Eastern Zhou Dynasty period,cemeteries represented by Yuhuangmiao and other cultures had great amount of animal sacrifices.This was related to some immigration to this district. In the northern district, except Dadianzicemetery had animal sacrifices of boar been found,other cultures, including Down layers ofXiajiadian, Weiyingzi, and Up layers of Xiajiadian had little such findings during Xia Dynasty tothe late period of Western Zhou Dynasty. And in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty period, Shuiquanculture, Linghe culture and Jinggouzi type had many examples of having skulls and coffin bonesas animal sacrifices in cemeteries. This change was basically because the alternation of people andthe economic patterns they chose.The sixth chapter is conclusion. Firstly I divided the period between Xia Dynasty andWarring States in north region of China into three stages of development by the characteristics ofanimal sacrifices as follows, Xia to early period of Shang, late period of Shang to late period ofthe Western Zhou, and the Eastern Zhou period. Those three stages present distinctive features inthe breed of animals used in sacrifice deed, and the body part chosen of those animals, also theamount of animal sacrifices. At the same time, on the bases of dividing stages, I comparesituations of several regions, and highlight the differences between them. Also, I briefly introducethe source and trend of this particular custom of animal sacrifices. At last, I explain properly aboutsome other problems about animal sacrifices.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期