

Study on the Resources Complementation between Sports Facilities in School and in Community

【作者】 邹巍

【导师】 张学敏;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 领导教育学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 学校体育是学校教育的重要组成部分,学校体育设施是提高学校体育教学质量,促进学生身心健康发展,从而加强学校素质教育的有利物质保障。近几年来,随着社会经济的发展和教育事业的进步,中小学校的体育教育发展水平日益受到关注,国家在学校体育场馆建设、器材设施、师资队伍建设等方面都投入了大量的人力、物力和财力,使学校体育教育的各种条件得到了极大的改善与提高。然而,通过调研发现,由于学校封闭式管理模式的限制以及基础教育课程设置、学制安排的特殊性,中小学校的体育设施等资源在周末及寒暑假期间基本处于闲置状态,这种闲置性的浪费现象表明学校体育资源并没有实现效用的最大化。另一方面,学校体育也是我国体育事业的重要组成部分,同样肩负着提高民族素质,实现全民健身战略的重要任务。政府通过“全民健身计划’’("Fitness plan")的实施,以改善群众体育健身条件为目的同时加大了对社区全民健身设施的投建,“计划”对提高劳动者的全面素质,建立科学、文明、健康的生活方式,促进竞技体育与群众体育的协调发展产生了积极影响,也为学校体育提供了发展的契机。但是,无论从总量还是人均设施占有率来看,社区全民健身资源仍然未能满足群众健身的多元化需求。这种社区群众健身设施“不足”而学校体育资源“闲置”浪费的结构性矛盾日益凸显,由此也对改善国家公共产品的供给与配置方式,全面统筹、挖掘学校和社区各自的优势,从而实现二者的资源互补提出了新的问题与思考。以重庆市云阳县的实证调查数据为依据,利用数据包络分析(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)模型比较其相对效率,结合经济学里的效用论进行分析就不难发现:如果把体育锻炼当作一种投入,那么它将满足边际效用递减规律。当投入不断增加时,产出随之增加,直至达到饱和;当投入无止境增加时,产出不再发生变化,效率开始下降。所以对于我国这样一个人口大国,从体育设施配置的数量和规模上一味投入不仅给国家财政造成负担,并且根据边际效用递减规律的分析,其使用效率会呈现下降的趋势。因此,在资源有限的条件下,应该对现有资源进行重新整合,以全面提升当前学校体育设施的利用效率。根据全民健身运动精神,社会(社区)虽然缺乏体育场地等资源,却又具备政策倾斜和补贴资金等优势资源;而学校相对于社区来说拥有较多的体育师资、体育设施等资源。①所以,如果学校用自己的闲置资源去为社区所用,与社区加强联系,形成资源共享,不仅可以提高学校现有资源的利用效率,还可以从社区获得更多体育乃至其它办学资源;而对于社区来说,学校体育设施的开放无疑会扩大全民健身的资源,为满足群众多样化的体育锻炼需求提供重要途径。可见,学校体育设施与社区全民健身资源实现优势互补具有重要的现实意义。如何有效地推动学校打开传统封闭的大门,通过对学校体育设施和资源的合理开发和科学化的管理实现在校园和社区之间架起资源桥梁,发挥资源共享的作用,需要坚实的理论基础为其提供政策思路和应用启示。从性质来说,学校体育设施具有公共产品的属性,社会大众拥有享受公共产品的权力,因此公共产品理论是学校体育设施对外开放的理论基础之一;从目标来说,全民健身运动以实现人的生命价值最大化为其价值趋向,社区健身资源是实现此目标的物质保障,因此生命价值理论是全民健身决策的理论基础之一;从效率来说,学校体育设施向社会开放能够实现双方效率的最大化,因此帕累托最优理论是分析提升效率空间的理论依据;这些理论共同为分析学校体育设施与全民健身资源优势互补提供了理论支撑。并且不可否认的是,基于这些理论的现实探索在一些发达国家已经初见成效,国外配备齐全的全民体育设施以及学校开放、有序的管理体制也引发了我们更深远的思考。然而,国外的经验毕竟只能从一定程度上给我们提供借鉴,对于我国的现状来说,理论分析只能为实践提供一个理想状态的假设,基于我国国情而操作的现实案例才能够为学校与社会形成良性互动提供强有力的可行性依据。研究者通过本人的亲身实践经历,即北碚职教中心与重庆市骞越体育项目的合作为研究提供了鲜活的论据,该项目采用“建设—经营一转让”(build-operate-transfer, BOT)的合作模式使学校通过契约授予私营企业一定期限的特许专营权,许可其融资建设和经营特定的公用基础设施,并准许其通过向用户收取费用或出售产品以清偿贷款,回收投资并赚取利润;特许权期限届满时,该基础设施无偿移交给学校。该案例充分说明了学校通过转变体育设施管理模式,引入第三方参与管理体育资源,为学校和社会搭建桥梁纽带,从而实现学校与社会体育资源相互补充。这种校企合作的方式实现了“学校一企业一社会”的“三赢”,第三方即企业租用学校场地修建体育场馆,提供体育设施和设备,并充分运用周边资源,吸引在校学生及附近社区居民参与锻炼身体,既保证了企业现金流,更有助于全民健身事业的发展,同时降低了学校自主开放和管理体育设施的风险成本。诚然,要真正实现学校体育设施与全民健身资源优势互补在现实中还存在一些问题和矛盾,如政策执行力度有待加强、学校体育设施与全民健身设施的使用功能差异较大、设施投入主体的差异导致资源使用存在矛盾、学校正常教学秩序与安全保障存在隐患等等。解决这些问题不仅需要学校、社会双方的协调与配合,也需要为公共产品承担主要职责的政府通过完善相关法律法规、切实加强宣传力度、提高认识以转变观念、积极拓宽融资渠道、推动规范化管理等为其提供政策支持。此外,进一步构建涵盖目标机制、执行机制、调控机制和保障机制的具体运行模式更是二者形成互补的题中要义。

【Abstract】 Sports Education is an important part of school education. Sports facilities also contribute to improving the quality of school physical education and promoting student physical and mental development, thereby enhancing the quality of education in schools. In recent years, with the development of economy and education, the development of elementary and secondary school received more and more attention than before. Our country has invested a lot of manpower, material and financial resources into the construction of sports venue, sports equipment, sports facilities, and other aspects to make the school physical education be improved and enhanced. However, during the research, we found that sports facilities and other resources are not used during summer vacation and weekends due to the limitations of the model of closed school and curriculum in primary and secondary schools. This phenomenon shows the waste of resources and failure in achieving maximum effectiveness.On the other hand, In order to improve the conditions of mass sports fitness, the government has strengthened investment and construction of community fitness facility through "The National Fitness Program", planning to improve the overall quality of workers, establishing a lifestyle of science, civilization, health. As a result, it created a positive impact on promoting the coordinated development of sports and mass sports, and also on the development of school sports. However, no matter the facilities share or the total and per capita terms, community fitness resources are still unable to meet the needs. This structural contradiction between inadequate community facilities and waste of resources in school has become increasingly prominent; thereby the new thinking about improving national public supply and allocation, effective use of resources has been put forward.Basing on the empirical survey data of Yunyang County of Chongqing, we can use the analysis of data envelopment (Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA) model to compare the relative efficiency. it’s easy to find, combined with the economics of utility theory, that it will satisfy the law of diminishing marginal utility if we regard physical exercise as an input,. Output increases until reaching saturation with the increase of input; when the input increased indefinitely, we can see no change of output and efficiency begins to decline. Therefore, for such a populous country, its efficiency will be shown a downward trend according to the law of diminishing marginal utility analysis, which invests to the country’s financial burden. Therefore, under conditions of limited resources, existing resources should be reconfigured so that the utilization efficiency of the current school sports facilities could be enhanced. In facts, society (community) is lack of sports venues and other resources, but with preferential policies and subsidies and other advantages of resources; while schools have physical education teachers, sports facilities and other resources. Thus, if the school can exchange their idle resources with community to gain the financial resources and policies can not only improve the efficiency of resource use, but also get more from the community as well as other educational resources sports. Therefore, the research, which based on the analysis of complementation between school sports facilities and fitness resources, has the reality and possibilitiesHow to effectively promote schools open closed doors to public? To bridge the gap between schools and communities and to play a role in the sharing of resources through the school sports facilities and resources rational development and scientific management needs a solid theoretical foundation to provide a strategic thinking. From the nature, school sports facilities have public properties, and the community has the right to enjoy public goods, so the theory of public goods is one of the theoretical foundations to open the school sports facilities to public. From the target, all the people’s fitness activities are considering achieving human maximal value of life as the value trend. Community health resources are material security to achieve this goal, so the value of life fitness theory is one of the theoretical bases of decision-making. From efficiency, if the school sports facilities open to the community, it can achieve maximal mutual efficiency. Therefore, Pareto optimal theory is the theoretical basis to analysis the increase of efficiency. These theories simultaneously provide theoretical support for constructing complementary system of school sports facilities and people’s fitness resources.Theoretical analysis can only provide assumptions in an ideal state for the practice. Actual cases can better provide a strong feasible basis for opening the schools to public. Beibei Vocational Education Center-Qian Yue Sport Project takes the BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) cooperation mode so that schools are given to private enterprises by awarding, promising a certain period of exclusivity. Schools permit their financing construction and operation of a particular public infrastructure, and allow their customers to pay fees or by saling products to settle loans, returning on investment and making profits. When it comes to the expiry of the concession period, the infrastructure transferred back to the school. This case speaks to the school that through a certain way sharing of sports resources, it can achieve a win-win opportunity to benefit both themselves and society. First, school-enterprise cooperation adapt to social and market needs. Schools solve the financial difficulties through corporate resources, and speed up the pace of infrastructure investment, which will attract talent for teachers and students to create a good environment and personnel needs for the society. Again, school-enterprise cooperation is a win-win mode. School-enterprise cooperation achieve the sharing of information and resources between school and enterprise, school can use the equipment of enterprises, businesses hire school grounds, which make full use of the surrounding resources, attract students in the school, the surrounding residents to participate in exercises that will help the development of fitness. It also ensures corporate cash flowing. This mode complement schools with business on equipment, technology advantages, saving the cost of education and business; This is a "win-win" mode.However, there are still some problems and contradictions to truly achieve complementation between school sports facilities and fitness resources, such as policy enforcement needs to be strengthened, the lack of public sports facilities, the main differences lead to resource conflicts, the risks of school teaching order and security exist and so on. Solving these problems requires not only schools, social mutual coordination and cooperation, but also need policy support and security conditions from government. In addition, building the specific operating mode involving the target mechanism, the execution mechanism, control mechanism and guarantee mechanism is the key factor of this problem.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期
  • 【分类号】G807;G812.4
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】2885
  • 攻读期成果