

Study on Aesthetics-oriented Public Leisure

【作者】 李林蔓

【导师】 赵伶俐;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 美学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 伴随着节假日的增多,休闲业已成为大众最普遍的日常生活方式。休闲是主体在自由时间里自主选择从事的获得轻松、愉悦、自由体验并获得发展的活动。作为一种“成为人”的过程和一个完成个人与社会发展任务的主要空间(美国休闲学者约翰·凯利语),是人们自我发展自我实现的时空和舞台。考察人们的自由时间安排使用情况和人们的休闲生活质量高低对于个人和社会的进步发展具有重要意义。本项研究采取文献分析法、问卷调查法、统计分析法等方法研究大众休闲方式审美转化问题。文章分为六部分(六章):第一章提出问题。笔者于2011年12月一一2012年5月对大众休闲生活现状进行了问卷调查,发现大众中,虽有少部分人群能选择身心愉悦协调、情理交融、带来发展的休闲方式,但更大比重的人群未能合理有效的利用自己的自由时间,其休闲生活表现出享乐化、趋同化、消费化特征,具体表现为休闲方式单一、消极、堕怠,休闲体验止步于快感满足,休闲选择被动盲从、缺乏自主性。第二章围绕休闲与审美的有关问题进行综述并介绍本论文的研究思路等。审美在放逐感性、体验愉悦、感受自由、追求幸福、导向创造等方面与休闲有着一致性。学术界围绕休闲与审美的关系、二者相互的价值、休闲美感的特征和生成、休闲美学经济等的研究内容十分丰富。现在,审美对休闲有提升作用已成为共识,有学者早已提出“休闲审美化”思想。但,现有研究多为理论研究而停留在思想陈述层面;审美到底如何提升休闲,休闲到底如何进行审美转化的研究十分薄弱,当然,现有研究也没能提供出具体可行的、具有应用性的实现路径。基于对以上问题的反思,本研究力图构建大众休闲方式的审美转化思想、理论和实践途径。第三章界定大众休闲方式审美化。休闲方式审美化,指通过挖掘休闲中的内在美和休闲形式上的外在美,将休闲因素诸要素转化为审美对象,使整个休闲活动成为内在美与外在美高度和谐统一的审美活动,从而使休闲主体获得身心轻松、愉悦与自由体验。转化的关键点在于各种休闲因素的审美转化以及转化之后要能形成一种崭新的整体和谐状态,转化的落脚点在于其能真正指导大众休闲实践,能切实提高大众休闲生活质量。第四章分析大众休闲方式审美化特征,审美化休闲方式既有身体的享受又不囿于快感而富有美感,既有生理欲望的满足又不停留在品“性”而富有文化内涵和精神引领,既有选择的自由同时又不会落入盲目的放纵而有审美修养的涵咏。将审美中富蕴的感性、精神和理性(有德性)赋予大众休闲方式,使其不但具有愉悦性等一般休闲方式应具有的特征,还具有审美所赋予的情感美好、情理交融、注重精神三大特征。这样的休闲方式有着情感向度的真挚美好,能充分满足人的归属、交往、爱和自我实现的需要;有着精神向度的自由超越,有价值观的掌舵、意志的护航和意义的领航;有着理性向度的节制从善,变依从与跟随的虚假自由为主动有益的审美自由。第五章讨论具体的转化设计。转化需针对大众休闲本身存在的问题进行、变单一为丰富、变消极为积极、变感官享乐为精神引领、变被动盲从为自由自主。在心理分析的基础上对休闲目标、休闲内容、休闲组织形式这几个关键点进行审美转化设计,力图构建起休闲方式与休闲主体之间的审美关系。第六章休闲审美教育是保证大众能自由自觉进行休闲审美转化努力的前提和基础。审美教育帮助大众明确休闲价值以确保其能从中得到进步发展,培养人们休闲技能以给予其“畅”的愉悦与自信,培养他们兴趣爱好以滋养其丰富的感知进而在休闲实践中有多样化的方式选择,引导他们人生态度以启迪其“生活即艺术”的真谛进而突破快感走向美感。最终,人们自觉进行自身休闲方式的转化活动,自觉采取审美化的休闲方式度过自己的自由时间,从而得到成长、进步和发展。本研究立足于马克思的人的自由全面发展理论,可以视为以休闲为切入口,丰富应用美学研究的一次尝试性研究。创新点在于:基于学界早已提出的休闲审美化思想,理清了休闲和审美之间的三组基本矛盾;针对这些矛盾的解决,建构了大众休闲方式教育系统,即休闲方式审美转化理论和实践体系。通过讨论设计目标、原则、心理依据、休闲方式各要素的审美转化、休闲审美教育内容给落实等,为“休闲方式审美化思想”成为“休闲方式审美化现实”搭建了桥梁和教育路径。在以后的研究中,还需要进一步丰富该思想的相关理论,构建出理论模型,给出细化、具体的操作模式,另还需设计实验验证该思想、理论、模式的可行性和有效性。本研究的价值在于:它是美学走出象牙塔,切实走进生活(休闲)领域指导人们审美实践的一次有益尝试;对美学走进传媒、娱乐、体育等领域将有一定的借鉴意义:如果能有效进行,可以指导大众休闲生活,提高大众休闲生活质量。

【Abstract】 With more and more holidays, leisure has become the most popular part of people’s daily life. Leisure is the activity people choose freely to gain relaxing, enjoyable and free experience and development in their spare time, and as a process of "becoming man" and a main space for fulfilling some personal and social undertakings (quoted from John Kelly, a US scholar on leisure), is a space and stage for people’s self-development and self-fulfillment. Studying the use and arrangement of free time and the quality of people’s leisure life is of much significance to the individual and social progress. This thesis adopts the methods of literature analysis, questionnaire and statistical analysis to study the aesthetic orientation of public leisure, and is divided into six parts (chapters):In chapter I, the theme is put forward. The author made a questionnaire survey on the public leisure life during December2011to March2012, and found that although some few people were able to choose the ways of leisure favorable to physical and mental pleasure, emotional and rational coordination and career promotion, a larger group of people had not used their leisure time efficiency and reasonably, as their leisure life showed the orientation to indulgence, similarity and consumption, in particular, the ways of leisure were singular, passive and sluggish, the experience of leisure remained at the feeling of simple happiness or content, and the choice of leisure is based on no special purpose and lack independence.In chapter Ⅱ, the related issues on leisure and aesthetics will be discussed in general, and the thinking in the study will be introduced. aesthetics is similar to leisure on the aspects of feeling, pleasure experience, freedom, happiness pursuance and creativity orientation. The academic circle has made abundant study on the relationship between leisure and aesthetics, value among both of them, the characteristics and development of leisure aesthetics and the leisure-oriented aesthetic economy. Now, it has been publicly admitted that aesthetics is able to promote the leisure, and the researchers have put forward the concept of "aesthetic leisure". However, the current researches have mainly been on theory or the statement of thinking; it has been in the weak side for the study on how aesthetics is to promote leisure and on how leisure is to transform to aesthetics; besides, the current researches have not given the specific operative routes for that relationship.Based on the thinking on beyond issues, this research will try to build the ideology, theory and practicing of public leisure towards aesthetics.Chapter II will define the aesthetic orientation of pubic leisure. The aesthetic orientation of leisure refers to the activities of aesthetics that transform the leisure factors into the object of aesthetics through combining the beauty of leisure itself and its forms, so as to enable the highly coordinated interaction between the inner and outer beauty of the leisure activities, so that the people in leisure will gain the relaxing, enjoyable and free experiences. The key points of transformation are the transformation of various leisure factors and that after the transformation, people can find a new status of coordinated harmony, and the starting point of the transformation shall be to guid the leisure activities of the public and to improve the quality of such activities.In chapter IV, the characteristics of aesthetics-oriented public leisure are analyzed. The aesthetics-oriented leisure shall not only be enjoyable but also give aesthetic feeling, and not only give physical consent but also convey cultural connotation and spiritual guidance, and not only provide various options but also improve the aesthetic quality of the people. Enabling the public leisure to have the feeling, spirit and rationality (virtues) in aesthetics means that the public leisure will be featured not only with enjoyableness, but also with the characteristics of beautiful feeling, combination of emotion and rationality and the focus of spirit. Such a way of leisure is true and beautiful from the perspective of emotion, so that it satisfies the needs of the people in belonging, sociality, love and self-realization, and is a free upgrading from the perspective of spirit, so that it is guided in values, will and meanings, and is a goodwill with limits enforced by rationality, so that it is an active and beneficial aesthetic freedom rather than the fake freedom based on obedience and imitation.Chapter V will discuss the specific design of transformation toward aesthetics. The transformation shall focus on the problems of public leisure itself, changing from singular to multiple forms, passive acceptance to active seeking, sensory joy to spiritual guidance, and passive obedience to free choice.Based on psychological analysis, aesthetic transformation design shall be done on the major points of the objectives, the content and the organization, trying to establish the aesthetic relations between the leisure activities and the people in leisure. Chapter VI gives the idea that the aesthetic education regarding leisure is the premise and basis in the efforts of transforming the leisure activities towards aesthetics. The aesthetic education helps the public understand the value of leisure, so as to ensure they can make progress from leisure, cultivate their skills of leisure as to provide the feeling and confidence of "joyfulness", breed their interests as to supply them with abundant feelings to choose multiple ways of leisure, and guide their life attitude as to be inspired that "life is an art" and gain the aesthetic feeling of life. In the end, people will make the transformation of their leisure activities initiatively, and use their leisure time in an aesthetic way, so that they will grow, advance and develop.Based on the theory of Karl Marx on people’s free and allround development, this research can be regarded as a tentative study with leisure as the subject and aiming at contribute to the applied aesthetics. The creative point lies in that beyond the long existing ideas of the academic circle on aesthetics-oriented leisure, it clarifies the through pairs of basic contradictions between leisure and aesthetics, builds some partial theory of aesthetic transformation of the public leisure activities towards aesthetics (such as the objectives, the principles and the design) and the relevant prerequisite strategies of practice (aesthetic education). Further research in future may supplement it by adding some new theories and establishing the theoretical models that give specific operational steps, and by designing appropriate experiments to verify the feasibility and validity of the thinking, theory and models presented in this research. The value of the research lies in that it is a good experiment on enabling the aesthetics to go out of the ivory tower and guide the specific life or leisure activities, so that it is somewhat an example to the application of aesthetics in media, recreation and sports, and if well-adopted, it can guide the people’s leisure activities and improve their quality.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期
  • 【分类号】B834
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】462