

The Research on Post-Grouting Cement to Increase the Load Capacity for Bored Pile


【导师】 佴磊;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 地质工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 工程中使用钻孔灌注桩是基桩处理的高效方法但成本高昂,目前的目标是怎样减少钻孔灌注桩的成本。研究出更有效更经济的钻孔灌注桩处理方法不但是研究者而且是设计师、工程师、监理工程师、业主特别关心的问题。增加钻孔灌注桩承载力以减少钻孔桩的数量是较好的解决该问题的方法。为了提高灌注桩的承载力而采取的后注浆技术在世界上很多国家和地区被采用(如日本、泰国、中国)。很多研究工程采用了实际的模型和尺寸进行实验研究,后注浆技术是处理灌注桩和增加承载力的极其有效的技术。随着高层和大跨度建筑的与日俱增,钻孔灌注桩因其施工简单、承载力高、对环境影响小、适应性强等优点,得到了广泛应用。但钻孔灌注桩最常见的缺陷是孔壁坍塌、桩侧有泥皮、孔底沉渣、成孔过程中孔壁土体松动和软化,造成单桩承载力不足。钻孔灌注桩后注浆技术是在原有的钻孔灌注桩技术上发展出来的新工艺。它克服了钻孔管灌注桩原有的缺陷,能够极大地提高钻孔灌注桩的承载力,有很好的实际意义,并能带来较大的经济效益。灌注桩后注浆过程可分为五步:第一步:安装钢管后进行灌注桩的施工第二步:沿着所安装的钢管钻透灌注桩底部。第三步:用高压力水流清洗灌注桩底部的沉渣。第四步:在桩底部注浆。第五步:堵住钢管的一头,继续注浆及保持压力不变。本文介绍了钻孔灌注桩后注浆的注浆机理和工艺,通过对不同部位进行后注浆的机理描述,从理论上阐明了后注浆技术在注浆过程中的注浆模式和产生的效果。并简单叙述了不同土层对注浆效果的影响,并进行了灌注桩后注浆技术过程研究。对后注浆的施工工艺进行了详细描述,并提出了在施工中应当注意的问题及其处理方式。后注浆技术可以消除钻孔灌注桩的固有缺陷,可以提高单桩承载力。其中注浆施工前应通过试压确定有关注浆参数。以往工程实践表明,在土质条件、成桩条件一定的前提下,注浆效果主要取决于水泥注入量和注浆压力。此时,水泥浆配比、注浆泵流量、注浆时间的选择也是影响注浆效果的重要因素。本文注浆的主要参数及标准化过程主要包括:选择注浆材料、注浆液的容重、粘性度、强度和固结时间及其水灰比W/C。参数计算主要包括:注浆的渗透半径、计算注浆压力、注浆量的计算、计算注浆强度、注浆顺序及其停止注浆的条件。灌注桩承载力的分析方法,规范中给出了桩基承载力的确定方法,不同规范所给出的桩基承载力的确定方法不同。主要以《公路桥涵与地基基础设计规范》(JTGD63-2007)(以下简称规范一)与《建筑桩基技术规范》(JGJ94-2008)(以下简称规范二)为主介绍钻孔灌注桩桩基承载力的确定方法。规范一与规范二中对桩基承载力的确定均有经验的成分在内。规范一中是用单桩侧阻力与单桩端承力来表示单桩承载,在桩的侧阻力计算中,各土层与桩侧的摩阻力标准值以经验值来表示。规范二中主要介绍了原位测试方法与经验参数法。钻孔灌注桩的施工包括:(1)钻孔的准备工作:施工测量与放样、场地平整、施工道路的布设、供水供电系统、护筒的制作与埋设、泥浆池的开挖与调制、钻机的选用。(2)成孔工艺:钻机就位、钻孔、成孔检验、清孔。(3)钢筋笼的制作:钢筋笼的制作、钢筋保护层的设置、钢筋笼的存放与运输、钢筋笼的起吊和就位。(4)灌注水下混凝土:灌注前的准备、水下混凝土的配置、水下混凝土灌注。灌注桩常见的问题:空位偏斜、串浆及护筒脱落、串孔、卡钻、缩孔、掉钻、断桩、钢筋笼上浮、灌注成桩后的质量缺陷。对不同地质条件下(沙土、碎石)后注浆的灌注桩桩底承载力进行计算。针对越南河内、北京、上海、天津、武汉等地的工程实例,分析后注浆灌注桩桩底承载力的提高幅度,并与未注浆的桩基承载力进行对比分析。通过工程桩的静载试验对后注浆技术在提高桩承载力的效果进行进一步的试验研究。结果表明,在同一条件下,经过后注浆的灌注桩桩头的沉降比未注浆的桩头沉降大大减少,且承载力比原来增加1.6-1.75倍。后注浆钻孔灌注桩技术的应用可以有效地提高钻孔灌注桩的单桩承载力。阐述了Mipec公寓工程的地质条件和后注浆灌注桩桩底注浆的方法。单桩的承载力提高的结果达到56%以上。注浆后,可以改良桩侧泥皮和桩底沉渣,改善灌注桩质量并减少沉降和提高桩底阻力。不同地区、不同土层后注浆提高单桩承载力的幅度是不同的。卵砾石层与粉砂层相比,后注浆单桩承载力提高幅度较大。选择注浆水灰比为W/C(水/水泥)适合,同时后注浆灌注桩承载力方法可以更有效。通过对单桩的压缩实验,在不同地方针对不同地层,如河内、北京、天津、上海、武汉、杭州等地。对于桩底在粉砂层、粉质粘土中的情况,选用注浆水灰比为W/C=0.55–0.6,注浆压力为5-7Mpa,桩底后注浆后提高单桩承载力30%~40%。对于桩底位于卵石层石层则选择W/C=0.65-0.7进行桩底后注浆,能提高单桩承载力达到50%~80%。不同土层后注浆提高单桩承载力的幅度是不同的,灌注桩后注浆对提高桩基承载力效果良好。对于注浆钻孔灌注桩来讲,其承载力是最重要的,因为它决定了灌注桩的工作效益。注浆灌注桩的施工措施影响到灌注桩的质量,从而大大影响到灌注桩的承载力.因此,本人指出问题的原因,并提出一些措施以克服注浆灌注桩施工过程中存在的问题,从而保证灌注桩的质量以及发挥其最佳的承载力。由于后注浆灌注桩工艺在不同的土层其注浆机理和注浆结果都不尽相同,所以很难给出统一的承载力公式,但是我们可以根据试验现场地层的具体情况,建立后注浆工艺及后注浆灌注桩的地区性承载力设计规范。桩底持力层的对比,天津和上海这种一般以砾砂层、粉砂、粉细砂为桩底持力层的地区,桩底后注浆提高单桩承载力30%~40%。而卵砾石层的地区如河内、杭州、北京和武汉,仅桩底后注浆即能提高单桩承载力达到50%~80%。卵砾石层和粉土、圆砾层、石层、粉细砂层相比,后注浆单桩桩底承载力提高幅度较大的原因有:从岩土工程介质可注性角度讲,在粉细砂和中砂层为代表的细粒土中进行后注浆时,压入浆液主要是对桩端沉渣进行填充加固,浆液渗入率低,主要是劈裂注浆作用。而以卵砾石层和石层为代表的粗粒土进行后注浆时,注入浆液除了对桩端沉渣进行填充加固外,其浆液渗入率高,浆液通过渗透、挤密、填充及固结作用,将桩端土和桩端一起形成带扩大头的整体,相当于增加了桩端进入持力层的深度和桩底受力面积,从而大幅度提高桩底阻力。从两者桩侧的渗入率角度考虑也是一样的,粗粒土与细粒土相比,粗粒土渗入率高,从而单桩提高幅度大于细粒土。从后注浆后两者形成的结石体角度考虑,粗粒土形成的结石体强度高于细粒土形成的结石体,结石体强度越高越有利于桩基承受荷载,粗粒土提高幅度大于细粒土。从而后注桩底浆承载力对砾石层、圆砾层和石层比粉细砂和中砂层提高的幅度大。后注浆钻孔灌注桩桩底承载力增强的原因有:(1)土层的影响。相同条件下,桩底在土层不同其后注浆效果不同。对卵砾石、砂卵石、砂等粗砾土情况下,应用桩底注浆效果好。单桩承载力可提高幅度从60%到80%。当对细土、粉细砂层、粉砂层、粉质粘土情况下,后注浆的结果一般提高30%以上。(2)注浆量。一般情况下,桩底的层注浆量越多,桩基承载力提高的幅度越大。对卵砾石、砂卵石、砂等粗砾土注浆用W/C=0.65-0.7,对细土,粉细砂层粉砂层,粉质粘土注浆用W/C=0.55-0.6。(3)注浆压力。注浆压力越大,承载力提高幅度越大,桩的沉降也越小。注浆压力宜采用5.0-7.0MPa。采用FLAC3D对工程桩进行模拟,并将模拟结果与实测结果和计算结果进行对比,验证承载力公式的正确性和可靠性,并进一步验证FLAC3D对桩后注浆进行模拟的可行性。在具体工程中,依照工程实测数据来理论预测实际工程的极限承载力,并使用静载试验结果进行桩基设计计算。

【Abstract】 The pile foundation treatment is an efficient and costly method. So the importaintquestion is how to reduce the cost of this method. Not only for researchers but also for thedesigners, engineer and supervising engineer all try to find solutions for this issue. For thisreason many studieds have been done on cement post-grouting technology to increase theload capacity for bored pile. The post grouting technique has been used in many countries(e.g., Japan, Thailand, and China). Many studies have been using by modeling andexperiments for grouting technique to increase the bearing capacity and strengthen thestability.With the rapid development of high-rise and construction demand is increaseing;drilled grouting pile has been applied broadly, because of its advantages such as simpleconstruction, high loading capacity, less impact on environment, strong adaptability and soon. But the common defects of drilled grouting pile are collapse of hole wall, mud layer bythe side of pile, sediment of porebottom, soil softening and loosing of hole wall, thesecause the insufficiency of loading capacity of single pile.Bored pile with post-grouting grout pour technique is a kind new process which isbased on cast-insitu bored pile technique. It remedies the weakness of the cast-in-situ boredpile. It can increase the bearing capacity of the cast-in-situ bored pile. This research cancontribute some good practical significance, and bring a large economic benefit.Post-grouting pile process includes the following five steps:Step1: construction bored pile.Step2: Installation the steel pipe drilling along the length of the pile.Step3: Pumping high pressure water to clean sediment at the bottom of the pile.Step4: after installation steel caqes conducting concrete bored pile.Step5: the end of the plug pipe to keep the pressure grouting and the same.This dissertation describes the post-grouting mechanism and construction technologyof the bored pile, Through the mechanism of post grouting in different parts of description,theoretically expounds the post grouting technique in the process of grouting and the effectof the grouting mode.And the different soil layer on the grouting effect are described briefly, and studied the filling pile after grouting technique process.The constructionprocess of grouting after a detailed description, and puts forward some problems thatshould be paid attention in the construction and its treatment. The post grouting technologycan eliminate the inherent weakness of bored piles, and increase the capacity of pile.Before the grouting, construction should be determined by testing the groutingparameters.Previous studies showed that the soil condition, the premise of groutingpressure and grouting effect mainly depends on the cement injection.At this point, the ratioof slurry, grouting flow and grouting pump time are also important factors influencing thegrouting technique.In this paper, the parameters of grouting and the standardization process mainlyincludes: choosing grouting materials, slurry density, viscosity and water cement ratio,strength and consolidation time W/C.Parameter calculation mainly includes: groutingpenetration radius, grouting pressure, grouting quantity calculation, calculation strength ofgrouting, grouting sequence and stop condition.Analysis method of the bearing capacity of bored piles, and a method for determiningthe bearing capacity of pile foundation in the specification given different specification isdifferent, the bearing capacity of pile foundation method is presented.Mainly in thehighway bridge and the foundation design specification (JTGD63-2007)(hereinafterreferred to as "specifications") and "technical specification for building pile foundation(JGJ94-2008)(hereinafter referred to as the specification2) mainly introduces methods forthe determination of the pile foundation bearing capacity of bored piles.A specification andspecification2, the bearing capacity of pile foundation are experiencedcomposition.Specification is one with single pile side resistance and the bearing capacity ofthe single pile to represent the single pile bearing, in the calculation of pile side resistance,the soil and pile side friction values on experience.In situ test specification2mainlyintroduces the method and experience method.Bored piles construction include:(1) drilling preparation: the construction survey andlofting, grading, layout of the construction road, water supply, power supply system, theproduction of steel liners and embedment, mud pit excavation and modulation, theselection of drilling rig.(2) the pore forming process: drilling emplacement, drilling hole,hole cleaning.The production of reinforcing cage.(3) the production of reinforcing cage,setting of reinforced protective layer, storage and transportation of reinforcing steel bar cage and reinforcing cage hoisting up and in placed.(4) pouring underwater concreteperfusion preparation, underwater concrete configuration and underwater concreteperfusion.Pile common problem: open deflection and string of pulp and liners falls off, the stringhole, sticking, shrinkage cavity, drills, breaking pile, reinforcing cage up-floating, afterperfusion pile quality defects.The post grouting pile bearing capacity of pile bottom has been applied inconstructions with different geological conditions (sand, clay, gravel). the bearing capacitypiles using the post grouting pile bottom in Hanoi Vietnam, Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin,Wuhan and other places is analized and compared with piles without using this technology,which shows that bearing capacity of piles is better.Throug further static test on the effect of Post-Grouting technology to increase the loadcapacity for bored pile, the results show that on the same conditions, settlement of pilesusing Post-Grouting technology is smaller than the settlement of piles without using Post-Grouting technology, and the loading capacity of piles using Post-Grouting technologyincreases1.6-1.75times.The application of post grouting technology can effectively improve the single boredpile bearing capacity. The Elaborated Mipec apartment engineering geological conditionsafter grouting pile bottom grouting method. Result of single pile bearing capacity increaseof56%or more. Post grouting, can improve the mud by the side of pile and pile bottomsediment, improving quality and reducing settlement and pile end resistance.For different areas and geological the Post grouting technology can increase the pilecapacity differently. By comparing the gravel layer and sand layer the Post groutingtechnology can icrease the pile capacity greatly.Through compression test of single pile, in different places for different strata, such asHanoi, Beijing, tianjin, Shanghai, wuhan, hangzhou and other places.For the bottom of thepile in the silty sand layer and silty clay, selection of grouting water cement ratio of W/C=0.55to0.6, grouting pressure for5-7MPa, after grouting in the pile bottom bearingcapacity of single pile was improved30%~40%.For the pile bottom is located in thepebble stone layer then choose W/C=0.65to0.7after pile bottom grouting, can improvethe bearing capacity of single pile reaches50%~80%.Different soil layer has different grouting range, increasing in bearing capacity of single pile post grouting pile led toimprove effect of pile foundation to the best.For grouting bored piles, the bearing capacity is one of the most important, because itdetermines the working efficiency of the pile.Grouting pile construction measures affectthe quality of filling pile, which greatly affect the bearing capacity of bored piles.Therefore, I pointed out that the cause of the problem, and puts forward some measures toovercome the problems existing in the construction process of bored piles of the grouting,so as to ensure the quality of filling pile and the bearing capacity of the play their best.Because post-grouting pile technology in different soil layer the mechanism ofgrouting and grouting results are different, so it is difficult to give a unified formula ofbearing capacity, but according to the test, with the actual conditions of the formation, setup after grouting process and grouting pile bearing capacity of regional design specification.The pile bottom force-hearing layer contrast, tianjin and Shanghai general with gravelsand, silt and silty sand pile bottom force-hearing layer, the bottom of the pile aftergrouting the bearing capacity of single pile was improved30%~40%.Area of gravel layerare like Hanoi, hangzhou, Beijing and wuhan, only which can improve of single bottompost-grouting pile that led the bearing capacity increased about50%~80%.Gravel, silt, rounded gravel layer, silty sand layer, increase capacity of single pilebottom for this reasons:From perspective of geotechnical medium represented that post grouting in silty sandand medium sand layer of fine grained soils, pressure into the slurry is mainly carried outon the bottom sediment filling reinforcement, slurry infiltration rate is low, mainlyfracturing grouting effect.And represented by gravel and rock layer of coarse grained soil,grout injection, except the bottom sediment filling reinforcing its slurry infiltration rate ishigh, the slurry through the permeability, compaction and filling consolidation effect thepile end point soil and pile end together with expanding head of the hole, is equivalent indepth and bottom of the pile, the increasing of bearing capacity of pile endpoint into thebearing area, thus greatly improve the pile bottom resistance.The pile lateral infiltrationrate is different, compared with the fine grained soil and coarse grained soil, infiltrationrate in coarse grained soil is higher than in the fine grained soils.From the perspective of formed post grouting concretion body after consideration,coarse grained soil formation of the concrete strength higher than that of fine grained soil formation, concrete strength is more conducive to the pile foundation under the load,increase of coarse grained soil is more than in fine grained soils.Thus the bearing capacity of pile bottom by slurry injection to the layer of gravel andspherical gravel layer is larger than that under silty sand and medium sand layer increase.Post-grouting the bottom bearing capacity and strengthening of bored cast-in-situ pileare increasing for the following reasons:(1) The influence of the soil, in the same conditions, the bottom of the pile groutingeffect by different soil. Application of pile bottom grouting is useful in gravel, sand, sandygravel, and other coarse gravel soil.Bearing capacity of single pile can improve at rangefrom60%to80%.When the fine soil, silty sand layer, silt, silty clay, post groutinggenerally increased more than30%.(2) Grouting quantity, in general, the pile bottom layer grouting quantity, the more thegreater the range of the pile foundation bearing capacity increase.For gravel, sand, pebbles,sand coarse gravel soil, etc Grouting with W/C=0.650.7, the fine soil, silty sand layer ofpowder sand, silty clay grouting with W/C=0.55to0.6.(3) The grouting pressure, increasing in grouting preasue led to increase bearingcapacity, the settlement of pile.Grouting pressure should be5to7Mpa.FLAC3D software is used to simulate and caculate the capacity of piles using Post-Grouting technology. The simulatited results are compared with experimental results andcalculated results, the difference of these results is small, and it shows that FLAC3D usingto simulate the capacity of piles is acceptable.In the specific contructions, the measured data of contruction used to predicttheoretically of ultimate bearing capacity of the actual pile foundation of contruction, andthe static test results are used to caculate and design pile foundation of contruction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期