

A Study of Arthur Evans Moule’s Views of China in Late Qing Dynasty(1861~1910)

【作者】 丁光

【导师】 沈弘;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 英语语言文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过研究英国圣公会传教士慕雅德(Anhur Evans Moule,1836~1918)的档案和著述,从人文地理、历史事件、文化宗教三个方面详尽梳理他对晚清中国城市、政治事件、社会文化、宗教习俗的观察和评述,阐明其观点的价值和影响。慕雅德近距离接触中国各阶层人士,以其独特的家庭背景、社会背景、人生经历、个性特征和宗教取向,观察晚清中国。本文旨在从他者视角重新审视和评论晚清中国,为中外学者对相关领域的研究提供些许借鉴。慕雅德深入地探寻,忠实地描述了晚清时期的宁波和杭州,向西方读者呈现中国城市的文化古韵、风土人情和历史脉络,传递他的中国观。同时,对宁波和杭州的“深度接触”也为他深入了解晚清中国奠定了基础。慕雅德亲身经历了太平天国运动,探究了太平天国运动的发韧、兴盛、衰败及影响。他对太平天国的总体评价是:太平天国运动给中国民众带来了恐慌和灾难,其破坏性大大超过了建设性,实质上是一场依托西方宗教而兴起的农民运动。虽然,慕雅德对这场运动的总体评价是负面的,但他敏锐地发现这场运动的积极意义。中国近代内忧外患,在与西方力量角逐中,逐渐觉醒,爱国主义成为现实。其中有一股思潮积极寻求变革,试图借助西方宗教找到挽救中国的道路。慕雅德揭露了鸦片历史和中英鸦片贸易的本质,抨击西方关于中国鸦片久已有之的谬论,指出中英鸦片贸易政策的改变可能对中英印三国带来的影响。他参与反鸦片活动,其主要动力来自对中国人民的同情和鸦片对基督教在华传播构成的障碍。慕雅德等传教士的反鸦片运动及其关于中英鸦片战争的评论,为我们重新了解中英鸦片贸易和传教士在反鸦片运动中起到的作用提供了新的视角。论文研究了慕雅德对明末清初和清末两次“礼仪之争”的评述,揭示他对中西文化诸多层面的理解,对当时西方传教士对“礼仪之争”的不同理解和态度的渐变;对中国宗教、迷信和风水的探究,对基督教在中国步履艰难之现状的剖析;对中国科举制的评判以及今后改革之策略。慕雅德对中国礼仪的态度基本上经历了从抵触、审视到宽容理解的转变过程。他在对中国本土文化从初识到理解的过程中,产生了感情认同,这影响了他在中国的传教策略,也是他采取“文化适应”、“孔子加耶稣”传教方式的主要思想依据。作为英国圣公会华中区的会吏长,慕雅德以50年的中国观察,向西方读者介绍了他对晚清中国的认识和看法,传递了他对中华民族的历史、文化和精神的理解,虽然不乏基督教文明至上的偏见,却极大地促进了西方对中国的了解,在中西文化交流史上功不可没。他以敏锐的眼光洞察晚清中国之弊端,潜心研究中国礼仪与文化,探讨这个东方古国在危难之际依然生生不息的深层原因,并高瞻远瞩,乐观积极地看到了中国在觉醒和变革。

【Abstract】 The dissertation has analyzed the comments of Arthur Evans Moule on the Chinese cities, historical events, society, culture, religion and rites through a close reading of his archives, published books, and discourse analysis. His50years of living in and observing China made him advantageous compared with other westerners in understanding Chinese people and more objectively depicting the image of China. Though his points of view to a certain extent represent most missionaries in China at the same time, his role as a missionary of Church Missionary Society from a British middle class family, his life experiences, his personality, and his religious beliefs shaped his special perspective of comments on China.The dissertation consists of an introduction, three parts (the Geography and Historical Relics of Ningbo and Hangzhou, the Historical Events, Religion and Culture), a conclusion and four appendices. The introduction firstly traces the change of the image of China in the western history, presents why the research is chosen and the significance of it, followed by the method, theory and the resources of the research.Arthur Evans Moule has introduced the historical relics of Ningbo to the western world, the situation of Christians in Ningbo and the relations between the Trinity College of Ningbo and his family and he never feels hesitated to express his deep love for Ningbo. Arthur Evans Moule has also given a vivid description of what he had seen in Hangzhou for the first time and has done a careful study of the honorary portals, the city gates, the streets, and the portages of the rivers of the city. His description helps us see the old features of the ancient capital in late Qing dynasty and find its development in history, and thus gives us another dimension to know Hangzhou better.After witnessing Taiping Rebellion in Ningbo, Arthur Evans Moule has analyzed its cause and the reason of its failure. He holds that Taiping Rebellion has brought the Chinese people a devastation. The rebellion failed because it was fundamentally an uprising of farmers stimulated by the Chinese way of Christianity. From this rebellion, A.E.Moule held that China was awaking and tried to find a way to rescue and reform the nation. In the years when he was in China, A.E.Moule witnessed the rapid expansion of the Opium Trade in China, and pointed out its harms to both China and Britain. Arthur has published many articles in magazines, delivered speeches and participated in the anti-opium activities. His research and criticism provided more historical materials for us to study the Opium Trade and helped us have a conscious reflection and an alarm of the opium issue in China.A.E.Moule has made the comparison between the "Rites Controversy" in the Ming dynasty and the one in late Qing dynasty and pointed out their characteristics respectively. The "Rites Controversy" which lasted for hundreds of years transmitted the different aspects of the Chinese culture to the western world and highlights the change of the attitudes of the missionaries at different times. A.E.Moule has also studied and commented on the religion and the other local religious activities in China, which to a certain degree prevented the Christian cause in China. A.E.Moule has narrated and criticized the content, method and proctor of the civil service examination system in China and also suggested the way to reform it. In addition, A.E.Moule criticized some of the traditional Chinese etiquettes, and remarked it is wise and promising to the mission cause if the missionaries could respect Chinese etiquettes.Playing the role of a bridge between the two cultures, A.E.Moule has contributed a lot in the Sino-western exchanges and relationship though some of his views are carrying a sense of superiority in his own Christian Culture. He is so keen to have an insight into all kinds of corrupt practices prevailing in late Qing dynasty and is so wise as to be aware that China is awakening and progressing.

【关键词】 慕雅德传教士档案晚清中国
【Key words】 Arthur Evans MouleMissionariesLate Qing dynasty
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期
  • 【分类号】K252
  • 【下载频次】688