

The Communist Party of China’s National Interest and Practice Research

【作者】 刘薇

【导师】 刘洁;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 国家利益是随着现代民族国家的产生而产生的,是国家制定对内政策和对外战略的出发点和基石。维护和扩展国家利益的程度是衡量一个国家外交战略是否成功的标准。国家利益的实现是在国家利益观的指导下进行的,所以国家利益实现的程度也是检验国家利益观正确与否的基本标准。只要人类社会还存在着民族国家,就会产生相应的国家利益,也就会有国家利益观。在马克思主义思想指导下的中国共产党的国家利益观,结合了中国的具体国情在实践中逐渐形成并发展而来。本文主要研究新中国成立以来,中国共产党各个历史时期的国家利益观以及在其指导下的对外战略的实践发展与创新。全文将分为绪论、中国共产党国家利益观的理论依据、发展进程、基本内容和特征、外交领域的创新和发展,以及在今后维护国家利益的实践当中所面临的挑战以及所应采取的相应对策等六个部分展开系统的论述和研究。第1章,绪论。分为选题意义、研究现状、研究思路以及论文的创新四个部分。选题意义主要介绍了论文选题的理论和实践意义;研究现状主要梳理了西方学者和中国学者对于国家利益问题的研究现状;研究思路主要介绍了论文从新中国成立至今,在不同历史时期和时代背景下,中国共产党国家利益观的发展以及实践创新;论文的创新主要介绍是从研究的内容、研究的角度以及研究的方法三个方面的创新。第2章,中国共产党国家利益观的理论依据。主要介绍了国家利益的概念及基本内涵;国家利益的性质以及中国共产党国家利益观的理论来源及依据。关于概念主要介绍了国家及其本质、国家利益概念的渊源以及国家利益的内涵;关于性质主要概括了国家利益的三个性质:阶级性、民族性和动态性;关于中国共产党国家利益观的理论依据分为四个部分:马克思主义经典作家对国家利益的阐述、西方学者对国家利益研究的理论成果、中国传统文化的影响以及中国共产党国家利益观的历史源流。第3章,中国共产党国家利益观的发展进程。以不同历史时期进行划分,分别对中国共产党国家利益观的时代背景、发展脉络以及特点进行相应归纳总结。第一部分建国后到改革开放前中国共产党的国家利益观;第二部分改革开放中期中国共产党的国家利益观;第三部分十四大到十六大期间中国共产党的国家利益观;第四部分十六大到十八大中国共产党的国家利益观。第4章,中国共产党国家利益观的内容、特征及实践运用。本文把中国共产党国家利益观的内容划分为安全利益、政治利益、经济利益和文化利益;中国共产党国家利益观区别于西方资本主义国家的特征,是建立在中国国情基础上的社会主义国家利益价值观,是阶级利益与民族利益的统一,是动态性与稳定性的统一,是国家利益与世界利益的统一;其实践运用体现为:在传统外交领域的运用、在非传统外交领域的运用以及在海洋利益方面的维护。第5章,国家利益框架下中国共产党外交政策的创新与价值。本章从中国共产党对外战略的理论和实践创新以及中国共产党国家利益观的理论价值展开论述。在维护国家利益的相关外交政策方面的理论创新有:和平共处五项原则、独立自主的和平外交、国际关系民主化和发展模式多样化;走和平发展道路构建和谐世界等等;在实践创新方面:中国共产党的几代领导人始终坚持和平共处的原则,本着维护国家利益、实现全世界共同利益的原则,构建与周边国家、亚非拉国家以及西方发达国家良好的关系,力求最终实现全人类的共同利益;而中国共产党国家利益观的理论价值则体现在:继承和发展了马克思的国家利益理论,指引了新中国的外交方向,为别的国家解决类似的矛盾和争端提供了有益借鉴。第6章,中国共产党维护国家利益所面临的挑战以及对策。主要介绍了中国共产党今后在维护国家利益方面所将面临的挑战以及所应采取的相应对策。所面临的挑战:政治领域的非传统安全威胁上升、全球金融危机对国家经济安全带来的冲击、文化全球化对国家文化安全带来的冲击;所应采取的对策:采用新安全观维护国家安全利益、创新经济政策维护国家经济安全、创新文化战略保护国家文化利益。

【Abstract】 National interest is with the emergence of the modern nation-state, is the stateformulates the starting point and cornerstone of domestic policy and foreign strategy.Maintain and expand the level of national interest is the measure of the success of anation’s diplomatic strategy. The realization of the interests of the country wasconducted under the guidance of national interest, so the degree of the realization ofnational interests is the basic standard to validate the national interest. As long as thehuman society, there are national, will generate the corresponding national interests,also there will be national interest. In under the guidance of marxism, the communistparty of China’s national interest, combined with China’s specific national conditionsin practice gradually formed and developed. This paper mainly studies since thefounding of new China, the communist party of China each historical period of thenational interest and in its foreign strategy under the guidance of the practice ofdevelopment and innovation. The full text is divided into the introduction, the theorybasis of the communist party of China national interest, the development process,basic content and features, innovation and development in the field of diplomacy,and safeguard the interests of the state of practice in the future challenges and thecorresponding countermeasures should be taken to the six parts such as system isdiscussed and research.Chapter one, introduction.divided into the selected topic significance, researchstatus, research ideas and innovation four part of the paper. Selected topicsignificance mainly introduced the paper selected topic of theoretical and practicalsignificance; About the concept mainly introduced the country and its essence, the connotation of the origin of the concept of national interests and national interests;About nature mainly sums up the three properties: the interests of the state of nature,nationality and dynamic; About the communist party of China national interest isdivided into four parts: the theoretical basis of the classic marxist writers expoundfor the interests of the state, the theoretical achievements of western scholarsresearch on national interests, the influence of Chinese traditional culture andnational interest in the history of the communist party of China origin.Chapter two, the theory basis of the communist party of China national interest.Mainly introduces the concept and connotation of national interests;The nature of thenational interests as well as the basis and origin of the theory of the communist partyof China national interest. About the concept mainly introduced the country and itsessence, the connotation of the origin of the concept of national interests andnational interests; About nature mainly sums up the three properties: the interests ofthe state of nature, nationality and dynamic; About the communist party of Chinanational interest is divided into four parts: the theoretical basis of the classic marxistwriters expound for the interests of the state, the theoretical achievements of westernscholars research on national interests, the influence of Chinese traditional cultureand national interest in the history of the communist party of China origin.Chapter three, the development process of the communist party of Chinanational interest. In different historical periods, respectively for the communist partyof China era background, development and characteristics of national interestaccordingly generalizations. The first part is the party’s first generation of collectiveleadership of the national interest;The second part is the party’s second generationleading group of national interest;The third part is the party’s third generation ofcollective leadership of national interest;The fourth part is the party’s newgeneration of collective leadership development for the interests of the state.Chapter four, the content and features of the communist party of China national interest and practical application. This article divided the content of the communistparty of China national interest as the security interests, political interests, economicinterests and culture; The communist party of China national interest characteristicsdifferent from the western capitalist countries, is established on the basis of China’snational conditions of the socialist values of the interests of the state, is the unity ofthe class interests and national interests, is the unification of the dynamics andstability, is the unity of the state interests and the interests of the world; Its practiceembodied in: applied in the field of traditional diplomacy, used in the field ofnon-traditional diplomacy and expand in interests of the ocean.Chapter five, the interests of the state within the framework of the communistparty of China’s foreign policy innovation and value. This chapter from thecommunist party of China’s foreign strategy theory and practice of innovation andthe communist party of China national interest theory value. In the maintenance ofnational interests related to the theory of foreign policy innovation are: the fiveprinciples of peaceful coexistence, independent peaceful foreign relations anddemocratization of international relations and diversification of developmentmodels;The road of peaceful development to build a harmonious world, and so on;Innovation in practice, the several generations of leaders of the communist party ofChina always adhere to the principles of peaceful coexistence, in line with themaintenance national interest and the fulfillment of the principle of commoninterests around the world, to build with neighboring countries, the countries of Asia,Africa and Latin America and the western developed countries good relations, toeventually realize the common interests of mankind; Innovation in practice, theseveral generations of leaders of the communist party of China always adhere to theprinciples of peaceful coexistence, in line with the maintenance national interest andthe fulfillment of the principle of common interests around the world, to build withneighboring countries, the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America and the western developed countries good relations, to eventually realize the commoninterests of mankind;Chapter six, the challenges faced by the communist party of China to maintainnational interests as well as the countermeasures. Mainly introduced the communistparty of China in the future will face the challenge of in the maintenance of nationalinterests and the corresponding countermeasures should be taken. Challenges:politics in the field of non-traditional security threats, the global financial crisis onthe impact of the national economic security, cultural globalization on the impact ofnational cultural security; The countermeasures should be adopted: using the newsecurity concept to maintain national security interests, the innovation economicpolicy safeguard national economic security strategy to protect the interests of thenational culture, innovation culture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期