

Teachers’Sensitivity of Instruction in the Classroom of Higher Vocational Education

【作者】 景韵

【导师】 朱德全;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 在长期的高职教育教学实践中,笔者深感教学敏感在开展有效课堂教学中的必要性和重要性。在全面建设小康社会的实施阶段,经济转型提速升级的任务艰巨,其间离不开科技与人才的支撑,而以培养高等技术应用型专门人才为己任的高职教育不可或缺。现实中,高职教育存在很多问题:办学设施设备条件较差,教学管理滞后,教师整体素质不能满足教学需要,等等。近年来,高职教育问题丛生,矛盾凸现,有的教师得过且过,有的学生无所事事,有的学校苟且度日。一方面,一些教师授课倾向于因循守旧,职业倦怠情绪明显;另一方面,一些学生厌学情绪浓,只想混个文凭。为此,本选题立足于高职教育的课堂教学,以教学敏感为契入点,尝试寻求破解问题之道,为高职教育注入新的生机和活力。马克斯·范梅南有一段关于教育的文字描述:我们为一个孩子擦鼻涕时,如果是别人的孩子,我们更多的感觉是在擦鼻涕,而如果是自己的孩子,我们则感觉在擦孩子。透过这段文字,我们悟出这样一个道理:对于同一对象和同一事件,基于不同的认知而形成迥异的心理感受,其行为方式和结果也会明显不同。精于教学敏感的教师,就能保持一颗“擦鼻涕如同感觉在擦孩子”的心,在教学时长袖善舞,灵活把握分寸,建构有效课堂。当前,教育界关于教学方法、教学手段、教学艺术和教学模式的研究较多,而教学敏感作为教学主体的一种基本素质却鲜有提及。究其原因,可能教学敏感作为一种自然的心理活动顺理成章,容易被忽视;另外,一些研究者也容易把它与教学机智、教学智慧等混为一谈,认为并无多大研究的必要。鉴于此,本论采用了文献调查、问卷访谈、课堂观察、比较分析、系统论证等研究方法,以高职课堂教学为载体,在深入探讨高职课堂教学存在问题的基础上,进一步以问题意识为驱动,寻求以高职教师的“教学敏感”作为解决问题的突破口,然后从理论和运用两个层面对教学敏感的本质、三重表征、价值效用、影响因素以及生成路径等进行深入探讨,充分论述其必要性与可能性,以期建构教学敏感的理论。在研究的具体实施中,首先搜集大量国内外有关教学敏感的文献资料,在文献研究的基础上,确定本课题的研究目标、主要研究问题、研究方式方法与基本假设等。其次,深入课堂捕捉与课堂教学敏感直接相关的研究因子,进一步开展相关问题研究。把高职课堂作为调查研究的平台,通过观摩优秀教师的课堂教学、对师生双方的跟踪访谈等手段,弄清课堂“教学敏感”基本问题的发生发展以及相关条件等。再次,在系统梳理教学敏感基本问题的基础上,尝试建构其理论。最后,展望高职课堂教学敏感的理论应用及实践推广,以期在未来的教学实践中继续推进教学敏感的理论应用及实证研究。绪论部分,首先阐明问题缘起:是高职课堂教学改革情势所需,也是笔者长期教学实践的思考所致。接着论述国内外对本论题研究的现状以及理论基础,以此为逻辑起点,明确研究思路、方法手段、基本内容和结构框架。最后简要介绍本论的价值以及创新点。第一章对高职课堂教学的相关理论进行深入剖析,认为高职课堂教学是职业教育的主阵地,是培养高职学生职业道德、理论素养和专业技能的根本途径。然而,无论是高职教师的整体素质还是高职课堂教学都存在着或多或少的问题,并且在一定程度上制约着高职教育的健康发展。在高职硬件设施及教学条件短期内难以根本扭转的情势下,有效整合及发挥高职教育的软实力就显得尤为重要,于是关于教学敏感研究的必要性和紧迫性便呼之欲出。这部分旨在说明与教学敏感直接关联的高职课堂教学,是教学敏感研究的知识铺垫和逻辑前提。第二章深入探讨教学敏感的本质。一方面,阐释了教学敏感的深刻内涵和特征,即教学敏感是教师在课堂教学中审时度势,关注和及时发现学生心理变化的细节,恰当把握教学时机,创设师生良好心理互动,促进学生自主学习的心理活动。另一方面,剖析和论述高职教师教学敏感的基本特征:即独特性、中介性、能量二重性和实践性。其中,独特性体现在教学主体的特殊性和高职教学情境的职业性。中介性是指在教学交往中,教学敏感犹如一种特殊的媒介,把教师课堂教学的心理活动与行为效果有机连接在一起。能量二重性是指教学敏感的“正能量”与“负能量”。实践性是指教学敏感源于教学实践,并运用于课堂教学实践。第三章基于对教学敏感的课堂案例分析,揭示教学敏感的表征与形态。教学敏感是在长期累积的教学经验与感悟的基础上以自我反思的方式将内隐在教师头脑中的“教学观念”与教学行为有机结合的教学意识;是课堂教学中教师特殊的、情境性认知能力的体现;是教学理论与实践、教学经验与感悟的不断融合的动态呈现。教学敏感的心理表征即引起教学敏感心理活动的外在表现形式,包括情境的场域性、语言的感染性及思维的非线性。教学敏感具有从低层到高层逐渐发展过渡的、相互影响的、开放的动态生成机制,其中最低层的是生物学层次的教学敏感,中间层的是心理学层次的教学敏感,最高层的是社会学层次的教学敏感。第四章对教学敏感的价值效用进行了深入研究。从教育及职业教育的价值入手,探讨高职教师在高职教育中承担的特殊角色,以此说明有效运用教学敏感的功能与作用。从高职教师的角度看,教学敏感的价值主要包括增强教师课程的把控意识、提高教师课堂的策略意识、激发教师课堂语言的运用意识。从学生学习的视角分析,教学敏感的价值体现:学会控制自己的学习,成为自我指导的学习者;拓展职业能力,成为高素质的技术型人才。通过教学敏感的案例分析,从实践层面进一步佐证优秀教师的教学敏感对提升课堂教学质量的重要价值。第五章关于教学敏感的影响因素分析,主要涉及两个方面:一方面是教师自身的内部因素,即教师的角色认同、认知结构、非认知结构以及师德自律的现实境遇;另一方面是外部因素,即高职教学环境的系统构建。教学敏感意识的形成不可能一蹴而就,而是教育主体持续不断的“体验-反思-行动”的结果,是长期课堂教学实践的结晶。教学敏感生成的外部因素是客观存在的,主要包括政策因素、文化因素、教学环境因素、动力因素等。第六章深入研究了教学敏感的生成路径。首先探讨课堂教学敏感生成的相关理论,以及形成过程的四个环节:知识和经验储备、课堂观察或自我反思、萌芽与生长、外化系列行动。这些环节不是相互孤立、割裂的,而是密切联系、相互影响的逻辑进程。然后,接着探讨了教学敏感生成的三条路径:一是教师课堂反省,二是教师自我效能,三是教师专业发展。本研究得到以下研究结论:第一,教学敏感作为一项教学艺术或教学策略,由于自然生成而致使其重要性常常为人们所忽视,但教学敏感客观地存在于很多教师身上并被他们自觉或不自觉地用于教学实践中。第二,通过问卷调查、课堂观察、课后访谈、文献研究及论证分析,可知优秀教师的教学敏感意识较一般普通教师高,经验丰富教师的教学敏感意识较新新入职的教师强。教学敏感在高职优秀教师的教学实践中突出显现,它形成于课堂教学实践并有待在课堂教学实践中发展完善。第三,教学敏感不是一蹴而就的产物,是教师较长时间历练和有意而为的习得性品质。教学敏感的理论探讨仅处于起步阶段,甚至连涉及的一些重要问题还难以形成共识,这些都有待在以后的教学实践中加以充实和完善。

【Abstract】 During the long-term instruction practice of higher vocational education, the author deeply senses that the importance and necessity of classroom sensitivity of instruction for the effective classroom teaching. In the implementation phase of building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects, its task to transform and upgrade economy is in relation to the supports of technology and talents, thus higher vocational education which focuses on the duty to foster professional talents of high-technology becomes an indispensable. Actually, a lot of problems exist in higher vocational education, such as poor condition of facilities, lag of teaching management, and shortage of teachers’ overall quality for teaching demands, etc. And these problems result in chaotic phenomena of higher vocational education, teachers’ exhausted emotion and students’ disgust with courses. On one hand, teachers’ instruction tends to follow the beaten track and shows job burnout. On the other, students are disgusted with the courses just with the thought to obtain a diploma instead of learning. Therefore, this dissertation is established based on the classroom of higher vocational education, takes sensitivity of instruction as a starting point, and attempts to take measures to solve the problems and infuse vitality into higher vocational education. Max Van Manen once described the definition of education:when wiping the kid’s nose, what we would feel more is that if we face others’ kid, we wipe the kid’s nose; if we face owns, we wipe the kid himself or herself. A truth can be drawn from these words that the same object and event give rise to various behavioral patterns because of widely different mental feelings formed by different recognition. Those teachers who hold sensitivity of instruction can keep the heart of "wiping the nose is like wiping the kid", they will be resourcefully, flexibly control actions to construct an effective classroom.Currently, there are some researches on teaching methods, teaching art and model in educational circle, but sensitivity of instruction, as a basic quality of teaching subject is rarely mentioned; the reason of its being neglected probably lies in its role as a naturally mental activity. Besides, some researchers consider it is unnecessary to study owing to the thoughts of confusing it with teaching tact and teaching wisdom. On account of this condition, this thesis adopts some methods like documentary method, questionnaire, classroom observation, comparative analysis and argumentation to construct the theory of sensitivity of instruction, on the basis of deep exploring the problems in the classroom of higher vocational education and the problem consciousness as the dive force to find "sensitivity of instruction" as the solution. In the process of building up the theory, the thesis carries out an in-depth exploration on the theory’s nature, its three presentations, its value and effective factors, and generative routes from both perspectives on theory and application. And in this way the necessity and possibility of the theory is fully discussed. Practically, this thesis firstly collects some relative researches aboard and in our country, with those to demonstrate the feasibility and rationality of the research object (target, content, methods and key points) established by "classroom observations" and timeiy adjust it for the further establishment of research objects, main research problems, methods and basic hypothesis, etc. secondly, launch relative researches via catch the research factors correlating with instruction sensitivity. Secondly, it considers the stage of investigation and clarifies the conditions of developing "sensitivity of instruction" by ways like observing the class of excellent teachers and interviewing both teachers and students. Thirdly, it attempts to found the theory on the basis of sorting out the essential problems. Lastly, it looks forward to apply and practice of the theory and continues to carry forward study on it.The introduction part firstly expounds the reasons of choosing this topic. They are the demanding of teaching reformation and author’s reflection of long-term teaching practice. Then, it states the current situation of this research and its theory basis, and takes it as starting point to make it clear the approaches, thoughts, content and structure of this research. Finally, it introduces briefly the values and innovative points of this research.The first chapter deeply analyzes the relative theories and the existing problems of higher vocational class teaching and puts forward that the class teaching of higher vocational colleges is the main position of vocational education and also a fundamental way to foster the professional ethics, theoretical attainments and professional competences of higher vocational students. However, the entire quality of teachers or the class teaching of higher vocational colleges exist some problems and to some extent this restricts the development of higher vocational education. Under the condition that the hardware facilities and teaching conditions are hardly to be reformed in a short time, it shows more importance to promote and integrate the soft power. Thus, the research on sensitivity of instruction is not only necessary but also pressing. This part mainly illustrates that the class teaching in higher vocational colleges is directly related with sensitivity of instruction, and it is the knowledge and foreshadowing and the logical premise for the theory of sensitivity of instruction.In the second chapter, this thesis probes into the nature of sensitivity of instruction. On one hand, it interprets its profound connotations and features:teachers should respond appropriately to the classroom teaching, pay close attention to students and timely find their psychological changes in the details, appropriately seize teaching opportunities, set up a favorable interaction between teachers and students and foster students’mind for self-directed learning. On the other, it analyzes and expounds the basic features of teachers’sensitivity of instruction in the classroom of higher vocational education:uniqueness, medium, duality of power and practicalness. Among the above features, uniqueness embodies that the specialty of teaching subject and the profession of instructional situations of higher vocational education; medium means that sensitivity of instruction plays the role of a special mediator between psychological activities of teachers and teachers’ actions and their effect through the teaching interaction; duality of power is referred to "Positive Power" and "Negative Power" in sensitivity of instruction; practicalness indicates sensitivity of instruction derives from and is applied in teaching practice of the classroom.To analyze mental features of sensitivity of instruction in classroom case and reveal its mental characteristics and forms are the main content of Chapter Three. Sensitivity of instruction is an organic teaching consciousness combined by "teaching beliefs" and the actions of teacher’s long-term teaching practice and experience, and finally formed by teachers’self-reflecting. It is the reflection of teachers’special cognitive capacity in classroom teaching with a dynamic presentation of the integration of teaching theory and practice, teaching experience and apperception. Its mental representations are outer expressive forms of arousing mental activities of teaching sensitivity which includes field performance of situation, emotion of language and nonlinearity of thinking. And these representations are manifested themselves in the aspects of teaching process like the targets, content, organization and medium and evaluation of teaching, etc. Sensitivity of instruction exists in the dynamic and generative mechanism which is interrelated and developed gradually from lower to higher level:the lowest one is related with the biological meaning, while the middle one means the psychological meaning and the highest one is presented from social meaning.In chapter four, the author conducts the study on the functions and value of sensitivity of instruction. From the perspectives of its value, this chapter tries to discuss the special roles of teachers in higher-vocational education, thereby to illustrate its functions and effect of the theory. From the angle of higher vocational teachers, the theory chiefly contains the sense to control and promote the strategies and to inspire teachers to apply classroom language. From students’ perspective, the value of the theory is embedded in turning students into self-learners and in controlling the leaning of their own to expand professional capacity and become high-qualified talents. From the analysis of cases on sensitivity of instruction, this thesis tries to demonstrate the importance of excellent teachers’sensitivity of instruction to promote the quality of classroom teaching.Chapter Five mainly refers to the analysis of contributing factors to sensitivity of instruction concerning teacher’s inner factors, namely their role identifications, cognitive structure, non-cognitive structure and the realistic situation of teachers’ moral self-discipline; the other one is outer atmosphere, namely system structure of teaching atmosphere. It is certain that the formation of sensitivity cannot come into being directly; adversely, it is the result of teachers’experience, reflection and taking action in the teaching practice of long-term’s class practice. Besides, the outer factors objectively exist and refer to policy strategy, cultural factor, teaching atmosphere and dynamic factor.The generative approaches of sensitivity of instruction are discussed in Chapter Six. The first is the discussion of its relating theory and the four steps of its formation:reservation of knowledge and experience, classroom observation and self-reflection, sprout and growth and externalization of series actions. These steps are not isolated and separated from one another but in a close and logical process which is connected and interactional. Then, three generative approaches of sensitivity of instruction are discussed:classroom reflection, teachers’self-efficacy and teachers’ professional development.Some conclusions can be got out from this thesis:firstly, sensitivity of instruction, as a teaching art or strategy is neglected owing to its nature while it exists objectively in the practice of teachers’class consciously or unconsciously. Secondly, from the analysis and exploration of questionnaire, classroom observation, interview, document research and argumentation, excellent teachers are with stronger sensitivity than those of ordinary teachers, and experienced teachers are with stronger consciousnesses than those of new teachers. Sensitivity of instruction is highlighted during the teaching process of those excellent teachers, formed and perfectly developed in their teaching practice. Thirdly, sensitivity of instruction cannot be accomplished at one stroke but it is a learned quality formed in long-time practice with purposely acquisition. The theory of sensitivity of instruction lies in the starting step and it is difficult to reach an agreement for some crucial issues, and still researches are to be enriched and completed for the theory in the near future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期
  • 【分类号】G712.4
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2592