

Rural Farmers Spiritual Culture Education Research Based on the Embeddedness Theory

【作者】 赵艳龙

【导师】 刘义兵;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 成人教育学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 在城乡一体化发展的大背景下,我国“三农”问题备受关注,此问题的核心是农民的发展问题,尤其是留守下来的乡村农民的发展问题一直没有得到有效的解决,要解决这一群体的发展问题,精神文化教育是有效的引领之路,因此,推行乡村农民的精神文化教育是解决农村生产力发展的内源性动力,应该多元统筹、大力推进。改革开放30多年,在“生产力”指向的发展范式上,我国乡村农民的温饱问题得到了解决,但相当一部分乡村农民的精神文化需求还没有有效满足,尤其在现代商业文明的冲击下,乡村农民的精神文化“荒漠化”问题日益突出,为此,我们应该把农村发展的焦点聚焦到物质与精神协同发展的目标上来。乡村农民精神文化的形成离不开教育,需要用科学的教育方式“有意识、有目的、有计划”的去培育。而乡村农民精神文化教育又是一个系统化发展的动态过程,高水平精神文化教育效果的实现离不开教育系统内外部诸多因素共同作用的发挥,基于这一点,我们应从“嵌入性理论”的视角去审视当前乡村农民的精神文化教育问题。因此,本研究通过此视角,一方面,对国内外相关文献研究的梳理与分析,发现乡村农民精神文化教育理论研究的不足;另一方面,对我国乡村农民精神文化教育的实践现状考察,发现当前乡村农民精神文化教育存在的问题。以这些问题为整个研究的逻辑起点,探寻解决乡村农民精神文化教育问题的理论与方法、建构乡村农民精神文化教育的整体框架、凝练乡村农民精神文化教育的实施模式、论证乡村农民精神文化教育的保障体系,并尝试着建构乡村农民精神文化教育的理论框架与可示范的实践范式。全文共分为六个部分。具体如下:第一部分导论。本研究基于理论与实践两个层面,深刻揭示了研究乡村农民精神文化教育的意义与价值。一方面,本研究从“教育内容、教育方法、教育目标、教育特征”来梳理中内外乡村农民精神文化教育的理论文献,发现大多研究方法聚焦在量化研究上,问题分析停留在现象层面上,没有深入本体、具化乡村农民精神文化教育的深层次问题。另一方面,本研究通过“问卷调查、田野考察、案例分析”等研究方法,发现我国当前乡村农民精神文化教育存在以下问题:(1)现有乡村农民精神文化教育被“冷落化”,当地政府部门不够重视,乡村农民参与的积极性也不高,整个教育的运行状态不佳;(2)现有乡村农民精神文化教育是零碎化的,无法有效满足乡村农民精神文化需求;(3)乡村农民精神文化教育问题解决的途径单一化,缺乏多视角思考。为此,本研究从“嵌入性理论”视角分析乡村农民精神文化教育的一系列问题具有较强的理论价值。第二部分嵌入性理论运用于研究乡村农民精神文化教育的方法论意义。乡村农民精神文化教育问题的产生是诸多因素影响的结果,与我国当前乡村社会的政治、经济、文化发展水平密切相关,为此,用嵌入性理论分析这些问题背后产生的因素,具有较强的方法论意义。具体而言,乡村农民精神文化教育问题的产生与以下因素相关联:(1)世俗化的乡村人文环境;(2)“三农”政策的GDP倾向;(3)乡村农民功利化的行为价值取向;(4)传统教育观念中的消极因素;(5)不合理的教育制度设计;(6)不科学的教育内容安排;(7)空洞化的教育实践形式。这些因素在“物质利益最大化”的市场经济的冲击下,给乡村农民精神文化教育的效果带来严重影响,基于此,我们用“嵌入性理论”分析乡村农民精神文化教育具有内在的“合理性、合情性、合境性”,应该从“嵌入性理论”的视角去寻求我国乡村农民精神文化教育的理论重构和困境突围。第三部分嵌入性理论视域下乡村农民精神文化教育的现实审思。本部分从“乡村农民精神文化教育的现实问题、乡村农民精神文化教育的影响因素、乡村农民精神文化教育问题的结果”三个维度,对我国甘肃、云南、重庆、江苏、广东、河北、河南的乡村农民进行问卷调查,了解一线乡村农民对精神文化教育的认识、态度和看法,并总结得出:我国乡村农民精神文化教育在“外源性”和“内源性”方面存在一定的“脱嵌”问题。具体表现为:(1)乡村农民精神文化教育与“乡村社会环境、乡村治理制度、乡村经济发展”等方面存在一定的“脱嵌”;(2)乡村农民精神文化教育自身的“育人观念、内容设计、具体形式、主要方法、评价机制”等要素间也存在一定的“脱嵌”。如此长期下去,乡村农民精神文化教育会出现“被边缘化”的危机,最终导致乡村农民精神文化教育在“教育观念、教育制度、教育政策、教育举措、教育队伍”等方面出现关联性问题,阻碍乡村农民精神文化教育有效、有序地运行。第四部分嵌入性理论视域下乡村农民精神文化教育的整体建构。在对乡村农民精神文化教育与内部和外部诸多要素“脱嵌”问题的披露基础上,本研究为新时代下乡村农民精神文化教育的回归指明清晰的路向。即在嵌入性理论视域下,从“理论知识、生活本位、社会实践”三方面着手,突显乡村农民精神文化教育“学以自知、学以养生、学以致用”的价值取向,构建“层次分明、形式多样、类型丰富、结构合理”的乡村农民精神文化教育结构,设计涵盖“理想信念、道德品性、价值取向、思维方式、审美情趣、职业操守”等诸多元素的乡村农民精神文化教育内容,帮助乡村农民从“社会”和“个体”两大视角找寻精神文化回归的目标和方向。最后,本研究借助嵌入性理论的指导,构建了“全方位、立体式、多元化”的乡村农民精神文化教育运行体系,促使乡村农民精神文化教育达到“推动乡村建设、推进乡村治理、繁荣乡村文化、带动成教变革”的社会发展目标;实现“提升乡村农民的知识素养、提高乡村农民的生活质量、强化乡村农民的情感认同”的个体成长目标。第五部分嵌入性理论视域下乡村农民精神文化教育的具体实施。本研究在乡村农民精神文化教育现实审思、理论探讨和教育变革出路整体建构的基础上,从“政府、社区、学校、农民”等主体立足,在“精神文化教育场所的建设、精神文化教育素材的规整、精神文化教育形式的构建”等方面丰富乡村农民精神文化教育的实践载体,通过“自主学习法、渗透式教育法、体验式教育法”来转变乡村农民精神文化教育的方法,创建“城乡精神文化教育、村际精神文化教育、县镇村精神文化教育、学校-社区精神文化教育的互动机制”,并完善乡村农民精神文化教育的评价体系,以此来高效推动“嵌入性理论下乡村农民精神文化教育整体思路”的运行。第六部分嵌入性理论视域下乡村农民精神文化教育的保障体系。本研究在系统分析当前我国乡村农民精神文化教育运行瓶颈的基础上,从嵌入性理论的视角来全面推行乡村农民精神文化教育的实施,科学构建乡村农民精神文化教育的保障体系。具体而言,本研究从“转变教育观念(思想保障)、完善教育政策(政策保障)、统整机构队伍(组织保障)”三方面构建我国乡村农民精神文化教育的支撑体系,推动乡村农民精神文化教育“三元并举,三力协同,合力育人”局面的形成,让乡村农民精神文化教育深入地嵌入到内外部诸多因素中,与之协同并进,共同发展。由此可见,“乡村农民精神文化教育问题”是“社会经济发展转型期,新型城镇化建设,文化大繁荣大发展,社会主义新农村建设”的时代背景下我国农民精神文化建设过程中一个亟待解决的问题。“提高乡村农民精神文化教育质量”是推动我国乡村文化建设、解决乡村农民精神文化荒漠化问题的现实需要,也是乡村农民精神文化教育研究进一步深化的需要。因此,研究者选择“乡村农民精神文化教育”为研究对象,从“嵌入性理论视角”系统化地探讨乡村农民精神文化教育的“理论基础、整体建构、具体实施、保障体系”等问题,期望能为乡村农民精神文化教育工作的顺利开展提供一定的指导和帮助。

【Abstract】 Issues of agriculture have always been the focus point of the country under the background of development of city and countryside integration. The core of such problems is the development of peasants, especially the problems of the development of staying behind peasants. Spiritual and cultural education is an effective way to solve developing problems of peasant group. Therefore, the original power of spiritual and cultural education is highly recommended. During the long period of30-year reform and opening-up policy, on the perspective of productivity oriented development pattern, the problem of food and clothing has been solved. Yet, spiritual demands of peasants have not been met. The problems of deficiency in spiritual culture is getting serious under the impact of modern civilization. Thus we should coordinate the development of substance wealth and spiritual wealth.Spiritual and cultural education cannot be formed without education, it requires a scientific way of education with awareness, purposes and plan. The spiritual cultural education of countryside peasants is a systematic and dynamic process. The effective function of spiritual cultural education requires a variety of factors working together. Based on the point, we should check the problems of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants via an embedability view. Therefore this research discusses about the deficiency of theoretical researches on spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasant from the analysis of comparison of domestic and overseas document research, and the problems of current spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasant from the observation of practice current situation of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasant. Then this research explores theories and methods to solve problems of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasant, constructs the overall framework of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasant, summarizes the implementation model of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasant, demonstrates the security system of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasant, and attempts to construct the theoretical framework and demonstrated normal form of practice of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasant.The passage can be divided into six chapters and they are as follows:Chapter One, introduction Theory. This research reveals the value and significance of researching the spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants. On the one hand, this research teases domestic and overseas theoretical contribution of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants from aspects of education content, method, target and characteristic and we find out that most research techniques focus on quantitative researches, the analysis still stays on the phenomenon level and there is no specific discussion of problems of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants. On the other hand, this research discovers following problems of current spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasant in China through methods of questionnaire survey, field study and case analysis and the problems are:(1) The current spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasant is in a status of ignorance, local governments pay little attention to the area and peasants anticipant little, and the whole system functions unsatisfactorily;(2) The current spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasant is piecemeal, unable to meet spiritual and cultural demands of countryside peasants;(3) Solutions to problems of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants remain simplification, lacking a consideration of multi-view. Therefore this research analyses series of problems of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants possessing strong theoretical value.Chapter Two, importance of methodology of research on spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants with the embedability theory. Problems of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants arise because of a variety of factors and associate with the level of development of politics, economy and culture. Therefore there is a strong importance of methodology of research on spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants with the embedability theory. To be more explicit, the generation of problems of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants associate with factors as follows:(1) Cultural environment of secularization;(2) A tendency of GDP from the policy of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers";(3) The utilitarianism of value orientation of countryside peasants;(4) Negative factors of traditional education concept;(5) Unreasonable design f education system;(6) Unscientific arrangement of education content;(7) Unpractical education pattern. Serious effects have been brought to spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants by those factors, with the hits of market economy. Based on all these above, it is reasonable to analyze spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants with the embedability theory, and it is necessary to seek for theoretical reconstruction and break out of an encirclement of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants.Chapter Three, realistic consideration and judgment of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants with the embedability theory. This chapter shows results of questionnaire survey of countryside peasants of Gansu, Yunnan, Chongqing, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Hebei and Henan from three dimensions of realistic problems of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants, influential factors of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants, and results to problems of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants. From the survey, we get the information of cognition and attitudes towards spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants and we summarize the problems of certain unembedability of external and internal aspects of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants. To be explicit, these problems are:(1) Certain unembadability of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants and countryside social environment, countryside governance system, and countryside economic development;(2) Certain unembedability of factors as education concept, content design, explicit pattern, major method, and estimation mechanism of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants. If it persists for a long time, the crisis of being marginalized will arise, resulting in relevance problems of education concept, policy, implement and team of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants, impeding effective and orderly function of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants.Chapter Four, the entire construction of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants with the embedability theory. This research has indicated a clear way for the return of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants in the modern time on the base of announcing problems of unembedability of external and internal factors of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants. To be clear, it is to feature the value orientation of learning to live and practice of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants, construct a reasonable structure of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants, design the content containing factors of ideal and faith, moral character, value orientation, mode of thinking, aesthetic taste and professional integrity of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants, and help countryside peasants find targets and directions of spiritual and cultural regression from a view of society and individual. Finally this research has constructed an omnibearing and sterometric operation system of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants to facilitate spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants to reach the social developing target of pushing countryside construction, facilitating countryside governance, and booming countryside culture and individual growing target of promoting status of knowledge and accomplishment of countryside peasants, promoting qualities of countryside peasants lives, and strengthening affective commitment of countryside peasants.Chapter Five, concrete implementation of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants with the embedability theory. This research is constructed on the basis of realistic consideration and judgment, theoretical discussion, and entire construction of outlet of education reform of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants. Thus we have tried to enrich isotopic carrier of constructing educational sites of spirit and culture, order educational materials of spirit and culture, and construct educational patterns of spirit and culture, change approaches to spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants with independent study mode, penetrating education mode, and experimental education mode, set up interactive mechanism of spiritual and cultural education between cities and countries, villages and towns, and schools and communities, and perfect estimation system of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants to efficiently push forward the function of entire system of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants with the embedability theory. Plus, we keep a foothold of the implementations from subjects of government, community, school and peasants.Chapter Six, security system of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants with the embedability theory. This research carries out the implementation of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants and construct, the security system of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants from a view of embedability theory, on the basis of system analysis of current choke point of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants. To be more explicit, the research constructs support system of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants via transferring education concept(ideology guarantee), perfecting education policy(system guarantee), and administering institution troops(organization guarantee), facilitating the complexion of three dimensions developing simultaneously, three strength collaborating together and strengths integrating for education, making spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants embed into external and internal factors and develop together.Thus it can be seen that spiritual and cultural education problems of countryside peasants is an urgent phenomenon waiting to be solved, under the modern background of a transformation period of social economic development, New urbanization construction, prosperous development of culture and the construction of socialist new countryside. Enhancing the quality of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasant is the realistic demands of pushing the construction of countryside culture forward, solving the problem of desertification of spiritual culture of countryside peasant and deeply researching spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants. Therefore the researcher chooses the study object of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants, performing a systematic exploration of theory basis, general construction, concrete implementation, condition guarantee and so on, hoping to provide guidance and help for the smooth development of spiritual and cultural education of countryside peasants.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期
  • 【分类号】G127
  • 【下载频次】568