

【作者】 樊沁永

【导师】 程恭让;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 专门史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 晚明儒佛会通是中华文化整合的又一次高峰,在这个宏大的文化思潮中,高僧群体解释儒家典籍《四书》文本尤为引人注目。《四书》经由朱熹整理之后,升格为儒家新兴经典,通过精英讲学、科举选拔、民间教学等方式普及甚广。但由于朱熹严格批判佛老的主导思想,也使得佛教遭遇了理论上的挑战。时至晚明,学风败坏,儒佛两家均受到重大影响。佛教在重建良好宗风的过程中也主动融摄儒家思想,在《四书》文本上有多样化的诠解,为传统儒家四书学打开了一个新的面向,体现了佛解《四书》的共同特点。通过对云栖袾宏、憨山德清、颛愚观衡、吹万广真、觉浪道盛、蕅益智旭和今释澹归七人关于《四书》诠解作品的解析,可以充分了解晚明儒佛会通在理论上所达到的深度并分析其在思想史上产生的影响。本文第一章从儒家四书学入手,介绍《四书》诠释的基本状况,以及晚明高僧《四书》诠释文献的基本特点。第二章到第五章,分别以《大学》《中庸》《论语》《孟子》为中心,介绍除蕅益智旭之外的六位高僧四书文本的诠解。第六章以智旭《四书蕅益解》为中心,讨论佛解《四书》的小传统,以及《四书蕅益解》的世俗化问题,并评价其历史影响。结论则从思想史的角度评议高僧诠解《四书》对于调整儒学四书学道统观的意义,并概括佛解《四书》启蒙、多元、包容、务实的品格。

【Abstract】 The emergence of the Confucianism and Buddhism in late Ming Dynasty marks another highlight in the history of China’s cultural integration. During this phenomenal cultural trend, the eminent monks’interpretations of The Four Books have drawn wide attention. The Four Books emerged as Confucius classics after it was interpreted by ZHU Xi, and was then widely popularized through ways such as elite Confucius culture, imperial examination and teaching. However, since ZHU Xi vigorously criticized Buddhism and Taoism, Buddhism was faced with theoretical challenges. In late Ming Dynasty, with the debasement of scholar culture, both Confucianism and Buddhism were severely impacted. As Buddhism re-established its religious ethos, it took Confucianism into consideration, and interpreted The Four Books in a diversified way, providing a new dimension to the traditional school of Confucianism. This also demonstrates the common thing in these two interpreting ways. The theoretical depth of the emergence of the Confucianism and Buddhism in late Ming Dynasty and its influence on the history of culture can be understood through the interpretations of The Four Books by ZHU Hong, DE Qing, GUAN Heng, GUANG Zhen, DAO Sheng, ZHI Xu and DAN Gui.The First Chapter of this essay will focus on the Confucius study of The Four Books-a brief introduction and basic features of studies by eminent monks in late Ming Dynasty. In Chapter Two to Chapter Five, the essay will introduce another six eminent monks’ interpretations of The Four Books except for ZHI Xu, based on The Great Learning, The Doctrine of Mean, The Analects of Confucius and Mencius. Chapter Six will focus on ZHI Xu’s Interpretation of The Four Books, the secularization issue of it and its historical influence, and will also discuss about ways in which Buddhism explains it. The Conclusion will comment on the influence on Confucius study of The Four Books brought by eminent monks’ interpretations from cultural and historical point of view, reflecting the Buddhism interpretations which feature enlightenment, diversification, inclusiveness and pragmatism. It will then give out suggestions for the practice of Chinese cultural and religious theory.
