

Power and Moral, Ethical Research Based on the Institutional Ethics

【作者】 吕鹏

【导师】 白刚;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 伦理学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 本文以探讨道德制约权力的现实可能性为最终的理论旨趣。权力是人类社会非常重要的一种现象,权力的产生与人类产生历史一样久远。从古至今对于权力的研究从未间断,政治学、哲学、社会学、伦理学、历史学、经济学等各个领域的思想家们,对权力的概念、特征、种类、权力的运行方式手段、权力的载体、权力的道德性等问题都有较为成熟的论述。本文侧重于以制度伦理为基础来研究道德对于权力的影响,那么权力是否具有道德性?道德对于权力的制约是否具有其现实意义?究竟以何种路径能够达成道德对权力的制约?都成为需要解决的关键问题。何为权力?马克思·韦伯给权力下了这样一种定义:权力是这样一种可能性,即一个处于一种社会关系中的行为者能够执行他自己的意愿而不管他人的反对,并且无视这一可能性依据的基础。也就是说,权力本身是具有一定的强制属性的,而权力是通过权力的行使者来体现其力量的,权力的行使者既可以是个体,也可以是群体,无论哪一种权力行使者,都具有人类固有的道德本性,因而也给权力附加上了道德的属性。何为道德?道德是用善恶标准去评价的一切社会现象,它是人们在社会生活实践中所形成的关于善恶、是非的观念、情感和行为习惯,并依靠社会舆论、人们内心的信念和良心来指导的用以完善人格和调节人与人、人与自然关系的规范体系。道德的存在在很大程度上并不是借助外在的强制和惩罚,而是依靠社会舆论、人们内心的信念和良心。正是由于人性本身的道德属性,才使得对权力有了“善”与“恶”的道德评价,也使权力运行的结果有着道德与不道德之分。权力与道德从来就是纠缠在一起的。对于权力的制约,有人认为道德起到的是微乎其微的作用,但事实上道德凭借着其对于权力主体的影响和对社会环境的规范,给权力制约带来的是全新的并且有效的改善。在思想史上,对于道德与权力的关系的论争从未停止。古希腊时期柏拉图的《理想国》中关于最好的国家的设想、最理想的政治秩序安排,共同体中的权力分配,谁是有资格掌握政治权力的人等理论;亚里士多德的“人的本质是政治动物”,城邦的使命就是引导人们追求人类最大的幸福——“善”;权力“当以善德与幸福为标准”,国家的建立并不是为了实现某一个阶段的利益,而是为了所有公民能够得到最大的幸福,这才是国家的最重要的目的。西方中世纪神权政治时期的奥古斯丁在《上帝之城》中提出如何协调和平衡政治权力与精神权力之间的关系。黑格尔提倡权力至善,认为权力本身是其目的,是伦理精神的最高完成,也是人类理性发展的必然结果。除了把权力加上善的道德属性,还有对于权力道德性的否定,如典型的人性恶论者霍布斯和马基雅维利,认为人天性就有自私、贪婪、狡猾、无情等恶德性,这种本性若不受外力控制而任由其自我发展导致结果就是个人主义膨胀,个体欲望无限夸大,社会秩序被扰乱,正常的社会生活遭到破坏。权力与道德的关系也是中国传统政治伦理的一个重要内容。儒家经典文本《论语》、《孟子》、《荀子》等,都在思考什么样的人才应掌握权力,通过何种教育制度来培养这样的人,又通过什么样的选拔制度来选拔权力精英。在一个秩序良好的社会中,如何协调好权力精英和其它社会成员之间的关系;在具体政治运作过程中,应该预设人性是善的,恶的,还是非善非恶的;对掌握权力的人,应采取柔性的道德约束,还是刚性的法律约束;在中央与地方之间,权力关系应如何安排,这些思考构成了中国传统伦理思想的重要组成部分。通过对于权力与道德关系的梳理以及思想史的研究,可以看出,在我们把道德作为一种制约力量对权力产生作用时,需要一种道德的保障来保证其正常实施,这种可以被称作保障的就是“制度伦理”。制度伦理,首先是制度本身的伦理问题,其次是制度运行之中的伦理问题,它关涉到已经存在的制度规则的道德评价,制度自身反映出的特定的道德观念,以及它所要达成的目标的道德性。制度伦理的约束机制是通过把道德的制约机制制度化、规范化,把看似柔弱的道德原则、道德规范提升为一种刚性的制度,“将道德的‘软约束’转化为以制度为后盾的‘硬约束’”。这正是达成道德制约权力的现实可能性的理论基础。伦理道德,虽然在很大一部分人看来,在维护社会良好运行方面,在对国家的权力的制约方面,只能起到无关紧要的作用,当个人遭遇权力和利益的诱惑时,道德选择早已经被抛诸脑后了。持这样观点的人把道德的教化同法制规则等硬性制约条件放在一起比较,是不正确的。从权力最根本的人性角度来说,权力运行的动机道德性和结果道德性都与权力行使者的道德选择有关系。道德通过社会舆论、社会评价等给权力主体施加外在的精神压力与动力,使权力主体能够顺应社会舆论的导向做正确的事,又通过道德主体的自我评价,内心信念、良心等内在的善恶标准去引导自己自觉地做正确的事。也就是说道德原则是通过社会舆论、良心等的作用方式,以道德尺度来引导和规劝人们弃恶从善,从而达到协调人与人之间的利益关系的目的,同时道德主体所具备的自我评价(自律)以及受道德规范的约束(制度伦理)使其无论是在社会中的哪一个层面都可以遵循某些客观的社会道德规范或道德要求,进而使权力主客体都在道德的基础上来运作,它可以达成与其他约束力所要求的同样的效果,却不会产生不良的后果,这是一种最理想的状态。

【Abstract】 In this paper, with the real possibility that discusses moral restricting power asthe ultimate theory purport. Power is a very important human society phenomenon,power generation and old as the history of mankind. The Times for the uninterruptedpower, politics, philosophy, sociology, ethics, history, economics and other fields ofthinkers, concept, characteristics, types of power, authority, the operation mode ofmeans, the problem such as the carrier of power, the power of morality has a mature.This paper focuses on the on the basis of individual character to study the effect ofmorality for power, that power has morals? Morality has its practical significance forthe restriction of power? Exactly what path to achieve moral constraints on power?Become the key problems need to be solved.What is power? Max Weber had such a definition: power is such a possibility, thatis, a behavior in a social relationship is able to perform his own willingness toregardless of others’ opposition, and ignore this possibility is based on the basis of.Power itself has certain mandatory attributes, to embody the exercise of power bypower, but of its power, the exercise of power, can be either individual, can also be agroup, no matter what kind of exercise of power, has inherent human moral nature,and therefore to power on the additional attributes of the moral. What is a moral?Ethics are all with good and evil standard to evaluate social phenomenon, it is formedby people in the social life practice about good and evil, right and wrong idea,emotion and behavior, and to rely on public opinion, inner beliefs and conscience toguide people to perfect personality and regulation of human, the specification of the relation between man and nature system. The existence of moral in the very greatdegree is not use external compulsion and punishment, but to rely on public opinion,people inner beliefs and conscience. It was due to the moral nature of human natureitself, that makes for power had a "good" and "evil" moral evaluation, makes theresult of the power has a moral and immoral. Power and morality has always beenintertwined. For the restriction of power, some people think that ethics is negligibleeffect, but in fact the moral with its for power and specification of the socialenvironment, the influence of bring power restriction for the new and effectiveimprovement.By combing and thought about the relation between power and morality, as youcan see, in our moral as a kind of restricting power to power generation, need a moralguarantee to ensure the normal implementation, this can be referred to as security is"system ethics". Institutional ethics, the first is the ethical issues of the system itself,the second is the ethical issues of system running, it relate to the moral evaluation ofexisting system rule and system itself reflects a certain moral ideas, and the moralityof it to achieve the target. Institutional ethics constraint mechanism is through themoral restriction mechanism institutionalization, standardization, the seemingly weakmoral principle, moral standard promoted to a rigid system,"moral ’soft constraintscan be converted to system backed by" hard constraints ". This is the very realpossibility to achieve moral restricting the power of the theoretical basis.Ethics, although to a large part of the people, in the maintenance of social goodoperation, the restriction of the country’s power, can have the effect of it doesn’tmatter, when personal encounter with the lure of power and interest, moral choice hasalready been forgotten. People hold such views combine moral education with legalrules, rigid constrained conditions are put together, is not correct. Moral subjectthrough the social public opinion and social evaluation to the spirit of the externalpressure and motive force, makes the power subject to adapt to the social publicopinion guide to do the right thing, and through the moral main body self assessment, inner beliefs, such as internal standard of good and evil conscience to guide them todo the right thing. That is moral principle is through the role of social public opinion,conscience, moral dimensions to guide and to persuade people lazy, so as to achievethe purpose of to coordinate the interest relationship between people, at the same time,the moral main body of the self assessment (discipline) and bound by ethics, systemethics) makes it both a level in society can follow certain objective social ethics ormoral requirements, which make the power came on the basis of moral subject andobject, it can achieve the same effect with other binding required, without adverseconsequences, this is one of the most ideal state.

【关键词】 权力道德个体德性制约制度伦理
【Key words】 powermoralindividual moralityrestrictioninstitutional ethics
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期