

Study on the Assignment System of the Right to the Use of State-Owned Urban Land in China

【作者】 胡小杰

【导师】 孙宪忠;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 城市国有土地使用权出让制度是结合我国的基本国情和社会制度对土地使用制度进行的一次改革,它打破了我国几十年计划经济体制下形成的无偿供地的传统模式,运用市场手段调节土地流转,在土地公有制的法律框架下,对合理解决我国的土地使用和流转发挥了巨大作用。但这一制度本身有许多理论问题学界认识不一、法律界定不清导致司法实践出现混乱;同时,这一制度在运行过程中出现的诸多问题,如“土地财政”、城市房地产价格飞涨、“强拆”,甚至有很多政府官员在土地出让环节上贪腐涉案等,更带来了一系列社会问题,加剧了社会矛盾。上述问题对城市国有土地使用权出让制度的顺利运行产生了不利的影响,更阻碍了社会经济目标和土地公有制法律理想的实现。因此,深入研究城市国有土地使用权出让制度及其运行方式,厘清土地使用权出让合同的法律性质,并对政府经营土地的理念进行反思显得十分迫切,具有重要的理论与实践意义。本文的主题是城市国有土地使用权出让制度及相关问题研究,该研究是建立在法学理论以及我国的土地公有制这两个支点的。本文以马克思主义基本原理和法律科学作为支撑,以理论和现实作为桥梁,通过对“城市国有土地使用权出让”这条主线和个中利益关系的分析、研究来剖析政府在出让城市国有土地使用权过程中所存在的各种问题,并提出完善的法律对策。本文集中了规范分析与实证分析相结合及法学分析与经济学分析相结合的研究方法。希望以此能为政府在经营土地过程中树立民权保障思想、真正实现土地公有制的价值目标有所建言。本篇论文共分为七个部分进行论述。论文引言部分就本文的研究背景与意义、国内外研究状况、研究方法、创新点及不足进行了说明。论文正文部分首先着重研究了我国城市国有土地使用权出让制度建立的理论基础、法律基础和权利构成,即土地公有制、国有建设用地使用权出让合同和建设用地使用权。在理论基础部分,通过对马克思、恩格斯、孙中山、毛泽东等伟人的土地思想内涵进行介绍,阐明其对建立土地公有制的重要作用;同时还对土地公有制及城市土地国家所有权制度在我国形成的过程及实现的具体路径作出了分析。在法律基础部分,在对国有建设用地使用权出让合同的内容、性质与缔结方式进行研究的基础上,厘清出让合同的法律性质,还原其民事合同的本质。在权利构成部分,则着重论述了国有建设用地使用权这一用益物权取得的方式、效力及登记制度。这三部分是整篇论文的理论基石。然后论文着重分析了我国城市国有土地使用权出让制度运行过程中的问题,即土地出让金的使用与政府经营土地的问题。论文在对土地出让金的使用、管理与分成进行梳理与分析的基础上,通过法律关系分析,提出中国土地一级市场的基本特点是地方政府在经营土地,并造成了中国特有的“土地财政”现象。在地方政府取得的土地出让金连年大幅增长的同时,全国的房地产价格也大幅增长;民众观念对于社会主义土地权利观念的追求和地方政府对于土地财政的追求之间,存在着巨大的落差,由此带来了一系列社会问题,社会矛盾不断加深。论文引入西方经济学中的“政府经济人假说”和“诺思悖论”来分析地方政府在土地出让中的角色特征,即地方政府具有“公益人”与“经济人”的双重属性。当前政府经营土地过程中出现的种种弊端,都与政府“经济人”角色突出、“公益人”角色退居其次的角色冲突现象密切相关。因此,完善的标准应是在土地出让中以公共利益为界限设定政府行为边界,规范政府角色。最后,论文对我国城市国有土地使用权出让制度及其运行中存在的问题提出了法律完善的对策。结论部分对整篇论文进行了全面的总结。

【Abstract】 The advent of the assignment of the right to the use of state-owned land is the outcome of the reform on the paid use of land system, and this reform is done under the background of China’s basic national state and social system, and has changed the traditional mode of free land-use developed under the previous planed economy. The new system has played a significant role in the use of land in China. However, many problems still come out. Recent years have witnessed the abnormal rise of the land transferring fees becomes the most important revenues of local governments. Many local governments and the real estate developers share such an interest that forced demolitions and evictions could be seen here and there, and the corruption scandals in land transfer are not unusual, hence, a number of social conflicts appear. The fact that governments run the business of land transfer not only lead to the soaring of housing price, but impair the rational assignment of the right to the use of state-owned land, what’s worse, social economic goals and the plan on the public ownership of land for this reason could hardly be realized. Considering of the above mentioned, it is pressing in theory and practice to make a good study of assignment system of the right to the use of state-owned land, the way it operates, and the mechanism governments use to run the land.This thesis is based on the science of civil law and the land ownership system in our country, and focuses on the study of the assignment system of the right to the use of urban land and related issues. Using the science of law and Marxism theory, the thesis analyses problems in land transfer by government via study on the assignment of the right to the use of land, and relationships among different parties. Methods like study on practice and provisions, analysis, and economics are adopted here to shed light on the mechanism and flaws of land transfer system, and to propose suitable legal solutions. By doing so, the author hopes her efforts could help governments develop the mentality of civil-rights protection in real estate business, and uphold public ownership in real sense.This thesis includes seven chapters.The surface part is about the background of this study and why the author chooses the subject. Here related academic views at home and abroad are reviewed and remarked, and research methods, ideas, innovative points and shortcoming are briefed.From the chapter1to chapter3, The aforesaid three chapters could help readers learn the theoretical and legal bases, and structure of rights on China’s assignment system of the right to the use of land, hence, serve as the cornerstone of the whole thesis, namely, the public land ownership, the assignment contract, and the right to the use of construction land are analyzed. China’s assignment system of the right to the use of land is based upon the public land ownership. To understand the theoretical basis of China’s public land ownership, legislative process and the route to realize the legal ideal prospect, in fact, is critical to have a clear picture on the above said assignment system and the ultimate goal of establish this system. That is what the chapter1talks about. It is important to know the content, nature and signing of the assignment contract of the right to the use of land, as it could help maintain a harmonious assignment practice and restrain local governments from going too far in the land transfer. That is all about the chapter2.In Chapter3, the way to acquire the rights to the use of construction land, validity and registry mechanism are described. The aforesaid three chapters could help readers learn the theoretical and legal bases, and structure of rights on China’s assignment system of the right to the use of land, hence, serve as the cornerstone of the whole thesis.Having clarified the basic theory of the assignment system, Chapter4goes into details about the use of land-transferring fees and the issue of government management of land. The author first describes issues like the land-transferring fees, its management and distribution, The thesis points out the fundamental characteristic of China’s real estate market is runned by local governments. Recent years have seen the land-transferring fees become major fiscal revenue of local governments. The consequence is that the land-transferring fees have gone up for years while housing prices nationwide soar. People’s demand for socialism land rights and local governments’ pursuit of land related revenues contradicts, so a series of social problems arise and social conflicts deepen. Based upon the aforesaid elaboration, thesis uses North Paradox in economics to analyze the role local governments play in the land transferring, and reach a conclusion that local governments have dual characteristics, ie, government person and economic person. The author suggests non-profit mentality should be adopted to restrain governments’behavior and role in land transfer.Chapter5sets forth rational legal solutions to the assignment system itself and related rules and regulations, and presents some preliminary thoughts on the reform of government management of land.The last part is the conclusion for the whole thesis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期