

Research on History, Philosophy and Expression of Hou Kuangchun’s Academic Thought

【作者】 申丽娟

【导师】 谢德体; 魏朝富;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 农业资源利用, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 学术思想作为人类理性认知的系统化,是特定时代的学术精英从事科学研究活动的内在体现,往往蕴含有超越该时代的最大信息量。因此,以某位大师或学术精英为个案,探究其学术活动及学术思想,是站在学术史的角度回观和展望某个时代某个学科领域发展的重要途径。侯光炯先生(1905~1996),又名侯翼如,英文名Hou Kuangchun(K.C. Hou OR Hou Guangjiong),是中国科学院首批院士(前学部委员)、英国皇家学会资深会员、国家一级教授,也是我国土壤科学的开拓者之一、农业土壤学的先驱和奠基人,堪称为一代宗师、学界楷模、农学泰斗。侯光炯先生的学术生涯长达半个多世纪,其学术成就与高尚品格早已为众名家所写、世人所传颂,但发掘和升华其学术人生及思想仍兼具理论意义、学术价值和现实关照性于一体,对于推动现代农业土壤学发展、传承侯光炯先生学术遗产以及加强良好学术风气建设等方面有着重要的积极意义。目前,国内外有关侯光炯先生农业土壤的探讨和纪实或纪念性研究成果提供了比较丰富的史料,对侯光炯学术思想研究有着深刻的借鉴与指导作用。但从总体上来看,系统的全面的侯光炯学术思想研究尚未起步,目前的研究呈现出相对薄弱和零散的特征,缺乏深入论证和挖掘,而这与侯光炯先生在农业土壤学上的历史地位极不相称。鉴于此,本研究通过对侯光炯先生的生平及学术历程的系统梳理,追踪其学术思想形成与发展的源泉,进而把握侯光炯先生的学术价值观、科学研究方法、治学理念与风格,考察侯光炯先生在农业土壤理论、农业生态系统学、水田自然免耕技术等方面研究的具体内容,在此基础上,对侯光炯先生的学术思想进行展望,以期对侯光炯学术思想能够有一个系统的、全面的、深刻的认识。1.侯光炯学术思想的发端溯源(1)侯光炯先生的学术生涯长达70年(1927~1996),其起始时间与我国现代土壤科学的起步时间几乎一致,而且二者的发展历程存在着紧密的联系,具有高度重合性。纵观侯光炯先生的学术人生,可大致将其划分为少年求学、崭露头角、举步维艰、宏图大展、低潮时期、辉煌岁月以及思想的延续等阶段,每个阶段均呈现出不同的内容特征。(2)侯光炯先生在充分吸收欧美土壤学派和前苏联土壤学派先进的研究理念、研究方法和技术的基础上,结合中国的实际国情,创立了具有中国特色的土壤学派。所谓“中国特色”,具体体现在研究理念、研究方法及其研究成果等方面。在研究理念方面,主要指侯光炯早在20世纪30年代乃至求学时期就已经树立起的土壤学服务于农业生产理念;在研究方法方面,主要指侯光炯所倡导的总结和升华农民群众的生产实践经验;在研究成果方面,主要指侯光炯的农业土壤生理性观点、土壤肥力生物热力学理论、自然免耕技术等适合于中国国情的代表成果。(3)侯光炯先生的学术思想是由社会环境、家庭环境、良师教诲以及自身特质等因素综合作用、历时积淀的结果。在经过系列因素的洗礼之后,侯光炯先生的学术思想开始成型,并经历了一个由不成熟到日益成熟、由较为零散到日趋系统的渐进发展过程。2.侯光炯学术思想的哲学透视(1)“殚精竭虑为三农”是侯光炯先生学术价值观的集中体现。第一,服务农业:土壤科学服务于农业生产。面对早期土壤与农业生产相互独立、彼此分离的局面,侯光炯先生坚持主张中国土壤科学应走一条具有中国特色的研究之路,既要区别于美国式的科研与生产实践完全脱节的路子,也要不同于缺乏科学理论基础与解决具体生产问题工作方法的传统路子。第二,扎根农村:心系田野与大地。侯光炯先生认为,只有扎根于农村才是“光明的道路”,而且这对于他本人来说也是“一个非常幸运的转变”。第三,尊重农民:“我是农民的儿子”。出身于农家、经常接触农民的人生经历,使得侯光炯先生对于农民有着“一种朴素的阶级感情”。随着土壤科学研究的不断深入,侯光炯先生对农民的态度由最初的同情转变为由衷地钦佩、赞美、尊重农民的生产实践智慧。(2)“躬身实践获真知”是侯光炯先生科学研究方法的基本特征。第一,长期蹲点农村的研究之路。所谓蹲点,是指借助于农村科研基点平台进行科学理论与技术的创新型研究。不仅如此,侯光炯先生还将其功能拓展到推广新技术与新品种、培训教育等方面。第二,研究方法:农民经验与田间实验相结合。侯光炯先生极其重视对来自农民群众生产实践经验的学习、总结、验证与提炼,但由于土壤学是一定程度上的实验科学,其同样高度重视田间观察与实验分析。第三,对话与融合:国外考察、访问交流与合作。侯光炯先生在土壤科学研究领域的成名与立足,与其到国外考察、访问交流和合作是密不可分的。(3)“求实创新建丰碑”是侯光炯先生治学理念与风格的核心内容。第一,辩证唯物主义观点。侯光炯先生辩证唯物主义观点的形成和发展经历了一段较长的时期,由早期的朴素的自发的辩证唯物主义者逐渐转变为自觉的辩证唯物主义者,并将辩证唯物主义观点同自己的科研实践结合起来。第二,求实创新的科研精神。侯光炯先生是一位勇于挑战传统和权威、坚持和论证自己观点的学者,不断探索与创新正是其科研精神的实质所在。第三,天、地、人、物统一体思想。天(气候)、地(地形、地貌、地质、水文等)、人(人为活动尤其是耕作措施)、物(耕作物以及其他植被等)统一体观点具有明显的唯物辩证思想,是侯光炯先生将哲学理念运用在土壤科学研究的结合体。第四,多学科交叉与融合的理念。侯光炯先生从自然科学发展趋势着手,对农业科学脱节现象进行了分析,并从中引出土壤科学的多分支学科交叉与融合问题及其解决方案。3.侯光炯学术思想表达:农业土壤理论(1)侯光炯先生作为我国第一代土壤学家,是我国农业土壤学的先驱和奠基人。在农业土壤科学的创建方面,侯光炯先生不仅剖析了过去土壤科学残存的基本缺陷及其原因,还界定了农业土壤学的理论内涵、研究对象、研究内容等,并对农业土壤学发展过程中的不足之处与其改善途径予以揭示。当农业土壤学在生产实践中的重要性开始被人们认同但仍较为散乱之时,侯光炯先生首次明确提出了“农业土壤学具有鲜明的生产实践性”,并给以了详尽论述。(2)由侯光炯先生所创立的土壤肥力生物热力学理论,是在总结农民群众生产实践经验基础上进行升华而来的,这是一个具有划时代意义的重大理论发现。侯光炯先生从学界既有的“农业土壤是历史自然体”的论断出发,提出土壤是活的有生命的自然历史体。直到1984年Beckmann关于土壤作为生物体和具有复杂结构与演化历史的自然体的提出,说明侯光炯先生的这一观点领先世界20余年。侯光炯先生首次提出土壤生理性新概念的定义、基本规律等内容,标志着土壤研究思路逐渐向综合研究方向发展。在此基础上,侯光炯先生对土壤肥力的定义及其本质重新阐释,为世界土壤科学的动态研究提供了全新的视角。侯光炯先生提出的“小三化”、“大三化”等土壤培肥与改良措施,在农业生产实践活动中发挥了重要的作用。(3)侯光炯先生所提出的以土壤生理性为依据的农业土壤分类方法,从根本上不同于传统的以土壤地理环境或者土壤属性等为标准的土壤分类方法。1935年,侯光炯先生首次将水稻土作为一个独立类型提出来,并进一步把水稻土分为淹育、潴育和潜育等亚类,成为我国水稻土研究的开端。在土壤生理性及土壤肥力生物热力学理论的指导下,侯光炯先生讨论了水稻土的生理类型及其分类体系,摆脱了传统研究中“三育”、“三源”等分类视角。关于紫色土分类体系,侯光炯先生主张发生学分类和农业土壤型分类两种体系,为后来全国农业土壤分类体系的构建奠定了基础。(4)侯光炯先生根据其在实际工作中的经验与教训,对土壤普查、规划以及农业区划等问题进行了理论上的探讨和升华,为全国第二次群众性土壤普查工作提供了理论基础。侯光炯先生认为,搞清楚一些理论问题是土壤普查工作的必然要求,如土壤普查规划中的研究对象和主要诊断项目、如何研究土壤肥力、在普查中进行全面规划的指导思想问题以及土壤普查工作是否要包括土壤区划研究问题等。对于土壤农业区划,侯光炯先生从水热条件出发,将我国土壤农业区划分为区域、地区、土区、土片和土组等五级。4.侯光炯学术思想表达:农业生态系统学(1)水土保持是侯光炯先生晚年学术研究的主要内容之一。侯光炯先生在土壤肥力生物热力学、农业生态系统学等理论的指导下,在系统地总结美国水土保持工作经验与教训的基础上,探究了水土保持区划的标准及其体系,并针对当前存在的水土保持问题提出了具体措施,为我国水土保持事业的全面开展提供了理论参考和对策建议。(2)侯光炯先生认为,生态农业是高产、优质、高效农业的基本手段,它以辩证分析生态系统的内部矛盾及其谐调方法为主要特征。侯光炯先生从土壤生态肥力的角度对生态农业及其技术对策进行了全新解读,并以四川省为对象建立起不同类型的生态农业基地,同时还将发展生态农业与根治长江洪患灾害紧密地结合起来。(3)早在20世纪20年代,侯光炯先生就开始关注国内农业界施肥的实际状况,后来又在总结并升华农民群众生产实践经验的基础上,提炼出农民“三看”经验中的施肥原则。在进行旱地免灌种稻试验时,侯光炯先生对有机肥配方施肥的技术要点给予了详细论述,并概括了合理用肥的基本内容。总体上,侯光炯先生在配方施肥技术相关方面的研究成果虽然不多,但是为后人提供了研究的大体方向、内容与范围。5.侯光炯学术思想表达:水田自然免耕技术(1)关于免耕与精耕细作的关系,侯光炯先生认为,二者之间并非不可调和,它们有着共同的愿景,即“都是为了保证土壤结构,使之发挥协调和稳定水、热、气、肥各个肥力因素的功能”,精耕细作是不具备自然免耕条件土壤的准备工作,这为人们摆脱传统错误观点、正确认识精耕细作与免耕的辩证关系厘清了思路。关于自然免耕与美国式免耕的区别,侯光炯先生通过反复试验研究,验证了自然免耕相对于美国式免耕的优越性,并得到了国际学界的认可。关于自然免耕技术的实质意义,侯光炯先生着重从经济和科学等方面充分肯定,证明自然免耕技术是一个理论与实践的充分结合体。(2)水田自然免耕技术作为一种新型农业耕作技术,有着极其严格和复杂的技术要则与机理。侯光炯先生从水田自然免耕技术的主要构成部分——水稻半旱式免耕栽培、小麦半旱式免耕栽培和水田免耕综合利用着手,指出水田自然免耕技术的主要特征在于通过垄作而非传统平作、浸灌而非淹灌等方式来改变田面微地形,促使土壤和植物之间处于永久高度生理谐调状态。进一步地,侯光炯先生归纳出水田自然免耕技术的要点为“四连续、四不要”,这四者之问是一个相互联系、互惠互利的统一体。通过对水天自然免耕技术的实施,可使水田中的各种生产要素(水、肥、气、热、光)达到“和谐”状态,从而实现光肥平衡、水热平衡、肥力平衡和生态平衡等“四大平衡”。(3)水田自然免耕技术是一项具有国际先进水平的开创性研究,不论是在已经广泛推广应用的生产实践中,还是在继续深入的后续研究中,它均展现出了巨大的综合效益,并有着广阔的发展前景。侯光炯先生以极其严谨的科学态度,对水田自然免耕技术的综合效益与发展前景进行了详尽的论证。这不仅是对他多年来学术研究成果的严谨细致,更是对广大农民群众的认真负责。综上所述,本研究以基本史实和侯光炯先生流传于世的学术研究成果为依据,主要涉及到三个方面内容:一是在发端溯源部分,结合中国现代土壤科学的起步与发展历程,对侯光炯先生学术思想形成与发展的源泉进行追踪;二是在哲学透视部分,从学术价值观、科学研究方法、治学理念与风格等内容着手,对侯光炯先生的学术思想进行深度剖析;三是在具体研究成果方面,主要对侯光炯先生的农业土壤理论、农业生态系统学、水田自然免耕技术等最具代表性的成果进行梳理总结。总体上,不同于以往的纪念或纪实性文章,本研究着重从学术研究的角度来挖掘侯光炯先生学术成果及其中蕴含的思想。在今后的工作中,可加强下述研究:侯光炯学术思想的哲学基础与价值;侯光炯学术思想对中国土壤学的贡献以及对未来的影响;侯光炯学术思想在当前的继承和发展等。

【Abstract】 As systematic human rational cognition, academic thought is the intrinsic reflection of elite undertaking academic research activities in a specific era, which often bears the greatest information that has exceeded the era. Therefore, to explore the academic activities and academic thought of a certain master or elite is an important way to review and outlook the development of the subject area in the era from the perspective of academic history. Hou Kuangchun (1905~1996), also known as Hou Yiru, is an academician of Academy of China (former faculty member), British Royal Society Fellow and an professor at the national level. He is considered as one of the pioneers and founders of soil science in China. Hou Kuangchun’s academic career spanned half a century, his academic achievements and noble character have already been on everybody’s lips. To explore and sublimation Hou Kuangchun’s academic life and thought has the important theoretical significance, academic value and practical care. It is helpful of us to promote the development of modern agriculture soil science, heritage Hou Kuangchun’s academic thought and strengthen good academic atmosphere. At present, the research on Hou Kuangchun’s agricultural soil theory and documentary or commemorative research provide a rich historical data, profound theoretical learning and practical guidance. But on the whole, a comprehensive and system research on Hou Kuangchun’s academic thought has not yet started, the current study showed relatively weak and fragmented features, lack of in-depth demonstration and mining, which is disproportionate to his position in the history of the development of agricultural soil science. Therefore, the thesis systematically summarizes Hou Kuangchun’s life and academic history to track the origin and source of his academic study, analyzes Hou Kuangchun’s academic values, research methods, academic ideas and style, then discusses Hou Kuangchun’s specific aspects of agricultural soil theory, technology of natural No-Tillage in paddy field and agroecosystems. On this basis, the thesis look into the future of Hou Kuangchun’s academic thought.1. The origin and source of Hou Kuangchun’s academic thought(1) Hou Kuangchun’s academic career spanned70years (1927to1996). The start time of academic career and modern soil science is nearly the same, and both the development process of them close link with a high degree of overlap. Hou Kuangchun’s academic life can be broadly divided into seven phases as junior school life, budding, struggling, ambitious exhibition, downturn, glory days and continuity of thought. Each phase was shown different content characteristics.(2) On the basis of fully absorbing the advanced research concepts, methods and techniques of European and American soil science and Soviet Union soil science, Hou Kuangchun founded the soil science with Chinese characteristics according to the actual conditions in china. The so-called "Chinese characteristics", specifically includes the research concept, research methods and research findings. The research concept mainly means that soil science should give service to the agriculture production that Hou Kuangchun had build up during the period of1930s. The research methods mainly mean summary and distillation of peasant production experience that Hou Kuangchun advocated. The research findings mainly mean the physiologic of agricultural soil, bio-thermodynamic theory of soil fertility and technology of natural No-Tillage that suited to China’s national conditions.(3) Hou Kuangchun’s academic thought is affected by Various factors as social environment, family environment, mentor teachings and his qualities and so on. Under the influence of series of factors, Hou Kuangchun’s academic thought begins to take shape, and undergoes a course of progressive development which is from immature to mature, more fragment to system.2. Philosophical perspective view of Hou Kuangchun’s academic thought(1) Great care to three agriculture reflects the Hou Kuangchun’s academic values. First, serving agriculture:soil science should give service to the agriculture production. In the early days, soil and agricultural production were separated from each other. Hou Kuangchun insisted that Chinese soil science research should take a road with Chinese characteristics, it is necessary to distinguish from American research road that production practice is completely divorced from scientific research, but also Unlike the traditional way lack of basic scientific theory and methods to solve specific production problems. Second, rooted in rural areas:heart of field and the earth. Hou Kuangchun believed that only rooted in the rural areas is the "bright future", and this is also for himself "a very fortunate change". Third, respect for farmers:"I am a farmer’s son.’ Hou Kuangchun was born in the farmhouse, he frequently contacted farmers from his childhood. So Hou Kuangchun had "a simple class feelings" for farmers. With the deepening of soil science, his attitude towards the farmers transformed from the initial sympathy into sincere admiration, praise, respect the farmers’produce practical wisdom.(2)"Bowed practice for true knowledge" is the basic feature of Hou Kuangchun’s scientific method. First, the study way to long-term stay in the rural areas. The so-called extended stay, is the basis by means of rural research platform for innovative research on science theory and technology. Not only that, Hou Kuangchun expanded its capabilities to promote new technologies and new varieties, training and education. Second, the methods of farmers experience and field experiments combining. Hou Kuangchun extremely focused on learning, reviewing, validating and refining the experience of the farmers production. But as soil science is an experimental science to some extent, he also attached great importance to the field observation and experimental analysis. Third, dialogue and integration:study abroad, visit exchanges and cooperation. Hou Kuangchun fame and foothold in the field of soil science which is inextricably linked with studying abroad, visiting exchanges and cooperating.(3) Innovation is the core content of Hou Kuangchun’s academic ideas and style. First, dialectical materialism. The formation and development of Hou Kuangchun’s dialectical materialism has gone through a long period of time. As an early simple spontaneous dialectical materialist, Hou Kuangchun was gradually transformed into a dialectical materialist, using dialectical materialism in his research practice. Second, realistic and innovative spirit of scientific research. Hou Kuangchun dared to challenge tradition and authority, to uphold and demonstrate his views. The continuous exploration and innovation is the essence of the spirit of his research. Third, the ideas of unity of days, ground, human and objects. The view of unity of days (climate), ground (topography, geology, hydrology, etc.), human (anthropogenic activities, especially farming measures) and objects (farming materials and other vegetation) has obvious dialectical materialism thought. It is the combination of soil science and philosophy. Fourth, the concept of interdisciplinary and integration. Hou Kuangchun started from trends of the natural sciences to analyze the phenomenon in agricultural science, out of which leads to multi-disciplinary branch of soil science and integration problems and their solutions.3. Study on Hou Kuangchun’s theory of agricultural soil(1) As China’s first generation of soil scientists, Hou Kuangchun is pioneer and founder of China’s agricultural soil science. In terms of the creation of agricultural soil science, he not only analyzed the fundamental flaw of the past soil science and their causes, but also defined the theoretical connotation, research object and content of agricultural soil science, and then revealed deficiencies in the process of development of agricultural soil science and their ways. When the importance of agricultural soil science in the production practice began to be recognized, Hou Kuangchun for the first time clearly stated that agricultural soil science has a distinct production practicality and gave a detailed explanation.(2) The bio-thermodynamic theory of soil fertility that Hou Kuangchun founded, on the basis of summarizing and sublimating practical experience from the farmers, is a major theoretical discovery. Based on the existing thesis that agricultural soil is a natural body of history", he put forward that the soil is a natural body of history that is living. Until Beckmann proposed that soil is organism and natural body with complex structure and evolution in1984, it is indicated that Hou Kuangchun’s view leads the world more than20years. Hou Kuangchun first proposed the definition and basic laws of concept of physiologic of soil, marking soil research ideas gradually be integrated. On this basis, he re-interpretated the definition and nature of soil fertility. The soil fertility and improvement measures such as "little three" and "junior three" that Hou Kuangchun proposed have played an important role in agricultural production practice activities.(3) Hou Kuangchun proposed the physiological-based classification methods of agricultural soil, different from the traditional methods. In1935, he for the first time raised paddy soil as a separate type, being the beginning of study on paddy soil in China. Under the guidance of the physiologic of soil and bio-thermodynamic theory of soil fertility, he discussed the physiological types and classification system of paddy soil, getting rid of the traditional research perspective. For the classification system of purple soil, he advocated genesis classification and agricultural soil type in order to build national classification system of agricultural soil. (4) Based on the experience and lessons in practical work, Hou Kuangchun explored and sublimated issues in soil survey, planning and agricultural zoning. In his view, it is necessary to figure out some theories in the work of soil survey, such as major diagnostic project in the soil survey planning. For soil agricultural zoning, Hou Kuangchun started from hydrothermal conditions to divide soil agricultural zoning into region, soil area, soil and soil-piece sets and other five.4. Study on Hou Kuangchun’s theory of agroecosystem(1) Soil and water conservation is one of the main contents of Hou Kuangchun later years of academic research. Under the guidance of his theory of the bio-thermodynamic of soil fertility and agroecosystem, Hou Kuangchun systematically summarized the experience and lessons of work of Soil and water conservation in American, explored the standard and system of the soil and water conservation zoning, and put forward specific measures to address erosion problems that currently exist. Hou Kuangchun’s academic thought can provides a theoretical reference and suggestions for work of soil and water conservation in China.(2) Hou Kuangchun believed that ecological agriculture was basic means of a high-yield, high quality and efficient agriculture. It is dialectical analysis of internal contradictions and harmonize methods of ecosystems as the main feature. From the perspective of ecological fertility of soil, Hou Kuangchun gave the ecological agriculture and technical countermeasures a new interpretation, think that the establishment of different types of ecological agriculture base was necessary. At the same time, he proposed the close link between developing ecological agriculture and curing Yangtze flooding disasters.(3) As an agricultural soil scientist, Hou Kuangchun began to focus on the actual situation on the domestic agricultural sector fertilization as early as the1920s, and later on the basis of summing up and distillating experience of the peasant masses, extract the fertilizing principle in the "Three Views" Experience of farmers. During the test, Hou Kuangchun gave a detailed discussion for techniques of organic fertilizer fertilization and outlined the basic content of rational use of fertilizer. Overall, Hou Kuangchun provided a general direction content and scope for future research.5. Study on Hou Kuangchun’s technology of natural No-Tillage in paddy fields(1) About the relationship between no-tillage and precision farming, Hou Kuangchun proposed that no-tillage and precision fanning are reconcilable. The two share a common vision, that is "to ensure the soil structure, making coordination and stability of water, heat, gas and fertilizer. About the distinction between natural no-tillage and American no-tillage, Hou Kuangchun researched through trial and error, verified the nature no-tillage relative superiority of American style, and had been internationally recognized. On the real meaning of natural no-tillage technology, Hou Kuangchun emphatically affirmed the economic and scientific aspects, proved natural no-tillage technology should be a fully integrated body of theory and practice.(2) As a new farming technology, the technology of natural no-tillage in paddy fields has an extremely strict and complex technologies and mechanisms, including semi-dry no-tillage cultivation of rice and wheat and no-tillage utilization of paddy fields. Hou Kuangchun pointed out the main features of technology of natural No-Tillage in paddy fields, that is through ridge rather than conventional flat, immersing rather than basin irrigation and other ways to change the field surface micro-topography, promoting physiological harmonization in a permanent state between soil and plants. Further, he summed the mechanism of technology of natural no-tillage in paddy fields for "four consecutive, four do not" and that is a unity.(3) The technology of natural no-tillage in paddy fields is a groundbreaking study of international advanced level, both in production has been widely applied in practice, or in-depth follow-up study continues, it will show a huge comprehensive benefits, and has broad prospects for development. Hou Kuangchun had an extremely rigorous scientific approach, demonstrated comprehensive benefits and prospects for technology of natural no-tillage in paddy fields. This is not only for his many years of rigorous academic research and meticulous, it is the peasant masses seriously.In general, different from the previous article to commemorate or documentary, the thesis focuses on academic research to tap Hou Kuangchun’s academic achievements and their implication in the idea. In future work, the following studies may be strengthened:philosophical foundation and meaning of Hou Kuangchun’s academic thought; the inheritance and development of Hou Kuangchun’s academic research results and ideas inherent.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期