

Study on Genetic Mechanism and Pile-soil Contact Effect of Anti-slide Piles of Xinyan Landslide

【作者】 上官云龙

【导师】 王清; 陈剑平;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 地质工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 新岩滑坡是汪延一级公路新岩路段高填方路堤滑坡,由于滑坡岩土体具有膨胀性,属于膨胀性软岩滑坡。由于对滑坡成因机制研究不足,多年来经过多次治理,至今仍无法根治,严重威胁汪延高速公路的正常通车和安全运营。论文根据新岩滑坡工程地质条件和滑体特征,研究分析新岩滑坡成因机制和治理设计,并利用二维模型反演模拟新岩滑坡形成过程,针对抗滑桩土拱效应,建立新岩滑坡整体三维模型,研究桩截面形式和双排桩布置方式对桩间土拱效应的影响,优化抗滑桩设计。论文共分八章,第1章为绪论,介绍了选题依据和研究意义,总结了膨胀土、滑坡治理及桩间土拱效应研究的国内外现状,并介绍了论文的主要内容和技术路线以及论文的创新点。第2章从自然地理概况、地形地貌、地层岩性、地质构造、水文地质、物理地质现象和地震介绍了新岩滑坡工程地质概况。第3章分析研究新岩滑坡区的老滑坡及新岩滑坡的地质特征。第4章介绍对新岩滑坡区域岩土体物理力学试验及相关参数。第5章研究分析新岩滑坡的成因机制,进行滑体稳定性评价,并针对性的提出锚索、抗滑桩和反压坡脚三种治理设计。第6章采用FLAC3D数值模拟软件,建立二维平面模型,反演模拟新岩滑坡成因机制,进一步研究新岩滑坡的成因机制。第7章介绍土拱效应,以新岩滑坡为例,建立整体三维模型,研究桩体截面形式和双排桩布置方式对桩间土拱效应的影响。第8章结论与展望,总结了论文所有结论。

【Abstract】 The expansive soil high-filled embankment landslide in Xinyan section whichbelongs to the Wangqing-Yanji highway is named Xinyan landslide. With theresearching lack on the genetic mechanism, it always slides again after itsreinforcement which threatens the highway’s normal operation and opening to trafficheavily. By the detailed field investigations and laboratory tests, the engineeringgeological conditions and characteristics of deformation and cracks of Xinyanlandslide has been studied well. So are the physical and mechanical characteristics.The shear strength of the swelling soil of Xinyan landslide is low.The progress of deformation is affected by many factors including expansivesoils with low shear strength, the unreasonable load by filling on the surface of oldlandslides, the space for lateral deformation, the groundwater and so on. Finally, theprogressive failure has occurred in the low shear strength of expansive soils.According to the genetic mechanism and characteristics of the landslide, threeschemes which include anchor cable, anti-slide pile and slope toe backfill are putforward. The results show that they all can be satisfied with the requirement that makethe slope stable. Thus the system coordinating the drainage of surface andunderground must be designed for guaranteeing that Xinyan landslide will not slideagain.With using the numerical analysis software of FLAC3D, the two-dimensionalgeological model has been made up for researching the formation process of Xinyanlandslide. It’s shows that the horizontal displacements of the slope increase by filling on the surface of old landslides. The soils in the toe of slope have the phenomenon ofstress focus. Shear failures spread from the toe to the inside of the slope. When thefilling completes, the slip mass through the slope appears meaning the Xinyanlandslide happens.The influence on the arching effect from the cross section shape of single-rowpiles and layout style of double-row anti-slide piles has been studied by numericalsimulating through the software of FLAC3D. The results show that compared withcircular piles, the arching effect surrounding square piles is much better and itsdisplacement of piles is smaller. The load-sharing ratio of square piles and soils ishigh and uniform distribution along the mechanical part of square piles. Comparedwith parallel laying-out piles, Quincunx laying-out piles is beneficial to promotingsoil arching effect. And the bearing load of soils between double-rows piles is smaller.So the residual sliding-resistance force of soils between double-rows piles can beserved as emergency capacity, which improves the stability of landslide.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期
  • 【分类号】P642.22;U418.55
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】140
  • 攻读期成果