

Study of a Quantity of Early Tuoba-xianbei History Issues

【作者】 梁云

【导师】 张久和;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 专门史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 拓跋鲜卑是东胡系统的古代民族,是诸支鲜卑中活动在最为东北的一支。该族在大鲜卑山时期,种族成分单一,可以称之为鲜卑或拓跋部先世;迁徙到呼伦贝尔大泽之后,这支鲜卑部落已经与匈奴、高车等诸多部落混合交融,自此开始,可以称之为拓跋部或拓跋鲜卑了。到达匈奴故地后,拓跋鲜卑继续发展,于公元386年建立北魏,开创了中国历史上长城内外连成一片、政治一体、经济互补的政治统治格局。早期拓跋鲜卑,学界习惯上将其定位于拓跋珪登国元年(386年)建立北魏王朝之前拓跋部的历史。本文先对记述拓跋部历史的史料进行辨析,然后依据拓跋鲜卑生态环境的变迁和社会、政治、经济的变化,将拓跋鲜卑早期历史划分为“大鲜卑山”、“大泽”、“匈奴故地”三个时期,从考查拓跋部的起源、迁徙、与北方诸族的关系、经济社会和文化习俗等方面入手,揭示拓跋部发展壮大的历史。本文分五个部分对早期拓跋鲜卑内容加以论述。第一部分对记述早期拓跋鲜卑的诸史料进行辨析。《魏书》在《序记》中最早系统地记述了拓跋珪建立北魏之前拓跋鲜卑的早期历史。在后来成书的《宋书》、《南齐书》、《晋书》、《北史》、《通典》、《资治通鉴》、《文献通考》、《读史方舆纪要》等不同时代的历史文献中,也有对早期拓跋鲜卑详略不同的记载,这些史料经过辨析,或可作为有益的补充,或具有一定的参考价值。在这些记述拓跋鲜卑早期历史的文献中,《魏书》、《资治通鉴》和《读史方舆纪要》等是不同历史时期、不同体裁记载拓跋部历史较多的史书,有较高的史料价值;而《北史》、《通典》、《文献通考》是以《魏书·序纪》为蓝本的后代史家记述,基本沿袭了《魏书·序纪》的内容,没有补充有价值的新史料;记载南朝政权的《宋书》、《南齐书》虽然是南北朝政权并存之时,南朝史家站在敌对方的角度来记述早期拓跋鲜卑历史,其中对北魏政权及拓跋部族不免有中伤抵触之意,但书中关于早期拓跋鲜卑的历史情况仍包含一些有价值的记载,是我们研究早期拓跋鲜卑历史不可或缺的史料。第二部分探讨拓跋部族称、起源地及拓跋鲜卑的早期历史。“拓跋”或许是拓跋语某一包含一定意义的字词在汉语上对应汉字的对译,或许是自大鲜卑山迁出的鲜卑群体在迁徙过程中与其他北方民族通婚、融合,即针对鲜卑族大鲜卑山部在呼伦贝尔草原时期与匈奴、高车等部族混血后形成的新的族体而言。拓跋作为族名,大约在诘汾时期开始使用。大鲜卑山即大兴安岭山脉北段,拓跋鲜卑即起源于大兴安岭北段。大鲜卑山时期是拓跋鲜卑的起源阶段;大泽时期是早期拓跋鲜卑的初步发展时期;匈奴故地时期是早期拓跋鲜卑的大发展时期。第三部分探究拓跋部早期两次迁徙的原因以及两次迁徙带给拓跋部政治、经济、军事、文化、社会等方面的深刻变化。拓跋鲜卑迁徙的原因较为复杂,主要可以概括为拓跋鲜卑本族的原因;汉、匈奴、乌桓、东部鲜卑等周围部族的原因;生存环境、地理状况的原因;拓跋部英雄人物的出现等。伴随迁徙,拓跋鲜卑接触其他民族的机会增多、定居意识逐步增强,经济模式、社会形态发生变化并迅速发展。第四部分讨论早期拓跋与北方诸族的关系。拓跋鲜卑自来到呼伦贝尔草原之时起,就开始与当时活动在大漠南北的鲜卑其他诸部,以及匈奴、高车、柔然等北方诸族发生着千丝万缕的联系。拓跋鲜卑与鲜卑诸部有着疏密不等的各种联系。其中,拓跋部先世和东部鲜卑最初的起源可能相同或相近,二者关系密切。拓跋邻率部加入了檀石槐部落联盟;后来拓跋鲜卑与东部鲜卑的慕容部联系较多。拓跋鲜卑与河西鲜卑中最强大的秃发部有渊源关系。早期拓跋鲜卑与北方诸族北狄系统之铁弗匈奴、高车(敕勒)、柔然等民族交往较多,彼此间存在相互影响、共生共存的民族关系。第五部分讨论早期拓跋的经济社会和文化习俗。大兴安岭森林时期,拓跋鲜卑先世主要从事捕鱼及采集业;进入呼伦贝尔草原,拓跋鲜卑的生产方式从捕鱼和采集转向草原游牧业,手工业生产也发展起来。与经济发展相适应,拓跋鲜卑社会处于父系氏族社会发展阶段。在西迁至匈奴故地的过程中及来到内蒙古河套地区之后,由于社会生产力的发展、地域的变迁和受到邻族的影响,拓跋鲜卑的经济生产和社会生活发生了变化,开始了从草原游牧业向农业的转变,社会发展进入了由父系氏族社会向阶级社会过渡的新的历史时期,封建化不断加深。拓跋鲜卑的文化习俗也随之发生了变化。

【Abstract】 Tuoba-Xianbei was an ancient ethnic of the Donghu system, which living in the northeast of China among others Xianbei ethnicities. During the period of the Big Mountain of Xianbei, the clan of Tuoba-Xianbei was composed of a single race which was called Xianbei or the ancestors of the Tuoba.After migrating to the Daze of Hulunbeier, this group of tribe had mingled with the Huns, Gaoche, and many other tribes. From then on, we can call it Tuoba or Tuoba-Xianbei. Having attained the Huns’ homeland, Tuoba-Xianbei continued to develop, established the Northern Wei Dynasty in A.D386, created the political ruling pattern in Chinese history which made the inside and outside of the Great Wall connected together, political integration and mutual complements in economy.The early stage of Tuoba-Xianbei, educational circle used to regard it as the history before Tuoba-Gui established the Northern Wei dynasty in the first year of Dengguo (in386) when he became the emperor. First, the article will analyze the historical data which recorded the Tuoba’s history, and then on the basis of the Tuoba-Xianbei’s ecological environment change and the change of the society, political, economic, dividing the early history of the Tuoba-Xianbei into "the Big Mountain of Xianbei","Daze","the Huns homeland". From the research of Tuoba whose origin, migration, relationship with the clans in the north, economy and society, culture and customs and other aspects, revealing its developing and growing strong history. The article is divided into five parts to state the early content of Tuoba-XianbeiThe first part declares early Tuoba-Xianbei’s historical data.《Weishu·xuji》 was the first time to systematically describe the early history of Tuoba-Xianbei before the time when Tuoba-Gui set up the Northern Wei dynasty. Later in some different historical documents written in different times.such as 《Songshu》,《Nanqishu》,《Beishi》 and 《Tongdian》,《Zizhitongjian》,《Wenxiantongkao》,《Dushifangyujiyao》 had detailed slightly different records for the early Tuoba-Xianbei history.These historical datas which were analysed, or could be used as a useful supplement, or had a certain reference value. In these literatures accounts Tuoba-Xianbei’s early history,《Weishu》,《Zizhitongjian》,《Dushifangyujiyao》 and so on, which were from different times and in different types or forms of literature, were more of the historical record on Tuoba’s history, and had high historical value. But some documents on offspring historians account,like 《Beishi》,《Tongdian》,《Wenxiantongkao》 which were based on the content of 《Weishu-xuji》 that did not supply valuable new historical data. Although the《Songshu》 and 《Nanqishu》 were written when the southern dynasty and the northern dynasty were existing together, but the southern dynasty historian were stand in the aspect of the enemy’s to account the early history of Tuoba-Xianbei. In those books, there were some slanders resisting in it, but it still had some valuable records about the history of early Tuoba-Xianbei, which was necessary for us to research the history of early Tuoba-Xianbei.The second part discusses the name of the Tuoba, the origin and the early history about the Tuoba."Tuoba" may be the translation which were from the language of Tuoba that is in some meaning of words in Chinese character.May be the Xianbei group moved out of the mountain Xianbei groups intermarry with other northern nationalities in the process of migration and fusion, namely for The Big Mountain of Xianbei ethnic minority group in Hulunbeier grassland and the Huns, Gaoche, after the formation of the new race tribal mixed in terms of body. Tuoba was used as family name, began to use around at Jiefen period. The Big Mountain of Xianbei of the northern section of the Daxing’an Mountain range, Tuoba-Xianbei was originated in the period of greater hinggan mountains.Daze period was the early development period of his early stage of Tuoba-Xianbei.The Huns homeland period is the big development period of the early stage of Tuoba-Xianbei.The third part explores the reason why Tuoba migrated twice and the twice migration brought its politics, economy, military, cultural, social and other aspects. The reason why Tuoba migrated was more complicated, the main can be summarized as Xianbei itself; Han and Hun, Wuhuan, eastern Xianbei tribes around the clan. Because of the living environment, geographical conditions, the emergence heroes of Tuoba, etc. Thanks to migration, Tuoba-Xianbei had more opportunities to contact with other ethnic groups, and settled consciousness gradually enhanced, economic pattern, and the social form change and rapid development.The fourth part discusses the early stage of Tuoba’s relationship with the clans in the north. Since it came to the Hulunbuir prairie, Tuoba-Xianbei had much more connect with the other clans of Xianbei which living at the north and south in the desert, as well as the Huns, Gaoche (Chile), Rouran and other clans in the north. Tuoba-Xianbei had some close relationship with Xianbei. Among them, Tuoba-Xianbei and Xianbei original origin may be the same or similar. They had the close relationship. TuoBalin led his tribe to join TanShiHuai tribal alliances; Later Tuoba-Xianbei contacted more with the Murong tribe which was the eastern Xianbei tribe. Tuoba-Xianbei had the origin relations with the most powerful Bald tribe in Hexi Corridor. Early Tuoba-Xianbei had more connected with the northern governors which is the Beidi system including the Tiefu Huns, Gaoche, Rouran and other nations. They had mutual influence and coexist with ethnic relation among them.The fifth part discusses about the economy and society, culture and customs in the early stage of Tuoba. In the forest stage of Daxing’an Mountain range, the ancestors of Tuoba-xianbei who mainly engaged in fishing, hunting and gathering. Entering the Hulunbeier grasslands, the mode of production from the fishing, hunting and gathering turned to the Nomadism, and the handicraft industry was also beginning to develop. Compatible with economic development, Tuoba-xianbei society was in the patriarchal clan society development stage. In the process of west moved in the Huns homeland and after came to Inner Mongolia Hetao area, due to the development of social productivity, the changes of the region and was affected by the neighboring nation, Tuoba-xianbei in economic production and social life were changed, started from the Nomadism to the transformation of agriculture, and social development has entered a transition from patriarchal clan society to class society in the new historical period, the feudalization deepening. Finally, Tuoba-xianbei’s culture and customs had been changed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期