

Study on Automatic Monitoring and Early Warning System of Debris Flow Along Railway Line in Mountainous Area

【作者】 李朝安

【导师】 胡卸文;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 地质工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 泥石流灾害严重威胁着山区铁路的运营安全,给铁路造成巨大的经济损失。山区铁路一般穿行于偏僻、环境恶劣的山区,其泥石流灾害前兆信息获取困难,当前预警报模型主要建立在统计模型的基础上,缺乏物理模型的支撑,且预警模型与实时成灾信息检测脱节,这些均使的泥石流灾害预警报困难、准确率较低。本研究在认真总结最新泥石流研究成果的基础上,突破以降雨信息为主的单因素预警模型,增加泥石流发生的源地土体降雨入渗深度信息、沟道泥位信息、次声信息等信息,研究相关要素的灾害信息监测与传输技术,针对性地开发相关监测仪器,研制在恶劣环境下,能稳定可靠地对泥石流灾害先兆及临灾信息进行实时监测、传输、汇集的数据网络监测系统,然后利用系统工程方法,开发实时灾害信息监测数据网络与泥石流预警模型等硬软件资源最佳整合的泥石流预警报系统,将泥石流灾害预警建立在稳定信息源的基础上。山区铁路沿线泥石流监测预警系统研究在下列几个方面为泥石流灾害预警做出了以下成果:(1)分析了泥石流形成机理及运动过程特征,根据山区铁路沿线泥石流灾害特征,提出流域降雨、源地土体降雨入渗深度、泥石流次声、沟道运动泥位是山区铁路泥石流灾害预警的关键监测参数。(2)建立基于泥石流源地土体降雨入渗临界深度的泥石流灾害预警机制,论述了山区铁路沿线暴雨型泥石流源地土体起动的降雨入渗临界深度的确定方法及适用条件,在此基础上研制的土体降雨入渗深度监测仪,该仪器可定性、半定量地实时监测泥石流源地土体的含水量及其随深度的分布状态,从而获得泥石流源地土体降雨入渗的过程及土体水分分布状态,进而预测可能起动物源规模、形成泥石流的可能性。(3)建立通过泥石流次声信息进行泥石流灾害预警的预警机制及其泥石流次声信号监测技术,在此基础上研制了一种可同时具有报警和记录信号过程的泥石流次声监测仪,该仪器可放置在远离泥石流沟的各工区站房、值守点等地方,可适应恶劣山区自然条件下的泥石流次声信号监测,中心计算机根据接收的各监测点的次声信号判别泥石流发生与否、发生位置、规模等,并根据预设程序发出不同类比的警报。(4)建立了基于铁路桥涵过流能力、泥石流沟道内滑坡及堵塞体堵溃决因素为基础的泥石流沟道泥位灾害预警模型,在此基础上探讨了适合山区铁路沿线泥石流沟谷恶劣自然条件下的泥石流沟道泥位监测技术、泥位监测预警网络系统的构建方法,以及系统预警机制。(5)建立基于泥石流流域降雨、源地土体降雨入渗深度、泥石流次声、沟道泥位等关键参数的山区铁路沿线泥石流预警机制,根据泥石流灾害自身的规模、泥石流过程特征,结合铁路自身的抗灾能力,从铁路安全行车要求出发,将山区铁路沿线泥石流灾害预警划分为提示性预警、形成性预警、非常成灾性预警、成灾性预警四种类型,建立不同预警类型的泥石流灾害预警指标临界值、预警流程及其信息发布方式。利用系统工程学,整合泥石流的降雨信息监测、泥位信息监测、源地土体降雨入渗深度信息监测、泥石流次声监测等灾害信息监测技术,建立了适应山区恶劣自然环境的自备电源无线多因素、多通道的泥石流监测预警网络系统,该系统可实时采、汇集泥石流流域的泥石流形成先兆信息和成灾信息,并根据系统采集的监测信息按预定方式进行泥石流灾害预警和灾害信息发布。(6)通过采用研制的仪器,山区铁路沿线泥石流灾害监测预警系统在成昆铁路成昆线桐子林工区碴石场弃土场船房沟进行现场观测试验,试验监测结果良好,试验观测期间成功地预警了两次小规模泥石流,观测结果验证了利用降雨信息、源地土体降雨入渗深度信息、沟道泥位信息来预警泥石流灾害方法的可行性和可靠性,该监测预警系统在泥石流灾害预警研究方面有广阔的发展和应用前景。

【Abstract】 Debris flow disaster threatened mountain railway line’s operation safety, cause huge economic loss to the railway. Mountain railway line is generally pass through remote, harsh environment of the mountain area. It is difficult to get the precursory information about the debris flow disaster. It is also lack of physical model to support. And, the early warning model is disjointed with the real time information of disaster. It makes difficult to early warn the debris flow disaster, also the accuracy is low. The study is on the basis of concluding the latest research results about the debris flow, it breaks through the single factor prediction model which mainly depends on the rainfall information, it increases the information about the depth of the rainfall infiltration in the place where the debris flow occurs, the channel mud information, the secondary information and so on, it studies the disaster information monitoring and transmission technology of related factors, aims at developing the related monitoring instrument, and develops the data network monitoring system which can monitor, transport, converge the warning and disaster information on debris flow disaster stably and reliably in the harsh environment, then use the system engineering method to develop the debris flow early warning system which is best combined by hardware and software resource. The warning system is based on the data network about the real-time disaster information monitoring and the debris flow early warning model. It makes the debris flow disaster early-warning system base on the stable sources of information. The research of the debris flow monitoring and warning system along the mountain railway line made the following results for the debris flow warning in the several aspects:(1)It analyzes the formation mechanism and motion process characteristics of the storm debris flow along the mountain railway line and how to determine the methods of mud-position, and it builds the early warning method of mud-position which based on the railway bridge flow capacity, the landslide in debris flow channel and the blocking outburst factors of the blocking part, on the basis it develops the pole mud-bit count of the mudslides and its early warning mechanism that can fit debris flow valleys along the mountain railway with harsh natural conditions.(2) It discusses during the rainfall course the starting conditions on the source land of the storm debris flow along the mountain railway, determine the proper method to measure critical depth of rainfall infiltration from the unstable soil and its applicable conditions, the creation is on the basis of the early warning mechanism of the debris flow disaster which is about the critical depth of rainfall infiltration on the soil of the debris flow source, bases on above aspects, we develop a gauge about soil rainfall infiltration depth, it can be qualitatively and semi-quantitative to monitor the water content of the debris flow source of land and its distribution with depth, then, we can get the information about the process about rainwater penetrate the soil and the water distribution on the soil in the debris flow area.(3)It discusses the acoustic characteristics of debris flow in detail, it developed the Infrasound monitoring instrument which can alarm and simultaneously record signal process of infrasound monitoring for along mountainous railway line debris flow.(4)It builds the early warning method of mud-position which based on the railway bridge flow capacity, the landslide in debris flow channel and the blocking outburst factors of the blocking part, on the basis it develops the pole mud-bit count of the mudslides and its early warning mechanism that can fit debris flow valleys along the mountain railway with harsh natural conditions.(5)Based on the key parameters of debris flow rainfall, ground soil depth of rainfall infiltration, infrasound, debris flow gully mud-position, It establishes the disaster early warning index critical value, disaster early warning process and information issuance mode of the debris flow disaster in along railway line in mountainous areas. The paper apply for system engineering and Integration of debris flow rainfall information monitoring, Mud-position Monitoring, soil monitoring the information of source depth of rainfall infiltration of debris flow information monitoring, infrasound monitoring etc. information monitoring technology, The study designs and development to adapt to the harsh environment of a mountainous area wireless debris flow monitoring and early warning network system, this system can real-time collect and bringing together of debris flow Valley debris flow of information and the disaster information, and base on the monitoring information data acquisition of system, the debris flow disaster early warning system of mountainous railway line can alarm the Nearby past train and people of the debris flow disaster.(6) The research result has applied for field testing at CHUANFANFGOU of CHENGKUN Railway line TONGZILING quarry spoil ground, The testing result on-site proved the debris flow disaster early warning system is feasible and reliable and the accuracy of debris flow forecasting can be improved by monitoring rainfall information, the rainfall penetration depth of soil in debris flow source, mud-position, infrasound monitor. Monitoring and warning system in debris flow disaster early warning research has broad development prospect.

  • 【分类号】U216.41;P642.23
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】357
  • 攻读期成果