

Study on the Efficiency of High-tech Industry Innovation Activities Which Based One a New Internet DEA Structure

【作者】 王博

【导师】 冯锋;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 公共管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 高技术产业因其高技术性、高竞争、高附加值等特点,在国家产业发展中占据极其重要的地位。各国都努力发展高技术产业,通过政策支持,技术创新和法律保护等手段和措施,引导和扶持高技术产业的发展。我国的高技术产业起步较晚,但通过逐年发展已经取得了丰硕的成果,成为我国经济增长的重要引擎。近些年我国高技术产业已经取得总产值世界第二的成绩,与世界前列的发达国家相比,我国的高技术仍存在以下不足:总体国际竞争力不足;GDP水平与科技创新能力、科技创新能力与技术应用水平存在不平衡;R&D效率不高等等。高技术产业里R&D创新活动往往被视为其发展的最重要推动力,创新驱动发展,已经是现阶段的科技界被讨论的最多,也是最难以确定研究方向的一个主题,在这种背景下围绕高技术产业创新活动效率展开研究。本文在总结国内外高技术产业相关理论、高技术产业园区研究以及高技术产业创新体系、效率等文献的基础上,对现阶段我国高技术创新活动效率现状进行评价。运用扎根理论对文本资料进行分析,其中文本资料一方面来自于国内关注高技术产业创新的多本权威期刊,另一方面通过实地深度调研和访谈获取。通过扎根理论重新确立了我国的高技术产业质性研究框架,从框架中深度剖析,挖掘出高技术产业的阶段性以及每个阶段的投入产出要素,并针对要素结合实际调研进行详细解读,在此基础上选取各阶段的投入产出指标并构建高技术产业创新活动模型。针对模型构建网络DEA模型,并选取我国高技术产业具体数据代入分析得到我国高技术产业区域和产业两个层面的两个阶段以及整体阶段的效率,通过效率分析梳理出政策导向,与现阶段我国的高技术产业政策体系进行可行性分析和评价之后,最后围绕筛选后的政策导向提出具体政策建议。具体研究内容从以下方面展开:(一)绪论部分。概括介绍了本文的研究背景,研究目的和意义。简单概括了全文的研究内容,绘制了技术路线图,提出了文章的创新点和研究方法。(二)国内外文献综述。从理论和实践两方面介绍了高技术产业的各类研究,分为产业发展、产业效率、创新体系、创新绩效、创新能力和高技术产业园区发展等方面,此外评述了学术界对我国高技术产业发展的研究方法和工具,综上所述提出本文的研究思考和研究方法。(三)研究的重点集中在高技术产业的创新活动效率上,而面对内容多且复杂的高技术产业研究,本文采用扎根方法,从现有学术界成果和实际调研中两个方面获取文本资料,通过扎根步骤提出我国的高技术产业质性研究框架,为下一步骤做准备。(四)依托质性研究框架、实际创新过程和其他学者的指标体系,通过具体分析创新活动各阶段的投入和产出指标,最终构建高技术产业创新活动效率投入产出指标体系。以此为基础尝试构建新型两阶段网络DEA测评模型,为定量计算做准备。(五)以新型两阶段网络DEA模型分析测算我国各区域高技术产业的效率,得到了各区域高技术发展的总体效率排序和阶段排序,按照排序将各省份划归到六大板块,并围绕板块间阶段效率、总体效率的提升和协调度的优化等方面提出发散性建议。(六)以新型两阶段网络DEA模型分析测算我国高技术各产业的效率,得到了不同产业的总体效率、两阶段效率排序和协调度等结果,对结论进行深度分析,提出提升效率和协调度的发散性政策。(七)结合五六两章分析的内容,得到关于高技术的区域和产业的政策导向,搜集现阶段我国高技术产业政策,运用政策评估工具对本文提出的政策导向进行可行性评估分析和筛选,得到适合实际的高技术产业政策导向,并围绕政策导向提出具体政策建议。(八)总结全文,提出不足和未来展望。

【Abstract】 Because of the features of high-tech, high competition, high value-addition, High-tech industry plays an important role in the national industrial development. To guide and support the development of high-tech industries, all countries are making efforts to develop high-tech industries through policy support, technical innovation and other means of legal protection and measures. In China, high-tech industry starsted late, but by years of development, it has made fruitful achievements, and high-tech industry has become an important engine of economic growth. Although in recent years China’s output value of high-tech achievements has ranked the second of the world, many aspects need to be improved in the future:the lack of overall international competitiveness; the imbalance of GDP level and technological innovation, technical capability and application level; R&D inefficiency etc. In high-tech industry, R&D innovation activities are often regarded as the most important driving force for high-tech development. Innovation-driven development the largest sector at this stage, has always been discussed, but still difficult to heading to one direction. So in this context, the paper makes a research on high-tech industry innovation activities efficiency.Based on the summarization of high-tech industries theory, the research on high-tech industrial parks and literature of high-tech industry research innovation system efficiency, the paper makes an evaluation on China’s high-tech innovation activities efficiency of present stage. Based on grounded theory, the writer analyzes text data, which can be found in domestic authoritative high-tech industry innovation journals and obtained by the depth field research and interviews. Based on Grounded Theory, the framework of our qualitative research of high-tech industry will be re-established, and from the In-depth analysis of the frame, the elements of input and output of each stage can be selected out, in combination with practical field research, the elements can be analyzed. On the base of the analization, the input and output indicators in innovation activities phase can be selected and high-tech industry innovation activities model can be built. The writer builds DEA mold and then select the specific data of high-tech industry to get the overall efficiency of stage and that of the two-level of region and industry. And then the writer teases out policy-orientation and maks feasibility analysis and evaluation on the present high-tech industrial policy system, finally to make specific policy recommendations about the policy direction after screening. The specific studies are from the following aspects:(1)Introduction section. It’s an overview of the research background, purpose and meaning, which is also a summary of the text. The author draws the technology roadmap and proposes innovation points as well as the research methods of the article.(2)The domestic and overseas literature review. From the theoretical and practical aspects, the author introduces various types of high-tech industry research, including industrial development, industrial efficiency, innovation system, innovation performance, innovation and high-tech industrial park development. In addition, the author makes a comment on China’s high-technical academic research methods and tools and puts forward the research thinking and methods.(3)The author puts emphasis on the efficiency of innovation activities of high-tech industry. Facing high-tech industry research featured in complexity, the author uses grounded theory to get sources from the existing research in academic achievements and practical investigation, and proposes high-tech industries qualitative research framework on the basis of grounded theory to make preparations for the next step.(4)Relying on qualitative research framework, the actual process of innovation, index system of other scholars and detailed analysis on inputs and outputs indicators of different stages of innovation activity, the author ultimately builds high-tech industrial input-output indicator system of innovation activity efficiency, on which we can try to build a new two-stage DEA evaluation model and prepare for the quantitative calculation.(5) The author analyzes and estimates the efficiency of the China’s regional high-tech industry with the usage of the new two-stage DEA model, and sequences the overall efficiency and stage efficiency of high-tech development. According to the sequence, the author classifies each province into different plates, and puts forward divergent proposal around stage efficiency, improvement of overall efficiency and optimization of coordination and other aspects among the plates.(6) The author analyzes and estimates the efficiency of various high-tech industries with the usage of the new two-stage network DEA model to get the overall efficiency of different industries, the sequence of two-stage efficiency and the coordination degree. what’s more, the author makes a deep analysis on the above conclusions and brings up divergent policies for improvement of the efficiency and coordination degree.(7) Combining with the fifth or sixth chapters, we can get regional orientation and policy orientation of high-tech industries and sort out China’s industrial policies for the present stage. Besides, the author uses assessment tool to assess and screen the feasibility of the policy orientation to get practical policy orientation of high-tech industry and make specific policy recommendations accordingly.(8) at last, the author makes a summary of the whole text, points out the deficiencies and the shows the future prospect.

  • 【分类号】F273.1;F276.44
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1278
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