

Subjective and Objective Asseement for Comfortable Design Innovating on Car-seat

【作者】 孙琳琳

【导师】 孔繁森;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 工业工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 经济的高速发展带动了科技的进步,科技的进步更促进经济的发展,当汽车不仅仅是人们的代步工具的时候,人们对汽车消费的倾向就变成了理想和感性的双重需求,汽车不仅仅代表了身份和地位,更代表着自己的品味和审美,甚至是自己内心的完全展示,他们通过汽车来满足自己的个性和心性的需求,这样对汽车行业就提出了更大的挑战,原来以生产方为主导的市场消费更新为以买方为主导的市场消费。企业为了更多的了解和满足消费群体的心理需求,就要不断地去做各种市场营销的调查和研究。本文基于感性工学和TRIZ创新思维方法,利用眼动仪对汽车座椅的消费者心理需求进行了研究,在此基础上对汽车座椅的舒适度进行了主客观评价。本文的主要研究内容如下:(1)为了让汽车座椅的感性设计目的能够更好的和消费者沟通,本文通过李克特量表法,把设计元素进行有规律的、可接受的排列组合,整合出汽车座椅美学设计思路。即,从两个角度进行设计语义资源的挖掘,一方面运用发散性思维,找到关键词汇,进行符号抽取;另一方面,针对功能结构设计创新,对座椅进行基于九屏幕法的资源分析和STC算子思维实验,寻找到技术矛盾,建立矛盾矩阵,通过矛盾矩阵,得到嵌套原理、反向作用原理和组合原理,通过这三个创新原理的应用得到更多的设计符号以满足相应的功能需求。(2)为了更好的测定汽车座椅静态状态下消费者的主观舒适度感受,本文通过对消费者关于语义差分、身体局部不适等级的主观测量与体压分布的客观测量与分析,找出影响消费者主观感受的客观因素,并通过对汽车座椅视觉舒适度的研究,从座椅的外观形态和消费者的内心感受两个方面完善了汽车座椅舒适度的设计和测量。(3)为了更好的测定在振动状态下,消费者对汽车座椅舒适性的感觉差异,通过网络问卷调查了消费者是如何用主观言语来描述人对振动舒适性的感觉差异的。振动对人体各部位的影响也分别对应于相应部位的生理反应,本文将这种感觉用数字的形式进行了量化,建立起量化模型,该模型不仅能够说明座椅是否舒适,还能够说明座椅振动舒适性的具体程度。(4)为了更好的把握消费者对汽车座椅视觉舒适性认知的心理过程,寻找汽车座椅概念设计阶段的消费者心理切入点,本文以感性工学,认知心理学为理论基础,使用眼动仪的试验方法,探索了汽车座椅带给客户的视觉舒适度的心理认知过程。综上所述,本文从多个角度对汽车座椅的舒适度进行了测量与评价,把难以测量的美学及舒适性的内心感受,用工学的方法进行研究,用定量的数据科学地评价了消费者对这种美和舒适性的感受。为汽车座椅的设计和评价提供了科学,简单和便于操作的方法。

【Abstract】 The economy and technology continues to develop, and each promoted the other. Thetechnology progress have more effect on the development of the economy. When the automobilenot just be the transport, the consumption tendency become the dual requirement of ideal andsensibility. Automobile not only represent identity and status, but also represent the taste andaesthetic, even a complete show of oneself heart. The need of personality and feeling aresatisfied by automobile, so the auto industry have to face greater challenges, the original marketdominated by producers have updated to the buyer dominated. In order to know more andsatisfied the psychological needs of consumer groups, enterprise have to do all kinds ofmarketing investigation and research continuously. With the change of the economic supply anddemand, scientific research also have a new direction. Cooperate with the theory of themarketing and management to understand the demand of the market become more perfect, itseem to be very meaningful to use technology and high-tech equipment to help understand themarket and consumer groups. This article based on perceptual technology, combined with the useof eye tracker, carried on the study of consumer psychology demand of car seats and objectiveevaluation methods of automobile seat comfort. Starting from the design touched the soul, usingscientific design method to experiment study, provides a more comprehensive and convenientdesign method and evaluation method for the enterprise.The article main content is divided into the following four aspects:1. This part of the research combined the design element regularly and acceptability by theestablishment of Likert Scale method, and then integrate the whole design idea, the aestheticform of consumer groups are primitive nature, the tendency of formal aesthetic are therhythm.According to the results of this study, from two angles to mine the design semantic resources,on the one hand, using the divergent thinking, find the key words, extract the symbol, on theother hand, to design innovation aimed at the functional structure, resource analysis of theseat based on nine screen method, and the thought experiment on STC operator, find thetechnical contradiction, then through the contradiction matrix, get the application of thenested principle, the reverse effect principle, and the principle of combination. Getting moredesign symbols and functional requirements. Combined with the research results, conductedthe idealized concept design of car seats. Finally, using eye tracker to verify the objectiveevaluation. Found that this kind of design method and design flow are effective. As a kind ofuniversal design research method, simple and easily operate and economic, can be used inthe process of product design.2. In this paper, this section combined the subjective measure of semantic differential, the levelof discomfort with local body with body pressure distribution measurement to finish theexperimental comparison, find out the objective factors that affect subjective feeling,through the study of car seat visual comfort, from the angle of outward appearance and innerfeelings, to complete the design and measurement of the automobile seat comfort. From thetest of automobile seat static comfort and questionnaire research, the appearance point ofview, and the use of semantic differential method is successful, five different aspects reflects the differences between two kinds of seats, and conformity with the actual situation, provedthat the research can continually exist in the questionnaire as the appearance evaluation. Andgave a comprehensive evaluation method of seat appearance visual comfort and tactilecomfort, which can be used for the laboratory tests and design improvements for the seatmanufacturers.3. In the actual seat vibration, the vibration frequency and transmission rates can’t be feltdirectly, just can perceptual cognize to vibration, can be described in subjective words. Theinfluence of vibration on human body also correspond to the corresponding parts`physiological reaction, and quantified the degree of the strength of the perception in the formof digital, through the questionnaire to establish a quantitative model, not only to saywhether the seat is comfortable, also can explain the concrete degree of seat vibrationcomfort, is a more detailed evaluation method. The formation of subjective and objectiveanalysis is consistent of the seat vibration comfort. Objective analysis can quantized thevibration perception which in subjective analysis, and the objective evaluation can enrich thecontent of subjective analysis, can have a good observation and quantitative for thephysiological and psychological factor which can`t reflected in the experiment, can carry onthe quantitative evaluation on the degree of comfort seat. In the development process of theseat, it is better to use two methods at the same time to verify the seat vibration comfort,through the objective experiment can help designer to control vibration of physical factors toimprove the vibration of the seat comfort, and through the analysis of subjective, it canquantify the degree of the seat vibration comfort. The combination of both can make thejudgment for the seat vibration comfort more accurate.4. Based on the perceptual technology and the cognitive psychology, formed the studyframework of this part, then from the perspective of perceptual engineering explored thepsychological cognitive process of customer’s visual comfort for the car seat, to theexploration of the psychological cognitive process, starting with eye movement trackingtechnique and form the eye tracker experiment content, through the person’s eye movementprocess to describe the person’s psychology cognitive process.On the above conclusions, using the field analysis and three axis analysis to further explorethe result of the experiment. Provided further improvement suggestions for the perfection of thedesign of the car seat.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期