

Research on Southwestern Local Chronicles from Late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China (1905-1949)

【作者】 邹涛

【导师】 卢华语;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 历史地理学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 从古至今,依托一定的文本、尤其教材,对儿童进行爱乡爱国教育是各代政府非常关心的根本大事,对国家和民族的发展至关重要。在清末国家民族危亡之际出现的乡土志就肩负着培养儿童忠君爱国思想的重任。乡土志虽为乡土教育教材,但其包含的政治、军事、经济、文化等方面的历史地理信息使之不再局限于教材的定位,从本质上看是一种弥足珍贵的历史地理文献,其内容丰富、价值很高,不容忽视。从历史地理文献的角度出发,探讨乡土志的产生背景、地理分布、编撰情况,分析其价值和局限,是历史地理文献学研究的重要内容之一。西南地区是一个相对独立的地理单元,也是全国少数民族最多最集中的区域,故有浓郁的地域特色,且为国家西部大开发的重点地区,对清末至民国时期(1905—1949)西南地区乡土志进行深入研究,不仅具有重要学术价值,而且颇有现实意义。对清末至民国时期西南地区乡土志的梳理、统计,主要依据《中国地方志联合目录》、《中国地方志总目提要》、《中国地方志综录》等工具书和实地考察资料,对其探研除注意运用中国历史地理文献等古代文献和地方志外,还重视了对有关教育资料和档案资料及政府文件的运用。综合运用历史学、历史地理学、历史文献学、教育学、社会文化学等学科的知识、方法和理论,注意定性研究和定量研究相结合及历史比较法的应用,同时注重田野考察,以深化对清末至民国时期西南地区乡土志的地理分布、编撰情况和价值等方面的认识。以学术史回顾为基础,探讨清末至民国时期西南乡土志产生的时代背景,分析其地理分布状况,深入剖析其包括编撰群体、编撰体例和写作特点、编撰内容及其特点等在内的编撰情况,全方位探究乡土志与旧方志的关系,多角度揭示其价值、教育功能及其局限,以建构对清末至民国时期西南地区乡土志研究的立体结构。当时本区的乡土志是在列强入侵与民众觉醒,适应当时教育改革的新要求,深受海外乡土教育理念影响,并继承了中国文化传统的形势下产生的,总计撰写109种,几乎遍布西南地区五分之三以上的区域,其中,四川省乡土志的地理分布最为广泛,几乎涵盖该省绝大部分区域;云南省乡土志的分布也相对较广,而贵州省乡土志的分布只涉及其非常狭窄的部分区域,故当时本区乡土志总体分布极不平衡,且呈现出片状、带状和散点分布相结合的特点。当时本区形成以当地知县、知州、县长等政府官员为主导、本地教育界人士和文人学者为主体、并辅以外地知识分子和海外留学生的乡土志编撰群体。其中,县级地方行政官员发挥了领导和组织的重大作用,用行政权力保障了当时本区乡土志的编撰;教育界人士和文人学者是当时本区乡土志编撰的中坚力量;而外地知识分子和海外留学生的加入则为本区乡土志编撰带来了先进的思想观念、调查务实的科学精神和近代西方教材的编写方法等,无不深刻影响着本区乡土志的编写。近代中西方文化的交流和融合,使乡土志编撰体例和写作特点富有中西合璧、古今交融的特点。从编撰体例看,当时本区的乡土志仍然以中国传统方志的体例为主,富有西方文化特色的章节体、课目体等体例则所占比例较少;从写作特点看,当时本区大部分乡土志立足于儿童乡土教育的教材性质,从儿童学习规律和心理特征出发,坚持由近及远原则,力求语言简洁明了、通俗易懂;同时,为激发儿童的兴趣,还采用了灵活多样的编撰方式,这是我国教材编写方式近代化的表现。清末颁布的《乡土志例目》规定乡土志由历史、地理、格致三大版块组成,具体内容含历史、物产、商务等15项,民国时期乡土志撰写的内容又有新扩展,主要增加了交通、邮政、电讯等项,而抗战时期又增加了自治组织、军事防卫等项,乡土志所记各地信息日益丰富而全面。其中,乡土自然地理是当时本区乡土志中记载最为丰富的内容;乡土政治地理则是当时本区各地乡土志或多或少都会涉及的部分;乡土经济地理更是当时本区乡土志记述的重点;乡土文化地理内容丰富而全面。当时本区的乡土志具有如下鲜明时代特色:1.御辱雪耻、救亡图存的爱国主义观念鲜明;2.放眼世界、对外开放的进步思想突出;3.学习先进科学文化和政治、经济管理经验的近代化内容丰富;4.注重实地调查、讲求实学的务实之风浓郁;5.凝聚民族精神、团结民众御敌抗战的战时危机感强烈。乡土志还具有涉及少数民族内容的乡土志比例高,述及的少数民族多、分布广,包含的少数民族内容丰富,不同历史时期乡土志少数民族内容的撰写有变化等浓郁民族特色。清末至民国时期西南地区的乡土志与旧方志虽同为中国历史地理的重要文献,但因其历史积淀和产生的时代背景等殊异,而导致其编撰群体、编撰指导思想、编撰体例和写作特点及内容等方面均各有不同;然因乡土志既脱胎于旧方志,而又有若干创新,故使二者“同中有异”或“异中有同”,这不仅更好地彰显了乡土志与旧方志各自的特色,而且有利于进一步深化对乡土志的认识。乡土志作为历史地理文献的重要类别之一,其价值不可低估,可补充方志之所遗,匡正方志之所误,丰富西南历史地理文献类别,为研究清末至民国时期西南自然和人文地理提供重要资料等。同时乡土志对普及爱国主义教育、促进学科教学规范化和推动教育教学改革的发展等均有积极意义。然由于多种原因,当时本区乡土志也具有局限性,如史实或不确、内容较单薄、撰写尚嫌粗糙等,故当时本区乡土志编撰的科学性还有待加强。清末至民国时期西南地区乡土志不仅有利于深化我们对当时本区乡土历史的认识,而且对当代本区乡土志的撰写产生了重大影响,其意义不可低估。

【Abstract】 Since ancient times, patriotic education depending on texts, especially textbooks, among children has been a major concern of governments of all ages and it is vital for the development of nations and ethnic groups. In late Qing Dynasty, when the nation was in peril, the Local chronicles took up the responsibility of cultivating children’s patriotism. Though local chronicles are textbooks for local education, their historical geography information on politics, military, economy and culture makes them precious historical geography documents in nature, rather than textbooks only. They are rich in content, high in value and should be attached great importance to. It is an important part of the philology research of historical geography to discuss the background, geographical distribution and compiling situation of local chronicles and to analyze their values and limitations from the perspective of historical geographical documents. As a relatively independent geographical unit, as well as the area with many minority peoples, southwestern area is unique in regional features, and it is the key area in the campaign to open up the west. An intensive study on the southwestern local chronicles from late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China is not only of important academic value, but also of great practical significance.The analysis and the statistics of southwestern Local chronicles from late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China depend mainly on such reference books as Union Catalog of Chinese Local Chronicles, Summary of Chinese Local Chronicles and Aggregation of Chinese Local Chronicles, and on fieldwork. In the process of the research, not only ancient Chinese historical geography documents and local chronicles, but also the related educational resources, files and government papers are utilized. In order to have a deep understanding of the geographical distribution, compiling situation and value of southwestern local chronicles, we will use the methods and theories in such disciplines as history, historical geography, historical philology, pedagogy and cultural sociology, combine qualitative study and quantitative study, adopt historical comparative method, and at the same time pay attention to field investigation.Based on the review of academic history, the historical background, geographical distribution and the compiling situation which including compiling group, compiling style and writing characteristic, the contents and features of southwestern local chronicles are analyzed, the relation between local chronicles and the old ones is comprehensively discussed, and their values, educational functions and limitations are revealed from different perspectives as well. Finally, a stereo structure of southwestern local chronicles from late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China will be constructed.Local chronicles in that period were products of invasion and Chinese people’s awakening. On the one hand, they meet the requirements of educational reform of that period, and are deeply influenced by foreign educational concepts; on the other hand, they take on features of traditional Chinese culture. There are109kinds of them in total, which covers60%of southwestern area. The geographical distribution of local chronicles in Sichuan is widest, covering a vast majority area of it. The distribution in Yunnan is also relatively wide, while in Guizhou it covers only a very narrow area, therefore, the distribution of local chronicles in southwest China is extremely uneven in that period.In that period, leaded by local government officials, the compiling group consisted of local educators, scholars and some nonlocal intellectuals and overseas students. Among them, the government officials played a crucial role in leading and organizing and they ensured the compiling work with their executive power; educators and scholars were the main force of the compiling group; nonlocal intellectuals and overseas students brought about advanced ideas, scientific spirits, and textbook compiling methods in modern western countries, etc.. All of them exerted a profound influence on local chronicles in southwest China.Due to the communication and integration between Chinese and western cultures in modern times, local chronicles take on both Chinese and western features, and both ancient and modern features in terms of style and writing characteristics. At that time, the style of local chronicles in this area was dominated by traditional chronicle style, with few chronicles written in chapter style or Kemu style, which were specific in the west. As to writing characteristics, at that time, most local chronicles were written for children as their textbooks. According to children’s learning pattern and their psychological features, the local chronicles stuck to the principle of from the near to the distant, and strived to be easy and concise in language. Meanwhile, in order to arouse children’s interest, the local chronicles were written in various patterns, which was a reflection of modernization of textbook compilation in China.According to Local Chronicles List issued in the late period of Qing Dynasty, local chronicles should consist of three parts, namely history, geography and Gezhi (the study of nature), with15concrete items such as history, products, business, etc.. When it came to the Republic of China, some new items were added, such as transportation, postal service and telecommunication, etc.. During Anti-Japanese War, items such as autonomous organizations, military defense were added. The information recorded in local chronicles was becoming more and more comprehensive, among which, local physical geography was the most abundant part; local political geography was more or less mentioned; local economic geography was an important part; local cultural geography was rich and comprehensive in content. Local chronicles in southwest China from late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China carried distinct features of that period:1. patriotism was emphasized;2. the advanced thought, such as opening up to the world, was becoming prominent;3. contents concerning about modern science, and political and economical management experience;4. focus on field investigation and pragmatic learning;5. national spirit and solidarity were advocated and the sense of war crisis was strong. The content about ethnic minorities was high in proportion and rich in content, and the ethnic minorities discussed in them were large in number, and wide in distribution. The contents differed as time went by.Both southwestern local chronicles from late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China and the old local chronicles are important documents for Chinese historical geography, however, due to their differences in historical accumulation and historical background, they differ in compiling group, compiling guideline, style, writing characteristics and contents. Since local chronicles innovates on the basis of the old ones, they share both similarities and differences, which not only manifests their distinct features respectively, but also deepen our knowledge of local chronicles.As an important category in historical geography documents, local chronicles are of great value. They can supplement what the old ones missed, correct their mistakes, enrich historical geography documents in southwest areas, and provide important materials for studying the physical and human geography in southwest China from late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China. Meanwhile, local chronicles exert a positive significance on patriotism education, standardization of subject teaching, the development of pedagogy, etc.. However, because of various reasons, local chronicles of that period also have some limitations, such as uncertainty in history facts, over-simpleness in content and roughness in editing. Therefore, the scientificity of local chronicles in that period should be strengthened.Southwestern local chronicles from late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China not only can enhance our understanding of the local history of Southwest China in that particular period, but also exert great influence on the compiling of local chronicles there during that period. Therefore, their significance should not be underestimated.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期