

A Comparative Study of the International Spread of English and French

【作者】 李清清

【导师】 戴曼纯;

【作者基本信息】 北京外国语大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 在当今的国际语言版图中,英语被誉为“全球语言”,法语则呈现出国际语言地位日渐弱化、语言市场持续紧缩和屡遭摈弃的相反发展态势。面对两种语言国际传播近乎相反的发展进程,国内学界尚无任何深刻的比较性研究,更鲜有文献系统性阐释了语言传播的本质和根本原因。从现实来分析,一种语言(包括英语和法语)之所以能够实现传播在于语言接纳者选择了学习和使用该语言。为此,本研究尝试性建构了一个由语言选择的行为主体、语境、对象、动因机制和结果等因素构成的语言选择模型,认为英语和法语能在何种程度上实现各自的传播,归根结底取决于行为主体在特定语境中对两种语言整体上持有怎样的语言态度。本研究从政治经济学视角出发,以语言选择模型为分析框架,阐述了英法殖民地民众(群体层面)、前法语殖民地卢旺达(国家层面)和欧盟(超国家层面)的语言选择所呈现的英语和法语的相反发展态势。在全景式比较英语和法语当前国际传播态势的基础上,研究认为以美国为主导的全球化现实决定了行为主体的语言需要和英语和法语不同的语言价值;新自由主义意识形态形成了英语“有用论”、“中立论”和“工具论”的语言态度,法语却与以上属性日行渐远;美英国家以国家战略为政策定位、以实用主义为传播理念、以非政府机构为实际传播主体的语言传播政策极大加速了英语国际传播的发展速度,而法国以语言强国为战略定位、以理想浪漫主义为传播理念、以语言多样性为政策转向和以繁杂的官方机构为推广机构为主要特点的语言传播政策一方面在很大程度上延缓了法语国际地位迅速衰弱的态势,但另一方面因其内在矛盾性又在一定程度上制约了法语国际传播的进一步发展。三者的相互作用从根本上决定了上至超国家组织下至个人等不同层次的行为主体如何抉择英语和法语,也就呈现了二者语言国际传播当前相反的发展态势。由此可见,英语和法语语言传播的进步或倒退本质上是当今国际政治经济不平等秩序在语言上的深刻体现,形成了与之相对应的全球语言秩序。研究选题、分析视角、理论建构和内容观点等方面的创新不但弥补了学界语言传播的研究空白,而且也为我国汉语国际传播提供了理论和实践上的重要启示。

【Abstract】 In the contemporary global linguistic landscape, English has been enthroned as the Global Language while French has been left far behind with a gradual lowering international status and a constant shrinking linguistic market. Moreover, France now has to frequently face the painful abandonment of French by some states or speakers which previously used French as an official language. Domestic prior literature hasn’t elaborated the opposite progressions of English and French international spread, nor systematically illuminated the essence and fundamental reason of their reverse development. Speaking from the level of practical language behavior, the spread of one language (including English and French) is attributed to language users’choices to study and use it. The careful examination of the question leads to the tentative construction of a language choice model, consisting of the subject(s) who make(s) a language choice, in what kind of environment, out of what kind of motivation mechanism and its consequent result. Therefore, whether Engish and French can accomplish its spread or not fundamentally depends on the language attitudes which potential subjects have formed in their environments.From the viewpoint of political economics, and based on the above language choice model, this study investigates the international spread of English and French in three environments where subjects (as group-level subjects) in former British and French colonies, former French-speaking colony Rwanda (as a national-level subject) and European Union (as a supranational-level subject) made their respective language choices as case studies to analyze the current opposite trends of English and French in their international spread progression. The study concludes that the overall reality of US-led globalization attributes different language values to English and French and determines what kind(s) of linguistic needs subjects in the world mainly have; that the global permeation of neo-liberalism to a large extent forms the very ideological basis for subjects to crystallize their opposite language attitudes towards English and French; and that the language spread policies implemented by US, Britain and France for English and French exert positive or negative effects to a certain degree upon the efficiency of the international spread of the two languages. The above three elements form an interactive network which fundamentally determines whether English or French subjects have chosen. The choices collectively reflect the current opposite spread trends of English and French.Both the current enthronement of English as the global linguistic hegemony and the gradual fading of French’s past glories is fundamentally an impressive manifestation of the contemporary unbalanced international political and economic order in the linguistic domain, which accordingly creates the global linguistic order. Though academic innovation in research topic, research perspective, theoretical development, and various notions, this study is intended to narrow the research gap in language spread studies and provide both practical and theoretical inspirations for the international spread of Chinese.

  • 【分类号】H31;H32
  • 【下载频次】1194