

The Research on Civic Awareness Education in the View of Ideological and Political Education

【作者】 汪倩倩

【导师】 闵春发;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 思想政治教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 思想政治教育作为我党的传统优势,无论是在革命战争时期还是在社会主义现代化建设时期都发挥着重要的作用。当前,面临着现代化的多重语境,各种文明之间的交流与碰撞,社会生活方式以及人们价值观念的多元化,思想政治教育如何才能继续保持和发挥其独特优势是每一位思想政治教育工作者亟待解决的重大问题。公民是现代人的身份表征,是国家和社会生活中最基本的主体,公民意识已经成为衡量一个国家现代化水平的重要标志。党的十七大报告中明确要求:“加强公民意识教育,树立民主法治、自由平等、公平正义理念。”①在2010年颁布的《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020)》中,也明确提出了“加强公民意识教育,树立社会主义民主法治、自由平等、公平正义理念,培养社会主义合格公民”的战略任务。党的十八大报告提出:“倡导富强、民主、文明、和谐,倡导自由、平等、公正、法治,倡导爱国、敬业、诚信、友善,积极培育和践行社会主义核心价值观。”②这从根本上提出了公民意识教育的时代要求,明确了公民意识教育的目标和重点,指明了努力方向。因此,将公民意识教育纳入到思想政治教育体系中,既是思想政治教育发展的必然要求,又是开展公民意识教育的现实需求。基于上述认识,本文运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的研究方法,在批判吸收国外公民意识教育的合理性因素基础上,深入探讨了我国公民意识教育的理论与实践问题。其一,厘清了公民、公民意识、公民意识教育等相关概念,对公民意识教育与思想政治教育的关系进行了理论梳理。在我国,公民意识教育产生于清朝末年,产生的一开始就承担着救国救民的重任,其发展过程更是一波三折。因此,我国公民意识教育的产生与发展有着本土特殊的演进逻辑、动力机制和实现路径,无法用西方的话语进行阐述。其二,从现实、价值、理论三个维度对思想政治教育视域下公民意识教育进行了深入分析。其三,在思想政治教育视域下初步构建了我国公民意识教育的理论框架,对公民意识教育的内容、特征、目标进行了全面阐述。其四,在思想政治教育视域下探讨了我国公民意识教育的实践路径。在正确把握公民意识教育的基本内涵、实践要求基础上,科学优化实现路径和对策,不断提高教育的自觉性、经常性、实践性、实效性,优化和提升公民意识教育的环境。

【Abstract】 As an traditional advantage of our Party, it has played an important role Whether in theRevolutionary War period or in the socialist modernization period. Currently, many chalenges areappeared,such as,multiple contexts of modern communication,culture collision among differentcivilizations, the diversification of people’s lifestyles and values. For every ideological andpolitical educationer, how to maintain and play the unique advantages of ideological and politicaleducation is the major issue to be resolved.Citizen is the identity characteristic of modern people and the fundamental unit in a contury andits social life. The civic awareness has been an important indicator of modernization level of acountry.The report of Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China explicitlyrequires:“Strengthening civic awareness education, foster the concepts of democracy and the ruleof law, freedom and equality, equity and justice.”“National medium and long-term plan foreducation reform and development (20102020)”issued in2010, has clearly put forward thestrategy mission of strengthen civic awareness education:“establish the principle of socialistdemocracy and law, freedom and equality, equity and justice; cultivate qualified socialistcitizen.”The report of Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China explicitlyrequires:“Advocate prosperous, democracy, civilization and harmony; advocate freedom,equality, justice and law; promote patriotism, dedication, integrity and kindness; activelycultivate and practice socialist core values.”These documents state the request in our times forcivic awareness education, define the objective, priorities and direction of citizenship education.Therefore, it is also the necessary requirement for developing ideological and political educationand also the realistic requirement for carrying out civic awareness education, to incorporate civicawareness education into the system of ideological and political education.Based on the above understanding, this paper use the research methods of dialectical andhistorical materialism to conduct the in-depth exploration on the theory and practice of civicawareness education and critically absorb the rational elements of civic awareness education in theforeign countries from the research view of ideological and political education, which wouldprovide referable resources for the construction of the theory and practice system of civic awarenesseducation in our country. Firstly,this paper clarifies the concept of civic awareness and performs theoretical clarificationon the relationship between civic awareness education and ideological and politicaleducation.. In our country, it is started in the end of Qing Dynasty. It shouldered the heavy responsibility of salvaging our country in the beginning stage, and suffers twists and turns in its development process. Therefore, the civic awareness of our country has its own characteristics on its evolution logic, motivation mechanism and implementation path; it is very hard to be elaborated by Western philosophy.Second, perfrom deep analysis on the civic education in three dimensions of reality, significanceand theory from the view of ideological and political education..Third, preliminarily establish a theoretical framework for our civic education from the view ofideological and political education and analyze the content, feature and target of civic education..Fourth, discuss the practical path of civic education from the view of ideological and politicaleducation. On the basis of correctly understanding basic meaning and practice requirement,scientifically optimize realization path and strategy, and continuously improve consciousness,frequency, practicality, effectiveness and environment of civic education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期