

Research on the Particle了(Le) and the Related Structure in Shanxi Dialects

【作者】 张子华

【导师】 吴继章;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 助词“了”是现代汉语中一个重要的虚词,其研究的历史也比较悠久,但有关“了”的很多问题还存在着颇多的分歧和争议。本文以对山西方言中助词“了”的描写为基础,从语音形式、句法分布、语法意义等方面着手进行分析。方言相关现象的描写和研究,应该是解决这些分歧和争议,起码是其中一部分问题的路径。本文还将山西方言相关现象与现代汉语普通话、近代汉语、山西周边方言作比较,尽可能地做到在方言研究中将“普—方—古”有机结合,以揭示山西方言助词“了”以及相关问题所表现出来的特点,并就某些现象出现的原因作出一定的推测,以期对汉语助词“了”的研究有所助益。文章共分五章,除绪论和结语外,正文共三章,分别从山西方言中助词“了”的语音形式、句法分布进行描写、分析,并对山西方言中与助词“了”相关的“动+将+来/去”结构和表“曾经”时体意义的“来”类助词进行了描写、讨论。绪论部分主要介绍了本课题的研究意义、研究方法和材料来源。概述以往对现代汉语、近代汉语中助词“了”研究的基本情况、基本观点。简要介绍了山西方言、山西周边方言对相关问题的研究情况。第一章主要描写、分析了山西方言中助词“了”的语音形式。由于山西方言中与普通话中助词“了”语法功能相对应的语法成分一般表现为两个或三个不同的读音形式,所以我们采取了语音形式和句法功能相结合的方法,将山西各方言助词“了”读音分成“两分”和“三分”两种情况进行分类描写。从声母、“了1”的介音、“了1”的喉塞音韵尾、“了2”的介音及鼻音韵尾等四个方面,对“了”的读音形式进行了分析,最后对山西方言中反映出的“了”读音形式的虚化轨迹进行了拟测。本章还以山西河曲方言为例,对“了1”和“了3”的自由变读现象进行了描写。第二章是对山西方言助词“了”的句法分布、语法功能的描写、分析。具体描写了“了”在陈述句、祈使句中的句法位置,以及两个“了”分别表达的动作“实现”和“申明语气”、“新事态出现”的语法意义。山西方言中动态助词“了”的隐现情况表现出了与现代汉语普通话不同的特点,在有时间副词修饰限定的情况下,山西方言中的动态助词“了”也不能省去。本章还对山西方言中助词“了”的两个特殊用法进行了描写分析,山西方言中存在一种不同于现代汉语普通话的可能补语表达式“VC了1”,我们对这一结构的地理分布进行了描写。在山西方言中,“了1”以及“顿(儿)”、“顿了1”、“顿家”等格式可以用在名词、名词短语以及动词和动词短语后,表“假设”。第三章是对山西方言与“了”相关的两个结构的描写分析。通过对山西方言“动+将+来/去”格式的描写,并与其它方言、近代汉语相关问题和现象进行比较,根据山西方言中这一结构的结构形式、动词的语义特征、“将+趋向补语”的表义特征等几个方面所表现出来的特点,我们推测:山西方言中的“动+将+来/去”结构至少是从宋代以前就与共同语走上了不同发展道路。而明清时期“动+了+趋向补语”结构之所以能逐步代替“动+将+趋向补语”结构,很可能是因为这里的“了”、“将”都只是一个表音成分。现阶段的山西方言之所以未出现“动+了+趋向补语”结构,也正是因为方言中“动+将+来/去”的强势存在。另一个相关问题是山西方言中用来表“曾经”的时体意义的“来”类事态语气词。“来”类事态语气词在山西方言中表现为“来”、“来来”、“来了”以及“来嘅”等形式,用在句末,与普通话中“来着”的语法意义基本对应。结语部分总结本文得出的主要结论,同时也指出本研究中所存在的问题、不足,以及今后努力的方向。

【Abstract】 The particle "了(Le)" takes an important position in the function wordswhich belong to modern Chinese, and we started to research it a long time ago, but wehave not gotten conclusions with lots of questions about it. Based on the descriptionof the particle "了(Le)" in Shanxi dialect, this paper is focused on the analysis of thephonetic forms, the grammatical meaning and the syntax distribution. We comparedthem with the mandarin, the modern Chinese and the dialects around Shanxi, so wecan have accurate conclusions with the problems about "了(Le)" as much as possible.The article is consists of five chapters. Besides the introduction and conclusion,the text is divided into three chapters, which are respectively description and analysisof the phonetic forms, syntactic forms of the particle "了(Le)" in Shanxi dialect. Wehad a research and discussion on the structure "动+将+来/去(Verb+Jiang+Lai/Qu)"and the particles expressing a meaning of "once" that are related to "来(Lai)", forthose structures and words are associated with the particle "了(Le)" Closely.In the introduction, we mainly introduced the significance, methods and materialsources of our research. We Outlined the research situation of "了(Le)" in modernChinese." This paper introduces the research issues on the problem related to "了(Le)" in and around Shanxi dialect.We mainly described and analyzed the phonetic forms of the particle "了(Le)" inShanxi dialect in the first chapter. Considering that "了(Le)" has differentcharacteristic in grammatical function in Shanxi dialect and mandarin, wedistinguished "了1(Le1)","了2(Le2)" and "了3(Le3)"from the particle "了(Le)".We analyzed the pronunciation form of the article "了(Le)" from different aspects,and we get an assumption on how it came an weak form.The second chapter is focused on the syntactic distribution and grammaticalfunctions of the particle "了(Le)" in Shanxi dialect. We described the syntacticposition of "了(Le)" when it appears in statements and imperative sentences specifically. We found out that there are two "了(Le)",one expresses"implementation",the other expresses "statement tone" and a grammatical meaning of"new situation". The dynamic auxiliary "了(Le)" in Shanxi dialects shows thedifferent characteristics from the ones in modern Chinese mandarin. In spite of thatthere are adverbs qualifying, the dynamic auxiliary "了(Le)" cannot be omitted inShanxi dialect. This chapter also makes a description about the two special usages of "了(Le)" in Shanxi dialect. We made analysis of may complement expression " VC了1","顿(儿)(Dun)","顿了1(Dun Le1)" and "顿家(Dun Jia)",which can beused after the noun, noun phrase and the verb and verb phrase to express"hypothesis".The third chapter is a description about two structures that are associated with"了(Le)" in Shanxi dialect. Considering that the characteristics of the structure "动+将+来/去(Verb+Jiang+Lai/Qu)", comparing them with other dialects and oldmandarin, we speculated that the structure "动+将+来/去(Verb+Jiang+Lai/Qu)" inShanxi dialect had chose different development road from old mandarin at leastbefore Song Dynasty. The structure "动+了+趋向补语(Verb+Le+Lai/Qu)" replacedthe structure "动+将+趋向补语(Verb+Jiang+Lai/Qu)" gradually during the Mingand Qing dynasties may because that the "了(Le)" and "将(Jiang)" are only phoneticcomponents in these structures. The particles expressing a meaning of "once" that arerelated to "来(Lai)" were also discussed in the section, they have forms such as "来(Lai)","来来(Lai Lai)","来了(Lai Le)" and "来嘅(Lai Ge)", they are usedat the end of the sentence, expressing the grammatical meaning that corresponds tothe structure "来着(Lai Zhe)" in mandarin.In the conclusion part,we summarized the main conclusions of this paper, andwe also pointed out the existing problems and shortage in this study, we indicate thedirection of our future study.
