

On W. Lobscheid and His English and Cchinese Dictionary

【作者】 熊英

【导师】 李雪涛;

【作者基本信息】 北京外国语大学 , 比较文学与跨文化研究, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 罗存德(Wilhelm Lobscheid,1822-1893)是十九世纪来华传教史上一位重要的人物,他编纂的四卷本《英华字典》(1866-1869)堪称是十九世纪综合性最强的双语辞典。该辞典收录了五万以上的英语单词,译词使用了多达六十万的汉字,被誉为“代表了19世纪西人汉外辞典编纂的最高成就”,对近现代汉语的形成乃至汉字文化圈都产生了深刻的影响,而中外学界对罗存德及其代表作——《英华字典》却鲜有系统而详尽的研究。历史学家罗荣渠指出“现代化就是指人类社会从传统的农业社会向现代工业社会转变的历史进程”,现代一词的内涵即为现代性。世界现代化进程的起点是十八世纪后期西方工业革命的产生,生产力方式的改变给社会带来了翻天覆地的变化。社会的变革会产生新的词汇与概念,因为语言是知识的载体,是信息的媒介,与社会生活之间存在着紧密的互动关系。因此,辞典是一个时代的反映,双语辞典则反映出一个时代不同文化之间交流的内容。十九世纪是一个巨变的时代,随着工业革命的发展,产生了很多新学科、新技术、新事物、新观念,这些新的术语名词不断添入到英语的辞典里;同时,十九世纪又是全球化萌芽的时代,在中西文化交流史上有着非同寻常的意义,传教士充当着桥梁的作用,为了传教工作的顺利进行,语言的沟通是首要的条件,因此,在华传教士编纂了一系列有影响力的英汉辞典。随着这些英汉双语辞典的编纂与出版,英语中新的术语名词通过辞典的传播成为社会共识,从而被近现代汉语接受的同时,它们所反映的西方社会变化以及现代性也经历了一个被传递的过程。特别是对于十九世纪的中国来说,辞典作为一种历史文本,对中西文化交流作出了独有的贡献。本文通过对罗存德生平及其《英华字典》的考证研究,对该辞典中反映十九世纪西方社会变化及现代性的词汇进行词汇史方面的分析与研究,探求这些词汇所对应的汉语在中国的传递过程,从而揭示罗存德及其《英华字典》对于近现代汉语的形成以及中西文化系统之间的交流所作出的巨大贡献,并客观地评价以罗存德为代表的传教士在近代中国从传统农业社会向现代工业社会转变过程中所担任的复杂角色。本文共分为六个部分。序言部分概述了选题的意义、研究方法及创新性,并界定了几个重要概念。第一章在前人研究的基础上,通过对原始档案和资料的考证,对罗存德家庭背景、婚姻状况、在华活动进行了考订,对他的中西文著作进行了梳理,并结合材料分析了罗存德的中国观。第二章主要考证罗存德的《英华字典》的出版始末,包括该辞典的出版风波、所参考的底本韦氏辞典版本考证及其与奥地利的关系。第三章通过对反映西方现代的生活方式、制度与设施、学科知识以及核心价值观念的词汇进行分析,阐释近现代汉语中西方现代性通过辞典向中国传递的过程。第四章主要阐述了该辞典体现出的几个词汇现象。最后一章结语部分总结了本研究的重点发现及价值。该论文的创新性有以下几点:首先,通过对罗存德一手档案及资料的收集与分析,纠正对罗存德已有研究中的一些错误,并填补学术界关于罗存德研究的空白。据德国新教联合会档案馆的负责人Apelt Wolfgang先生的记录,十多年来一直没有人去查询过关于罗存德的资料,根据档案馆保存的一份那须雅之先生的研究成果,可以判断最后去拜访过档案馆的研究者只有上个世纪九十年代对罗存德进行过研究的那须雅之先生。罗存德的生平还存在很多疑点,该研究通过找到的罗存德档案,将他的生平及活动在前人的研究基础上进行补充及修正;还有对于《英华字典》出版后的风波,罗存德发表的个人声明也能帮助研究者研究事件的来龙去脉,将罗存德及《英华字典》的研究推向深入;特别是罗存德于1853年2月至1855年12月期间给福汉会书写的书信及日记手稿,对于了解罗存德及其宗教背景提供了宝贵的材料。其次,通过历史学、词汇学的研究方法,对罗存德及其《英华字典》进行分析,正确认识罗存德及其《英华字典》在现代汉语形成过程中所起的作用,以及近现代汉语的发展与中国现代化进程的互动作用,并结合罗存德在其他作品中所体现出来的中国观,理性地认识传教士在中国现代化进程中所起的作用。最后,近现代词汇中现代性的研究对于词汇史的研究有着补充和借鉴的意义,并为我们如何看待当今的新词问题提供了一个有益的视角,而且,从词汇史的角度研究中西文化交流,挖掘其背后的思想根源,可以为跨文化研究提供新的视角。

【Abstract】 English and Chinese Dictionary (1866-1869) by W. Lobscheid (1822-1893), a German missionary to China in the19th century, was known as "representing the highest achievements of Westerners’ Chinese and foreign lexicography in19th century". The dictionary which contains more than50,000English words and600,000Chinese characters has had a profound impact on even the formation of modern Chinese Characters Circle, However, there is little systematic and detailed study on Lobscheid and his works in China and even the world.Historian Luo Rongqu pointed out that "Modernization is the historical process of human society from traditional agricultural society to modern industrial society". The connotation of the word "modem" is modernity. The starting point for the process of modernization of is industrial revolution in late eighteenth century. The change of the way of productivity brought the huge change to the society. Due to the emergence of new-bornnewborn disciplines, technologies, and new ideas produced by the Western industrial revolution, new concepts constantly appeared and were added to English dictionaries. If a dictionary is a reflection of an era, the English-Chinese Dictionary represents the cultural exchanges between China and western Western societies in a certain period. Especially in the19th century, dictionary dictionaries appeared in China before other types of works reflecting Western development and changes, and thus contributed significantly to these exchanges. When new concepts in English became common and were accepted by modern Chinese through the English-Chinese Dictionary, the Western modernity these concepts y represented was transmitted and accepted.This paper tried to collect and analyze the manuscripts, archive materials of W. Lobscheid and his English and Chinese Dictionary, reveal his life, activities in China and his works which remains unknown to researchers. It also investigates the vocabulary of his dictionary which reflects the social changes in19century, explore his contribution to the formation of modern Chinese and the exchange of English and Chinese cultural system, and evaluate the important role of Lobscheid and other missionaries in the process of Chinese modernization. The paper consists of six parts. Introduction generally describes the significance, methodology and innovativeness of the research and defines some important concepts. Chapter One explores Lobscheid’s family background, marriage, and his activities in China by analyzing his manuscripts and materials, sorts out his works and evaluates his view of China. The second chapter researches on the story of his publishment of English and Chinese Dictioanry, including the cancellation of prefaces of his Dictionary, the reference version of an American Dictionary of the English Language, and the relationship between Lobscheid and Austria. The third chapter explores the transmission process of modernity to China by analyzing the vocabularies which reflect the western modern lifestyle, education, economy, disciplines and core vocabulary of Western values. The fourth chapter describes the characteristics and phenomena of the vocabulary in the dictionary. The last chapter concludes the findings of the study.The paper is innovative on the following points. First, based on collection and analysis of Lobscheid’s manuscripts, it corrects some mistakes of the research on Lobscheid, and fills the academic research blank. The study on the reason of cancellation of his preface helps to deepen the study on Lobscheid and his dictionary. Second, the study on the role of Lobscheid’s dictionary is helpful for recognizing the interactive process of modern Chinese and modernization of China by historical and vocabulary study. Last, it provides a new perspective of cross cultural studies by studying the exchange of Chinese and western culture and finds out the ideological thoughts from the aspect of lexicology.

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