

A Study on Hui People in Gui Sui Region (1632-1937)

【作者】 程俊

【导师】 齐木德道尔吉;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 中国少数民族史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文是继《呼和浩特回族史》之后对呼和浩特地区回民历史的系统研究,有别于前者侧重于民国及建国后的研究,本文综合利用了中国第一历史档案馆档案、土默特都统衙门档案、内蒙古和兄弟省份地方文献、《清实录》、《清会典》、《钦定外藩蒙古回部王公表传》、《清史稿》等史料、清近代国内外私人笔记、游记和回忆录和伊斯兰史料集以及学界的研究成果,并结合田野访查,试图对入清以来至1937年被日侵占前夕归绥地区回民的社会组织、经济形式、民族认同的形成等方面做一相对系统的研究。全文由引言、正文和结语三个部分构成。引言介绍了本文的选题及其意义、国内外研究状况、研究方法及创新和突破以及拟利用之基本史料。正文共分为5章。前两章分阶段对清初至1937年间归绥地区回民寺坊的建立和发展进行了系统梳理。第一章着重阐述了回民寺坊建立的历史背景,以及清初至雍正年间回民在归化城的活动及其寺坊的建立情况。并对康雍年间来到归绥地区的回民其来源和在归化城的活动情况进行了考证,说明至晚在康熙年间,就已经有来自天山南北、青海、山西、陕西、甘肃、宁夏等地的回民在归绥地区活动了。第二章对清代中后期和民国前期(1911-1937年)回民的来源及其活动特点进行了探讨。(1)在乾隆年间,归绥地区回民聚居点纷纷建立,回民分片聚居的基本格局形成,这为建国后市辖回民自治城区的建立奠定了基础。(2)同治至清末,陕西、甘肃、宁夏、新疆地区等地的大量回民避乱入迁,直接导致归绥地区回民人口的增加和清真寺的扩建和寺坊的扩大。(3)通过实地考察《同治八年助款钱粮碑》,充实了该时期回民在归绥地区活动的史料。(4)民国前期(1912-1937年),随着“五族共和”、“民族平等”等思想的传入,归绥地区回民文化运动日趋活跃,特别是归绥市回民俱进会的成立,极大地推动了该地区清真寺的扩建、伊斯兰文化的发展和回族民族意识的觉醒。第三章系统剖析了归绥地区回民的社会组织制度。(1)对归绥地区第一个清真寺即现在的呼和浩特市清真大寺的创建年代进行了考证,以确定该地区回民寺坊始建于清初至康熙三十二年间(1632-1693年)。(2)梳理了清真大寺与其他大寺间的关系、新旧教派之间的关系,归纳出归绥地区新教回民宗教信仰上的地区特征;(3)系统阐述了归绥地区教坊制的历史脉络,分析了以教坊制为基础,以清真寺为中心,以伊斯兰教为纽带,回民内部在清真寺的庶务与宗教管理、宗教的传承等方面形成的一系列制度;在此节中,作者引用了新的第一手资料《费翁碑记》对于归绥地区寺坊的历史研究,起到了很好的补充作用。(4)勾勒出在归绥地区各教坊紧密联系尚未建立前,回民在以地域和行业为纽带的行社体系中的活动,并分析了清末民初回民驼运发展带动下,该地区第一个回民社团“绥远回教俱进会”的成立过程及其在该地区的活动和影响。第四章从经济角度对本地区回民所从事的各行业和职业的兴衰、归绥地区回民商业发展的影响因素进行了梳理。(1)梳理了归绥地区回民各行业的历史脉络;(2)引用了中国第一历史档案馆和土左旗档案馆的资料以及本人已有的研究成果对清代前期的各行业发展史进行了填充。(3)从民族心理文化、地区环境和社会环境的角度对归绥地区回民经济的发展进行了系统剖析,得出如下结论:归绥地区回民经济在深受伊斯兰文化内核影响的同时,具有鲜明的地区和时代烙印,主要表现为:回民经济浓郁的草原特色,对商路地理条件的高度依赖及其殖民地经济特点。第五章则对归绥地区回民与地方政府间的关系做了梳理。第一节,探讨了归绥地区土默特都统衙门、将军衙署和道厅衙署的行政建置沿革及其对归绥地区的基层治理,并分析了归绥地区基层治理的弊端。后者使归绥地方政府无法实现对基层地方的有效控制,从而为归绥回民提供了相对宽松的政治环境。第二节,分阶段探讨了清代回民与政府间的关系。第三节,宏观梳理了1912-1937年间中央政权与回族之间的关系,概述了北洋军阀政府和国民政府的民族政策。在此基础上,对归绥地区回民民族意识的觉醒以及归绥地区回民为争取本民族生存和发展权利而进行的努力做了整理。结语部分在五章内容的基础上分析了清近代归绥地区回民作为整体生存和发展的特点。概括了本文的主旨,还对本文的进展与突破、局限与不足作了评估,提出了今后研究的计划与展望。

【Abstract】 This thesis is another systematic research on the history of Hui people in Gui Sui region after the Hui nationality history in Hohhot. The thesis makes an attempt to systematically research on social organization, economic forms, national identity of Hui people in Gui Sui region in the times from A. D.1632-1937. The research bases on such data as archives preserved in First Historical Archives of China and Archives of Tumed Banner, local chronicles, Chronicles of Qing Emperor, Code of Qing Dynasty, Regius Lists and Biographys of Princes and Gongs in Outer Mongol and Hui Tribes, and Draft of Qing Dynasty, personal notes, memoirist, Historical collections, achievement achieved in academia, and the research also bases on author’s fieldwork.The thesis consists of preface, body and conclusion. The preface introduces the topic and its significance, research situation at home and abroad, research methods and innovations, as well as basic historical data used. The body is divided into five chapters.The first two chapters systematically setup the history of foundation and development of Jamaat of Gui Sui Hui people (1632-1937). In chapter 1, the thesis focuses on the historical background of the establishment of the Jamaat in the early of Qing dynast, as well as activities of Gui Sui Hui people and foundation and primary development of Jamaat. In this section, The thesis makes some textual research and draws a conclusion that there have been Muslims come from Tian Shan Mountains, Qinghai, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia lived in the Gui Sui area in Kang Xi time.In chapter2, the thesis analyzes origin and traits of Hui people that immigrated Gui Sui area.(1) In Qianlong time, the Muslim Jamaat established continuately, and basic pattern of Jamaat of Gui Sui Hui people have been fixed.(2) As a result of immigration of large numbers of Hui people from northwestern area evading war, Hui people population increased, mosques have been broaden and the Jamaat have been broaden also in Gui Sui area during the time from Tong Zhi time to end of Qing dynasty.(3) The thesis make use of new-found stone tablet founded in1869enrichs thesis.(4) Early Republic of China (1912-1937), with the introduction of the idea of "republic of five nationalities" and "ethnic equality", Hui people’s cultural movement increasingly come alive in Gui Sui area, and Gui Sui City Hui Advancement council greatly promoted the expansion of the mosque,spreading of Islamic culture and the awakening of national identity of Hui nationality in the region.In chapter3, social organization systems of Gui Sui Hui people have been analized.(1)The thesis makes some textual research on foundation time of first mosque in the region, and concludes that the first mosque founded in the times from1632to1693.(2)The thesis discusses relationship between new religious sects and old one, and traits of new religious sects in the region.(3)The thesis stated the history of Jamaat of Gui Sui Hui people, and a series of organization system managing mosque’s profane and religious affairs. In this section, the author introduced a new first-hand information named"the Fee Weng Tablets" to complement the thesis.(4) The thesis outlined movement of Hui people in guild and analyzed foundation of Gui Sui City Hui Advancement council and its influence.In chapter4, the thesis outlines history of various industries and careers Gui Sui Hui people engaged in, and analyzes circumstance of Gui Sui Hui people economy running From the perspective of nationality culture and regional condition and social condition.(1) In this section, new data has been used.(2) through systematic discussion, we can draw some views that Islamic culture is important factor to influence economy of Gui Sui Hui people, and regional condition and social condition form such traits of economy of Gui Sui Hui people as strong grasslands economic characteristics, highly dependent on trade routes and colonial economic characteristics.In chapter5, the thesis outlined the evolution of relationshiop between Gui Sui Hui people and the local government. In the first section, the thesis states evolution and disadvantages of three primary level managing system in Gui Sui region. In the second section, the thesis discusses the relationship between Hui people and the government of the Qing Dynasty. In the third section, thesis outlined the relationship between Hui people and the government from1912to1937. In this part, the thesis outlined nationality policies of the Northern Warlords government and national government and stated the awakening of national consciousness of Gui Sui Hui people and their efforts for the survival and development of the ethnic group.The conclusion analyzes overall traits of Jamaat of Gui Sui Hui People, Summarizes the purpose of this thesis.

【关键词】 归绥地区回民伊斯兰文化寺坊
【Key words】 Gui SuiHui peopleIslamic cultureJamaat
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期