

Environmental Ethics in Cormac McCarthy’s Western Novels

【作者】 谢登攀

【导师】 金莉;

【作者基本信息】 北京外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 科马克·麦卡锡(1933—)是美国当代小说界的巨擘。自上世纪八十年代以来,他以创作一系列以美墨边境为场景的西部小说赢得了评论界的广泛关注。麦卡锡的小说语言风格独特,主题思想深刻,被誉为海明威和福克纳的当代传人,并在近年来成为诺贝尔文学奖的热门候选人之一。长期以来,国内外评论界对麦卡锡的研究大多采用社会历史的视角,关注的焦点主要集中于其作品中所呈现出的人与社会、人与人之间的关系,而对其中所展现的人与自然的关系涉及较少。为数不多的一些对其小说中的自然书写以及人与自然关系研究则是流于表面现象的评述,未能进行深入探讨。而且,这些研究多是碎片化的,对麦卡锡个别作品的片面研究,缺少对其最具声誉的西部小说的整体化与系统化关注。本论文选取了麦卡锡的五部西部小说,采用整体关照和具体分析相结合的方法,对其中所展现的人与自然、动物以及科学技术的关系进行研究,以期从整体上系统考察麦卡锡西部小说中所展现的环境伦理关系。当代环境伦理哲学中生态中心主义思想、生物中心主义思想和动物权利思想对人类中心主义和现代工业科技的批判为本论文提供了理论支持,弥补了单一的文学生态批评只关注自然的局限性。本论文旨在阐明,麦卡锡西部小说中所展现出的自然的沦落与动物的悲惨处境显示出了作者对人类中心主义和现代工业科技的鞭挞,以及对生态中心主义思想、生物中心主义思想和动物权利思想的赞同。更为重要的是,本论文认为,国内诸多对其作品的生态解读都认为其作品通过颂扬主人公来体现生态环境意识,这其实是一种误读。麦卡锡西部小说中的主人公们也是人类中心主义思想的牺牲品。本论文通过对麦卡锡西部小说中人与自然、动物以及科学技术的关系的分析,展示了人类中心主义思想和科技至上思想的根深蒂固。人与自然二元对立,并运用现代科学技术认识、征服、改造自然为人所用的思想已经作为一种意识形态被现代人潜移默化地接收,人类无法彻底摆脱以自我为中心的主体性。这是麦卡锡西部小说中自然、动物与人悲剧的根源。在结论部分,本论文结合麦卡锡的新作《路》对其西部小说中的环境伦理思想进行总结。笔者认为,麦卡锡的环境忧思在小说《路》中达到了顶峰。而且,与其西部小说中较隐晦的表达方式不同,麦卡锡在该小说中采用了环境启示录的书写方式警醒世人:现代科学技术无法根除环境危机,反而会加剧环境危机。若人类不能摆脱人类中心主义思想的禁锢,实现从“自我意识”到“生态意识”的转变,最终必然导致人类自身和整个生态环境的毁灭。

【Abstract】 Cormac McCarthy is among the most celebrated contemporary novelists in the United States. Since the1980s, his western novels which are set in the US-Mexico border regions have received accolades from both the reading public and the critical circles. For the profundity of his themes and his unique language style, McCarthy is dubbed as the genuine heir to Hemingway and Faulkner and he is recently mentioned as a promising candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature.The existing McCarthy scholarship has been mostly through a sociohistorical approach and focusing on human history and society. These anthropocentric perspectives neglect the centrality of nature and man-nature relationship in McCarthy’s works. McCarthy criticism concerning human-nature relationship has been not only scarce but also fragmented and hitherto there has been no systematic ecocritical inquiry into McCarthy’s western novels.This dissertation investigates the environmental ethics in Cormac McCarthy’s western novels. Unlike traditional ecocriticism, which is preoccupied with nature writing and nature aesthetics, my investigation mainly focuses on man’s relationship with nature, with animals, and with science, the three important ramifications of environmental ethics. Environmental ethics’ critique of anthropocentrism in ecocentrism, biocentrism, and animal rights, and the critique of modern industrialization, specifically of modern science and technology, provide the theoretical background for this research.This dissertation posits that the degradation of nature and the distressful fate of nonhuman animals as exhibited in McCarthy’s western novels demonstrate McCarthy’s critique of anthropocentrism and modern science and technology, and his endorsement of ecocentrism, biocentrism, and animal rights. Furthermore, this dissertation argues that some Chinese scholars might have misinterpreted McCarthy’s characters in terms of their relationship with nature and animals and thus endeavors to correct these misinterpretations by insisting that these characters are also victims of anthropocentrism. Through depicting man’s relationship with nature, animals and science in his western novels, McCarthy reveals that anthropocentrism and scientism as ideologies are deeply imbedded in Western perspectives. Human beings are caught in a web of subjectivity from which they cannot escape. All these contribute to the tragedies of nature, animals, and humans in his western novels.This dissertation concludes that the environmental awareness in McCarthy’s western novels culminates in his latest novel The Road to an environmental apocalypse. If human beings cannot free themselves from the entrapment of anthropocentrism and transform from egocentric beings to ecocentric beings, an environmental catastrophe would not only be inevitable but also imminent.

  • 【分类号】I712.074
  • 【下载频次】271