

Habitus:a Signpost to Bourdieu’s Pracitique Theory

【作者】 李楠

【导师】 汪民安;

【作者基本信息】 北京外国语大学 , 比较文学与跨文化研究, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 皮埃尔·布尔迪厄是法国乃至世界上重量级的理论家之一。本文将围绕他的重要概念“习性”来切入、并勾勒这位理论家实践理论的特点。布氏实践理论的形成是在两条线索上同时发展的:一条是建立在《阿尔及利亚社会学》、《论摄影》、《艺术之恋》、《区隔》等人类学和社会学资料基础上的经验研究;另一条是《实践理论纲要》、《实践感》、《实践理性》、《帕斯卡尔式的沉思》等书中对实践理论哲学背景的批判和接受。本文力拒陈见,没有从历史线索来梳理布氏著作,而是在习性概念这一路标的导引下,将实践理论做了微观解剖。本文从布尔迪厄本人的习性谈起,联系他对自己作为法国学术界边缘陌生人所具有的分裂习性的剖析,连缀起布尔迪厄之所以能够提出实践理论的学术发展历程与社会影响因素。同时揭示了布尔迪厄通过社会学研究解释哲学问题这一转变之下的深层原因。第二章简要回顾了布氏著作中“习性”概念一词的选取,分析其中已有的“结构化结构”和“结构性结构”所具有的继承与创新的理论分析维度,并指出这一概念的开放性旨归。第三章与第四章是本论文的重要部分。这两章在第二章铺垫的基础上,改换视角,再次从心智、身体两个角度切入“习性”概念。第三章主要通过习性与社会的结构性同源特点来分析习性作为心智系统的运作特点。同时,对于布氏理论中心智维度所缺失的生物角度提出个人浅见。第四章通过讨论习性以身体各形态所承载的社会结构的外化,分析了现存社会中区隔的现实。第五章从外部入手,将习性概念置于与场域、象征资本的关系中来讨论,指出习性与实践逻辑的关系,并以概括布尔迪厄理论的反思性作结。

【Abstract】 Pierre Bourdieu is one of the eminent theorists in France or in the western world. This paper describes the theoretical features of his practique theory from the interruptive perspective provided by his critical concept "habitus". Bourdieu’s practique theory develops itself from two different channels: one of which based on the anthropological materials in his empirical studies in The Algerians, Photography, The Love of Art, Distinction; while the other based on his criticism and acceptance of philosophical background of practical theory in Outline of a Theory of Practice, The Logic of Practice, Practical Reason, Pascalian Meditations. This paper rejects the common method of summarizing Bourdieu’s theory. Instead it does a kind of micro-analysis of his practique theory by following the trace of his concept "habitus".This paper starts from habitus of Bourdieu himself and makes up the theoretical development and social elements of the scholar by picking up his own reflection on his cleft habitus as a stranger in the French academic circle. Meanwhile, it also exposes the profound reason of his turn from philosophy to sociology. In Chapter Two the paper reviews Bourdieu’s choices of the conception habitus and analyses the theoretical hereditary, creative dimension in habitus as "structured structure" and "structuring structure" in one with a conclusion of pointing out its opening character. Chapter Three and Four make the main body of this paper. The chapters, on the basis of the previous chapter, rethink the concept of habitus in two different angles of "psycho" and "body". Chapter Three mainly focuses on the functioning aspect of "habitus" by analyzing the syntactic structures of habitus and society and puts forward personal criticism on the lack of biological dimension in habitus. Chapter Four discusses the representation of social structures in various bodily forms and explores some realistic distinctive practice in nowadays society. Chapter Five argues that habitus and the logic of practique co-fuction as a sense of game, and the relationship between habitus and the surrounding concepts such as field and symbolique is intertwined.This paper ends with the reflexive conclusion of Bourdieu’s refiexivity.

【关键词】 习性无意识实践场域象征
【Key words】 habitusconsciouslessnesspractiquefieldsymbolique
  • 【分类号】B023
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