

Research on the Zhou Period Tombs in the Jiangnan Region

【作者】 付琳

【导师】 王立新;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 江南地区两周时期的墓葬遗存形制多样,文化因素构成也比较复杂,以往大家虽然意识到这一时期本区的墓葬遗存具有一些共性,却长期缺乏全面的梳理和综合的研究。本文在界定、划分墓葬类型,建立墓葬分期与编年框架的基础之上,通过对墓葬遗存所做的历时性分区研究,初步探讨了本区土著群体在族群构建与国家化进程方面的问题,对于区分吴、越墓葬以及深入认识江南地区两周时期的历史均具有积极的意义。本文的主要内容可分为六个部分。第一部分是绪论,主要是对本项研究的时空范围以及研究对象加以界定,对以往的考古发现和研究成果进行回顾与总结,指出现有研究中的不足以及可以深入研究的问题,同时对本文采用的研究方法、研究思路做简要的说明。第二部分主要是对墓葬形制的划分与研究,首先根据墓葬营建理念上的差异,将本区两周时期的墓葬遗存分为土墩墓、土墩石室遗存、竖穴土(岩)坑墓、支石墓(含大石盖墓)和崖葬遗存五大类,对各类墓葬遗存的界定标准加以明确。进而对资料相对充分的前四类墓葬遗存进行了更为细致的类型划分。而后对各类墓葬的等级差异,以及与墓葬形制相关的一些重点问题做了初步探研。第三部分主要是对随葬品进行研究,并对墓葬遗存进行分期、断代。首先通过对墓葬遗存出土典型遗物进行类型学分析,并依据层位关系归纳其演变逻辑。再根据诸类典型遗物之间的平行演变关系及共出关系,将包含这些遗物的墓葬遗存分为五期9段,比定各期、各段的年代,并考察了各期墓葬遗存在墓葬形制方面与随葬品方面的总体特征。第四部分主要是对墓葬遗存进行历时性的分区研究,并对各区墓葬的族属与国别加以推定。首先在墓葬分期的基础上,以葬俗差异作为综合指标,把江南地区两周时期的墓葬遗存划分为9区,进而考察了各区墓葬遗存在不同时期内的分布范围及其文化因素构成情况。之后结合文字史料推定了各期、各区墓葬遗存的族属与国别,初步确定了文献中的扬越、于越、干越、“闽越”、“瓯越”等族群的墓葬遗存,并对江南地区战国时期楚墓的分布特征做了简要讨论。第五部分主要是以前文的墓葬研究为基础,对本区两周时期的民族史与政治史问题进行探研。从族群构建和政治组织发展的角度对墓葬遗存的历时性分区研究成果进行重新检视,并结合对相关遗址资料及文字史料的分析,指出本区两周时期的社会形态经历了从“越族”酋邦到吴、越国家的发展历程,并对吴、越两国的立国方式、国家形态以及两国间的关系等历史问题做了尝试性的解读。第六部分是结语,主要是对以上研究的收获进行总结,并指出本文存在的不足之处。

【Abstract】 The Zhou period tombs of the Jiangnan region have different forms and features;the cultural landscape of this region is also rather complicated. In the past, even ismost of the researchers were aware of the existence of this corpus of tombs from thisperiod, however it has been lacking of a detailed and comprehensive research for along time. By redefining the area and the burials types, this dissertation provides abasic periodization and chronological frame. Through a diachronic regional analysisof the funerary remains, this research begins to explore ethnic groups’ structure of theinhabitants of this region and explores the question of the process of emergence ofState. It allows to differentiate the Wu and Yue groups’ burials, and to get a deeperunderstanding of the historical dynamics in the Jiangnan region during the Zhouperiod.This dissertation is divided into six chapters.The first chapter introduces the geographical and historical frame of this researchand carefully defines the corpus of data. It provides a complete and synthetic reviewof the previous archaeological discoveries and research, pointing out the questionsthat deserve further examination. Meanwhile, it gives a concise and precisepresentation of the research methodology that has been chosen to answer them.The second chapter consists in the definition of the various burial types. First,according to the differences of building projects, the burial remains of the Zhouperiod in this region are classified into five types: mound tombs, mound tombs withstone burial chamber, earthen (or bedrock) shaft pit tombs, cist tombs, and cliffburials. The criteria and attributes for each type are explicitly defined. And then, weproceeded to a finer typological analysis on the first four types, which are the mostnumerous. This chapter also explores the hierarchical differences between thesedifferent burial types and some specific questions related to their structure.The third chapter focuses on the analysis of burial goods, and establishes a clearchronological sequence and periodization of these remains. First, we proceed to atypological analysis of the typical burial objects, and reconstruct the logic of theirevolution pattern from the stratigraphic evidence. According to the comparativeanalysis of their parallel development and of the artifacts’ assemblage, these remainsare divided into five periods and nine phases. After firmly establishing theperiodization and sequence of these funerary remains, the overall characteristics of theburial structures and artifacts’ assemblage of each period are carefully studied.The fourth chapter carries a diachronic regional analysis of these burials, in orderto reconstruct the clan and political state affiliations of the tombs owners of eachregion. First, the Jiangnan region is divided into nine zones according to the Zhou period burials chronology and especially taking into account the differences infunerary practices. Then, this section analyses the regional spatial distribution of theburials for the successive periods, and the cultural elements that influenced theirfeatures. Afterwards, the synthesis of the related transmitted historical texts allowsinferring clan and political affiliations for the burials of each zone for each period.Thus, this research provides preliminary identifications of the funerary remainsbelonging to the Yang Yue, Yu Yue, Gan Yue,“Min Yue” and “Ou Yue” clans, andfurther discusses the characteristics of the spatial distribution of Chu culture burialsduring the Warring State period in the Jiangnan region.On the basis of this research, the fifth chapter offers a further discussion of theethno history and political history of this region during the Zhou period. The results ofthe diachronic regional analysis of these burial remains are reconsidered from theangle of ethnic groups structure and political organization development. Bysynthesizing the data from the archaeological sites and the related information fromthe transmitted texts, this research sheds light on the historical process by which,during the Zhou period, the social structure evolved from the “Yue clan” chiefdom tothe states of Wu and Yue, and provides a new understanding of the historicalmechanism of the state foundation of both Wu and Yue, and of the nature of therelations between these two states.The sixth chapter is the conclusion of this work, providing a synthesis of theresearch results and pointing out its limits and further possible developments.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期