

Qiang Culture Identity and Resilience

【作者】 韩黎

【导师】 郑涌;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 心理韧性(resilience)是指曾经历或正遭受严重压力/逆境的个体,其身心未受到不利处境的影响甚或愈挫弥坚的发展现象。它既是一种特质,也是一种从压力/逆境中反弹的能力,更是个体面对生活逆境、困难、威胁、创伤或其他生活重大压力时良好的适应过程。5.12汶川特大地震后,大量有关受灾群体心理与行为的研究中,多将心理韧性作为影响因素,从创伤后应激障碍、心理复原、压力、创伤后成长和幸福感等角度进行考察;较少针对心理韧性自身发展特点和影响因素进行研究。作为5.12地震极重灾区的羌族聚居地,近3万羌族同胞在地震中丧生或失踪,大量珍贵的羌族文化毁于一旦;而震后羌族文化研究多集中在对羌文化的历史考证、震后羌族文化的保护和传承、以及羌族文化的社会功能研究等,缺乏对羌文化主体心理与行为的研究。文化心理学要求心理研究须以文化语境为出发点和归宿,在具体的文化语境中进行;因而对灾后个体心理韧性的研究,必须考虑民族文化因素。基于此,本研究力图从羌族民众文化认同特点出发,探讨震后羌族不同文化认同类型者心理韧性的特点及其影响因素,将量化研究与质性研究相结合,同时在认知科学上寻求证据支持。本研究的基本思路是:首先回顾、梳理相关文献,总结分析并提出本研究思路;在前期调查研究的基础上,编制羌文化认同、汉文化认同问卷并进行验证;其二,采用问卷调查法初步验证羌族民众文化认同的特点,通过系列相关研究探讨心理韧性的特点及其影响因素,构建震后羌族民众心理韧性的影响因素模型以提供来自自陈测验的证据;采用内隐测验(IAT)再次验证羌族民众文化认同的结构特点,以提供来自内隐行为的证据;同时,通过房树人(H-T-P)绘画投射测验,验证不同羌汉文化认同者心理韧性的特点和差异;通过不同羌汉文化认同者注意、记忆偏向特点实验,以提供来自认知科学方面的支持;最后通过个案研究,进一步探讨羌族文化认同与心理韧性的关系并提供个体层面的证据。全部7项研究包含了14项小研究,通过多维度和多方法的探索,得到以下结论:(1)通过前期3次(震后2周、1年、3年)对5.12地震极重灾区青少年和成人心理健康与应对方式的问卷调查发现,震后1年与2周时比较:各种不良心身反应显著下降;不同性别、民族的青少年在心理健康和应对方式上差异显著,如男男生在问题解决上得分高于女生,女生在敏感、自责、合理化上得分高于男生。通过震后3年对灾区成年人的调查发现:不良心身症状差异表现为,男性高于女性,青年组高于成年组,汉族高于羌族,受教育程度低者高于受教育程度高者。采用质性分析软件Nvivo10.0对12名羌族成年人汶川地震3年后的心理复原力进行了研究。通过编码和数据分析处理,最终形成了二阶4因素的震后羌族民众心理复原力的结构模型,模型由创伤源、应对方式、震后心理复原和主观幸福感四个维度组成。(2)在前期调查、开放式问卷和文献梳理的基础上,自编羌文化认同、汉文化认同问卷。编制的两种问卷具有良好的信效度,可以作为后续研究工具。因素分析结果表明,羌文化认同是由羌民族归属感、羌文化认知、羌族族物喜好、羌族民族接纳、羌族宗教信仰、羌族社会俗约6个一阶维度;羌文化符号认同、羌文化身份认同、羌文化价值认同3个二阶因素组成的二阶3因素结构;汉文化认同由汉文化价值认同、汉文化符号认同和汉文化身份认同的一阶3因素结构。(3)震后羌族民众文化认同特点:从总体上看,羌族民众对羌文化的认同程度高于汉文化,其中在羌文化身份认同的得分最高,而汉文化符号认同得分最低。羌、汉文化认同程度在年龄、职业、文化程度、是否独生子女、家庭成员数量和汉族朋友数量上差异显著。根据羌族民众对羌文化、汉文化的认同程度,将其文化认同态度分为四种类型:羌汉文化认同双高组(整合,占38%)、羌汉文化认同双低组(边缘化,占30.1%)、高羌文化、低汉文化认同组(分离,占11%);高汉文化、低羌文化认同组(同化,占20.9%)。(4)通过不同羌、汉文化认同者心理韧性的比较发现:羌汉文化认同双高组(整合)在总体心理韧性及坚韧、力量、乐观各维度上得分均高于其他组,高汉低羌组(同化)次之,高羌低汉组(分离)为第三,羌汉文化认同双低组(边缘化)得分最低。(5)羌文化认同、汉文化认同、心理韧性、大五人格、精神信仰、领悟社会支持、应对方式和幸福感等因素间存在显著相关关系。回归分析发现,羌文化认同、汉文化认同、大五人格、精神信仰、领悟社会支持、应对方式和幸福感对心理韧性的预测作用各不同;进一步建立因素模型发现:羌文化认同和汉文化认同通过人格对心理韧性产生显著的正向预测效应最大,解释率为73%;羌文化认同和汉文化认同通过精神信仰对个体心理韧性产生显著的正正向预测效应次之,解释率为50%;羌文化认同和汉文化认同通过应对方式对心理韧性产生正向预测作用位居第三,解释率为26%。(6)通过内隐联想测验(IAT)发现,61名羌族民众内隐文化认同的效应显著:羌族民众更倾向将羌文化与积极词汇归于一类,汉文化与消极词汇归为一类;且对本民族文化的认同趋于积极取向;同时,羌族民众外显和内隐文化认同是两个相对独立的结构,且不受到年龄、性别和受教育程度的影响。(7)羌族民众感知到主流文化群体态度分值处于中上水平,感知到主流文化群体态度和生活满意度与外显文化认同相关,与内隐文化认同无关。(8)通过对44名羌族人H-T-P投射测验分析发现,不同羌汉文化认同类型者在诸多H-T-P绘画特征上差异显著,绘画特征与心理韧性的相关分析表明,两者存在高相关;羌汉文化认同双高组比双低组投射出更多积极态度和情绪,而双低组则投射出更多紧张、焦虑、缺乏安全感等情绪特征以及人际关系上的退缩与过度依赖性。这一结果从内隐层面证实了不同羌汉文化认同者心理韧性的差异。(9)行为实验发现,不同羌汉文化认同类型者对威胁性刺激的注意偏向存在组问差异:双高者对有关地震的威胁性刺激的反应最小;而双低者对威胁性刺激的反应最大。不同羌汉文化认同者对威胁性刺激存在记忆偏向:双低组对地震图片再认加工过程中反应时最长,受到地震相关的威胁性刺激的影响最大;双高者对地震图片再认加工过程中反应时最短,受地震相关威胁性刺激的影响最小。研究结果为厘清羌族民众文化认同和心理韧性的关系,提供了认知加工层面的证据。(10)从质化研究的角度,通过9例羌族民众个案,以羌汉文化认同双高者、汉高羌低文化认同者、羌高汉低文化认同者为例,以叙事模式展示了震后羌族文化认同对其心理韧性发展的驱动作用。本研究将量化研究与质化研究相结合,提出了羌文化认同的二阶3因素,汉文化认同的一阶3因素模型并加以了验证;探讨了羌族民众心理韧性的影响因素模型;验证了不同羌汉文化认同类型者内隐行为和认知加工上的差异特点。未来的研究应进一步拓展心理韧性的跨文化研究、神经生理机制的研究,深入探讨民族文化与个体心理行为发展的相关问题。

【Abstract】 Resilience refers to a psychological development phenomenon in which an individual, was/is in adversity, has not mentally and physically influenced by unfavorable experiences. It’s, for any individual, a psychological trait, ability and adaptability to quickly rebound to a previous good condition in the face of any life hardship,difficulties, threats, trauma or other pressures. Resilience has been considered to be one of the influential factors and has been studied from such different angles as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), psychological resilience, pressure, post traumatic development and happiness, etc., in the massive researches on earthquake stricken masses’psychology and behavior after the Wenchuan Earthquake on May12,2008. And few investigations have been done to discuss about the characteristics and the influential factors of the resilience. When the Wenchuan Earthquake happened on May12,2008, the Qiang Nationality habitation was a heavy earthquake stricken area, where nearly30,000people of the Qiang Nationality lost their lives or missed, and lots of cultural treasures were ruthlessly destroyed. After the earthquake, lots of researches have been conducted on the culture of the Qiang Nationality, mainly focusing on the textual research on the historical development, the protection and the continuity, and the social functions of the Qiang culture,but few research on Qiang culture perceivers’ psychology and behavior. The cultural psychological study puts the cultural context at the first place as the starting point and the end of researching, and researching in the specific cultural context. Therefore, the ethnic cultural factors should be taken into account in research of resilience after the earthquake. This paper, therefore, combining the quantitative and qualitative research, from a perspective of cultural identity, tries to conduct a detailed investigation into the resilience of the Qiang people in such aspects as the characteristics and influential factors after the earthquake, while hoping to seek for theoretical supports from the cognitive science.This research has been done with the following steps:A documental overview has been done to see what have been done in the same field and to find out what can be done in this research; A questionnaire has been designed to find out necessary information about the ethnic culture and national culture identity of the Qiang people, based on the previous research; A primary analysis of the questionnaire mentioned above has been done to find out the characteristics on cultural identity of the Qiang people, and a series of researches have been done to explore into the characteristics and influential factors of their resilience, and building the model of influential factors about resilience of Qiang people, trying to find out the supports from their self report inventory; An IAT has been done to retest the structural characteristics of the Qiang people’s cultural identity, trying to find out the evidences from their implicit behaviors; With the method of House-Tree-Person (H-T-P), a projective test has been done to find out the characteristics and differences of the resilience in different tested subjects; A test has been done to find out the subjects’ characteristics of their attentional and memory bias in order to seek for the theoretical supports from the cognitive science; A case study has been done to explore the relations between the Qiang people’s cultural identity and resilience in order to find out evidences from the individuals. All the7researches mentioned above, including14sub-researching projects, are of multi-dimension, of multi-methods and lead to the following main conclusions:(1) A questionnaire, conducted respectively in two weeks, one year and three years after the earthquake to survey the mental health and the coping styles among the adolescent and adult in the heavy earthquake stricken area, shows that there are significant decreased in adverse psychosomatic reactions after one year. There are significant differences in mental health and coping style on gender and nationality, such as boys get higher scores than girls in problem solving, and girls get higher scores than boys in the sensitive, self-blame, retionalization.An investigation, conducted three years postearthquake found that the youth suffer more posttraumatic mental health problems than the adult, the male suffer more than the female do, and the higher education a subject, the less posttraumatic mental health problems he has, and comparatively the Qiang people suffer less than the Han people do. A qualitative research of resilience conducted among12Qiang adults three years postearthquake with Nvivo10.0. Related coding and data analyzing leads to a structuremodel which consists of four second order factors, including four dimensions as the source of trauma, coping style, resilience, and subjective well-being.(2) Based on the preliminary investigation, open questionnaire, and literature review, two questionnaires have been designed to find out the Qiang cultural identity and the Han cultural identity respectively. With good reliability and validity, these two questionnaires can be employed as researching tools in the further researches. A factor analysis shows that the Qiang cultural identity consists of three second order factors, including six first order dimensions as the sense of ethnic belonging, the ethnic cultural cognition, the preference for ethnic things, ethnic acceptance, the ethnic religion beliefs, and the ethnic social conventions.The three second order dimensions as Qiang cultural symbols identity, Qiang cultural status identity and Qiang cultural value identity. The Han cultural identity consists of three first order factors, including three dimensions as the identification of Han cultural values, Han cultural symbols, and Han cultural status.(3) The characteristics of the Qiang people’s cultural identity can be concluded as the following:Generally, the Qiang people have a higher degree in the acceptance of the Qiang cultures than that of the Han cultures, with the highest score in the Qiang cultural status identity and the lowest score in the Han cultural symbols identity. The Qiang and the Han cultural identities have significant different in age, occupation, education, being the only child in the family or not, the family members, and the friends of the Han. Based on their different attitudes towards the Qiang cultures and the Han cultures, Qiang people’s cultural identity have been classified in the following four groups:those accept both two cultures in higher degree (38%); those accept both two cultures in lower degree (30.1%); those accept Qiang culture in higher degree but accept Han culture in lower degree (11%); and those accept Han culture in higher degree but accept Qiang culture in lower degree (20.9%).(4) There are significant differences in the resilience of subjects who have different cultural identities. Generally, those who accept both two cultures (integration) make good scores in whole resilience, toughness, strength, and optimism, while decreasing scores have successively been made by those who accept Han culture in higher degree, but accept Qiang culture in lower degree (assimilation), by those who accept Qiang culture in higher degree, but accept Han culture in lower degree (separation), and by those who accept both two culture in lower degree (maginalization). (5) A significant correlation exists between the cultural identity and resilience and such factors as the Big Five Personality, the spirit beliefs, the perceived social supports, the coping styles, and the general well-being. A regression analysis shows above factors play some different roles in resilience respectively. A influencing factors model indicated that significant positive prediction in resilience by Qiang cultural identity and Han cultural identity through personality, having a rate of interpretation of73%, and through the spirit beliefs, having a rate of interpretation of50%, and through the coping styles, having a rate of interpretation of26%.(6) An implicit association test (IAT) among61subjects of the Qiang people found that a significant effect exist in their implicit cultural identity.61subjects have a positive attitudes towards their ethnic cultures, inclining to classify the Qiang cultures with the positive words, while to classify the Han cultures with the negative words. The test result indicated that the explicit and implicit cultural indentity of the Qiang people belong to relatively independent structures, not being influenced by the subjects’age, sex and education.(7) The score of the Qiang people made in the test about their perception of the mainstream culture is above the average. Their perception of the mainstream culture and life satisfaction do have a relation with the explicit cultural indentity, but not with the implicit cultural indentity.(8) A House-Tree-Person projective test has been done among44subjects of the Qiang people and found that significant differences in drawing characteristics exist in different cultural identity groups. And, there is high relationship between drawing characteristics and resilience. An analysis of the drawing characteristics and the resilience shows that those who accept both two cultures present more positive attitudes and emotions, while those who accept two culture in lower degree present more press, anxiety, lack of security, retraction and over reliance in interpersonal relations. These results proved that there is different resilience in different cultural identity at implicit level.(9) A behavior experiment found that differences attentional bias to threatening stimuli related to the earthquake in different cultural identity groups. Those who accept both two cultures responded lest to the threatening stimuli, while those who accept two cultural in lower degree responded most to the threatening stimuli. And different cultural identity groups also have different memory bias to the threatening stimuli related to the earthquake. Those accept two cultures in lower degree responded longer time in recognition the earthquake pictures are influenced more by the threatening stimuli. Conversely, those who accept both cultures in higher degree responded lest time and lest influenced by the threatening stimuli. Such a result provides evidence from cognitive processing to explore the relation between the Qiang people’s cultural identities and their resiliences.(10) A case study has been done among9Qiang people from a perspective of qualitative research to narrate the driving effect on the resilience by Qiang cultural identity, taking the three cultural identity groups.Jointly using the methods for quantitive and qualitative research, this study has put forward and testified the three second order factors model for Qiang cultural identity and the three first order factors model for Han cultural identity.Then established a structure model to discuss about the influential factors that have impacts on the resilience of the Qiang people, and testified the difference characteristics of different cultural identity groups from their implicit behaviors and cognitive processing as well. Further studies shall be done in such fields as the cross-cultural research on resilience, and neural physiological mechanism research on it. Applied research to expand the scope of the researches on Qiang culture, and discussion about the relation between the ethnic culture and the individual’s psychological and behavior development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期