

Research on the Tone System of Dialects in the Middle and South of Hebei Province

【作者】 郑莉

【导师】 田恒金;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文以河北中南部方言的单字调、连读调和轻声为研究对象,在田野调查的基础上,运用数据统计、比较法、实验语音、方言地图等研究方法,全面深入地描写并探讨了河北中南部方言声调系统的特点。除绪论外,全文共分为五章。绪论。首先,界定了河北中南部地区的范围,并介绍了河北中南部地区的方言概况;其次,简要介绍了河北中南部地区的地理、历史、人文概况;再次,对本课题的研究现状进行了总结;最后交代了本文的研究方法和材料来源。从第一章到第四章对河北中南部方言的单字调、连读调、轻声的共时面貌进行了描写,并进一步探讨了连读调和轻声的一些语音现象和规律。第一章从调类和调值两个方面对河北中南部方言单字调进行了描写。第二章和第三章描写并讨论了河北中南部地区的连读调问题。第二章首先从“变调组数量”、“变调位置”、“是否出现新调值”、“调类存古”、“调类合流”、“同组合多模式”等六个方面对河北中南部方言的情况进行了分析;其次从地理分布和调型组合方面对连读调系统的共时面貌进行了描写。第三章主要从调型和调类的角度对河北中南部方言的连读调进行了专题分析。首先,用统计的方法分析调型因素在连读调中的作用;其次,从“降调+平调”、曲折调变升调、“平调+曲折调”、同调型异化四个方面分析河北中南部方言调型组合的特点;再次,分析了调类因素对连读调的影响,主要讨论了“上声+上声”、“去声+去声”两种组合的形成机制;最后,对连读调中的调类存古和调类合流现象进行了描写。河北中南部方言连读调主要有以下特点:变调率从东南向西北地区递增;变调多发生在前字位置;新调值的地域分布特征鲜明;调类存古现象主要分布在冀鲁官话区沧州片的三调方言和晋语区鹿元片的一平调方言;调类合流现象普遍存在,“阳平+上声=上声+上声”是石衡片南部的特征,“阴平+去声=去声+去声”是石衡片南部和东部的特征,“阴平+上声=去声+上声”是石衡片中部的特征;同组合多模式现象在石衡片中南部地区“去声+去声”组合中大量存在。从调型组合来看,“降调+平调”是河北中南部方言的强势组合;曲折调无论做前字,还是做后字,变调的比例都非常高;同调型相连容易发生异化变调。第四章是对河北中南部方言轻声问题的描写和讨论。首先,从“单字调调类数量”、“前字变调数量”、“轻、短轻声连调组的数量”、“前字位置是否出现新调值”、“调类存古”、“调类合流”、“同组合多模式”等七个方面对河北中南部方言轻声的特点进行了分析总结;其次,对轻声前重读音节的调值、调型及分布情况,轻声连调式的调类存古现象以及轻声后字的声学表现类型进行了描写;再次,对河北中南部方言的轻声中和类型进行了分析;最后,从轻、短的轻声和非轻、非短的轻声两个方面讨论了轻声音高的实现。河北中南部方言的轻声组合主要有以下特点:轻声音节发生在双音节词的后字位置;轻声两字组前字音节绝大部分都发生变调;按声学特征轻声可分为轻、短的轻声和非轻、非短的轻声,晋语及周边地区多读非轻、非短调,官话多读轻、短调;轻声前字变读新调值在河北中南部方言大范围存在,官话区产生新调值的现象远远多于晋语区;调类存古现象主要分布在冀鲁官话区沧州片、保霸片和晋语区鹿元片;轻声的中和现象类型丰富,分为轻声调位中和、轻声可辨前字调类、固定模式的轻声组合和自主的轻声四种类型;轻、短轻声的音高由前字重读音节的调值决定,非轻、非短轻声的音高与前字形成固定组合模式,不能由前字完全决定。第五章根据已有的文献资料对现代河北方言声调的演变进行了分析,并以行唐方言为例,讨论了方言过渡区的声调变异情况。

【Abstract】 Based on field investigation, this paper studies monosyllabic tone, sandhi and neutral toneby using data statistics, comparison method, experimental phonetics and dialectal maps, tothoroughly describe and probe features of the tone system of dialects in the middle and southof Hebei Province.Except for introduction, the paper is divided into five chapters.Introduction. This chapter first demarcates the scope of middle and south of HebeiProvince and introduces the general situation of the dialects in that area; then provides withgeography, historical and cultural information of that region briefly; summarizes the studystatus on this subject further more; explains the research methods and sources of materialsabout this paper at last.From chapter one to chapter four, it presents descriptions of the synchronic aspects ofmonosyllabic tone, sandhi and neutral tone in the middle and south of Hebei Province, whilegiving further explorations to some phonetic phenomena and rules on sandhi and neutral tone.Chapter one depicts monosyllabic tone in the middle and south of Hebei Province fromtwo facets, which include tone category and tone pitch。Chapter two and chapter three not only portray but also discuss the sandhi in the middleand south of Hebei Province.Chapter two firstly analyses dialects in the middle and south of Hebei Province from sixaspects, including number of tone sandhi groups, place of tonal modification, the appearanceof new tone pitch, tone category restoration, the interflow of the tone categories and the samecombination with muti-mode; then carries on the statistics on the combination of tone shape.Chapter three gives descriptions and analysis on sandhi in the middle and south of HebeiProvince from tone category and tone pitch. This chapter, to begin with, analyses the effect oftone shape in sandhi using statistic methods; analyses characteristics of tone shapecombination in the middle and south of Hebei Province in terms of “falling tone+level tone”,falling-rising tone, dissimilation of the same intonation; describes synchronic aspects ofsandhi system in the way of geographic distribution; analysis the influence on sandhi by tone category, which mainly discussed the two formation mechanism of “Shangsheng+Shangsheng”,“Qusheng+Qusheng” more over; finally describes tone type reappearance andthe interflow of the tone categories in sandhi.Features of sandhi in dialects in the middle and south of Hebei Province are presented asbelow. The rate of modified tone increase progressively from southeast to northwest district;Modified tone appears mostly in the previous character; Distinctive features exist in thegeographic distribution of new tone pitch; The interflow of the tone categories spreads mainlyin the three-tones dialect in Cangzhou piece of Jilu Madarain and dialect in Luyuan piece ofJin dialect; Interflow of the tone categories is ubiquitous. The “second tone+Shangsheng=Shangsheng+Shansheng” is the feature in the south of Shiheng piece;“Firsttone+Qusheng=Qusheng+Shangsheng” is the character of the south and east of Shiheng piece;“First tone+Shangsheng=Qusheng+Shangsheng” pattern belongs to the middle of Shihengpiece. Whereas the phenomenon of same combination with muti-mode exists in“Qusheng+Qusheng” pattern in middle and south of Shiheng piece in abundance. As forcombination of tone type,“falling tone+level tone” is a typical combination in the dialects ofthe middle and south of Hebei Province; Meanwhile whether in the position of previous orrear character,modified tone accounts a large proportion in falling-rising tone; And whensimilar tone types are linked, tone sandhi is more likely to happen.Chapter four is the description and discussion on soft tone in the middle and south ofHebei Province. It first gives analysis and subsequent summary on characteristics of dialectsin the middle and south of Hebei Province in seven aspects, which include. Quantity of tonetype in monosyllabic tone, number of tone sandhi in previous character, number of tonesandhi groups with features of lightness and shortness, the appearance of new tone pitch in theprevious character, tone category restoration, the interflow of the tone categories and thesame combination with multi-mode. This chapter describes tone pitch, tone type anddistribution of its preceding tone, tone category restoration of bi-syllable neutral tone, and theacoustic category of neutral tone. More over, there are analysis on neutral category in neutraltone in the middle and south of Hebei Province. In the end, the chapter discusses therealization of value call(pitch) of neutral tone in the way of light, short neutral tone andnon-light, non-short neutral tone. Following are the main characteristics of the neutral tone group in the dialects of middlesouthern area in Hebei province:neutral tone syllables appears in the rear part of a disyllable;tonal modification will mostly happen in the previous syllable of the two-word group withneutral tone; according to the phonics characteristics,neutral tone can be divided into neutraltone with the features of lightness and shortness which mostly appears in the Jin dialect aswell as the regions around, and neutral tone with the features of non-lightness andnon-shortness which mostly appears in the Mandarin, the new value call of utterancetransformation in the previous part of neutral tone largely exists in the dialects of middlesouthern area in Hebei province, this situation occurs much more frequently in Mandarin thanin Jin dialect; tonal reversion situation mainly distributes in the such Cangzhou piece andBaoba piece of Jilu mandarin and Luyuan piece of Jin mandarin; neutralization of the neutraltone has various types, neutral tone positioning neutralization, distinguishable previous tone,neutral tone group with fixed mode and autonomous neutral tone, such four types; the pitchof light short neutral tone is decided by the value call of the stress syllable of the previouscharacter, the pitch (value call)of non-light, non-short neutral tone is not completely decidedby the previous character, instead, it forms a fixed group mode with the previous character.The fifth chapter analyzes the tone evolution of modern Hebei dialects, based on the existingdocuments, meanwhile, discusses the tone variation of dialects transition area with theexample Tang dialect.
