

Research on Teacher Education in Germany

【作者】 覃丽君

【导师】 陈时见;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 比较教育学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 十七世纪至十八世纪,德国教师的职业开始专门化,各类教师培训机构也开始大量涌现,教师执照资格考试也开始萌芽,因此,此时期可以被称为德国教师教育的专门化发展阶段。十九世纪是德国教师教育发展的制度化时期,如教师资格证书考试制度的确立、师范学校数量增加及教师培训体系的制度化等都是在此时期得以确立的。二十世纪以来,东西德合并以前,德国教师教育事业的发展经历了改革、倒退、重建、改革、发展等多重事件,如魏玛共和国教师教育新制、纳粹政府对教师教育的控制、小学教师教育大学化、一阶段教师教育培养试验等事件,实现了对本国教师教育事业发展的调整,为二十世纪九十年代东西德合并以来教师教育的发展奠定了坚实的基础。进入二十世纪九十年代以来,面对国内外形势的变化,德国教师教育事业的发展又经历了东西德教师教育一体化、欧洲教师(高等)教育一体化、教师教育各阶段一体化等重大事件。自二战结束以来,德国教师教育政策的发展演变历经了起步阶段、制度化阶段、深化发展阶段和全面发展阶段,德国政府所发布的教师教育政策文本数量在这一发展过程中也不断增加,政策文本所涉及到的主题也开始不断拓展。为了促进本国教师教育事业有计划、有目的的发展,德国政府当前教师教育领域的政策内容主要体现为完善教师教育标准体系、统一各州教师教育与资格证书类型并加强相互认可、促进欧洲一体化教师教育改革的进行、鼓励师范生及教师的境内外流动等内容。从总体上而言,德国教师教育政策的制定实际上都是围绕着提高教师教育质量,促进德国各州教师教育事业均衡发展而进行的。而在德国教师教育的管理体制方面,根据《德意志联邦共和国基本法》的规定,德国各州享有中小学教育事业的管理权限,联邦政府仅在跨州事务、跨区域事务及高等教育框架方面享有教育管理权限。因此,德国教师教育的主要管理权限归由各州政府享有。当前联邦层面对德国教师教育事务负有管理权限的有德国各州文教部长常务会议、德国联邦教育与科研部、德国大学校长联席会议、德意志学术交流服务中心等组织与机构;各州层面教师教育事务主要由各州文教部负责管理。在世界各国教师教育标准建设如火如荼的过程中,德国在面临本国教师教育质量有待进一步改进以及中学生在国际学生测评项目中表现有待进一步提升等多重因素的影响下,在本世纪初期也发布了第一份面向教师教育的标准性文件,随后,德国政府结合本国教师教育事业的实际情况,不断完善本国的教师教育标准体系,最终形成了包含师范生能力倾向测试标准、教师教育培养标准、见习阶段教师教育标准、第二次国家教师资格证书考试标准等内容在内的教师教育标准体系。在教师教育培养体系方面,德国各州教师教育培养阶段均由修业阶段、见习阶段和在职阶段组成。其中修业阶段由高等教育机构负责,主要在高等教育机构中进行。修业阶段的学习内容包含专业学科学习、教育科学学习、校外实习、毕业论文写作等内容;此时期的教师教育培养模式也包含德国传统教师教育培养模式与改革后的本科加硕士学位的教师教育培养模式;德国各州所提供的教师教育类型也是根据德国政府规定的六种类型而设置的;修业阶段结束时,师范生需参加第一次国家教师资格证书考试(或获得硕士学位),以获取进入见习学校见习的资格。见习阶段由各州文教部主管,具体在文教部下设的教师见习学校和中小学见习学校中进行。德国大部分州的见习阶段持续时间为12-24个月之间,其中不同类型的教师所需完成的见习服务期限不同。在此阶段结束时,见习教师需参加由各州文教部组织的第二次国家教师资格考试,通过此次考试的见习教师即获得了完全的教师资格。在职阶段则是教师正式担任教职后的阶段,教师在此阶段可以参加各中小学自行组织的校本教研活动,也可以参加由各州文教部组织的在职专业发展活动,还可以申请进入各高等教育机构修读学位。总体上来说,通过对德国教师教育进行全面解读,能从中总结出有益的教师教育建设经验,如教师教育各主体的共同协作、师范生选拔与培养的高要求、理论学习与实践活动的紧密联系、关注外部因素与本土需求并重等。当然,当前德国教师教育也面临着以下困境,如教师队伍老龄化与师资短缺现象严重、修业阶段与见习阶段的衔接仍有待加强、教师的联邦内自由流动仍面临众多阻碍等。对我国教师教育事业的借鉴有提升教师教育整体层次、提高教师地位与待遇、强化师范生教学实践能力及试行师范生能力倾向测试等。

【Abstract】 During the seventeenth and the eighteenth century, the teachers’profession began to be specialized in Germany. At the same time, the appearance of the various teacher training institutions and the teaching certificate examination both contributed to the specialization of the profession of teachers in Germany at that time. Therefore, this period can be called as the specialized stage. Entering into the nineteenth century, the development of teacher education in Germany that time can be called as the institutionalized stage. Because the official teaching certificate examination was established during that time, on the mean time, the number of the teacher training institutions were increased greatly and the formal teacher training system was also be established that time. Since the twentieth century, before the German Reunification, the development of teacher education in Germany has experienced a long period of various reforms, such as the establishment of the new system of teacher education during Weimar Republic, the backwards of teacher education under the control of Nazi government, the universitization of the training of primary teachers, the one-phase experiment of teacher education etc. After the Germany Reunification in the1990s, confronting the challenges from domestic and international changes, the development of teacher education in Germany has undergone through the integration of East and West Germany teacher education systems, the integration of the European teacher education and the integration of the teacher education system itself etc. So, this phase can be called as the integration development of teacher education in Germany.Since the World War Ⅱ, the development of the Germany teacher education policy has experienced several important phases, such as the Starting Phase, the Institutionalized Phase, the Further Development Phase and the Overall Development Phase etc. During these phases, the number of the policies issued by the German government increased greatly, the themes of these policies are also gradually expanded. In order to promote the scientifically and intentionally development of the teacher education career, the current policy content of teacher education issued by the German government concentrate on several important topics, such as improve the teacher education standards; integrate the teacher education and teaching certificate types between different State and enforce the mutual recognition; promote the integration reform of the teacher education in the context of European Integration; encourage the domestic and internationally mobility of student teachers and teachers etc. In a word, the making and the publication of the Germany teacher education policy is actually revolves around improving the quality of teacher education and the promotion of the well-balanced development of teacher education in different State.According to the provisions of the basic law of Germany, the "Grundgesetz fur die Bundesrepublik Deutschland", the administrative authority of the general education affairs belongs to the states governments, the Federal Government of Germany only enjoys privilege in the cross-states educational affairs, cross-areas educational affairs and the framework management of the higher education affairs. Therefore, the mainly administrative privilege in teacher education affairs belongs to the states government. On the federal level, the current administrative bodies mainly conclude the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Lander in the Federal Republic of Germany (Standige Konferenz der Kultusminister der Lander. KMK), Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium fur Bildung und Forschung,BMBF), German Rector’s Conference (Hochschulrektorenkonferenz, HRK) and German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD) etc; On the state level, the teacher education affairs are mainly belongs to the State Ministry of Education.At the beginning of the21st century, the influence of the standards construction in the teacher education area gradually became greater and greater. At the same time, the Germany government was concerned by the PISA shock in2000and the quality of teacher education in Germany then became the hot topic of the German Society. In order to improve the quality of teacher education and the whole education enterprise, the Germany government published the first teacher education standard in the year2004, and then, concerning the special phases of teacher education in Germany, the Germany government continued to publish other three teacher education standards after2004. Nowadays, the teacher education standards in Germany are constituted by4policy documents, such as the Teacher education standard:educational science; the major and the didactic standards in teacher education; the second states examination for teaching certificate and the trainee phase standards; the ability test for student teachers etc.The teacher education in Germany is constituted by three important phases; they are the studium phase, the trainee phase and the in-service professional development phase. The stadium phase is carried out by the higher education institutions and then this phase is responsible by the higher education institutions themselves. The learning content of this phase contains the major and the major didactic study, the educational science study, the educational practice and the writing of the degree thesis etc. Under the influence of the Bologna Process, the teacher education model in Germany is also reformed, currently, there are mainly two kinds of teacher education models in Germany, and they are the Traditional Magister Teacher Education Model and the Bologna Bachelor and Master Teacher Education Model. According to the regulation of KMK, there are six types of teacher education programs in Germany; the organization of the teacher education programs is based on these regulations. At the end of the studium phase, the student teachers need to participate in the first states examination for teaching certificate (or the Master degree).When they passed through this examination or was granted the Master degree, then they can apply to the state ministry of education to start the service for the trainee phase. The trainee phase is organized by the state ministry of education, the trainee student teacher need to finish12-24months’service depend on the different types of teacher education programs. At the end of this phase, the trainee student teachers need to participate in the second state examination for the teaching certificate. The in-service professional development phase is the stage that teachers work formally in schools, during this phase, teachers can participate in the school-based professional development activities, and they can also participate in the state-level professional development activities or apply to enter the tertiary institutions to receive higher level degree, such as Master or PhD degree.In a word, there are some important experiences that we can learn from the Germany in teacher education area, such as the coordination between different subjects, the connection between theory and practice etc. But there are also some problems that confronted by the Germany teacher education, such as the shortage and the aging phenomenon of teachers; the connection between studium and trainee phases etc.

【关键词】 德国教师教育政策管理标准培养
【Key words】 GermanyTeacher EducationPolicyAdministrativeStandardsTraining
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期