

A Research on the Influence of Chinese Characters on Malaysian Chinese’s Culture Identity

【作者】 张健

【导师】 张诗亚;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育学原理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 从清末始一百年来,中国人大规模南下移民马来半岛,面对陌生的地域环境、多元的文化的冲击和多种言语的选择,逐步由“落叶归根”转变为“落地生根”,变成了今天马来西亚华人族群。他们面临复杂的政治环境和艰难的生存境地,始终坚守华夏文化传统,从食衣住行、节日活动到思维模式、情感价值观,无不保持着强烈的华夏文化认同感。一百年里,华人吃苦耐劳、勇于奉献,为了保护华人族根,誓死捍卫华文教育事业。在东南亚众多国家中,汉字教育几起几落,甚至被消灭殆尽,但是在马来西亚,汉字教育在华社艰苦卓绝的斗争中仍然保持着欣欣向荣的态势,并显示出强大的生命力。所有这些现象引发笔者思考:马来西亚华人强烈的文化认同感是否与其绵延不绝的汉字教育有着紧密的关系?汉字习得和使用及形成的思维模式是如何形构马来西亚华人文化认同的心理基础的?这对解决我国名族地区华夏文化认同与民族凝聚有何启示?为了厘清以上问题,笔者以马来西亚华文教育为背景,在马来西亚进行了大量的田野考察。对马来西亚华人移民历史、华文教育斗争、华人族群意识、传统思维习惯、衣食住行、节日活动及基本价值观等方面进行全面的考察。笔者首先通过文献法和实地考察对马来西亚汉字教育’的历史进行梳理,分析作为华社三大支柱(华团、汉字教育和华文报纸)之一的汉字教育发展历程和现状,进而从文化认同的主体出发对作为华文教育的核心——汉字学习和使用对马来西亚华人文化认同感的影响进行调查分析。这一部分笔者采用人类学问卷、实地考察、口语报告法和对比分析的方法从作为认同主体的华社和个人、物质和精神、受汉字教育华人和受英文与马来文华人几个维度分析汉字使用对华人文化认同感、思维模式,情感价值观和行为表现的影响,进而得出结论,马来西亚华人认同感之所以能长期不断生长,与马来西亚华文教育中汉字习得及其产生的思维意义、情感价值观有着极大的关系,华文教育在马来西亚华人华夏文化认同中起着保护和促进作用。那么,汉字学习及其由此产生的字思维特征对东西文化交融中马来西亚华人华夏文化认同起到了多大的作用,这些作用是通过什么样的机制实现的,汉字所表征的具象、比类和自反的思维特征在这个过程中是通过怎样形成民族文化心理场进而凝聚文化认同的?于是,笔者聚焦于汉字的独特性,使用文献分析方法分析关于汉字的思维意义、汉字心理认知、汉字符号学特征、汉字的文化功能与汉字与文化认同的关系等文献之后,发现马来西亚华人族群文化特征是通过文化的符号化而得到保持的,特别是通过华文教育的核心汉字习得和使用来发挥作用。语言是文化认同最基本和首要因素,而文字又是语言的物质基础。笔者从汉字的源生意义出发,阐释汉字的创生性、包容性、文化功能和汉字与思维的关系,对比东西方文字产生的背景及其形成的思维、价值观差异,得出汉字思维的独特性:汉字作为华夏文化的基因,在运行了几千年之后仍然保留着初始时期的意象特征,兼物化形态的民族思维模式并融人文风情与自然风貌为一体,形成了独特的东方思维特色和情感价值观,进而影响了华夏民族文化心理场,强化了华夏民族的文化认同感。最后笔者针对马来西亚华人文化寻根中汉字教育的优势与困境,提出马来西亚汉字教育的未来出路。研究通过对比在汉字习得和拼音文字习得过程中所产生的不同思维模式,探索华校三语习得过程中的利弊条件,分析以汉字为核心的华文教育中如何取长补短,既能汲取以汉字为基因的华夏文化养分,又能捕获西方拼音文字习得过程中对人脑理性逻辑的形塑作用,以达到“中西合璧”,以促进人的全面发展,并从根本上保护华人的文化认同。汉字是华夏文化的重要载体与基因,以汉字为核心的华文是华人文化认同的主要标志,更是华人族群寻求认同、确立自身合法地位的重要手段和精神动力,并在某种意义上关乎着华人族群的生存方式和价值取向。大多学者从方言口语使用的角度来说明语言对文化认同的作用,本研究通过分析汉字习得过程中所形成的独特的华夏民族的思维方式和价值观念,以及在此基础上形成的行为取向,在多语环境中和东西文化交融的背景下,阐释了马来西亚华人的文化认同中深刻的汉字思维成因。一方面丰富了文化认同理论,另一方面也为全球化背景下与多语环境中的华人文化身份认同与确认提供可借鉴的现实依据。

【Abstract】 Over a hundred years ago, Chinese migrated from China to Malaya Peninsula, facing the strange region and environment, the impact of multi-culture and the choices of a wide variety of languages, they gradually experienced from having no sense of belonging to developing sense of belonging and today, they become Malaysian Chinese. They were confronted with complicated political environment and arduous survival condition, yet they still stick to the Chinese culture and tradition, from food, costume, residence and transportation, festival activities to thinking patterns and emotional values, everyone of them has always maintained a strong sense of culture identity. Throughout these hundred years, Chinese have been working extremely hard and they contributed in various ways to preserve the root of Chinese, they even sacrificed themselves to defend Chinese education. Among the many countries in Southeast Asia. Chinese education encounters ups and downs and it was even abolished. However in Malaysia, under the great efforts and uphill struggle of the Chinese community, Chinese education not only sustains but thrives in this country, this reveals its strong vitality. All these phenomena cause the writer to think:Is there a close correlation between the strong culture identity among the Malaysian Chinese and the immortal Chinese education? How the thinking pattern through acquisition, formation and the use of Chinese characters can form the psychological basis of Malaysian Chinese’s culture identity?In order to clarify’the questions above, the writer used Chinese education in Malaysia as the background and did a lot of research in suburbs. He did a thorough research on Malaysian Chinese’s history of migration, the fight for Chinese education, Chinese’s ethnic consciousness, traditional thinking habit, costume, food, residence, transportation, festival activities, basic values and so on and so forth. Firstly, through references and field study, the writer teased out the history of Chinese education in Malaysia, analyzing the development and present situation of Chinese education which acts as one of the three pillars (Chinese delegations, Chinese education and Chinese newspapers) in Chinese community. Then, from the main body of culture identity as the core of Chinese education-he did investigations and analyses on the influence of the use of Chinese characters on Malaysian Chinese’s sense of culture identity. In this part, anthropology questionnaire, field work, verbal report as well as comparative analysis method were used. From different angles, that is, Chinese delegations versus individual, material versus spirit, Chinese educated Chinese versus English and Malay educated Chinese, the writer analyzed the influence of the use of Chinese characters on sense of Chinese culture identity, thinking pattern, emotional value and behavioral expression. Then, the writer concluded that Malaysian Chinese’s culture identity which can grow continuously has a great relationship with the thinking significance and emotional value due to the acquisition of Chinese characters in Malaysia’s Chinese education. Malaysian Chinese’s culture identity plays a vital role in protecting and promoting Chinese education in Malaysia. Hence, how far have the acquisition of Chinese characters and the formation of thinking characteristic through the process of acquiring Chinese characters influenced Malaysian Chinese’s culture identity where there is Chinese culture blends with western culture? Through what kind of mechanism can this made into reality? In this process, how Chinese characters that characterize figures, classification and characteristic of self-reflection can form an ethnic’s cultural psychological field and further agglomerate culture identity?Therefore, the writer focused on the uniqueness of Chinese characters, using reference analysis method to analyze references on the thinking significance of Chinese characters, the cognitive psychology of Chinese characters, the characteristic of Chinese characters semiotics, the cultural function of Chinese characters as well as the relationship between Chinese characters and culture identity, he found out that Malaysian Chinese’s culture identity can be preserved through symbolizing their culture, especially through acquisition of Chinese characters as the core in Chinese education and the use of Chinese characters to achieve its objective. Language is the main element of culture identity and writing is the material fundamental of a language. The writer started from the original meanings of Chinese characters, explaining clearly on the relationship between the creation, tolerance, cultural function of Chinese characters and Chinese characters and thinking, comparing the backgrounds of the creations of eastern writing and western writing and their formation of thinking, the different values, and eventually obtaining the uniqueness of Chinese character thinking. Playing a role as the gene of Chinese culture, Chinese characters have been used since a few thousand years ago and their imagery features can still be remained, combining physical forms of the ethnic group thinking pattern and integrating cultural custom as well as the beauty of nature as a whole. This forms a unique way of oriental thinking feature and emotional value, and therefore, influencing Chinese ethnic group’s cultural psychological field and strengthening the culture identity of this ethnic group.Finally, the writer aimed at the advantages and predicament of those Malaysian Chinese who search for their root through Chinese education, pointing out the future of Chinese education in Malaysia. Through comparing and contrasting how different thinking patterns are formed under the process of acquiring Chinese characters and alphabetic writing, this research explored the strengths and weaknesses through the process of learning three languages in Chinese schools, analyzing how Chinese education which uses Chinese characters as the core can overcome its weaknesses by acquiring others’strengths. Not only they can acquire the nutrient of Chinese culture based on Chinese characters as the gene, but also let their brains obtain the shaped function of rational logic through the process of learning western alphabetic writing and therefore, reaching the stage of ’combination of Chinese and western’, and ultimately, promoting all-round development of human beings, therefore, fundamentally preserving Chinese’s culture identity.Chinese character is an important carrier and the gene of Chinese culture, it is also an important logo to Chinese culture identity. It is even the important means and spiritual force for Chinese to look for identity and establish individual legal status. This is something to do with the way of life and the values of Chinese. Most of the scholars explained the functions and roles of language and culture identity through the use of dialect. This research is based on analyzing the uniqueness of how Chinese thinking pattern and values are formed under the process of acquiring Chinese language, how behavior is formed under this foundation, the background of multi-lingua environment and the integration of eastern and western cultures, further explaining how Chinese character thinking strongly forms the Malaysian Chinese’s culture identity. On the one hand, it enriches culture identity theory and on the other hand, under the background of globalization and multi-lingua environment, providing referable theoretical basis for Chinese’s culture identity and acknowledgement.

【关键词】 汉字汉字思维文化认同
【Key words】 Chinese characterChinese thinkingCulture identity
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期
  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【下载频次】882