

Research on Improvement of Geophone for Seismic Exploration by Electronic Method

【作者】 董磊

【导师】 安琪; 宋克柱;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 物理电子学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 石油既是宝贵的能源资源,又是一种不可或缺的战略物资。近年来我国原油进口和对外依存度的逐年提高,使我国的能源安全受到一定影响。由于现代社会对石油的需求不断增长,石油勘探技术的发展也受到了相应的重视。地震勘探是现在石油勘探中一种最为有效的勘探方法,是石油勘探主要手段之一,它具有稳定性高、细节丰富、勘探深度大等优点。作为地震勘探系统的最前端,地震传感器的性能的提升是改善地震探测系统的探测精度的基础。目前全球陆上石油勘探设备所使用的传感器仍然是传统的动圈式传感器。这种传感器自投入使用以来一直没有明显的性能改善,逐渐成为了整个地震勘探设备的瓶颈。随着石油探测的需求越来越多,地震勘探系统的各方面性能在不断的改进。因此改进地震传感器性能对提升地震勘探系统探测精度具有重要的意义。本文的研究目标是要利用电子学的方法改进动圈检波器的性能,即在不改变传统动圈检波器结构的情况下,通过电子学反馈网络改进动圈检波器性能,尤其是10Hz以下低频响应的性能。为了能够找到合理的方法改进动圈检波器,本文首先将仔细分析地震勘探的原理,分析地震波的传输特性,了解地震勘探中人工地震波的特点。并且认真的分析了动圈检波器的结构以及工作原理,比较完整的讨论了动圈检波器的理论模型。本文考虑了传统的网络综合方法,介绍了网络综合原理。讨论了使用传统网络综合理论设计动圈检波器反馈网络的可行性。并且发现使用传统方法解决这一问题是十分困难的。接下来本文介绍了遗传算法,并且分析了遗传算法的特点。最后本文提出了基于遗传算法的动圈式传感器反馈电路网络设计方法,并给出了基于遗传算法的反馈电路设计结果。本论文章节安排如下:第一章为绪论,介绍了本课题意义、主要研究内容,以及一些本课题的背景信息,包括地震传感器的类型和发展状况。第二章介绍了陆上地震勘探的基本原理。首先简单介绍了地震勘探的发展历史,然后分析了地震波的传播特点,介绍了低频地震勘探的发展趋势,介绍了地震勘探对地震检波器各种性能的要求。第三章介绍了传统动圈式地震传感器的基本结构,并且讨论了动圈检波器的理论模型,设计并且测试负电阻反馈网络改进动圈检波器的性能。第四章介绍了经典的网络综合理论,并以此为基础,结合动圈检波器反馈网络设计的实际问题,分析了经典网络综合理论在动圈检波器反馈网络设计中存在的困难。第五章对遗传算法进行了简单的介绍,介绍了遗传算法的生物学基础,然后分析了遗传算法的特点,并且介绍了遗传算法的基本实现方法。实现了设计动圈检波器反馈网络的遗传算法方案,并利用该方法将得出了一个全新的反馈网络结构,从仿真结果看,该新型的反馈网络能够提供很好的优化效果。第六章对目前的工作进行了总结和展望。

【Abstract】 Oil is both a valuable energy resource, but also an indispensable strategic material. In recent years, the crude oil imports of china have gradually increased, so that the energy security of our country was affected. The oil demand of modern society grow, more attention was given to the oil exploration technology development. Seismic exploration is one of the main methods of oil exploration. It has several advantages, such as high stability, rich in detail, large exploration depth. Seismic exploration is one of the most effective oil exploration methods.With the continuous development of seismic exploration techniques, the accuracy of seismic exploration system is also rising. Seismic sensor is the critical component of the seismic exploration system. Enhance the performance of seismic sensors is important to improve detection accuracy of seismic exploration system. Today, traditional geophones are still widely used as the sensors of land oil exploration equipment. The performance of geophone has not been significantly improved since it was used in seismic exploration, and it has become the bottleneck of the whole seismic exploration equipment. Therefore, it is very important to improve the performance of geophone.The goal of this paper is to improve the performance of geophone using electronic method without changing the structure of traditional geophone, especially the performance of low-frequency response. In order to find a reasonable way to improve the geophone’s performance, the principle of seismic exploration is studied carefully, the transmission characteristics of seismic wave is analyzed, the characteristics of seismic wave in seismic exploration is found out, the structure and working principle of geophone is analyzed seriously. A new theory model is established in this paper.In this article the traditional electronic network synthesis method is consider, and the network synthesis theory is introduced. The feasibility of designing the geophone feedback network using traditional method is discussed, and it is found that the work is very hard to use the traditional method. Then the genetic algorithm is introduced, and the features of genetic algorithm are analyzed. Finally, this paper presents the circuit network design method of geophone feedback network based on the genetic algorithm, and gives out the design result of the geophone feedback network that is generated by genetic algorithm method.In chapter one, the background information of this paper is introduced, including the types and development history of seismic sensors.In chapter two, the basic principle of land seismic exploration is introduced. First the development history of seismic exploration is introduced briefly, the propagation characteristics of seismic wave is analyzed, then the development trend of the low-frequency of seismic exploration is introduced, finally the requirements of geophone propertiese seismic exploration is discussed.In chapter three, the basic structure of the traditional geophone is introduced, and the theory model of geophone discussed. Finally, several improvements methods, which are studied by our predecessors, for the geophone to improve low frequency performance are introduced.In chapter four, the network synthesis theory is introduced. The feasibility of designing the geophone feedback network using traditional method is discussed.In chapter five, a brief introduction to genetic algorithm is made, then the characteristics of genetic algorithm are analyzed, finally the basic method of genetic algorithm is introduced. And a design scheme to improve the performance of geophone using genetic algorithm is put forward. The design results of the genetic algorithm present in the article.At last, in chapter six, a summary and prospect are made.
