

The Reconstructive Research on Teacher as the Role of Intellectual

【作者】 余宏亮

【导师】 郭戈; 靳玉乐;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着现代社会结构的转型与变迁、教育学科研究的深化与拓展,教师作为传道授业解惑者这一亘古未易的角色典范,已渐趋被赋予了新的时代元素与价值内涵。从传统教育学论域出发,教师既是推动人类文明代际更新的核心力量,也是引领民族精神健康成长的文化使者,更是决定教育改革成败的关键人物;而以教育社会学的观点来透视,教师已不仅是单纯的教育—课程—教学专业工作者,更是社会—政治—文化发展的推动者。面对教师不断累加、陷于庞杂的角色负载,面对教师能否成为知识分子的异见纷陈,本研究以教师作为“人”这个无法再往后撤退的底色为原点,以教师作为“知识人”这个赖以从教的角色为基底,来论析教师作为知识分子的角色重构问题,旨在对既往的教师角色展开一次论述清思,对未来的教师形象展开一次前瞻构想,以期为当下中国的基础教育课程改革再出发,为课程改革中教师所扮演的角色再定位提供新的视角与镜鉴。正如任何一种概念论述与实践行动之间的落差,都需要在具体的情境中加以检视一样,对教师作为知识分子这一新角色的建构,无疑也需要面对理想与现实、当下与未来的碰撞与抉择。描绘理想的教育图景,学校应当是一个培育交往理性、践行民主精神的公共空间,学生应当在那里习得作为未来公民所具备的批判知识与建构能力,这就对作为关键人物的教师提出了新的责任使命,他们应当成为一种善于实践反思、勇于求真批判、敢于质疑创新的知识分子。然而,透视当下的教育事实,学校无疑处于官僚系统层级监控的底端,教师作为政治意识形态的携带者,年复一年悄无声息地灌输着源于官方的套装课程知识,而学生则日复一日浑然不觉地承受着生理上的身体规训、思维上的知识强制、语言上的符码暴力。为弥合此种理想与现实之间的断裂,作为知识分子的教师应当以清明的价值理性、冷峻的批判眼光向内挖掘、自我启蒙。同时,外部社会也应当以开放包容的姿态、鼓励探索的气度,为教师成为知识分子创设宽松、宽容、宽和的教育生态。本论文秉持源于实践——理论引导——改进实践这一认识论路线,遵循描绘应然——透析实然——溯源归因——建构生成这一方法论线索,充分汲取教育学、社会学、政治学、人类学、伦理学等多学科的理论资源,聚焦教师作为知识分子的角色重构这一命题,展开了一次充满挑战、异常艰辛、意趣横生的理智探险之旅,努力做到持之有故、论之有理、述之有道。全文共分以下八个部分:第一部分,导论:教师作为知识分子的角色研究检视。本部分直面课程与教学论域中的热点问题:教师究竟是谁?教师是不是知识分子?教师作为知识分子何以可能?等一系列歧异纷争,在系统梳理既有相关研究成果、创新建构核心概念的基础上,从课程研究走向教师实践的范式转换、教师作为知识分子属性的正本清源、教师专业化与公共性的角色统整等三个方面,澄明了教师作为知识分子这一选题的学理价值与实践意涵。第二部分,教师作为知识分子的角色立论逻辑。本部分从实证分析、理论确证与角色澄明三条线索展开。一个方面,聚焦教师日常生活,从课堂、学校、社会等维度,采取由近而远、移步换景手法,通过调查分析在职教师、在校师范生、学生家长对教师角色的应然期待,具现了教师发展的专业化偏差与公共性缺失共时存在;另一方面,聚焦学理探讨层面,从教师是知识人、文化人与社会人,从教师是社会转型的价值守望者、教育变革的愿景描绘者、自身转型的角色定位者,从信息时代公共空间的拓展、公民社会建设步伐的加快、教育场域人文氛围的充盈等三个维度,对教师成为知识分子的前提性、必要性与可行性进行了确证;再一方面,从人格独立、求真批判与质疑创新三个角度,勾画了教师作为知识分子的公共品性,从教人求真、言传身教与恪守师志三个层面,澄明了教师作为知识分子的独特个性。第三部分,教师作为知识分子的角色理想类型。此部分建构了教师作为知识分子的应然“角色丛”:就教师成为知识创新的引领者而言,提出了教师引领知识理解方式的创新、知识批判方式的嬗变、知识增长方式的转型等重大责任;从教师成为课堂生态的领导者方面,指明了教师解放儿童的眼睛、耳朵与声音的重要使命;就教师成为学校组织的形构者来说,透视了教师祛除学校科层制度弊端、创建“学校教育共同体”的可能路向;从教师成为社会价值的转化者层面,剖析了教师应洞悉政治的教育化本质与探寻教育的政治性空间,以此来明晰教师成为知识分子,所应解决的专业化偏失与公共性式微问题。第四部分,教师作为知识分子的角色实践阻抗。此部分把视线从整合理论资源转向教师鲜活的日常生活场域,从教师时间的异化层面,揭示了教师职域正日益陷入无限膨胀之中;从教师职责的纷乱层面,剖析了教师责任的无法承担之重;从教师意向的潜隐层面,刻画了教师价值理性的自我放逐之态;从教师角色的焦虑层面,呈现了教师角色认同的茫然无措之状。四个层面纵横交错、经纬分明、视域互补、彼此观照,较为客观、真实、细致、全面地透视了教师难以成为理想类型知识分子的实践困境。第五部分,教师作为知识分子的角色弱化归因。此部分沿着以下三个维度展开:一是从体制依附层面,剖析了导源于科层组织的层级节律,教师蜕变为“专业人”;导源于单位制度的身份锁定,教师沦落为“受雇者”;导源于绩效管理的责任框限,教师矮化为“技术工”的困境归因;二是从市场效应层面,揭示了由于受文化商业化、教育消费化、教师功利化背后市场逻辑的操纵,教师在扮演知识分子时呈现出的精神式微、认同焦虑与矛盾心态;三是从专业发展层面,揭示了是日益异化为“专业主义”的教师“专业化”,屏蔽了教师的公共责任、钳制了教师的批判精神、消解了教师的人文情怀。第六部分,教师作为知识分子的角色生成条件。此部分针对教师作为知识分子所面对的理论误识与实践阻抗,从教师主体与社会环境两个层面展开,探讨教师作为知识分子的内外双重条件:其一,在教师主体方面,指出教师作为知识分子应当从整合时空概念、唤醒批判意识、修缮知能结构方面进行自我启蒙;其二在社会环境方面,强调需要由意识形态话语的转型、教育行政机构的变革、学校制度理性的回归等方面与内因协同配合。此种内外条件的创设,意在联结教师角色的理想类型与实践困境之间依然能够弥合“断裂”的意义空间,从而为教师成为知识分子,探寻有效的观念重构之策与适切的实践整合之道。第七部分,教师作为知识分子的角色重构路径。此部分统合既有关于教师作为知识分子的理论资源,探寻教师发展的专业化与公共性之间的内在张力,致力于在中国历史文化脉络之中,廓清教师成为知识分子的中国特色道路,即彰显求真的科学精神:面向日常生活、笃信客观事实,敢于批判扬弃、勇于质疑创新;践行向善的专业伦理:加强实践反思、形塑伦理文化,坚守价值理性、担当公共责任;引领显美的生命提升:开放课堂情境、形成鸣沙景观,破除知识权威、激发教学想象。第八部分,结语:教师作为知识分子的角色表达限度。从外部来说,教师是立足专业知识、关切公共生活、形塑良善公民的社会价值转化者,但这并不意味着他们要担当预测未来世界的先觉先知、率领民众运动的精神导师、栖身网络空间的意见领袖;从内部而言,教师作为知识创新的引领者、课堂生态的领导者与学校组织的形构者,应当坚守立德树人、教书育人这一职域,以自我启蒙为前提,担当公共责任、敢于求真批判、勇于质疑创新;以解放学生为鹄的,对教育场域中的异化、物化与倭化现象展开批判,致力于建构一个民主、公平、良善的教育新世界。

【Abstract】 With the transformation and change of modern social structure and the deepenness and expansion of the research on education subject, teacher, as an everlasting role of proselytizing instructs dispelling doubt, has be given new time element and value connotation gradually. From the viewpoint of traditional education domain, teacher is considered as both the core strength in promoting the generation update of human civilization and cultural messenger that leading the healthy growth of national spirit, and the pivot in education reformation. However, when it comes to the sociology of education, teacher is not merely the professional educator of education-curriculum-instruction, but impeller in the development of social-polity-culture. For the existing complex definitions on the role of teacher and the doubt that whether the teacher can be an intellectual, this research starts with regarding teacher as natural person and an intellectual, and discuss the reconstruction of the role, which aims at reconsidering and reconstructing the role and image of teacher, and to provide new perspective and suggest to the re-start of basic education curriculum reformation and the role re-setting of teacher during the process.Just as the gap existing between notion discourse and practice, which should be reviewed in specific situation. As for the role construction of teacher being an intellectual, it should be undoubtedly selected during the crash between the ideal and reality, present and future. School ought to be a public space where cultivates communicative rationality and practices democratic spirit, and from which students acquire critical knowledge and construction ability to make preparation for the future. And it has raised up new responsibility to teacher, the pivot, who should become an intellectual with the characteristics of being good at practice and reflection, daring to criticize, seek for truth, question and innovate. However, by analyzing present education reality, school is undoubtedly in the bottom of the bureaucratic system-level monitoring, as the political ideology carrier, the teacher always instills the knowledge derived from the official curriculum packages quietly, while students are still bearing body discipline on physiology, knowledge colony on thought and codes violence on language. In order to cover the gap between ideal and reality, teacher should make exploration and self-enlightenment with explicit value rationality and objective criticism. Meantime, society should have a inclusive attitude to provide a relax and tolerant educational ecology to teacher.Upholding the epistemological rout of generation from practice-theory guidance-practice improvement, following the methodology of oughtness depiction-isness analysis-attribution traceability-construction creation, and absorbing multi-disciplinary theory resources fully, such as pedagogy, sociology, politics, anthropology and ethics, the paper has focused on the topic of role reconstruction and launched a rational adventure journey with huge challenge, unusual hardships and demystification, and strived to discuss it rationally and reasonably. The whole essay is divided into following eight parts:Part one, introduction:the research review of teacher as the role of intellectual. This part has confronted with the hot topics in the field of curriculum and instruction, such as who is the teacher indeed? Is teacher an intellectual? How can teacher be called the intellectual? By combing existing related research systematically and innovating and constructing core notion, it has clarified the theoretical value and practical meaning of this topic from paradigm shift of curriculum research to teacher practice, authentic point, the role integration of professionalism and publicity.Part two, the theory basis of teacher as the role of intellectual. This part starts with the empirical analysis, theory confirmation and role clarification. On the one hand, it has focused on teacher’s daily life, including the dimensions of classroom, school and society, and made a comprehensive research of ideal expectation of serving teacher, college student and parents of student on teacher’s role to clarify the co-existence of professional deviation and public hiatus on teacher development. On the other hand, it has focused on academic discuss, including the dimensions of teacher being the knowledgeable, intellectual and social man, being the value Rye of social transformation, vision forecaster of education reformation, role setting of self-transformation, and the expansion of public space in the information age, the acceleration of pace in civil society construction and the fullness of human atmosphere in education filed, which can well prove the presupposition, necessity and feasibility of teacher as an intellectual. What’s more, teacher possesses the common traits as intellectual, including the independence of personality, seeking for the truth and be critical. As for the teacher’s unique personalities as intellectual, he is embodied by educating the students to pursue the truth, setting up examples for students by his own words and deeds, and abiding by the teacher’s ethics.Part three, the ideal types of teacher as the role of intellectual. This part has constructed the oughtness’role cluster’of teacher as an intellectual:it has put forward the significant responsibility for teacher to innovate teaching concept and transform teaching method from the perspective of teacher as the guider in knowledge innovation; it has pointed out the vital mission for teacher to release child’s eyes, ears and voice in terms of teacher as the leader in class ecology; it has analyzed comprehensively the possible way of teacher to eliminate the deficiencies of school hierarchical system and create school education community from the view of teacher as a constitutor of school organization; it has also analyzed that the teacher should have insight into education’s nature and explore education’s political space from the dimension of teacher as transformer of social structure, which can clarify the problem of specialized deviation and declining publicity for teacher that they should solve as the intellectual.Part four, the practice obstacles of teacher as the role of intellectual. This part changes vision from theoretical resources integration to teacher’s live daily life. From busy, an aspect of teacher’s time of alienation, it reveals teacher’s vocational domain that is increasingly being caught in an infinite expansion. From mang, an aspect of teacher’s responsibility mess, it dissects weight that teacher’s duty cannot be afforded. From aimless, an aspect of disposition hidden, it depicts state that teacher’s value orientation is self-exile. From blankness, an aspect of teacher’s role anxiety, it presents situation that teacher is loss with role identity. The four levels are isscross, perspective of complementary and contemplation of each other. And it is more objective, factual, detailed and comprehensive to exposit practical predicament of teacher’s difficulty to be an ideal intellectual.Part five, the attribution for weakening of teacher as the role of intellectual. From an institutional attachment level, the paper has analyzed predicament attribution that levels of rhythm derived from bureaucratic organization, the teacher metamorphoses as specialties, derived from system of unit’s identity lock, the teacher descend into employees, derived from limit of performance management, the teacher stunt to skilled workers. From the level of market effect, announcing mentality of teacher as intellectual that appear the mental declining, identity anxiety and contradiction, because of the market logic operation of cultural commercialization, educational consumerization and teacher utilitarian. From the level of professional development, showing the teacher’s professionalism to shield the teacher’s public responsibility, suppress the teacher’s critical spirit and relieve the teacher’s humanistic feelings.Part six, the generating conditions of teacher as the role of intellectual. This part is directed toward theory error and practice obstruction, investigating double conditions with inside and outside of the teacher as intellectual from teacher as subject and social environment. In terms of teacher as subject, it points out that teacher as intellectual should be self-initiation from integrating space-time conception, arousing critical awareness and remedying knowledge and ability structure. In terms of social environment, the necessary external conditions for the teacher to be intellectual are which emphasizing transformation of ideological discourse, changing educational administration and rationally returning of school systems. This creation of internal and external conditions, it aims to connect the rift between ideal types and practical difficulties of the teacher role, explore effective policies for concept construction and appropriate road for integrating practice.Part Seven, the reconstructing path of teacher as the role of intellectual. This part integrates the related theoretical resources on the teacher as intellectuals, explores inner tension between specialized and public of teacher development. It devotes to expurgate Chinese characteristic road of teacher as intellectual in the context of Chinese history and culture. Showing scientific spirit of truth which is facing daily life, believing objective fact, daring to criticize and abandon, braving to questioning and innovate. Practicing kind professional ethics that are enhancing practice reflection, shaping the ethical culture, adhering to value rationality and acting public responsibility. Leading remarkable social harmony which are opening classroom situation, getting rid of knowledge authoritative and stimulating imagination of teaching.Part eight, peroration:the limited expression of teacher as the role of intellectual. Externally speaking, the teacher are the transformers of social structure who base on the specialized knowledge, concern of public life, shape with good-natured citizens. However, it doesn’t mean that they have to act as forthgoers to predict the future world, the spiritual mentors to lead popular movement and opinion leaders for space of network and media. Internally speaking, as the guider of knowledge innovation, the leader of class ecology and the constitutor of school organization, teacher should stick to high moral values establishment, make self-enlightenment be precondition and take public responsibilities, dare to criticize and innovate. And teacher should also achieve the purpose of liberating students, criticize the phenomenon of alienation, materialization in education field to construct a democratic, fair and favorable education world.

【关键词】 教师角色知识分子专业化公共性
【Key words】 teacher’s roleintellectualsspecializationpublicity
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期